I Turned Into a Little White Face After I Returned From the Apocalypse

Chapter 31


The zombies surrounded layer by layer, and layer by layer they were broken into stumps and scattered.

Feng Nanxu is like Moses who has entered the sea, facing the dense crowd of zombies, he has no fear!

The balls of light representing spells and the sparks representing hot weapons complement each other, and the roars of zombies cooperate to form a beautiful and magnificent movement for a while.

Su An actually looked a little obsessed.

This is the charm of the strong. The danger of life and death is under their hands, and it is just one note after another to compose the movement.

Pursue strength, pursue supremacy, pursue evenly matched opponents, and never stop climbing upwards.

Wasn't Su An such a person before

Otherwise, where did the power to fight against the Zombie King come from? How did the responsibility of being able to shoulder the future of the entire human race fall on him


That's all.

Something silent in the bottom of his heart brought back very unpleasant memories of Su An, which instantly ruined his good mood.

At the same time, it also calmed down his eagerness to fight Feng Nanxu immediately.

It's better to be a salted fish, a salted fish, don't care about anything, just live happily and happily.

After dealing with the group of zombies, Feng Nanxu returned with his body covered in green blood. Before he had time to deal with the dirt on his body, he keenly noticed that Su An was in a low mood.

"What's wrong?"


"Huh?" Feng Nanxu didn't believe it. If it's nothing, according to this person's personality, why don't you change the jacket and coat immediately, pretending that this is the little boy favorite of the patron

"...I was just thinking, Brother Feng, you are obviously so powerful, you can easily deal with hundreds of zombies, how can you let that Ansu take the limelight? Didn't you read the online upload a few days ago, saying It was that Ansu who dealt with hundreds of zombies by himself, as if it was amazing, obviously you can do it too."

Su An pursed her lips, feeling very sorry for Feng Nanxu. No one can doubt his sincerity after hearing this, and they can't even guess that he is the self-important Ansu he said.

In fact, Su An really wasn't pretending to say this.

Su An could guess why he was the first in the airborne. The Zombie Emperor crystal core in his body should also be counted as part of his overall strength by the game. The deterrent effect of the Zombie Emperor Crystal Core on zombies made the game seal him a unique title of "Devil King", which is enough to illustrate the power of this thing.

In such a zombie-based game background, the bonus is not just one or two points.

Coupled with the fact that he himself has the power to fight against Captain Nanfeng who was originally number one, so it is not inconceivable that he will be number one in the air.

But this does not mean that he is really so arrogant, thinking that everyone in this new world is inferior to him.

When the majority of netizens learned from the few players who were lucky enough to clear the level with Ansu that Ansu was shocked by one enemy, Su An was only curious why other people who could do this did not move.

Su An would never believe that only An Su was so powerful.

No, didn't the benefactor in front of him also achieve this "little" thing lightly

Hearing this, Feng Nanxu didn't care.

"It doesn't make sense." Feng Nanxu really didn't take this matter to heart when he changed the clothes that were stained with blood from the corpse, and it wasn't just him, "It's the same with those few people."

Seeing Su An tilting his head, with puzzled eyes, as if he didn't know who those people were, Feng Nanxu explained: "An Su is really powerful, and there are not many who can do it. As far as I know, only the members of the five major teams Captain. They don't care about these people with false names."

If a person who can reach the position of founding team captain cares about such a little fame, he will lose his demeanor because a newcomer steals his limelight, and it is impossible to achieve his current achievements.

Su An suddenly laughed.

Oh, so he likes the human world and is willing to save the human world, because although there are some stupid and disgusting guys in this world, there are also not so many admirable and enviable guys.

Su An's team of players was the last to reach the City of Hope, and as soon as they entered the city, someone came looking for them.

"How many of your people are left, and how many supplies have you collected? Why are you so slow? Everyone else is waiting. It's been three days, and there are more and more zombies around. We need to hurry... Captain Nanfeng? !"

The player who didn't look at it and said it all the time suddenly choked.

Damn, it turned out that they were assigned to the same level as Captain Nanfeng. No wonder the task difficulty of this level is not as difficult as they can complete. It is obviously prepared for this boss.

Thinking of how he was actually playing tricks in front of Captain Nanfeng, Yan Ming wanted to take a regret medicine.

"Team closure, I was the one who overstepped. With you here, is it safe to pass the level this time? Just tell us what you need, we will listen to you."

It was only at this time that Yan Ming noticed that although the players in this safe house arrived last, they were not weak at all as the others thought. They lost too much on the way and were delayed, even ten of them were not missing. He was also carrying a big truck, looking at the pile of things covered on the tail of the truck, Yan Ming knew that it must be the materials they collected along the way without thinking about it.

Look at the appearance of others, and think about the other two safe house teams that are not in the City of Hope. Let alone collecting supplies along the way, it is an extravagant hope that all ten people will be able to reach the City of Hope.

Feng Nanxu unceremoniously accepted the command of the remaining players.

Su An didn't have much to do next.

Su An was arranged by Feng Nanxu. Seeing that the latter arranged tasks for everyone in a concise and clear manner, he understood the players, City of Hope, and even the situation of this level. Looking at the original, he was still downcast and felt that he might not be able to pass the level this time. The players acted quickly under Feng Nanxu's command, and they no longer looked frustrated.

Su An once again sighed—

It's great to have a benefactor, bah!

Feng Nanxu is the real strong man.

In the following days in the checkpoint, Su An lived very comfortably.

With Feng Nanxu's special care, no one without eyes came to find fault. At most, they knew about Su An's male favourite, and those who were curious and daring approached him with obvious excuses, wanting to see what kind of person made Captain Nanfeng make an exception.

Su An let them watch.

The roar of zombies outside City of Hope continued day and night. Players came and went in and out of this small building that had been fixed as their temporary base. Excited, exhausted, and frightened, the only thing in common was that each of them had a deep love for Feng Nanxu. Full of trust and hope.

It didn't even take long for the leaders of City of Hope to start coming and going in and out of the small building. Along with awe, there is also hope and trust on the face.

Everyone didn't hesitate about Feng Nanxu's order, regardless of whether the order was appropriate, useful or not, whether they could understand it or not.

There are still villains.

When Su An first discovered that someone was behaving wrongly, before Feng Nanxu could be reminded, the villain admitted his mistake.

The person who came to admit his mistake cried and confessed that he had a wrong mind, that his behavior almost caused a big mistake, and rejoiced that nothing happened now, and everything was still too late. Of course, he did not forget, and solemnly promised that he would cooperate closely in the subsequent actions and never be a demon.

Listening to this, Su An sighed, unexpectedly feeling a little bit guilty about his actions.

After the person who confessed his mistake regained his confidence and left in a spirited state, Su An said that he had something to do with Feng Nanxu later.

Feng Nanxu put down the secret letter sent by a City of Hope Zhongcheng official in his hand, and pinched his brows irritably: "It's true that there are so-called self-centered so-called leaders who do stupid things at any time. They treat some old, weak, sick and disabled as Human bombs to kill zombies? It's a good thing they figured it out!... Oh, yes, Su An, what do you want to say?"

"... nothing, I'll bring you some water."

Knowing that Feng Nanxu would curse and talk too much when he was in a particularly upset mood, Su An didn't mind, so he put down the bottled water in his hand and backed out.

After closing the door, Su An clicked his tongue.

"Sure enough, there will be idiots and brain-dead in any world, admitting your identity or something, forget it. It is enough to save the world once. Anyway, there are people like Lord Jin in this world, and I am not bad. It can't be broken."

Su An lay back on the sofa, found out the chicken feet that were stuffed in the corner of the book before confessing, and continued to chew.

Feng Nanxu didn't know what he missed, or what the idiot leaders of the City of Hope that he was dismissing were hindering. If he knew, maybe these people would not just be dismissed from their positions.

Yes, in just a few days, Feng Nanxu had obtained the supreme leadership of City of Hope, and no one refuted the dismissal of several leaders.

Soon, under the leadership of Feng Nanxu, the reorganized City of Hope rebuilt the defensive wall, formed a supernatural team, led by the players, scattered and attacked the zombie group, and delayed the gathering of the zombie group as much as possible.

Ordinary people who have some strength are also called up for training, and those who have no force value are responsible for guaranteeing logistics. The whole City of Hope is very different.

The most important part, Feng Nanxu planned to do it by himself.

—Kill the Zombie King.

It is not Feng Nanxu's style to only defend and not counterattack. Although he knows that this world is just a game level that can be reset infinitely, Feng Nanxu has never thought about defending for a month. The safe base of this choice.

Since we have to do it, we must do our best.

The zombie king that caused the zombie siege must be destroyed, and Feng Nanxu is the only one who has the ability to destroy it.

"But since the checkpoint will be reset, you have solved the zombie king this time. Next time this place will encounter zombie siege? It is impossible for you to come to rescue them every time."

Even if you don't exist in their memory at all, the self-help methods you teach them now will be completely forgotten.

Su An helped Feng Nanxu put on the protective clothing, pursed his mouth.

Feng Nanxu just smiled, and didn't continue to answer this topic.

"I'm leaving, you pay attention to safety."

Seeing the figure of Feng Nanxu walking out of the city alone, the smile on Su An's face that belonged to a boy's pet disappeared.

Needless to say, Feng Nanxu, Su An knew what the answer was.

—It’s true that you can’t save every time, but as long as you can save, you will.

—Didn’t you try your best to save him this time because you couldn’t rescue him later

He used to be like that too.

Su An thought, and suddenly laughed uncontrollably.

"That's my lord, if something happens, how can I be salty?"

So, he'd better go quietly and do a favor, using Ansu's identity.