I Turned Into a Little White Face After I Returned From the Apocalypse

Chapter 48: Cracking down on fakes (first update)


Zhu Qu's voice sounded very timely, and following his introduction, the live broadcast camera also showed a close-up of the contestant.

"The two players present are all masters selected by the arena. Lan Fang is today's special guest. He also appeared in the Zhongtang Arena a few days ago and is very famous. Needless to say, everyone knows who he is Bar?"

"Yes! The blue side is the Ansu you are looking forward to!"

The barrages in the live broadcast room were densely packed, they were all cheering for Ansu, so many that he couldn't even see the content of the live broadcast, Wang Zhan had to choose to block most of the barrages.

In such a short time, the red and blue sides have already fought together.

The voice in charge of the live broadcast was still chattering, bragging about how powerful Lan Fang Ansu was, how powerful his attack was, how quick his reaction was, and how godlike he was.

Wang Zhan only felt elated when he heard it.

That's, that's God Ansu, naturally the most powerful. It's just an arena. I don't know what kind of shit luck it is to be qualified to invite God Ansu. I should praise it more and express my admiration. Affection.

It's just that Wang Zhan watched and frowned unconsciously.

...Why, God Ansu hasn't solved the red square on the opposite side yet

There are quite a few people who have the same idea as Wang Zhan, and some people on the live broadcast barrage began to look away from the god Ansu they worshiped, and put their eyes on Hong Fang who is opposite.

"Red Fang also looks very powerful. He was able to fight so many tricks against the Great God."

"Bah! The Great God Ansu must have let him. After all, it's just an arena, so there's no need to use all his strength, right? The Great God must not want the red side to lose too quickly and lose face."

"Although there is a possibility... but why do I feel that the red side is stronger?"

"I also had this feeling upstairs, I thought it was my illusion."

"Actually, it's not just a matter of momentum. Before the battle started, the red team's aura was stronger. If the blue team is a brick house, the red team is a special reinforced concrete house. If it weren't for the anchor When it was said that the blue side was Ansu, I always thought the red side was the one."

"... Is it possible that the host made a mistake?"

"It must be, how could I, Ansu, not be able to beat even an arena player!"

"If Ansu really can't beat the red side, either he didn't try his best, or..."

"What is it?"

"How do I know? Logically speaking, it is impossible for someone as strong as Hong Fang to be on the leaderboard. The Great God is number one on the leaderboard. Could it be that Hong Fang is Captain Nanfeng?"

"The upstairs is here to make a joke, right? How could Captain Nanfeng fight in the arena? And he is wearing this kind of mask. It doesn't look like him at first glance."

The barrage gradually became noisy, but it didn't affect the two people on the stage at all.

Zhu Qu has not stopped bragging about Lanfang Ansu's words. It sounds like an Ansu fan bragging about the scene without thinking.

However, the louder this voice blows Hongfang, combined with Hongfang's gradually embarrassed figure in the live broadcast room, it seems particularly ironic.

Gradually, there are more and more people who can't stand it.

"What's the matter with this Ansu? Can't even beat a player in the arena? Don't say that it has reached this point, is it still pretending?"

"I began to wonder how he got the number one spot on the single list."

"Forget it, this is the great god? It really subverted the image of the great god in my heart. Let's go."

"I heard that God Ansu appeared here? It must be the red side, right? Sure enough, God Ansu is very powerful."

"It's really not the case before. Just now the anchor said that Lan Fang is the master."

"What the hell? Don't be fake?"

"Damn, it's so infuriating!"

Zhu Qu had been paying attention to the barrage, and when the wind direction changed, he immediately became elated.

He gestured yes to the god Ansu, who was playing around slowly in the arena, and the battle pattern on the stage changed immediately.

With a sound of bumping, Lan Fang was knocked down hard and couldn't get up after several blows.

Zhu Qu glanced at the live broadcast room, and sure enough, the bullet screen was full of exclamation marks and question marks, and the number of viewers skyrocketed.

This is the simple but effective method that Zhu Qu thinks of - raise first and then suppress.

At the beginning, Zhu Qu was in charge of exaggerating the fake Ansu to the sky. The more exaggerated the better, the better.

On the ring, the real Ansu easily controlled the rhythm of the battle, like a cat playing with a mouse, first let the fake Ansu be proud, and then began to strike, suppress, strike.

Step by step, everyone questioned and denied the fake Ansu.

Su An was not in a hurry, and waited for the fake Ansu to slowly come over and stand up, and when he looked over in surprise, he said strangely as if unexpectedly: "Hey, aren't you the great god Ansu? Why are you so careless? I've been looking forward to it for a long time, isn't this deceiving my feelings."

The face under the fake Ansu mask was pale.

No one feels as deeply as the person he faced directly. The force displayed by the person opposite is not at his limit at all. When fighting against that person, he seemed to be facing a bottomless abyss, and he could not reach the bottom at all. !

Who is this man

Why did the club ask him to come here to participate in this ring? Didn't it mean that he could get more people's attention? Where did this monster come from? !

Fake Ansu panicked, and he started to retreat.

Su An did not intend to let him go just like that.

A gust of wind swept across the fake Ansu's face, and the other's mask fell off in response.

Now, the audience in the live broadcast room can no longer deceive themselves and others. This face that clearly appeared on the live broadcast screen is the true face of Ansu, who has been widely circulated on the Internet a few days ago.

"... Is the Great God really that weak?"

"What's going on here? What's wrong with the game list?"

"If the anchor sees this barrage, can you turn up the radio? I want to hear what is being said on the stage. What is Ansu's god? Now I have a new idol, that is the red square! "

Without the reminder from the live viewers, it was time for Zhu Qu to turn on the radio.

Suddenly, the conversation on the ring was so clear that everyone watching the live broadcast could hear it.

Seeing that the mask on the other side fell off, the red party immediately expressed his apology: "I'm really sorry, I didn't knock off the mask on purpose, and I didn't expect that you didn't dodge this attack."

Blue Fang: ...

The red side didn't believe this, and the fake Ansu didn't believe it even more.

He clearly felt that the attack was aimed precisely at his mask, without even touching the skin under the mask!

The fake Ansu didn't know that he had been broadcasted live. He made some guesses about the identity of the opposite person through the action of the other party knocking down the mask.

"who are you?"

"Who am I? I should ask you this, right? If you don't tell me, who are you?"

Su An sneered, all the accumulative hostility was directed at the other party, and the fake An Su's knees touched the ground in an instant, unable to straighten up.

Su An didn't wait for the fake Ansu to answer, and he didn't need to use any weapon skills. He just started beating him directly, punching to the flesh, and the sound was inexplicable and rhythmic.

"Cracking down on piracy is everyone's responsibility! What do you say you are doing wrong, pretending to be me? Is it comfortable to pretend? Is it cool? How about I make you feel better?! Oh, dare to use my name to spread gossip, Let you pass, let you pass..."

Su An murmured, and when he stopped playing enough, the fake Ansu had already breathed out but not breathed in.

This is because Su An kept a hand, otherwise what is here is already a piece of air, and he would have been "dead" and forced to go offline.

Su An raised his toe, and the fake Ansu drew an arc and landed in front of Zhu Qu.

"Well, it's yours."

Zhu Qu patted his chest and nodded, promising to deal with the follow-up and to rectify the name of God Ansu!

Su An received the prize money for winning the ring and was originally offline.

Afterwards, the resource game players' exclusive network suddenly exploded!

#Ansu Great God is not Ansu Great God? True and False Ansu face off again! #

#Shock! The true identity of that great god Ansu is... #

#This is the real God Ansu! We have all been lied to! #

#真安苏大神 personally, fight against fake Ansu! #

#Apologize to God Ansu... #

#… #

Zhu Qu closed the live broadcast after Su An went offline, but soon he uploaded another video, which was pushed to the top by netizens who followed him from the live broadcast.

There was only one person in the video, and it was the fake Ansu who was beaten miserably in the live broadcast.

Fake Ansu knelt in front of the camera, confessing his mistakes word by word.

You shouldn't pretend to be Ansu, you shouldn't use Ansu's name to plan illegal things, you shouldn't spread rumors about Ansu and Captain Nanfeng, you shouldn't...

After a series of charges came down, the question of who is the real Ansu and who is the fake Ansu has officially been settled.

For a while, the name "Ansu" once again covered the entire Internet, and news about the real and fake Ansu was everywhere, and the people who ate melons ate it with gusto.

The power of the masses is strong, and soon, the Shenwu Society where the fake Ansu was located was revealed, as was the real name of the fake Ansu, and even the real address of the fake Ansu was also revealed.

Many netizens who were deceived by the fake Ansu angrily scolded that it was a petty trick to take off the pass and smash the rotten eggs. Some touched the Shenwuhui headquarters and reported it directly in the name of passing on/sales, and soon the officials sent people over.

Not to mention, the brainwashing method of the Shenwuhui to recruit members was really arrested by the authorities, and a national notice was issued. Now the Shenwuhui became famous as it wished, but it was not a good name, but notorious.

After Su An handed the person over to Zhu Qu, he didn't care about it anymore. He didn't vent enough just beating people, so he found a practice level at random, waiting for the zombies to appear at night and beat them up.

After exiting the checkpoint, a lot of materials were added to his hidden pages, and even Su An himself didn't know what was inside.

"Well, it's comfortable, it's time to get my pet back."

The fakes were also resolved, the scandal was also resolved, Su An was finally not embarrassed, and was able to ask Feng Nanxu for the Dragon Treasure Chest for the two-person practice level.