I Turned Into a Little White Face After I Returned From the Apocalypse

Chapter 65: dark abyss


In the direction of Xi's right finger, a western-style minaret protrudes.

Su An ignored it and looked at the surrounding environment on his own.

There are tall trees all around, and the thinnest one needs at least three or four adults to embrace it, and the crown of the tree is thick and dense, extremely luxuriant. Su An's eyesight is good, even if the light in the forest is dark, he can clearly see the danger lurking inside.

Several piranhas exuding tempting aromas, some opened their mouths and waited for their prey, and some were chewing and chewing and swallowing something. There are vines entwined in the middle of the thick and big tree, Su An sharp-eyed saw that some vines moved without wind, quietly approaching the squirrel jumping on the branch.

Squirrels are no ordinary squirrels either. Su An actually didn't know what kind of creature it was, but the fluffy and huge tail behind it made him call it that in his heart.

The squirrels were tumbling and jumping on the branches, so fast that they could even leave afterimages. Every time the sharp claws pass by, they can leave a few finger holes on the strong branches, and even encounter some animals that perch on the branches, and even fight a few times.

The battle between the vines and the squirrels quickly rages on, and it looks like the outcome will have to wait. On the other side, something was tumbling in the ground, and from time to time a few shadows appeared, attacking the passing animals.

What a miniature version of the animal world.

In this kind of forest, it is impossible to get enough light. There are not many trees around the place where Su An and the others are stepping on. It was dark and deserted.

There was a complicated array drawn on the ground, Su An guessed that it must have something to do with the method that sucked them in just now.

"Have you already figured out this step?"

Su An rubbed the array pattern on the ground with his toes, and found that these patterns were made up by some unknown method. After wiping off a layer of soil on the surface, the bottom was also the same color, and did not cause any damage to the pattern at all.

Su An's question was cold and indifferent, without any emotion. Xi You suddenly lowered his head, and his whole body was about to fall to the ground, becoming more and more respectful.

"Please forgive me, master. We didn't intend to spy on your whereabouts. Only when you use the contact beads to contact us, the contact beads will automatically send back your location."

"Then what are these?"

Su An pointed to the ground and its surroundings.

"Don't think that if you call me master, I will trust you as my own. Kindergarten children know not to go with strangers. If you want me to do so, please explain everything clearly. Whether or not I do it later depends on my mood.”

Su An dragged out a chair from the book, and handed it to Captain Nanfeng who seemed to be just here to be a bodyguard.

The chair comes with cushions and a slight rocking function. Su An sat on it and swayed, if there were more cups of enamel tea in his hand, he would look like a leisurely gentleman.

Su An's attitude was obviously not afraid of wasting time, and he planned to let Xi You speak clearly.

Xi You was silent.

He kept his kneeling pleading posture, and he didn't say a word, nor did he intend to explain to Su An.

"After the master sees the sacrifice, he will tell you what sacrifice he wants to know."

"Okay, since you don't understand the words, then find someone who can understand. Anyway, I'm sitting here, whoever sacrifices or not, wants to chat with me? All right, come find me yourself."

For a while, the two sides were at such a stalemate.

Feng Nanxu sat on another chair, of course he didn't turn on the rocking function like Su An did.

Feng Nanxu had no intention of interfering with Su An's handling. He was paying attention to Xi You's every move while thinking about the current situation.

The stalemate here finally made other people notice the clues. A person came from the direction of the steeple, and he was also one of the eight people Su An and Feng Nanxu knew well.

"Xi You, master, who are you?"

The visitor stepped forward a few steps, knelt down with Xi You, and looked at both sides curiously.

Although this person called him Master, both Su An and Feng Nanxu could easily see that he did not show any reverence for this title, which was completely different from Xi You's attitude.

The newcomers quickly saw the situation from the expressions of Su An and Xi You.

Feng Nanxu watched the man make eye contact with Xi You, and when he looked at An Su, the person he called his master, there was something else in his eyes.

Feng Nanxu has seen this kind of meaning a lot.

People from Nanfeng would make eye contact like this when they met someone who was unwilling to cooperate, and then those who did not cooperate would be knocked out and forced to cooperate.

Feng Nanxu was ready to stop it.

It was useless for him to make a move, a slightly familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"Don't be disrespectful to Lord Ansu."

Feng Nanxu followed the prestige, and when he saw the person coming, his pupils froze.

This person turned out to be the prophet!

The comment asked Feng Nanxu to go to Qingshi, and then met the prophet who met Su An. He is also the only prophet in the game whose extremely mysterious predictions are extremely accurate and are sought after by players.

Listening to Xi You's name for this person, is he the sacrificial priest that Xi You said

Su An didn't know that this priest was a prophet, let alone that it was his prophecy that allowed him to meet Captain Nanfeng.

Seeing that the priest really came at this moment, Su An put away the chair very faithfully.

"Since the priest is here, explain the current situation to me?"

The priest didn't care about Su An's attitude at all, and smiled respectfully: "Don't worry, Lord Ansu, I believe the level of detail of the answer will satisfy you. This is not a place to talk, and many things can't be explained clearly. Why don't Lord Ansu casually explain it?" I'll go back to the tower, let's sit down and chat slowly?"

Su An snorted, and refused: "I was brought here by force, I don't have so much time to chat casually with you, if you want to chat, wait and see when I'm free."

"Of course it's not just for chatting. There is also a thing in the tower that should belong to you, Mr. Ansu. I hope to return it to its original owner. In addition, I can also help you upgrade your identity suit, you see? "

The identity suit mentioned by the priest refers to Su An's unique Demon King suit.

Su An didn't care too much about upgrading or not. He was not a person who relied too much on external things.

However, from this point of view, this priest and Xi You and others may not be related to Ansu, but to the "devil king".

Now that the identity of Demon King is forced on Su An by the game, Su An naturally wants to find out.

"Let's go then."

The priest nodded and smiled, and stopped Feng Nanxu who wanted to follow.

"Mr. Feng, please wait here for a while. The next place is not suitable for you to enter. If you enter by force, you may not feel very comfortable."

Seeing Su An indicating that he could do it, Feng Nanxu stopped.

The interior decoration of the minaret is very in line with the mysterious identity of the priest, it is chaotic and orderly, and some unknown materials are piled up randomly.

Su An was not interested in things that he didn't know well, so he entered the tower and asked straightforwardly: "Okay, can we talk about it now?"

The priest still didn't say anything, just took out a crystal clear gem-like object from a small drawer, and put it in front of Su An.

"Mr. Ansu, take it, this belongs to you. Accept this, and you will know everything."

When Su An saw that thing, his eyes were fixed on it.

That thing is nothing but the crystal nucleus of the Zombie King!

No, not right.

This thing only has the appearance of the Zombie King's crystal nucleus, but it doesn't have the energy of the Zombie King inside.

The Zombie King's energy is all in Su An's soul, and it is still constantly merging with Su An's own soul.

Su An stretched out his hand and picked up the thing.

At this moment, players in the entire resource game heard the system announcement.

—Attention all players, attention to all players, the game upgrade condition has been activated, the game will be upgraded soon, all players will go offline immediately, and the game will be upgraded in 30 minutes.

—Attention all players, attention to all players, the game upgrade condition has been activated, the game will be upgraded soon, all players will go offline immediately, and the game will be upgraded in 30 minutes.

—Attention all players, attention to all players, the game upgrade condition has been activated, the game will be upgraded soon, all players will go offline immediately, and the game will be upgraded in 30 minutes.

Whether it is in the game world or in the game level, the player has returned to reality after three times of system prompts, and then opened his eyes.

Thirty minutes later, players were scrambling to get online.

Soon, someone discovered the biggest change of this upgrade.

— One more faction: Dark Abyss.