I Turned Into a Little White Face After I Returned From the Apocalypse

Chapter 77: The west


Manferm regrets, Manferm regrets very much.

If he had known that the two little oriental devils he had stopped were so powerful, and that it was more than enough to deal with the two mercenary groups of Carlos and Vogue at the same time, he would never have stretched out his hand to stop them!

What? You say they are not short

Oh, there is indeed one who can be compared with the warriors of their Vogg, but the other one is not very tall, and the face is very tender, plus the strange maintenance technique of the oriental devil, it can be used by a boy describe.

Oh, of course, oriental devils are not qualified to use the word boy, let alone these two oriental devils who are more devil than devils!

Looking at myself and the enemy mercenaries, who were in mourning on the ground, and looking at the two devils muttering something in the language of the devil, and turning over the people on the ground one by one, and taking the spoils, Manfem Feeling hopeless, he simply closed his eyes and passed out...

"Do you want to do a search?" Su An looked at the foreigners who were overwhelmed, and raised his eyebrows to look at Feng Nanxu.

In the battle just now, the guy next to him defeated one more enemy than himself, this time he lost and lost, let's compare next time!

Feng Nanxu fought in a group fight, and he was relieved from the depressed mood caused by the book snatcher and the mastermind behind the game. Hearing Ansu's inquiry, he unceremoniously displayed the fine tradition of thrift, and waved his hand: " Search."

Su An had already guessed that this would be the result, and immediately started to do it.

Body searches still need to be technical. Where to search can find better loot, how to search to prevent yourself from seeing certain eye-catching parts, and how to search more and faster than others.

For Su An, who lived in the zombie world in his previous life, these things were almost becoming his instinct.

While searching for the loot, Su An glanced at Feng Nanxu.

Sure enough, I won this time!

No matter how much Su An competed with the next door in his heart, soon, both of them searched almost.

Most of the things were stored in the books of these people, and the two didn't bother to get them to hand over the things in the books, and stripped them of the equipment and weapons they wore, as well as all the loot they could get.

Not to mention, I don’t know if these Westerners are arrogant and like to show off, some weird things or things that can show their bravery and identity are not put in the book, but hang on their bodies, hoping that everyone can see it.

Su An didn't know whether others envied them or not, but it did make it easier for them to rob.

Oh, wrong, wrong, how can this be called robbery? It's reasonable to charge for loot.

After picking things up, the two of them looked around to make sure there was nothing missing, so they clapped their hands and changed places.

Start counting the loot.

Most of these things are still useful.

The armor equipment with very western characteristics can allow the two to better blend into the Western team. There are also those glittering gold and silver things that are very valuable at first glance, which has greatly eased the situation of Su An and Feng Nanxu who came here penniless. There are also identity symbols representing the two factions.

Su An and Feng Nanxu didn't understand what the colorful and green twists and turns meant, but neither of them were stupid people. Based on what they saw before, they could quickly guess that this thing should be a sign of power.

The twists and turns on the sign of power were immediately understood by the two of them when they got the last item.

I don't know who actually carried a language translation tool on him.

No matter why this westerner hangs this prop on his body, it is to make Su An and Feng Nanxu cheaper.

With the duplication technique and the fusion technique, the two of them soon had more things in their minds.

The twists and turns on the sign representing the faction are not patterns, but the names of two factions—Vogg and Carlos Mercenary Group.

Knowing this, Su An and Feng Nanxu agreed to plan to keep the two mercenary groups away temporarily.

It's not a question of whether they can fight or not, but that they didn't come here to fight.

"Can you locate where we are now? How is your connection with Nanfeng?" Su An asked while picking out suits of armor one by one, disguising himself as a qualified western mercenary.

"Contact failed."

Feng Nanxu had contacted Ming Chen and the others as soon as he found out that they were in the wrong place. Up to now, he still has not received a reply from the other party.

Feng Nanxu believed that it was impossible for Nanfeng's people not to reply to his message, even if there was a delay, it was impossible for so many people to be delayed at the same time.

So there is only one result right now—where they are, they can't get in touch with them.

The positioning map is not very useful, except for the lit up area in the east, the rest are all black.

The location of Su An and Feng Nanxu happened to be in the dark place.

The most urgent task for the two of them now is to find their way back.

With the language translation tool, things are much more convenient.

Su An and Feng Nanxu followed the trail of people and soon entered a small western town. The faces of the two people were covered, apart from the strangeness of their bodies, their local-flavored language allowed them to blend into the town perfectly, without arousing the attention of others.

After all, even if they are Westerners themselves, not everyone will grow tall and big.

After buying a map from an NPC shop, Su An and Feng Nanxu quickly figured out their situation.

Where they are at the moment really belongs to the West. The common language was learned by Feng Nanxu before the end of the day, but this small city near the ocean has its own dialect, which made Feng Nanxu unable to understand it, and did not know where he was.

Before the emergence of resource games, it was normal for the West and the East to trade between each other, but after the appearance of the resource game, the world was divided into several servers by the game. differentiation.

It's no wonder that Feng Nanxu couldn't contact Nanfeng's people, and the location map didn't show anything, and he didn't know what the West was like now.

Knowing that they hadn't been dumped to that unknown world in outer space, both Su An and Feng Nanxu heaved a sigh of relief.

It’s good to be in the same world, even if there is any gap, there is always a way to go back, it’s just a matter of time.

Su An and Feng Nanxu, who had made a preliminary plan, planned to visit the mercenary mission spot mentioned by passers-by.

Before the two of them had walked far, a loud shout came from behind.

"Hey, the two shorties in front, stop."

A hand suddenly patted Su An's shoulder, before it fell, the vigilant Su An grabbed it.

"Don't move your hands."

Su An and Feng Nanxu turned around and saw a team of eight standing in front of them. The man who was caught by Su An had an ugly expression on his face.

The leader who was standing directly in front of him glared at the captured person, and then smiled at Su An: "The warrior is quick to respond, but I didn't intend to offend you, please let the warrior go?"

As soon as Su An loosened his hand, the mercenary staggered back two steps fiercely, then gave Su An a hard look, and seemed to want to scold something, but was swallowed back by the leader with his eyes.

Su An and Feng Nanxu felt the temperament of these Westerners in the past half a day. It is not ruled out that they are kind and humble, but most of them are careless types, advocating force, and like to speak with fists.

The two also followed the Romans, and when they were offended, they naturally raised their chins and asked proudly: "Just talk, why do you move your hands? You deserve it if you are not as strong as a human being. If you stop us and can't explain why, don't I want to leave so easily."

As soon as this posture was put on, the mercenaries in the rear obviously hesitated. However, the smile on the leader's face remained unchanged, and his eyes fell on the armors of Su An and Feng Nanxu.

At this moment, Su An realized that the armor that the two of them had pulled off looked similar to those of the people on the opposite side

... It can't be blamed for his lack of observation and slow response. Who told him that these western equipments are the same in his eyes

Sure enough, the leader quickly asked: "I'm sorry for delaying your business, we belong to the Vogel mercenary group, and I saw that the equipment on the two of you is the style that only members of our mercenary group can have, so I would like to ask you How did you get it?"

Threonine: "..."

Feng Nanxu: "..."

Cough, well, as expected, he was caught by the righteous master.

Su An and Feng Nanxu looked at each other, and several excuses popped up in their minds, such as picking them up, such as giving them as a favor, and before the two of them could come up with a logical reason, the eight-member team hurried to A person came running, dragged the leader and muttered.

Seeing the angry look on the newcomer's face, Su An and Feng Nanxu suddenly had a bad feeling.

... It can't be such a coincidence, can it

It is such a coincidence.

After the leader listened to what the visitor said, his eyes looked different when he looked this way.

"I'm really sorry, both of you. I just got a piece of news that the members of our Vogel mercenary group were robbed, and the robbers also robbed their equipment. So, I hope you two can go back to the group with us and talk about it carefully. What is the reason why you got this equipment?"

While asking questions, the leader had given instructions to arrest them, and the other mercenaries immediately surrounded Su An and Feng Nanxu.

There were more and more passers-by watching, and when they heard that Voge's mercenary group was robbed, they even exclaimed one after another.