I Turned Into a Little White Face After I Returned From the Apocalypse

Chapter 87: Leng Wenfeng


"Mr. Leng, this joke is not funny."

Su An's face turned completely cold, his gaze was like a sword, and his emotions were mixed.

Standing together with Su An, Leng Wenfeng couldn't see any similarities between the two, no matter in their clothes or their appearance. If other people heard Leng Wenfeng's words, most of their reactions would be to pat the other person's shoulder jokingly after being stunned, and to praise you for being so humorous.

"You know if it's a joke." Leng Wenfeng saw the vigilant and ugly look of the man in front of him as he wished, and smiled with satisfaction, "Okay, I have a noble status now, and time is precious. I'm not from a small family like you. Those who are not favored can afford to delay, I am leaving, and I am still waiting to talk to them."

The front that Leng Wenfeng was referring to was naturally where the top dignitaries were.

Leng Wenfeng didn't expect to see his own body here.

Yes, he wasn't joking, he was the real threonine.

Leng Wenfeng, who was neglected by his relatives in the Su family since he was a child, from the very beginning hoped that his parents could love him one day, to the later despair and acceptance of fate, he became self-defeating and his whole body was cold and dark. After graduating from university, he could no longer rely on the tuition and living expenses paid by the Su family due to regulations, so he could only enter the society to find a job by himself.

However, Leng Wenfeng always thought that he was the young master of the Su family. He always thought that one day he would be recognized by the Su family. He would not worry about food, clothes, being held up and complimented by others. young master's life.

This kind of mentality made Leng Wenfeng unwilling to find a job, and felt that there was no job worthy of him.

However, he waited and waited, but still did not wait for the Su family to change their minds.

Seeing that so-and-so's family gave a luxury car to his college classmates, and so-and-so treated everyone to a big meal with super generosity, and who was praised and envied by everyone, Leng Wenfeng felt more and more unbalanced.

—I should have such a life too!

—I am also the young master of the family, I am not much worse than you!

-Why... why.

Leng Wenfeng's heart was completely distorted, and he even planned to find another shortcut, get together with Liang Hai whom he met by chance, and plan to become the rich man's male favourite.

——Without relying on your Su family, I can live a life of power and money!

However, seeing that the agreed day was coming, Leng Wenfeng became more and more afraid.

He couldn't let go of his identity as the young master of the Su family, he couldn't let go of his shame, and he was also afraid that if his parents wanted to find him back sometime, he would find that his son had become a male favorite, and he would regret it because he disliked them and lost their face. Even Leng Wenfeng was worried that what would he do if the patron was old, ugly, pregnant, or even had some unspeakable hobbies

The more Leng Wenfeng thought about it, the more he regretted it. As time approached, his anxiety became more and more serious.

In such a situation, one day, Leng Wenfeng woke up and found that his environment was no longer that simple little room, but a large bedroom that was low-key yet luxurious.

The following plot seems to be a routine time-travel novel. He became Leng Wenfeng, the second young master of the Leng family who is richer and of higher status than the Su family.

I have the big villa, luxury car, maid and driver of my dream, and the friends who go in and out with me are all the children of wealthy families. They are envied wherever they go, enjoy preferential treatment, and can easily get what they want. There were even parents who doted on him, and after making sure that he was not dreaming, Leng Wenfeng went crazy with joy!

—Let your Su family look down on me, now I have a higher status than you! More powerful! Regret go!

After enjoying the rich life for a period of time, Leng Wenfeng finally tried to find someone to find out about his former self in private.

Leng Wenfeng didn't know what his original body would be like after he suddenly appeared on another person. do you died? If it is in a state of death, will the parents of the Su family have some remorse to deal with the funeral

If the Su family's attitude is sincere, it is not impossible for him to quietly recognize the other party. In this way, the Su family has the backing of the Leng family, and he has also drawn an alliance for the Leng family. The win-win situation is perfect.

However, what Leng Wenfeng didn't expect was that not only did he not get the news of his body's death, but he also heard that his body was attached to his thigh? Still a great thigh!

After all, Leng Wenfeng was looking for someone temporarily, and some things still couldn't be checked very clearly. So much so that Leng Wenfeng, the employer, only knew that the thigh hugged by his body was powerful and powerful, and he was the envy of many people. So much so that Liang Hai, who was a matchmaker for them, was also rewarded, and was taken away by the benefactor together.

Leng Wenfeng felt unbalanced.

On the one hand, he felt that the person occupying his body was in his favor, and that he was good-looking, so he could be favored by such a good benefactor. On the one hand, he felt that no matter how noble his status was, in the end he was nothing more than a male favourite, and maybe the benefactor might not be very good-looking. After all, there are not so many powerful and powerful people, no matter how good their character is, or how perfect they are.

Leng Wenfeng changed to an investigative agency that paid more attention to confidentiality, and customized a business that focused on the fake threonine for a long time.

Then, news came one after another.

The fake threonine was brought into the core area of Nanfeng, and his benefactor should be someone among them.

Fake threonine has heard well, and even has a dog.

The fake Su An went back to the Su family, and it was sent by Captain Nanfeng himself. Presumably, either his benefactor was close to Captain Nanfeng, or this fake Su An was planning to use his physical advantage to seduce Captain Nanfeng, and it seemed that there was still some effect.

The Su family was very polite to the fake Su An, and after the fake Su An returned to the Nanfeng District, the former told everyone that this was a member of their Su family.

The Su family sent a lot of things to the Nanfeng area. Not only Su Pengming and his wife, but other members of the Su family were also very enthusiastic about the fake Su ammonia. Even the owner of the Su family praised him in public. Patriarch Su even said that he wanted to give up the position of Patriarch to the fake Su An.

Even when some dignitaries mentioned fake Su ammonia in their chats, and their tone was a little contemptuous, the members of the Su family would immediately refute it, and the whole family sided with the fake Su ammonia.

Leng Wenfeng's whole heart twisted.

Why? Why didn't I get these then? Why didn't you Su family express your attitude earlier? Why is the person who occupies my identity able to live so well

Unconvinced, jealous, hated, not wanting that person to be treated so well, not reconciled... All kinds of complicated and ugly emotions occupied Leng Wenfeng's heart.

Leng Wenfeng is just a person who didn't even get out of the society after graduation. He can't ask other people for reference to give advice on things like soul-changing.

In the dark night, Leng Wenfeng thought about it, and finally came up with a solution that he thought was very good.


Threatening that fake Su An with the secret of occupying other people's bodies, making him live in fear all day long, and making him have to obey his own orders. In this case, no matter how good the other party's life is, I can overwhelm him, and I will always be in a favorable position!

Thinking of this, Leng Wenfeng began to plan how to meet the other party naturally.

It's not that Leng Wenfeng doesn't want to use the Leng family's resources to suppress that fake Su An, it's just that he has a big brother above him, and he, the second young master, seems to be the pet of the group at home. It was the elder brother who was worrying, so that if he wanted to use the Leng family to oppress others, he would not be able to hide it from the elder brother Leng.

Leng Wenfeng didn't know any reason to explain that he suddenly went to trouble someone who had nothing to do with him, even Nanfeng District was far away from their Baiyun District.

When Leng Wenfeng first learned about the business division of labor, he was not very comfortable. But later, I saw that my elder brother was very kind to me and loved me very much. In addition, if he was really asked to take care of the family business, he would definitely be in a hurry and even show his flaws. Fortunately, he just acquiesced.

What's more, according to the information Leng Wenfeng knew, the daily activities of fake threonine are in the core area of Nanfeng. No matter how rich and powerful the Leng family is, there is no way to extend their hands there, let alone suppress them. of someone.

What Leng Wenfeng didn't expect was that he hadn't found a suitable excuse to go to Nanfeng District and encounter fake threonine, and the fake threonine came to Baiyun District.

I don't know who got into this high-end banquet with the cheek, it seems that you also have the self-knowledge to hide in this corner, thinking that hiding in the corner will not find you? Innocent.

It is very easy to see the target from the crowd. Leng Wenfeng looked at this person who was eating with relish with his own body, and felt that he really was a man with little knowledge.

Is the food at the banquet meant to be eaten? Which big shot would eat these things

After despising the other party, and then using the evil smile and voice that he had practiced many times in private to reveal the other party's identity, Leng Wenfeng was satisfied to see the other party's face change.

Fake Su An looked cold on the face, he must have been in a panic, after all, he was caught by the real master, tsk tsk.

When he thought that he could manipulate the other party at will in the future, Leng Wenfeng felt extremely refreshed.

He turned and left, only to find that the group of bigwigs who were trying to squeeze to the side moved over here collectively

Could it be that my father had already introduced himself to those people, found himself in the food area, and came here

Why are there so many people here together? I'm so embarrassed, and I don't know if there is anything wrong with my current image.

Leng Wenfeng hurriedly showed a smiling face, straightened his clothes, and greeted the bosses with a perfect posture.

He has already thought about what to say, be humble, praise the banquet, say something nice about himself without any trace, and finally exchange contact information with the bosses.



Why didn't the footsteps of the big guys who were getting closer and closer didn't slow down

Why is father on the side, shouldn't he be leading the way

Why did the person at the front stop in front of... fake threonine