I Turned Into a Little White Face After I Returned From the Apocalypse

Chapter 88: camp missions


"Mr. Ansu! Thank you very much this time!"

Gong Zhong didn't care about other people's stares, he immediately burst into a smile when he saw Ansu, that bright smile made the people around couldn't believe it.

Is this still the unfailing tribute to people!

After recovering from Gong Zhong's enthusiasm, everyone looked at Su An with even more surprised eyes.

Did they hear correctly? This is Ansu? That new god? !

When I thought about how I told Captain Nanfeng just now that he was of low status and was not good enough for him, and that he was going to poach a corner, I can only say that it was fortunate that they didn't say these things in front of others, otherwise wouldn't they have seen The great god offended people to death the first time

No matter how complicated the mood of the dignitaries was, Gong Zhong and Su An were not affected at all.

Su An knew that this Gong Zhong was a reliable person, and this time the other party came to meet him and politely informed him in advance. So seeing each other on this occasion, Su An didn't feel the slightest difference.

He is also ready to reveal his identity.

"The people who happen to be able to talk are almost here. Would you like Mr. Ansu to tell you a few words?"

The public's invitation made the eyes of the people around shine bright, and they immediately responded with applause.

Su An didn't refuse. After thanking him, he strode towards the podium.

A group of people roared over and left, leaving only Leng Wenfeng with an unbelievable expression on his face.

How can it be! How could Su An be the Great God Ansu? ! he and I…

Leng Wenfeng only felt that everything he had done before was very stupid and a joke.

Leng's father followed the large army for a few steps, and found that Leng Wenfeng was still in place, so he hurriedly pulled him to follow.

This is the first time Ke Ansu has appeared in public in real life, and it is a great honor to be able to participate in it. The great god is not very old, maybe his juniors can build a good relationship with the other party. Even if it doesn't work, it would be a great honor to get closer to the great god to take a group photo, or even get an autograph.

Father Leng, who was in a hurry to keep up with God Ansu, did not notice his son's body shaking and his face pale.

This made Leng Wenfeng, who always felt that his parents were very fond of him, even more hit.

Su An didn't take Leng Wenfeng to heart at all. He stood calmly on the podium with full momentum. The aura of the top powerhouse calmed down the entire banquet hall quickly, without any auxiliary means at all.

At this point, everyone present no longer doubted his identity.

Su An's eyes calmly swept over everyone in front of him, and finally met Feng Nanxu.

"Presumably everyone already knows that there is a way to return the book of the book-taker, and the book-taker is no longer scary. As for the order of using the antidote, I believe Captain Nanfeng can handle this matter perfectly. And I stand here , I want to tell everyone a very important thing that requires everyone's cooperation."

Su An looked at Feng Nanxu, who nodded, and the entire banquet hall went dark in an instant.

Before everyone could cry out in surprise, the light came back on again.

"Now everyone's network can't be connected, and all things related to resource games can't be used. Don't panic. Only in this way, what I'm going to say next can be better protected. Then, what I want to say next It's about book snatchers, about the truth of the resource game."

Su An's subsequent speech struck everyone's hearts like a thunderbolt from the sky!

The game turned out to be made by aliens? And the purpose of people in that dimension making games is not to save them, but to eat away the earth step by step. Book snatchers, house snatchers, and what kind of supervisors, my God!

Most of you present here are not new to the world. To be shocked like this now is really far beyond their tolerance.

Everyone started to panic.

Apart from some well-established aristocratic families, the people present were able to get their current status because of the chaos when the game first appeared, and they seized the opportunity to make their fortunes. Over the years, games have become a part of their lives, and even many younger generations directly regard games as their second world.

Now you tell these people that there is such a big conspiracy behind the game, which is equivalent to letting them drop everything.

However, this word can be said on such an occasion, Gong Zhong and others representing the government are also there, and the one who is speaking is Ansu who rescued the book-looters. Although Captain Nanfeng did not speak, his attitude is very obvious It is enough trust and support for Ansu.

This situation makes it hard for everyone to believe it or not.

After a long silence, someone finally spoke with a trembling voice.

"What does Mr. Ansu need us to do?"

An Su, Captain Nanfeng, and Gong Zhong had obviously discussed it now. If this news broke out under such circumstances, their help must be needed.

There is no need for Su An to elaborate on the next arrangement, Feng Nanxu and Gong Zhong quickly dispatched the task.

In fact, there are not many things that need these people to do, because of everyone's identities, it is enough for these people to keep as many people as possible from entering the game world. As for other detailed arrangements for people, Feng Nanxu He Gongzhong will talk to people in private.

The banquet ended quickly, and no one was interested in attending the subsequent dinner and dance.

Su An was happy and peaceful, and followed Feng Nanxu back to the Nanfeng District.

"Just tell me if you need anything." Feng Nanxu suddenly said on the way.

Su An glanced at him and smiled happily.

"What, are you jealous? Afraid that I will be seduced by other younger and better-looking brothers? I thought those people would recommend all kinds of beauties to you and make you happy, but I still noticed that someone came to talk to me. .”

Feng Nanxu coughed, his ears turned red: "You know that's not what I meant."

Of course Su An knew he didn't mean that.

Su An thought for a while, but still didn't tell the other party about Leng Wenfeng's relationship with him. This kind of soul-changing thing is somewhat similar to today's house grabbers, and I don't know if there is any connection between them. The matter of the soul is mysterious and mysterious, Su An does not want to drag Feng Nanxu into this dangerous situation for the time being.

"It's okay, I'm just someone who thinks I'm lowly and wants to find a sense of presence. Don't pay attention to him. You should take advantage of this free time to rest more. You haven't had a good rest these days."


Feng Nanxu obviously benefited from his partner's concern, he obediently closed his eyes.

Just when Su An was about to close his eyes and rest his mind, his hands suddenly felt hot.

At some point, Feng Nanxu's hand leaned over and grabbed him. On the other hand, this guy seemed to be sleeping soundly as if nothing had happened on his face, but the red color that was getting thicker and tended to spread to his neck betrayed him.

The corner of Su An's mouth curled into a smile, and he closed his eyes.

The hand covered by Feng Nanxu turned his face, interlocking his five fingers.

Su An breathed a sigh of relief after finally returning the books of the victims who were obviously book snatchers.

It can be said that this period has been the busiest since he came to this world.

However, the busyness didn't end there. Next, Su An had to go to the steeple in the dark forest to open the passage to the western world.

Feng Nanxu was getting more and more busy, this task could only fall on Su An.

The key to opening the passage to the western world lies on the identical prophets and spires on both sides. According to the hints from the crystal core, Su An quickly found the clue and entered the passage level.

There are many and cumbersome tasks to open the two channels, and some are even very dangerous. Zombies and dark creatures are densely packed. Fortunately, for Su An, as long as he is careful, there is basically no major problem.

He still has the role of the title of Demon King.

When the mission of the last ring was over, and a gold and silver key fell into the palm of Su An, and then the passage was opened, a system notification sounded.

[The world channel is closed, the multi-party world is merged, and the faction mission is opened. Please prepare for it.]

[The world channel is closed, the multi-party world is merged, and the faction mission is opened. Please prepare for it.]

The system announcement was broadcast five times in a row, clearly reaching every player's ears.

Su An looked at the words of faction missions on the bulletin, and felt that this was another troublesome matter.

He also did not expect that after opening the world channel, there would be faction missions.

But that's right, after the appearance of the Dark Abyss faction, except for some specific levels, it seems that the faction doesn't have much use. Especially for the players, the fact that the camps are different does not affect their friendly play, and the opposite is not shown at all. This is obviously a bit unusual.

The players who heard this announcement suddenly exploded.

Whether it is the merger of multi-party worlds or faction missions, it is a big event for them. In the past, one incident of this kind would cause a long period of excitement, but now two of them appeared in a row.

Some sharper players can't help but anticipate that there may be greater changes in the future.

"Oh my god, my sixth sense tells me that this is a bit dangerous. The company I was working for suddenly received a huge order, and the offline is going to be busy. I don't think I will be able to play games during this time. You explore the road first, and I will come again when there is a strategy tutorial."

"The upstairs is too cunning, but... wait for the great god to explore Lu Jiayi."

"Even if this doesn't happen, I plan to wait for a while before playing the game. I'm really scared about the book snatcher. I'm afraid that I will encounter this kind of thing sometime. I don't have any background. Can I I don’t even know if I was rescued.”

"They're all cowards. I'm not a master, but I'm not afraid of these things. Just wait for me to open the way for you."

All kinds of such news spread rapidly on the Internet, and there are people with various attitudes, but it is obvious that the comments that intend to observe for a period of time occupy the top.

As for how much rhythm and water there is in it, no one knows except the person in charge of it.

Most human beings are like this, three people become tigers, and people say what they say, no matter how old the method is, as long as it works.

At the same time, Su An received a private message from the system.

[Dear Demon King, your subordinates are about to face a crisis, please save them.]

The system's private message was brief, but it made Su An's brows more and more wrinkled.

Judging from the meaning of this private message, he actually bears the brunt of the next camp mission? Have to bring people from the Dark Abyss camp against other players

Su An thought that things would become more and more troublesome in the future, but he didn't expect it to be this troublesome. if he knew...

Forget it, even if he knew, he would most likely do the same.

I don't know what the faction mission is, and there are still ten days to start the countdown.