I’ve Been Pregnant for 10 Years Without Giving Birth

Chapter 6


"Who?" Zhao Zheng asked curiously. He had never seen such a cute Tang Yuan. He thought Tang Yuan was the cutest in front of his parents, but he was the cutest in front of this uncle.

"I always attack."

Zhao Zheng's expression turned ugly, "Damn, isn't he still thirty years old? You just called him uncle?" Didn't he kill you

"Yeah, it's not thirty." Tang Yuan smiled a little shyly, and said in a low voice, "I think he likes me calling him uncle, because every time I call him uncle, he gets very excited."

Zhao Zheng didn't want to be friends with him anymore, after all he was too shaky, he wasn't excited at all, okay? People want to beat him up, right

Zhao Zheng, who saw through the truth, simply stopped talking nonsense with him and dragged him out.

Along the way, Tang Yuan was thinking about what Xie Yu said. Xie Yu said that ghosts are cunning and can't be deceived by appearances

So what is appearance

He thought for a long time, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and immediately patted Zhao Zheng on the shoulder and said:

"Little Zhengzi, Dad was cheated."

Zhao Zheng was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Tang Yuan explained: "Father was deceived by appearances."

"Ah?" Zhao Zheng looked confused: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Tang Yuan waved his hand, "I'll tell you later, let's go back to the hospital first."

Zhao Zheng wondered: "Didn't we just come out of the hospital?"

Tang Yuan: "I forgot to ask some questions."


They didn't go far, so they went back to the hospital in a short while. Zhao Feng and Ye Lan saw the two of them came back and were about to talk when they heard Tang Yuan ask:

"Uncle Zhao, after you delivered that woman that day, did you find any strange phenomena other than lipstick marks?"

Zhao Feng thought about it seriously, then shook his head, "There seems to be nothing strange."

Ye Lan thought for a while, and asked tentatively:

"I found a used lipstick in his pocket. Is it a strange phenomenon?"

These words made Tang Yuan smile, "That's it."

What he learned from Xie Yu and what he knew from the female ghost all illustrate a problem. Ghosts can't harm people casually. In addition to their own strength, or having a bad debt with the key person, they must go through a certain process. Only one medium can harm people.

According to what Zhao Feng and Ye Lan said, Tang Yuan judged that the female ghost harmed Zhao Feng was the third case, and the medium was the lipstick brought home by Uncle Zhao.

"Is there any lipstick in my pocket? I didn't even notice it." Zhao Feng became more afraid as he thought about it.

Tang Yuan asked, "Auntie, do you remember where you put that lipstick?"

"I locked it in a drawer." Originally thought it was evidence of Zhao Feng's cheating, but who knew it was an ominous thing that almost killed their family.

"Then shall we go back and look for it?" Zhao Zheng looked at Tang Yuan, wanting to see what instructions he had.

Tang Yuan didn't object, "Yes."

The two young people ran home in a hurry. Zhao Zheng took the key and opened the drawer her mother said, but he didn't find the lipstick. He was about to call his mother to ask him, but he saw Tang Yuan opened it. After entering the cloakroom, he asked puzzledly:

"Tang Yuan, what are you doing?"

Tang Yuan didn't answer his question, but said: "I always tell me, don't let me be deceived by appearances."

Zhao Zheng: "What do you mean? What is superficial and not superficial, shouldn't we be looking for lipstick?"

Tang Yuan smiled, touched Zhao Feng's clothes in the closet one by one, then took out a lipstick with a smile and said:

"I was almost deceived by this appearance."

The author has something to say: I don’t want to code words, huh huh