I’ve Come Back After Being Reborn

Chapter 1


Text/Drunk Book Nanfei

Fang Yuan spent seven years in the apocalypse, but was not bitten to death by zombies, but was trapped in a collapsed cave and died of thirst.

He was unwilling, and when he opened his eyes again, he had returned to seven years ago.

In the spring of seven years ago, everything had not yet begun, and the world was still at peace.

Fang Yuan opened the calendar. Today is March 30. There are still 30 days before the first zombies appear. There are still 60 days before the order of human society completely collapses and the city is occupied by zombies.

in time.

This time, he will live, longer and better than anyone else.

Before his rebirth, he was unprepared for the end of the world. Like everyone else, he was frightened by the sudden wave of zombies, and he almost survived by luck.

Many people have awakened powers, but he didn't.

Fang Yuan no longer has any illusions this time, hoping to have some power to support him to survive. In contrast, it is most important to hoard supplies as soon as possible and build a strong fortress that can withstand the zombie tide.

In the first few days, he also thought about reminding more people to be a prophecy of the doomsday.

However, even before the apocalypse, he was an ordinary person, and no matter what he said, he would be regarded as a paranoid at most.

Occasionally, there is a person who believes in him, who has believed in the doomsday theory many years ago, and regards hoarding as a hobby. It is meaningless if he reminds him or not.

As for relatives? He was originally an orphan. His parents passed away unexpectedly ten years ago, leaving behind a legacy. Those relatives who planned to eat the extinct family have long since cut off contact.

On April 15, Fang Yuan finally started to build her own fort in a wilderness. The inheritance and house left by her parents were exchanged for cash, and the goal was to spend it before the end.

He chose the location of the fort for a long time. It was far away from people, so there were not too many zombies. It was also far from the first few outbreaks. , the air is also good.

The person who came to build the house, seeing that he was young and rich, only regarded such a strange design drawing as a hobby of the rich, so he didn't say much.

For the rest of the time, Fang Yuan used all the supplies to stock up, from military cans, to a large amount of pure water, air filtration devices, drinking water circulating filtration devices, generators, solar energy, to seeds of various plants, paper towels, daily necessities, Everything you need.

After the apocalypse, you will not be able to eat stinky tofu. In order to get rid of the addiction in advance, Fang Yuan also ate stinky tofu for seven consecutive days, and the stinky tofu master in the neighboring village knew him.

Fang Yuan's heart moved slightly, and he almost wanted to kidnap the master and protect him until he died. He didn't have to do anything, just make tofu.

In the end, of course, he held back and kidnapped people against the law.

The fort is very large, but most of the space was used by Fang Yuan as a warehouse. After the house was built, layers of railings and grids were added, and countless monitoring facilities were connected to create a waiting area. The activated mechanism is designed to deal with people without eyes and zombies without brains.

In order to facilitate the collection of supplies after the end of the day, he went to the 4S store again and remodeled an armored vehicle, which not only could adapt to various terrains, but also was invulnerable to guns.

It didn't take long for the neighboring village to start talking, saying that a rich man with a problem in his mind had moved into the wasteland next door.

Fang Yuan disagreed. Tomorrow will be the time when the zombies will make the first news. At that time, there will always be more people who understand what he has done.

The next day was April 30th. Fang Yuan stood in front of the TV, waiting for the familiar news that he had ignored in his previous life. The title should be that a man suddenly went crazy and attacked passers-by and bit the medical staff. Some experts deduced that the incident was attributed to the mutated rabies virus.

However, after waiting for a day, he didn't get the familiar news, only the ordinary news that a thief broke into an official's house and was caught stealing.

Did he remember it wrong

Fang Yuan was puzzled in his heart, but did not dare to stop, and continued to prepare for the doomsday as usual.

Now that his fortress has basically taken shape, as long as the zombies break out in the first city, there will be channels to buy body armor.

Unexpectedly, this wait will be another month.

In Fang Yuan's memory, in the early morning of April 30th, zombies would invade first-tier cities, people of all strata were infected, traffic was completely paralyzed, and the corpses on the street were no longer cleaned up.

In front of him, at noon on May 1st, he was sitting in his armored car. The star on the radio was speaking in support of the anti-pet cruelty law. The reporter from the next station was broadcasting in real time how big the typhoon was in Linhai City. Little kid, think his car is cool.

The world is calm and the number of casualties due to traffic accidents has not risen.

Fang Yuan ignored the children, just drove back to his fortress, counted all the supplies he had hoarded, and then connected to the Internet to find clues in the countless news of the past.

He did find it.

Not long ago, there was an inconspicuous news report that there was a leak in a biochemical laboratory, and all the infected people died, but the remains disappeared for no reason and have not been recovered. Only a vague shadow was captured in the surveillance, and it was initially determined that it was the person who stole the body.

During the surveillance, Sombra's body and face were blurred, and only the blue T-shaped tattoo on the back of his hand could be used as evidence.

This news is very similar to what he remembered before his rebirth. These dead people are the original zombies. It stands to reason that their remains will disappear. The reason should be that they turned into zombies after death and walked out on their own.

In the news he saw in his previous life, this suspicious shadow never appeared.

Perhaps because of the suspect, this news did not arouse extensive discussion among netizens, and no one opened a bunch of brain holes out of curiosity to guess where the body went. It's average popularity, submerged in other more interesting and novel news, and it has only 10,000 clicks.

In the past few months, Fang Yuan has verified countless times that he is not paranoid, but really remembers a lot of things that are about to happen, except for zombies and doomsday, all of which have not been confirmed.

In the third month, Fang Yuan was completely stunned. He tried to give up his previous preparations and return to a normal life.

But these materials are enough for him to live a healthy life for a year and a half. It is easy to buy, but difficult to sell.

Just use them up first.

It’s almost halfway through May, Fang Yuan is on his own, and he didn’t eat and use much, but he became more familiar with the stinky tofu master from the neighboring village, and by the way, he got to know the master of hot and sour noodles.

The weather started to heat up, remembering that he forgot to stock up on ice cubes, Fang Yuan almost used to wholesale ice cubes again.

After thinking about it, there is no sign of zombies appearing, so let's forget it first.

When he got home, Fang Yuan saw a stranger in front of his armored vehicle.

Said to be a stranger, but it was a little familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

Before the apocalypse in the previous life, Fang Yuan was only a student with a very small social circle. The person who is familiar but can't remember is most likely the person he has met after the apocalypse.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Hello," the man turned around with a gentle smile, looked at his face, raised his hands, and raised his feet like a trainer, "Excuse me, are you the owner of this car and this fortress?"

"I am." Fang Yuan cautiously kept a distance from him, but put his right hand in his pocket, holding the self-defense weapon he used to carry with him, "What's the matter with you?"

"I want to rent your house." When the young man spoke, his voice was very pleasant and elegant, and Fang Yuan began to speculate whether it might be a new star to do novel live broadcasts, "Is it possible? I can pay as much as you want, as long as you Let me live a little longer, and I promise it won't interfere with your life."

"Renting a house?" Fang Yuan almost thought he had heard it wrong. Does his home seem suitable for normal living

"You may have misunderstood something. This is not a hotel specially decorated as a theme park. It's just a private house where I live. Moreover, if you walk a little further, there will be a hotel in the village. Why are you looking for me?"

"It's because of some personal reasons." The young man looked up at the sky. "It's going to rain, is it convenient to come in and talk? If you confirm that you can't rent it to me, I'll leave after the rain stops."

After speaking, he opened his hands and made a gesture similar to surrender, "You can search yourself, I am not carrying anything suspiciously dangerous."

Would a normal person offer to search the other person's body in exchange for trust when placing others

If this kind of thing happened after the apocalypse, he felt very normal. At that time, people wanted to live, not only to guard against zombies, but also to beware of people who robbed supplies, and people who would commit crimes while there was no order at the end of the day.

But right now, there's no sign of anything other than a little gloomy weather.

Fang Yuan stared into his eyes, and became more and more sure that he had seen this young man before he was reborn.

There was a smile in those eyes, and the tone of speech was polite, but beneath the gentle appearance, there was a unique blood that only those who have experienced life and death can have.

Like a person with survival instinct, all his nerves are tense, his attention is very concentrated, and he is always on guard against danger, but in such a state, he is trying hard and deliberately relaxing himself, trying not to be nervous or not. too sharp.

It is also very much like Fang Yuan, who has just been reborn. From such a doomsday, returning to a peaceful modern society, there is nowhere to put extra vigilance.

Maybe there are other rebirths in this world.

"come in."

Fang Yuan finally let go. His eyes had been trained for a long time. With a glance, he could see that the youth had no place to hide. He walked in front and opened the door of his heavy defense. It took more than ten minutes to lead the way. Entering the first floor entrance.

In order to prevent accidents, every wall in Fangyuan Fortress is covered with metal skin, which is extremely sturdy. The wallpaper is outside the metal. Every door is also the strongest. The modified anti-theft door, even the entrance and There is also a door between the living rooms.

"I like your fortress." The young man put down his clothes and jacket in Xuanhuan and hung them up, "It gives me a lot of security."

"Sense of security?" Fang Yuan turned to look at him to make sure he wasn't peeking at his door lock code, "Did you like this house because of this?"

"Of course, to be honest, I can only fall asleep in a safe place." The young man pointed to his eyes, "I haven't had a good night's sleep for a long time, and the dark circles are coming out."

Fang Yuan looked at his eyes, but the bags under his eyes were not heavy, not to mention he couldn't see them, but the eyelashes were very long, even the lower eyelashes were slightly curled, those were charming eyes that could be stars.

Seeing that the owner of these eyes was full of anticipation, Fang Yuan did not pierce his words, but nodded lightly, "That's it. Then you can try to see a doctor and prescribe some medicine."

"I've seen it, but those doctors don't believe me. I can't take the medicine they prescribed."

The two walked into the living room. There was a strong iron railing outside the window, and neither arm could get in, and the sunlight did not get in much.

When Fang Yuan took out tea and drinks to entertain the guests, the rainstorm poured down instantly.

"It's really raining..." Fang Yuan was stunned for a moment, then looked away, "What do you say the doctor doesn't believe?"

The young man took the Ice Coke in his hand, as if he was afraid of being heard by someone, and suddenly lowered his voice, "I said... My insomnia is because of PTSD, not paranoia. They don't believe it."

"You mean, post-traumatic stress disorder?" Fang Yuan didn't respond, "What caused it?"

"You may not believe it, but PTSD is caused by the end of mankind." The young man laughed, as if he didn't care whether he would be regarded as mentally ill, "Now, only your fortress can give me enough security. "

Fang Yuan caught a glimpse of blue in the corner of his eye, turned to look, and saw the tattoo on the back of the young man's hand.

T-shaped, like some kind of weird totem, beautiful.

"I believe."

The author has something to say: Short stories for self-entertainment, just write them

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