I’ve Come Back After Being Reborn

Chapter 3


This is an irrefutable reason.

Fang Yuan was speechless.

Jiang Heng looked at his expressionless face, but became embarrassed, "I just want to try and say this, I don't really want to hide it from you, don't be angry."

Fang Yuan was puzzled, "Which sentence?"

"That's it..." Jiang Heng cleared his throat, "I once prevented the end from coming and saved the world."

"Well..." Fang Yuan nodded and said seriously, "You are right, hero Jiang Heng, you have done a very great feat."

Jiang Heng was not particularly happy, but became quiet, "It's just that only you know about this matter, and no one else will believe it."

Fang Yuan put the empty drink bottle aside and looked at the rain curtain outside the window, "If you want to, actually..."

He remembered Jiang Heng's space ability.

A conjecture followed. If Jiang Heng's ambition was bigger, what he wanted to do was not only to save the world, but also to let everyone remember his heroic image and win people's cheers and gratitude. With Jiang Heng's ability, It can also be done.

Just leave a little sample when eliminating those zombies, and make the finishing work less thorough, and then do it when the media and the whole world notice the existence of zombies...

This was also one of the reasons why Fang Yuan had guarded against Jiang Heng in the first place. He had been surviving for too long in the apocalypse, and he was already a little unfamiliar with the pure heart of justice that only wanted to do good deeds. The moment he confirmed Jiang Heng's identity, he began to keep guessing what Jiang Heng's purpose was and what he wanted.

"No, I don't think so." Jiang Heng refused to let him say what he said later, "This is the best way, I can still hide in your house for a while, if I really become a hero, I will If you are so timid and not pursuing it, you will be laughed at."

makes sense.

Fang Yuan got up and went to get another bottle of green tea, unscrewed the bottle cap, green tea was doing an activity, linked a certain big IP, above it is a handsome and mighty superhero, the whole person's temperament is tough, tough, fearless , as if all the heroic elements that people desire are concentrated in one character.

And Jiang Heng, at first glance, is really an ordinary young man. In order to get the place he wants, he stays in a stranger's house and doesn't leave, and his temperament is a bit awkward.

"Fang Yuan, how about giving me a month? After a month, I will tell you the real reason why there will be no more power users."

He also bargained with prospective landlords, using this information as a bargaining chip.

Not really a big hero.

Fang Yuan's eyes fell on the back of his hand, the tattoo looked too bright.

"Why a month?"

"After all, they are still looking for me," Jiang Heng pointedly said, "I am now a major criminal who steals corpses. The wind is the most intense this month. I must find an absolutely safe place to hide. After this month, it is estimated that it will be much better. ."

That's horrible.

Fang Yuan sympathized with this hero in a complicated mood. He clearly saved the world, but he had to face the pursuit of such a crime. If he was accidentally caught, he had to keep a criminal record.

"After a month, even if I get the truth, it doesn't matter if I don't let you continue to live?"

When he said this, Fang Yuan actually didn't reject the tenant so much anymore. What he thought in his heart was not that Jiang Heng had to be driven away, but that if the two people's living habits were compatible and they could continue to get along, it would be nice to have a company. .

"Almost." Jiang Heng didn't stop in his hand, grabbed the potato chips from nowhere to eat, was glanced at by Fang Yuan, took the whole bag of potato chips out of the space, and placed it on the coffee table.

"To be honest, I'm really seriously ill now, and it's hard to fall asleep, but in a month, I'll probably be cured."

Fang Yuan didn't understand what he meant. What kind of PTSD can have a one-month limitation

Jiang Heng knocked on his head, "Here, after my rebirth, my memory is not complete, and I have forgotten a lot of things before my rebirth. The good news is that every time I have a good night's sleep, I can remember a little."

"So miraculous?" Fang Yuan opened his eyes slightly, "I don't have such a situation."

"You remember it all? From the end of the day to the moment before the rebirth?"


However, the memory is incomplete, and there is no memory for Fang Yuan.

He lowered his head and smiled, "I hope I don't remember, and I forget everything like you."

"I can... I understand." Jiang Heng showed a somewhat apologetic look and looked away, "Although I also envy you, if I am like you and don't have amnesia, I probably won't have insomnia because of unwarranted symptoms. "

"You think getting your memory back will cure your PTSD?"

"Yes, that's what the doctor suggested - I didn't mention the doomsday to him." Jiang Heng held a firm attitude on this matter, "I have this feeling, when I think about everything, it will not be like now. In this way, you will start to get nervous and anxious for no reason, and you will not be unable to sleep because of the anxiety.”

However, the moment he stepped into this fortress, Jiang Heng felt that he was half way better.

Maybe it was the post-traumatic sequelae caused by the doomsday, but he prevented the doomsday, and the symptoms still did not improve. The last thing that could save him was the memory waiting to be found.

Fang Yuan was silent for a while, as if he accidentally remembered something because of Jiang Heng's words.

Thinking of the panic and fear he faced with zombies for the first time, the moment when the desire to survive drove him crazy, and the endless hunger, cold, pain and nightmares.

Then he took out his mobile phone and interrupted the meaningless memories in person, "I promise you that for a month, you can stay."

Jiang Heng opened his arms excitedly, and his eyes instantly became extremely bright.

Fang Yuan raised his foot and kicked the coffee table over to block people, "Don't come here."

"..." Jiang Heng's shoulders slumped, "how do you know that I want to pounce?"

Fang Yuan gave him a look that he wanted to go.

There are many rooms in the fort, and they are all very large, but most of them were used by Fang Yuan to hoard supplies.

But now with Jiang Heng, they quickly found a suitable room, where only some bedding and supplies for winter were stored, which were put into the space by Jiang Heng and moved to other rooms.

Fang Yuan made a three-chapter agreement with him. You can live there. You can use the materials as you like. You have to divide the business for him. You are not allowed to make too much noise in your daily activities. You are not allowed to bring people back.

Jiang Heng agreed, and excitedly moved out his single bed, sofa, wardrobe, game console, etc. in the space, and moved in a second.

Fang Yuan pointed to the treadmill, barbell and other equipment next to him, "This can only be used on the first floor."

Jiang Heng: "As ordered!"

Fang Yuan's bedroom was right across from him, and it was very convenient to do anything. Compared with the daily life of sleeping and sleeping in the doomsday, it was already very good.

He actually didn't care about multiple roommates, especially after getting up the next day, smelling the fragrance of rice and going downstairs and seeing Jiang Heng bring out a table for breakfast.

The breakfast is very rich. There are freshly ground soy milk, porridge, pasta, meat, eggs and vegetables.

When Fang Yuan came to the table, Jiang Heng pulled out a chair for him.

"You don't have to be so polite, and you don't have to try to please me." Fang Yuan was not used to being taken care of like this, and waved his hand to indicate that he came, "You specially prepared meals, I should thank you."

"Then you don't have to thank me so politely." Jiang Heng followed suit and sat opposite him, "After all, I do find you very pleasing to the eye."

"I should also thank you for eradicating those zombies." Fang Yuan lowered his head and picked up the soy milk, before drinking it, Jiang Heng handed him white sugar, he sprinkled some in it, stirred it with a spoon, and the heat warmed his cheeks, "I will Always remember it."

Jiang Heng was embarrassed by what he said, and even wanted to continue to thank him for his willingness to remember this incident and become the only person in the world who believed that he had eliminated zombies.

He has never cared about such a false name, but it is really uncomfortable to be suspected of being paranoid.

Well now, he has found the predestined relationship, and all these discomforts are gone.

"I slept well last night." Jiang Heng looked for a topic and said while eating custard buns, "It rained all night, and it was very hypnotic. I looked at the iron railings and the power grid outside your window, and within a few minutes I fell asleep and woke up in the morning by the sun."

"I thought you brought a treadmill, and you should have brought curtains."

"I don't like that." Jiang Heng shook his head, "It's a good thing to see the sun every day."

For this, Fang Yuan nodded in agreement.

Seeing the sunshine the next day was equivalent to successfully living another day, without dying in his sleep or encountering a greater crisis. After his rebirth, he also became fond of sunshine.

"Tell you, I had a long dream last night."

As Jiang Heng ate, he kept talking, "Before my memory was only the days when the doomsday officially came, and there were still a lot of people hiding in the residential building, but last night, I remembered more, and I woke up. All the memories before the power have been restored."

"… Oh."

Fang Yuan frowned slightly, he wasn't interested in this topic, and he didn't care how much Jiang Heng remembered.

He hated recalling those times. If Jiang Heng hadn't come to him, maybe he'd almost forgotten them by now. After a while, he could hypnotize himself and gradually believe that the end of the world was just a piece of his delusion.

He opened his mouth, almost trying to interrupt the person in front of him, but finally held back.

Fang Yuan could see that Jiang Heng was very happy to be able to restore his memory.

Having experienced life and death, Fang Yuan believes that he is not a sensitive and fragile person. He has water, food, and a place to live, which is a very good life. He has one more chatty tenant who always talks about the topics he hates. , can't say much of a bad thing.

What's more, this tenant who talks about nasty topics is a real hero.

"... Then I met Li Jie. His ability awakened very early. He was from the fire element, but he was a little rushed. We were teammates for half a month. We started from city A and walked towards city B, halfway because of zombies. The tide is gone."

Jiang Heng was still talking enthusiastically, "It's a pity that the memory is broken again here. I really hope that in a few days, when I think about it more, I can meet this good brother again, and see that he has arrived in City B and is in the shelter. I'll meet you later."

Fang Yuan ate the last egg and swallowed the soy milk, "I'm full."

"So fast?" Jiang Heng was surprised at the speed at which he was eating, "Hey, don't go, sit down for a while and chat again."

Fang Yuan looked up and asked what to talk about with his eyes.

Jiang Heng started a topic, "When the apocalypse first began, did you have anything that was particularly impressive and regrettable?"

"Yes." Fang Yuan said slowly, his thoughts flew out, and he looked at the empty plate in front of him, just like looking at an empty lunch box when the apocalypse came.

"Before there were no zombies in my city, I had a piece of sandwich bread filled with strawberries at home. I took a bite and thought it was not tasty, so I threw it away."

"You hate that strawberry filling?"

"Yes, it's made of poor quality." Fang Yuan said calmly, with no expression, as if telling someone else's business, "Then the zombies came, and I began to regret it. I shouldn't have thrown away that piece of bread at that time. This regret lasted a long, long time."

Jiang Heng moved his chair, sat on the side of Fang Yuan from the opposite side of the table, and put his arms on his shoulders, "Don't be sad, now we have countless breads, and we can buy all kinds of stuffing."

Fang Yuan clapped his hand and refused, "So, what about you?"

"Me, I don't have any regrets... It's just that there is one thing that is very unforgettable." Jiang Heng sighed with emotion, "I remembered last night, in the first month after the end of the world, I once went crazy with hunger and caught a few A mouse eats it."

"Rats? I remember that mice are not bad, but they have less meat."

"It's because it's not bad." Jiang Heng thought about it, his face became tangled, "The point is, I used to like the mutton skewers sold by a small stall, and I liked it very much. ."

"you… "

"That time I ate roasted mice, and I actually found the delicious food in my memory." Jiang Heng covered his face and said in pain, "I didn't expect that I had been greedy for the mutton skewers from that stall for three years, and in the end it turned out to be It was found on this occasion!"

Fang Yuan also became tangled with the complicated expression on his face, and patted Jiang Heng's back with great sympathy, wanting to comfort, but also wanted to laugh, "Sorry."

Seeing that his expression finally eased, Jiang Heng didn't have to worry about the issue of mutton skewers anymore. He put down his hand covering his face and smiled at him.

This is the first time Fang Yuan has seen his smile from the side. It's a little bad, and there is a sly look in his eyes. The familiarity comes up again, stronger than before.

Fang Yuan was stunned.

"Jiang Heng, I must have seen you."