I’ve Come Back After Being Reborn

Chapter 5


Since that day, Fang Yuan's attitude towards Jiang Heng has undergone a subtle change.

At the dining table, Jiang Heng would still talk endlessly about the memories he remembered every day. But Fang Yuan no longer just bowed his head to listen, he began to respond more than "um" and "oh".

One person's story has turned into two people's chat.

It was only Jiang Heng who recovered his memory in the dream. Fang Yuan followed him to talk about the past little by little, but he felt that his memory was also recovered, and he regained color from the black and white and gray past.

Not only bad experiences, but bizarre, funny, and even bizarre things all came to mind.

Occasionally, when he wakes up, Fang Yuan still thinks about how he learned Ah Q's spirit in the apocalypse—at least now he no longer has to get up early, no overtime or work pressure.

Jiang Heng complained constantly about this. The responsibilities of the power user are too heavy. His life after the apocalypse is more tense and stressful than before. When he is working, he can get up at 8 o'clock every day, but the power user often takes turns to watch the night. Do not wake up at 6 or 7 o'clock too normal.

I don't know if it was because of Jiang Heng, but after a week passed, Fang Yuan suddenly felt the mood to go out and have a look.

Before that, he felt that although he was in a calm mood, he didn't have the idea of doing such meaningless things. Unless it was necessary to throw out garbage and purchase, he would only go out once when he was greedy, and it was impossible to stay at home.

Jiang Heng went out with him, wearing a sunscreen glove on his right hand to cover the tattoo.

He asked Fang Yuan, "Where are we going out?"

Fang Yuan said that he had no idea, "Just walk around."

"Then what shall we do?"

"Look at the scenery."

Jiang Heng originally thought that he had seen enough of the scenery.

In the apocalypse, the most indispensable thing is the scenery. The first thing brought about by the decline of human beings is the recovery of the vitality of nature.

Those high mountains and flowing water, the sound of insects and birds, all kinds of creatures grow and grow, and vines and weeds occupy the city.

When he walked to the entrance of the village, Fang Yuan sat down at a tea stall, and when Jiang Heng sat down with him, he suddenly realized that the scenery Fang Yuan wanted to see was not natural scenery.

are people.

The tea stall is located in the center of a food market. Sitting here, you can see the whole lively market. People come and go, hurrying or leisurely. In this remote place, you can even see ox carts and horses. Screaming his nose, people lead horses and carry goods forward.

Fang Yuan is sitting here, nibbling melon seeds and drinking tea, watching people speak dialects, bargaining with vendors selling coriander, celery and rice, watching the old man and his child play with sandbags, listening to the cries of rock candied gourds, watching people Riding the bike slowly from one end to the other while shouting something.

Look at the smoke from the cooking above the small bungalow, look at the rotten leaves and rubbish scattered on the ground, look at who is arguing loudly with whom because of broken eggs, and watch the women gesturing at the five yuan store selling clothes one by one.

Watching those melodious folk songs, begging people playing erhu on the street, watching the stall owner gossip with the guests at the next table, and gossip about the neighbors.

He looked at it with relish, and saw the bottom of the plate of melon seeds. When he touched it again, he didn't catch the melon seeds, but grabbed Jiang Heng's hand.

The two looked up at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"A little more?"

"I want to eat peanuts."

So the two ordered another plate of peanuts and edamame. The boss took the opportunity to sell their homemade side dishes and grilled fish, and asked them if they wanted to try beer drinks in addition to tea.

Fang Yuan didn't ask for beer, so he sat at the tea stall until the afternoon, when the sun was weak, and left with Jiang Heng.

On the way home, Jiang Heng came up with an idea out of nowhere, and suddenly said that he could also set up a stall.

Fang Yuan looked at him unexpectedly, "Setting up a stall? Are you finally going to help me with the supplies in the warehouse?"

"No," Jiang Heng shook his head, "I think I can set up a stall to perform magic tricks."

After he finished speaking, he performed it in front of Fang Yuan, changing what was in his hand, and then changing it out.

"You are cheating."

"I am very talented~"

Jiang Heng really started to prepare magic tools that night.

It's just that when he woke up the next day, he didn't look very good.

"I dreamed of the most unfortunate thing." When Jiang Heng ate breakfast, he didn't seem to sleep well, and he didn't seem to be in a good mood. "And then he didn't fall asleep..."

"What's the matter?" Fang Yuan was a little nervous, and suddenly thought, could it be the end of the memory

For example, dreaming of the last moment of my life...

"Do you remember the super zombie wave one year after the end of the world?"

Jiang Heng took a sip of coffee, but didn't say anything terrible.

"Of course I do," Fang Yuan recalled following his words. He couldn't forget this kind of thing.

"In that zombie tide, many zombies have been evolved, jumping power, attack power and agility have been improved, large-scale attacks, many people died, and the original shelter fell into one..."

At that time, he was just lucky and escaped by hiding in a warehouse underground.

"At that time, I was a member of the battle, although I was not a striker," Jiang Heng said slowly, his tone was as relaxed as ever, "At that time, the most powerful weapons against zombies were bombs and flames, and I was in that incident. In... burnt."

"Burns? Serious?"

"It's not serious, but it's disfigured," Jiang Heng gestured to a range on his face, covering almost half of his face, "Probably this piece is burnt out, it's extremely ugly!"

"… "

Fang Yuan fell silent.

Jiang Heng said this, but his tone became light, as if he was afraid of Fang Yuan's worries, "It's really scary! I mean, when I woke up in the hospital and looked in the mirror, I surprised myself! When I faced the zombies, I was not frightened, and I almost died of ugliness by myself.

After making these two jokes, Jiang Heng continued to eat a big mouthful of hamburgers, squinting his eyes and sighing, "Hey, it's a pity that my handsome and charming face is gone from now on."

"Is this the point?" Fang Yuan finally couldn't help but complain.

Jiang Heng winked at him, "That's it, who made my teammates unattractive?"

Fang Yuan lowered his head and ate fried eggs, instead of chatting as before, because he was distracted, he almost sprinkled sugar as salt.

He remembered where he had seen Jiang Heng.

Before his rebirth, the Jiang Heng he had seen was disfigured, so he always felt that Jiang Heng was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.


The encounter at that time was that when he was desperate, Jiang Heng found him and gave him a helping hand.

Fang Yuan was penniless, and the food and water he brought with him were not enough. He encountered robbers and was robbed of most of them. When he was about to starve to death, he encountered Jiang Heng's team.

He has no abilities, no supplies, no intelligence, and with a sprained ankle, the team didn't want to accept a new member like him, no, it's a burden to be precise.

It was Jiang Heng who suddenly stood up and bailed him out and let him stay.

"Didn't he want to go to City E? We happened to be passing there, so let's take him along the way. When we get to City E, we will separate from him."

Fang Yuan didn't know where he was at the time, or how far the road was, but when he saw Jiang Heng appear, he realized that he was saved.

He didn't know Jiang Heng's name, and he didn't know that he was also a superhuman. Even after getting help, he didn't dare to talk to him, for fear of being mistaken for someone who was greedy and wanted more benefits.

At that time, Jiang Heng, because of his disfigurement, wore a mask, looked ferocious, and had blood on his body. In Fang Yuan's mind, he left a tall, calm, and cold hero image.

As for the Jiang Heng in front of him... Although he is also a great hero.

Fang Yuan really couldn't associate him with the taciturn masked man in his memory.

"Fang Yuan?" Jiang Heng said, and finally found that the big landlord was distracted, raised his hand and shook it in front of his eyes, "What's wrong?"

"...Nothing." Fang Yuan glanced at him and decided not to tell the truth first.

Jiang Heng didn't think of it anyway, so he pretended to be stupid for a few days.

Fang Yuan looked at him and asked tentatively, "Then do you feel better today?"

"which aspect?"

"Your… PTSD? Found the crux?"

He still remembered that Jiang Heng said at the beginning that because of the doomsday, his mental state was not good, and he needed to live in his fortress in order to feel safe.

Jiang Heng also said that if he remembered everything, he might be able to trace the source and make the symptoms healed.

Now that the disfigurement has been remembered, Fang Yuan hopes that this is Jiang Heng's worst experience.

"This..." Jiang Heng thought seriously, and shook his head after a few seconds, "I don't feel anything special. Although burns and disfigurement are terrible, I felt that I was cool at that time, not to the point of leaving a shadow. "

Then you are awesome.

Fang Yuan sighed.

However, thinking about it carefully, the masked man Jiang Heng in his impression does not look like he has any worries. Although he looks calm and tall, he feels more reliable and gentle.

It's really strange. At that time, Jiang Heng was obviously unsmiling and kept his face straight all day long, but he felt very kind. On the way to E City, he hid in the dark and peeked many times.

He once thought that Jiang Heng was an uncle many years older than himself, and he had beautiful fantasies and longings for him. After parting, he dreamed of that mask several times...

No, this kind of thing, this kind of thinking, must not let the current Jiang Heng know.

Fang Yuan silently lowered her head to drink soy milk, and once again strengthened her belief in keeping secrets to the end, burying the secrets in the deepest depths.

"Hey, why is your face a little red? Have you caught a cold?"

"No, it's hot." Summer has come, Fang Yuan found the most appropriate excuse, got up and walked to the refrigerator as if nothing had happened, with a very calm expression, took out two cans of iced Coke, threw it to Jiang Heng, and the other can of ice on their cheeks.

Fang Yuan looked at the refrigerator for two more seconds, and suddenly felt that the refrigerator was still full after drinking a lot of drinks in the past few days.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for this question to appear, and the case was solved at night.

With a click, Fang Yuan stood by the wall, turned on the ceiling light in the living room, and squinted at the person in front of the refrigerator,

"what are you doing?"

Jiang Heng held two cans of Coke in his hand, his face innocent, "Restocking... You haven't slept yet?"

"Restocking??" Fang Yuan was shocked and puzzled, "Is this from the warehouse, or did you buy it new? So you have been—"

"Yes, I bought it new from the canteen," Jiang Heng put the last can of Coke in, put it in the last row, filled the refrigerator smoothly, and smiled calmly, "Don't you think this looks very satisfying?"

"..." Fang Yuan helped his forehead helplessly.

I don't think so, you hoarding obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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