I’ve Come Back After Being Reborn

Chapter 6


That night, Fang Yuan also had a dream.

His dream is different from Jiang Heng, there is no ups and downs plot, no sound, no one, just a quiet and cold picture.

Fang Yuan in the dream gradually produced a sense of familiarity - he had had this dream many times.

is dreaming.

Fang Yuan felt that this should be regarded as a lucid dream, but even if he realized this, he still couldn't control the dream.

I can only sit here, feel the cold, and wait for the time to pass.

That was the cave where he was trapped to death before he was reborn.

On the top of the cave, there is actually a small opening. People can't climb up or get out, but the air is well-ventilated. From this small opening, Fang Yuan can tell whether it is day or night.

Fang Yuan quietly looked at the place where the light came in. After watching for a while, he heard birdsong, and a sparrow flew over and stayed at the small hole.

Because of the back light, only a black silhouette can be seen, but it is lively and very cute.

This was the first time he saw birds in this fixed dream.

If only I had seen it back then, that would be great.

Fang Yuan was awakened by the sound of birds chirping on the windowsill.

Although there are iron nets and power grids on the outer wall, he has not been powered on recently. Fortunately, there is no power supply, so the flock of birds has not been killed.

He touched the head of the bed, unscrewed the lid of the cup, poured a large glass of boiled water, and then slowly got up.

Washed up, went downstairs, Jiang Heng prepared breakfast, it was sunny outside the window, mosquitoes began to appear in summer, Jiang Heng hit two with electric mosquito swatters, yo-dada washed his hands and sat down, took a few bites, and started again Speaking of the memories recovered last night, after speaking, discuss with him whether to go to the tea stall today or try setting up a stall to perform magic.

Such a day seems to be very ordinary, the same as yesterday's, and similar to the day before yesterday.

Jiang Heng stopped talking and looked at Fang Yuan, who was still in a daze.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Now." Fang Yuan came back to his senses and looked at Jiang Heng across the table, "There is still the past."

Jiang Heng lowered his head and cut the sausage. The sausage was cut in half and curled like an octopus, "Oh?"

"I used to think that I hated the cookie-cutter routine," Fang Yuan picked up a spoon and poured sauce on the egg-shaped boiled egg, "Every day, every day is the same, eating the same, sleeping the same, doing the same thing, See the head at a glance."

Jiang Heng blinked, "Like now?"

Fang Yuan smiled and shook his head, "It's fine now."

It's the same day-to-day life, getting up early, eating, chatting, killing time, sleeping, is obviously what he hated the most.

Day after day to go to work, to work, to wait for pay, to flee day to day, to find food and water, to wait for death, and for hope.

But he didn't feel bored now.

It's an amazing thing.

Maybe it's because of Jiang Heng.

Because Jiang Heng would suddenly talk about an unknown gift, and Fang Yuan knew that it was secretly sent by himself, he could choose to tell the truth, or he could choose to keep it secret.

Because, Jiang Heng will be whispering in his ear day by day, after the end of the world, the living space of human beings is so small and there are so few people, why have I not met you yet

Because Jiang Heng's temperament changed subtly as he woke up again and again, becoming more calm, but not as taciturn and cold as Fang Yuan remembered, as if in front of him, he didn't need to maintain any image.

Fang Yuan listened to him and secretly counted the time, guessing how long it would take him to find out that the person he left behind that day was himself, or he would never remember it.

Guess how long it will take him to realize that Fang Yuan sitting in front of his eyes is not the same as the ants who have no dignity in the apocalypse.

If Jiang Heng can't recognize himself all the time, should he take the initiative to remind him and tell the truth

Will Jiang Heng be disappointed

"Square edge."

Jiang Heng suddenly frowned and called him seriously.

On a sunny afternoon, the clouds in the sky blocked the sun from time to time. When Fang Yuan heard this, a thick cloud just drifted away, and the surrounding sunlight suddenly brightened.

They were sitting at the tea stall, and the boss finally succeeded in selling edamame to them, and the edamame skins on the table were piled up in hills.

Fang Yuan crossed such a hill and looked at Jiang Heng in response,

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Heng raised his hand and pointed to a new store that was delivering goods. Some workers were carrying things into the store. It seemed that it was going to open in a few days.

"Look, it's a piano dealer."

piano dealer.

Fang Yuan looked up immediately, and sure enough, in the gap between the boxes being carried, he saw a familiar brand, and behind the glass window of the shop, there was a very conspicuous piano.

He was a little stunned, couldn't help but be silent for a while, and looked at it for a while.

"When this store opens, let's go have a look together." Jiang Heng suddenly suggested beside him.

"Why?" Fang Yuan asked subconsciously, "I remember..."

I remember you can't play an instrument.

Although, it was something I knew before I was reborn.

"How do I say it, I want to see it a little bit." Jiang Heng sighed, "My mind is full of the things of the apocalypse. Just play music."

"That's it."

Fang Yuan withdrew his gaze and didn't look any further, but Jiang Heng opened the conversation again.

Since the reminiscences on the dining table were responded to, Jiang Heng's chat was not limited to the dining table. No matter where it was, no matter where it was in the morning, no matter where it was, Jiang Heng could talk about two things from the apocalypse anytime, anywhere.

"Speaking of which, I remembered a clip these days," Jiang Heng said while nibbling on the melon seeds while sipping hot tea, "I can't remember when that clip appeared solitary."

"What kind of segment?"

"A fragment in the ruins." There are ruins everywhere in the apocalypse. This kind of beginning is nothing new. After Jiang Heng was dissatisfied, he added a detailed description.

"Unlike the others, there were people living in that place before I found it, and it was obvious that the person had just left not long ago."

Fang Yuan picked up the spoon, stirred the sweet beancurd in the mixing bowl, and put on a listening posture, "Are you sure it's a human?"

Not zombies

"Yes, because he made a fire there, and when I arrived, the sparks were not completely extinguished."

"fire… "

Yes, Fang Yuan remembered that most of the elementary zombies were naturally afraid of fire.

Maybe it's because their bodies are rotting, and those zombies have a lot of corpse oil hanging on them. Once they get on fire, it's hard to put out cleanup, and it's over until the brain tissue is burned.

He also used a fire to protect himself in a desperate situation and blocked the approach of zombies.

He used the last and most beloved thing he had left as fuel.

Jiang Heng was still looking at the other side of the street, as if he was not looking at any shops, but the ruins of that day.

"I found charred strings in the fire."

Fang Yuan's hand holding the spoon trembled, and with a ding, he dropped the spoon back into the bowl, and the porcelain collided with a crisp sound.

"The strings are not flammable. Out of curiosity... I scratched it twice and vaguely recognized that those should not be firewood, but the body of a piano."

Jiang Heng said softly, as if feeling sorry for the person he had never met, "It's a pity, I don't know anything about musical instruments, and I can't even tell what kind of stringed instrument it is."

"Life is not guaranteed, what's the use of keeping the piano." Fang Yuan whispered, if it wasn't for the word "qin", Jiang Heng almost thought he was talking to himself.

"The truth is this... But think about it, nothing has happened now. The owner of the piano should be like the person in the shop at this time, carefully cleaning and maintaining the body of the piano, and reluctant to bump it."

Jiang Heng shook his head, like regret, but also fortunate, "I want to see those pianos intact, Fang Yuan, let's go together another day."

Fang Yuan did not speak.

For a long time, when Jiang Heng thought that he would not continue the topic and considered going to see it himself, Fang Yuan suddenly spoke again.

"If you want to see..."


"I have one, too." Fang Yuan lowered his eyes, a little confused, "I can show you when I go back tonight."

"What?" Jiang Heng's eyes widened in surprise, "You also have a qin? What kind of qin? Why have I never seen you play it? Do you know musical instruments?"

Fang Yuan raised his eyelids, glanced at him, and saw Jiang Heng subconsciously pull his upper body back, leaning back on the back of the chair, as if he was afraid of being rejected.


Apart from this, he didn't answer Jiang Heng's other questions.

In fact, if Jiang Heng hadn't suddenly mentioned it today, he wouldn't have remembered that he still has a piano, hidden in a sturdy and clean case, and he originally planned to never open it again in this life.

The piano was named Cedric by him, and it was engraved on the inside of the piano body with a line of English letters in swash.

The violin is purely handmade, made by a very good luthier in China, and the counterfeiting is also high. Such violins often have unique and special timbres that are difficult to copy.

This one is more hoarse, low, and has a steady resonance. When Fang Yuan played it for the first time, he thought of the sincere, upright, but unfortunate young man in the movie. Everything came to an abrupt end. character, so he named Jean Cedric.

In the closed warehouse, only the cold white light was shining overhead, illuminating this small area. Fang Yuan did not let Jiang Heng in, and moved the box alone for a long time before digging out the piano box in the corner.

He thought he had forgotten it long ago, but now that he was trying to find it, he easily remembered where it was placed.

For a long time, Fang Yuan couldn't face it and didn't even want to see it.

Just like now, when he opened the piano case, his fingers would tremble uncontrollably, and his heart beat so fast that it seemed unbearable.

He recited the name of the piano silently, and touched the body of the piano with his thin calloused fingertips. What was reflected in front of him was that in the end of the day, he broke it into pieces with his hands in despair and collapse, and then set it on fire. That scene.

"forgive me… "

Fang Yuan knelt down in front of the violin and burst into tears just like that day.

When he was starving, when he was almost bitten by a zombie, when he broke a bone, when he was abandoned by the team, when he was displaced and dying, he never cried.

That day he stood alone at the door of the ruins, the only door was damaged, and only by burning Cedric, he could live another night, he cried so much that his whole body cramped and retched uncontrollably.

It was like he didn't really realize until this moment that the end would take everything away.

Since that day, something has been burned to ashes with Cedric. Even if he is reborn, even if the doomsday does not come, Fang Yuan has never thought about taking this piano out and taking a look.

"Fang Yuan? Haven't you found it yet?"

Outside the door, Jiang Heng knocked on the warehouse door and couldn't help calling him, "If you really can't find it... Come out first, I'm not that curious. I made watermelon ice, come out to eat?"

With a crunch, the warehouse door opened, Fang Yuan lowered his head, holding a black piano case in his hand, and suddenly stood in front of Jiang Heng,

"It's okay, I found it."

"Ah, just find it..."

"Yeah," Fang Yuan cleared his throat, and his voice returned to normal, "I thought I lost it, and after looking for it for a long time, I almost gave up... Fortunately, I found it back."

Jiang Heng raised his hand, hesitated for a moment, tentatively placed it on the top of Fang Yuan's hair, and touched it twice, "Even if it is really lost, I'm still here, the two of you will find it together, there will be no problem."

"Really?" Fang Yuan suddenly raised his head, and the corners of his mouth curved to tease him, "Well, the ice powder I put in the refrigerator a few days ago disappeared. Do you know who it was in?"

"..." Jiang Heng covered his face with one hand with a guilty conscience, "Yes, I stole it in the middle of the night, I thought this was also in stock, and I could top it up immediately after eating..."

Unexpectedly, they are all made fresh, and he doesn't know how to make sweets...

The author has something to say: Hahaha because I am generating electricity for love, so the update is a bit unstable. Basically, I think about the content I am satisfied with before continuing to write, but I will not make a fool of myself~ I have already thought about the ending, I will HE~ Thank you at From 2020-05-13 18:09:52 to 2020-05-17 23:12:38, the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Nianqi 5 bottles; swindler, 38650994 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!