I’ve Come Back After Being Reborn

Chapter 9


Fang Yuan always thought that when Jiang Heng remembered everything, he would be able to hear Jiang Heng's story on that sunny dining table.

Whether it's really disappointment, anger, or not caring, or some other reaction or emotion, he can at least have a morning to digest it slowly.

The reality is that at three o'clock in the morning, the door was knocked on the spot by Jiang Heng.

Fang Yuan was already shallow, and even the slightest movement could make him wake up for a short time. Without opening his eyes, he swayed to open the door, and in the other hand he was still holding the electric stun stick that he subconsciously grasped.

If he hadn't seen who the person who rushed over was not clear in time, Fang Yuan would have been served by an electric shock.

"Jiang Heng...?"

The door only opened a little, and Jiang Heng rushed in and slammed him directly into the cabinet door. Fang Yuan yawned one after another, and opened Jiang Heng's arm, "Are you sleepwalking?"

I heard that waking up a sleepwalker seems to be easy to become a fool. Shouldn't he speak

Fang Yuan took out his mobile phone and just typed in the word "sleepwalking" when he heard Jiang Heng call his name.

As soon as he looked up, Jiang Heng's eyes were bloodshot, and the red ones were a bit scary in the dark, staring at him without blinking.

"Square edge..."

Fang Yuan's stun stick was raised again.

"Fang Yuan, where have you been?"

Fang Yuan's head was full of question marks, "Where did I go?"

"Where did you go later?" Jiang Heng was pulled away by him, and he grabbed his arm tightly with both hands, wishing to talk face to face, "Where did you go after leaving the tower?"

"Tower? You mean... "

Fang Yuan was in a trance for a moment, and a certain dark and dilapidated, but towering building appeared in his mind.

In the apocalypse, people call it a tower. It was built in the third year after the end of the world. It records the living conditions of most people. Countless people risk their lives to walk there just to ask if their relatives are still alive. .

Here, Fang Yuan knew for the first time how to get powers.

It was also in this place that he and Jiang Heng reunited for the first time after they parted ways in City E, and then parted ways after a quarrel.

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan's face turned pale.

"Tell me, where did you run to? I searched for you for a long time, but I couldn't find it."

Jiang Heng looked at him and asked tirelessly and over and over again. It seemed that he couldn't get an answer, so he didn't plan to continue sleeping tonight.

"I didn't go anywhere, I just left."

After a long time, Fang Yuan found his voice again,

"I walked all the way to D for two years."


Seeing him getting closer and closer, Fang Yuan couldn't help but hide to the side, clearing her throat, "Really, I don't do stupid things anymore, and I don't get infected, my mind is clear, and I can do math problems."

Jiang Heng let him go temporarily.

His tense body slowly relaxed, his eyelids drooped down, and his body leaned forward, as if leaning on the solid wardrobe door, as if leaning on Fang Yuan, hunched slightly, and put that point on him. The insignificant height difference was leveled.

Fang Yuan pushed him, and he muttered, "Then why can't I find you? When can I find you?"

He didn't know either.

Because that was the last time they met, if Fang Yuan knew that the two would never have another chance to talk again, they would definitely not quarrel so badly at that time and leave without saying goodbye.

He didn't answer Jiang Heng's question, just raised his hand, gently followed Jiang Heng's back, and whispered, "Am I right in front of you?"

Jiang Heng yawned, as if his mind was turning, he raised his head, took a step back, stood firm, and gave him a deep look,

"you're right."

Fang Yuan pushed his arm, "It's still early, go to sleep, maybe it will be fine?"

Jiang Heng was in a daze, and he took two steps along the way he was pushed. Suddenly, he turned around in a circle and came back, "No, why do I feel like I'm going to have a nightmare."

"... When have you had nightmares these days?"

Jiang Heng looked at him eagerly, "What if I have a nightmare at this time and can't tell whether it's a dream or a real memory?"

"… "

"At that time, I always slept with my teammates in Datongpu, I had a special sense of security. Every time I dreamed that someone was bitten to death by a zombie, I would get up to check the teammate's breathing, and then continue to sleep, I would be able to sleep. Very solid."

"… "

Ten minutes later, there was an extra box spring next to Fang Yuan's single bed, Jiang Heng lay down unceremoniously, turned sideways, and faced Fang Yuan, "Good night."

Fang Yuan sighed helplessly: "Good night..."

What else can I do? People are woken up in the middle of the night by themselves, and if they round it up, they are awakened by their past self.

Occasionally make do with a room, it should be no problem.

Jiang Heng is also very powerful. I don't know when such a box spring bed was hidden in the space, even with pillows and mattresses.

And it is very regular. Although the two beds are side by side, there is a gap of one meter in the middle.

Fang Yuan thought that he would not be able to fall asleep. After all, there were more people in the room. In the past, he could only sleep in the next, light sleep at most, and he couldn't tell whether he fell asleep or not.

But this time, he fell asleep quickly after lying down.

The most recent dream was the same as before. Fang Yuan didn't dream in the first half of the night, and when he fell asleep again, he returned to the icy cave.

This time, he finally managed to climb to that height, raised his head, and looked out of the cave.

What catches the eye is the city full of traffic, full of voices.

"here is… "

Fang Yuan was confused and stunned for a long time before slowly realizing that the scene outside was not the end of the world, but an ordinary urban night scene.

He climbed for too long, and when he looked out, it was already late, it was the evening rush hour after get off work, and the streets were full of people in a hurry, slow-moving traffic, and some small street vendors with lights on. , took the opportunity to sell snacks, cheap clothes and trousers.

How did that happen

He has been sleepy here for so long, cold and hungry and thirsty, waiting and waiting day after day...

He has been waiting for it all the time, why are there so many people outside, but no one found him

Why hasn't anyone told him that the end is over

Fang Yuan was suddenly very sad and aggrieved. He shouted loudly outside, but his voice was drowned in the noise of the city, and no one cared.


The merchant's shouts muffled his cry.

"anyone there-"

The honking of the car honked his inquiry.

"I'm here, help me—"

The sound of public music drowned out his cry for help.


"Let me out, anyone—?"

He became more and more anxious, and didn't understand why he had been shouting for so long, why no one cast a glance here, and why no one noticed him.

Mingming is so close to the outside world, the normal, peaceful society where food and water are everywhere, so he stretched out his hand, and if his arms were a little longer, he would be able to touch the street lights over there.

But still no one found him, no one heard his faint cry.

It was as if the whole world had returned to normal, and only he, alone, was left in the coldest and darkest apocalypse and would never turn over.

When Fang Yuan opened his eyes, a familiar face was close by, staring at him with worry.

It is Jiang Heng.

How could he be here

Fang Yuan took a deep breath and subconsciously became nervous.

Being seen, will drag...

"Why are you here?"

"woke up?"

Fang Yuan couldn't react for a while, so he sat up and saw that he was in his room.

"You agreed last night."

Fang Yuan looked at his bed, a box-spring bed that could only sleep one person, and his own bed, then pointed to the gap of only one millimeter in the middle, raised his head and asked, "What about this?"

"Cough cough..." Jiang Heng got out of bed silently and pulled the bed away again, "Then what, are you hungry? What do you want to eat in the morning?"

Fang Yuan watched him for a while, and finally decided not to care, "Don't do it, I'll go out and buy some, you didn't sleep last night."

"No, I slept well afterwards." Jiang Heng pointed to his eyes, "Look, there are no dark circles under the eyes, and your complexion is very good. It's you, who doesn't look very good."

"Is there?"

Whether it was today or at the beginning, Fang Yuan still didn't have the eyesight, and could not see the difference between Jiang Heng's dark circles or not.

"Yes, your lips are all white," Jiang Heng raised his hand, as if he wanted to touch him subconsciously, his IQ came back halfway, he withdrew his hand again, and laughed dryly, "If you want to eat, I'll go buy it, put the thought Tell me what you want."

"...Well," Fang Yuan thought for a while, then shook his head, "I'll go with you."

Jiang Heng changed back to that somewhat chatty and annoying look.

The one-month deadline was approaching, but he seemed to have forgotten about it, and Fang Yuan pretended to be stupid without mentioning it.

Walking to have breakfast together, I feel pretty good, the sun is very good in the morning, the morning market is still open, and there are more people on the street than in the afternoon.

Fang Yuan picked a breakfast shop, sat down and ordered some local specialties with Jiang Heng.

"I... didn't talk in my sleep last night, did I?"

The breakfast served quickly, Fang Yuan took a bite and remembered what happened last night.

He really didn't know how he was sleeping.

"No." Jiang Heng said without pretense, "It just doesn't look stable. It's me... I have to stay with you without snoring, right?"


The freshly squeezed hot soy milk seems to be mixed with various beans, and it tastes very thick. It stands to reason that Fang Yuan prefers this kind of food, but this time he took two sips and put it down.

I tried the pancakes again, and they tasted good. They were moderately salty. They didn't put on all kinds of flashy tricks like Jiang Heng usually did, and put all kinds of strange sauces in them every day.

Fang Yuan tasted one by one, and suddenly became full.

Also, I miss Jiang Heng's craftsmanship.

He raised his head and looked thoughtfully at the person at the table, just in time to meet Jiang Heng's gaze.

No, let's not talk about it, I'm suddenly used to the food made by the other party, it sounds too...

"Fang Yuan, all the things I remembered later were so boring." Jiang Heng complained suddenly, "It's nothing interesting, I just get food and fight zombies every day, and then I just ask where you went."

Fang Yuan wiped his mouth and suddenly wondered if there was some strange switch in this person's head, the function was to start talking when he met someone's eyes.

"So, tell me about you too, okay?"

"What?" Fang Yuan looked back with a smile, thinking that Jiang Heng was so cute that he wanted to coax him.

Jiang Heng touched his neck, hesitated, and said tentatively, "For example... Did anyone tell you later that I was looking for you?"

At that time, people's communication was very problematic. Basically, in addition to official information, it was easier to receive some information from people to people.

"Um..." Fang Yuan couldn't remember, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that he did, but he was very wary at the time and didn't believe anyone's words.

It turned out to be true, if only then it would be good to hear it.

He nodded, "Yes."