I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before

Chapter 105: revenge


Teacher Li was the teacher who taught Ningning makeup and dressing skills when she wore a fungus last time.

In the process of getting along, Ning Ning knew her real occupation, not a makeup artist, but a special effect makeup artist. Rather than turning a 60-point woman into an 80-point woman, he is more keen to turn young people into old people, men into women, and people into zombies...

In his spare time, Ningning learned a special effect makeup look from him.

There is God's will in the dark, the makeup that I learned purely out of curiosity, actually comes in handy today.

The car was parked in front of the hospital.

Maybe it's because of the snowy days, more people with cold Stand by the door, watching everyone who comes in.

"Don't move, don't move." Ning Ning turned the lipstick in her hand, "One last point."

The car door opened, Wen Yu got down first, and walked into the hospital with Yu Sheng in his arms.

Papaya was about to follow, when someone pulled his clothes from behind, Ningning shouted angrily behind him, "Are you stupid? What if someone finds out? Sit back quickly!"

On the opposite side, Wen Yu had already walked up the stairs in three steps and two steps, and was about to enter the gate, when one of the two had quickly leaned over and looked at the person in his arms—the sallow sallow face, and there was a huge giant above his lips. A black mole, a hair grows on the mole, no matter how you look at it, he is a small man with a wretched face. He was found peeking at the women's bathroom, and then his head was broken.

One more look made his eyes irritated, Pei Xuan's subordinates immediately looked away, and then looked at the next person who came in.

Inside the car, Papaya and Ningning looked at each other.

On the car window, the papaya looks like it is now - fair skin, deep eye sockets, bright red lipstick, just like a coquettish bitch. Papaya suddenly reached out and pinched Ningning's face, and said angrily, "Since you don't need me to get out of the car, why did you make me look like this?"

"Let go, let go!" Ning Ning said inarticulately.

She only learned one special effect makeup from Teacher Li - old man makeup. This makeup was used on Yu Sheng, the effect was outstanding, and she was successfully infiltrated into the hospital. As for Yu Sheng, she originally thought that according to the plot of the TV series, she would put on any makeup on him, and from a man to a woman, he could confuse the eyes of most people. .

It turned out that she was too naive.

It's fine without makeup. After wearing makeup, this guy actually looks like his sister at least eight times. How can he get away with it? I'm afraid that people can recognize it by taking a face-to-face from a distance!

In order to quell Papaya's anger, Ning Ning took out the eldest brother left by Wen Yu and the note left by Yu Sheng, and said, "They have their business to do, we have ours to do, listen to me... "

Ten minutes later, in a club.

Before it was night, the second young master of the Lian family was drunk, hugged the woman in his arms, and scolded: "If you are immortal, you know that you are partial to others. Damn Pei Xuan, you are messing with me with my daughter. Bitchy woman, If I had known this earlier, I would have shot you at the wall..."

The big brother on his waist suddenly rang. He picked up the big brother and put it in his ear: "Hello?"

"Second Young Master." A boy's voice said across from him, "The current Miss Lian Lian from the Lian family is fake."

Lian Er Shao suddenly woke up and asked, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am." The other party said, "What matters is that I know where Miss Lian Lian is now."

"Where?" Lian Ershao asked hurriedly, and then said suspiciously, "How do I know if you are lying to me?"

"I can tell you the location now." The other party quoted a hospital name, "Is it true, you can see it with your own eyes."

"Okay, I'll go take a look." After hanging up the phone, Lian Er Shao didn't get up from the sofa, a joke, a dignified second generation, because a stranger's phone call is messed up, right? He called one of his younger brothers and said, "Xiao Li, I remember your wife is a nurse in the affiliated hospital? Let her ask me if there is a patient named Lian Lian in the general surgery department today, okay, okay. , I'll wait for your call."

Hanging up the phone, he continued to have fun with the girl in his arms.

Cursing and cursing, the phone rang again.

He answered the phone impatiently: "Hey, Xiao Li... what? There really is a patient named Lian Lian? What? You looked over there, it's my daughter?"

Er Shao was in a mess, first pushed the woman in his arms off the sofa, then jumped off the sofa himself, and accidentally landed on the woman's lap. With a click, the woman screamed like a pig, and the security outside rushed over. After coming in, the second young master gave the woman a large amount of medical bills to get out. As soon as he got out of the door of the club, he got into the car and urged the driver: "Quick, quick, affiliated hospital!"

The car was parked at the entrance of the affiliated hospital, and as soon as he got out of the car, the phone rang.

"What are you going to do next?" It was the voice of the young man, "Take the person back and expose the impostor at home in person?"

The second young master couldn't help but stop and looked around, his eyes lingering on everyone who was on the phone, the big boss with the belly of the general, the old man with a worried face, the young girl... Some of them were walking slowly in the snow. , Some sat in warm cars, but none of them were teenagers.

"Of course I'm going to bring people back. That fake at home has a good drink." Second Young Master asked, "Where are you, can you come out for an interview?"

The other side was silent for a moment, and said, "You don't plan to let Pei Xuan have a good drink?"

Er Shao was taken aback and said with a smile, "You know a lot. Of course, I want Pei Xuan to look better than that little pawn!"

After all, the cheap daughter didn't know him very well, but Pei Xuan and him were old friends. Being stabbed in the back by an old friend was more painful than ten cheap daughters stabbing him.

"But in fact, you can't make him look good." The boy said, "You know in your heart that even the old man believes in him and what outsiders say more than you."

The corner of Er Shao's eyes twitched, and he wanted to refute him, but he couldn't say anything to refute him. In fact, not only the old man, but everyone in the family trusts outsiders more than their own relatives.

"Do you need me to give you some advice?" the boy asked suddenly.

"...you said." Second Young Master said.

"I heard that Mr. Lian is entertaining his favorite heirs for dinner. It won't take long for a meal to be eaten. In two hours at most, they and the fake will come out." The boy said, "Pei Xuanshen doesn't know. You unknowingly replaced your real daughter, why don't you take this opportunity and unknowingly replace her?"

Second Young Master's eyes lit up.

"I don't need to tell you the benefits in exchange, right?" the young man laughed. "You know, the person that Mr. Lian likes the most now is her. You can ask her to help you say a lot of good things in front of Mr. Lian."

"I don't need her to say good things to me at the old man." Er Shao laughed, "I just need her to say bad things about Pei Xuan at the old man's place."

After watching Er Shao walk into the hospital door, Papaya put down her eldest brother and turned to ask Ningning, "Why did you ask him to come? Let's go over by ourselves, can't we just run after picking up my sister?"

"It's not us who did the wrong thing, why are we running?" Ning Ning said, and then looked at the snow falling outside the car window. The snow was so white, like a jade mask covering his face, she murmured, "Pei Xuan is everyone's enemy, this is everyone's revenge, one person is one knife, and no one will fall."

In the hospital, Er Shao walked past the door of a ward. It was noisy and noisy, but it did not attract his attention. He was busy with his own revenge, and another revenge was being staged in the ward.

"Why are you here?" Xu Rong looked at the man in front of her in horror.

It was a tall but sullen man who yelled at the patient and nurse beside him: "This is my wife, I'm looking for my wife, what's your business?"

She turned her head and smiled at Xu Rong: "Of course your boss informed me that you were ill and needed someone to take care of you. Wouldn't I just come?"

Xu Rong's face was pale, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Men had come to her before, not for anything else, but for the wages she had worked so hard to save. But he couldn't enter the community where Ning Yuren lived, and when he came in, Ning Yuren would not let her open the door for him, and even if he made too much noise, Ning Yuren would categorically call the police.

This man is a typical squatter, he is a good wife beating man at home, and he is a coward in the face of the police.

"You're lying." Xu Rong felt dry and her voice hoarse, "How could the jade man let you take care of me? She, it's not that she doesn't know you..."

Xu Rong's words stopped abruptly, and the words Ning Yuren said suddenly flashed through her mind.

"I won't let you die, and I won't hand you over to the police. You need to get well soon and accept the gift I've prepared for you."

The sweat kept flowing, Xu Rong's face became whiter and whiter, and she couldn't help but start to tremble, but the man had already leaned in front of her with a disgusting smile: "I think you're almost better, hurry up and leave the hospital. Well, don't waste money in it, I asked, how much does it cost to live a day."

"...I don't have any money." Xu Rong stammered, "It's the Jade Man. The Jade Man gave me the money in advance."

The man pursed his mouth: "Then you quickly call her and tell her not to give the money to the hospital, just give it to me!"

Xu Rong's tears almost fell. When the money was in his hands, it would be exchanged for cigarettes and alcohol. He wouldn't even be able to exchange rice. Where would it be used to treat her

At this time, a mean-looking old woman came in outside, holding a crying little girl in her arms, and shouted to the man: "The discharge procedures have been completed, why are you still dawdling here?"

"Mom!" the little girl in her arms cried to Xu Rong, "I won't go back, I won't go back to the countryside!"

"Xiaoyu!" Xu Rong fell directly from the bed, stumbled to her daughter, took her into her arms, tears finally fell, "Mom, I finally sent Xiaoyu to the provincial kindergarten, you Why are you sending her back to the country?"

"I asked, that kindergarten is too expensive, more expensive than going to primary school in our country." The old woman snorted, "We are not rich, what are we doing in such a good kindergarten? Besides, she is a girl, a girl. Children don't need to read, they can write their own names..."

"Mom!" Xu Rong screamed, "Xiaoyu is different from us! Xiaoyu is already on TV! She will become a big star, like Ning Yuren!"

The old woman was startled by her screams, and she came back to her senses. Just like in her hometown, she slapped her hard and scolded: "There are so many crazy words, you think everyone is Ning Yuren? It's still a big star. , she's a big star, why don't you see her giving me money?"

The mother and daughter cried and were dragged out of the hospital by the man and the old woman.

What will the future hold for the two of them

Maybe it's back to what it was before.

At night, Ning Yuren returned to the empty house. When he entered the door, he heard the phone ringing.

She slowly took off her high heels, walked to the phone, and answered the phone: "Hello?"

"Yu Ren!" Xu Rong cried on the opposite side, looking like she was broken, "Yu Ren, I was wrong! What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do, you are willing to let me go... No, let go of Xiaoyu?"

"What are you talking about?" Ning Yuren said softly, "Why don't you let it go?"

"It doesn't matter what happens to me, if you want me to die, I'll jump down from this upstairs immediately, but Xiaoyu..." Xu Rong choked, "Xiaoyu has such a good potential, such a smart child, and she likes acting so much, don't you think? Does she look like you when you were a child? Please, keep her, for the sake of our friendship for so many years, and for the sake of me being a mother..."

"Xu Rong." Ning Yuren interrupted her and said lightly, "You are a mother, and I am also a mother."

There was no sound on the other side for a long time.

"So you can safely accept the gift I prepared for you." Ning Yuren said softly, "This is the future you deserve."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone, and she ignored it no matter how much the phone rang.

"It's time for me to pick up Ningning," she said to herself. "Before I go, I have to do one more thing."

She went back to her room and opened the locker of the safe. Instead of money and jewelry, there were videotapes, numbered on them, time, month, day. These are her diaries. Whenever she goes to the cinema of life, she will record the stories of her travels when she comes back - in the form of movies.

Taking out a blank videotape with no recorded time, she began to record today's diary.

The camera is on herself, and she smiles at the camera.

"Hello, Ning Yuren." She said, "I am from 2007, and I am you ten years later."