I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before

Chapter 111: Back to the beginning


Who pushed her in from outside

Ning Ning also wanted to go out to have a look, but was held by someone on the shoulder.

"Time is running out, I said, listen." Shi Zhongtang came to her without knowing when, grabbed her shoulders with both hands, and lifted her up from the ground.

"The ticket you just used is called the protagonist ticket. Each masked person has one in his hand with his own head on it." Shi Zhongtang said, "You remember, I took it three times and used it three times. After three times, I will become what it is now.”

He smiled and tapped the jade mask on his face with his fingers, and the tone was bright.

"But I didn't ask for this ticket on my own initiative, it was given to me by someone else." Ning Ning wondered, "Does this count?"

"Then you should really thank her." Shi Zhongtang thought for a while and smiled, "If you didn't have this ticket, you would have evaded the ticket now."

Ning Ning felt a sudden shock and asked, "What is the fate of fare evasion?"

"Rather than caring about this, it's better to care about the current movie." Shi Zhongtang's face became solemn, "Ning Ning, do you know what is the biggest difference between the protagonist's ticket and the other tickets?"

He always had a smile on his face, and it was rare to speak to her in such a serious tone. Knowing that the situation was serious, Ning Ning put aside the fare evasion temporarily and looked at him and said, "What is it?"

"Whether it is a regular ticket or a designated ticket, whether you want to change the fate of the protagonist, you have the initiative, but the protagonist ticket is different, the initiative lies with the person who gave you the ticket, in order to force you to change your destiny, they usually From the beginning of the film, I will give you a restriction." Shi Zhongtang said, "For example, I'm wearing a liar, and the restriction is that I can't cheat money, and I have to make money from regular channels."

"What if you ignore this restriction and insist on cheating money from others?" Ning Ning thought about it and decided to figure out the worst case first.

"If you ignore this restriction..." Shi Zhongtang smiled, "you will go back to the beginning."

back to the beginning

What does this mean

Ning Ning wanted to ask more clearly, but the theme song had already sounded, it was a woman's voice, singing lazily and softly: "There are so many men, everyone loves me, brother or brother, which one do I choose?"

A sense of weightlessness hit, Shi Zhongtang's lips opened and closed in front of her, but Ningning couldn't hear what he was saying, his voice became blurred, his face became blurred, and when his vision became clear again, she Already standing in a studio.

In the evening, the setting sun is like a melting red-hearted egg. The wind blows in from the window, blowing the white curtains, blowing the drawing paper on the frame, and blowing her long hair.

"Restriction." A woman's voice suddenly sounded in her ear, lazily and softly, it was the voice that sang the theme song before, "Play my role completely, can't say what I can't say, can't do what I can't do ."

"What?" Ning Ning was stunned.

What kind of restriction is this

Hasn't she been doing this all the time? Think of the cinema of life as a place to hone your acting skills, try to play every role you wear, don't say things the other party can't say, don't do things the other party can't do.

With a creak, the door behind her was suddenly opened.

Ning Ning turned his head and saw a boy standing at the door, nineteen or twenty, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, with a handsome face, a look of sadness in his eyebrows, and holding a copy of "Disqualification in the World" in his arms. He looks like a college student studying literature.

Why is this face so familiar, isn't it... the screenwriter Li Shanzhu when he was young

"Li Shanzhu?" Ning Ning called out tentatively.

"Sister Ai." He really answered, and came over with the book in his arms, his eyes were a little evasive, and he didn't dare to face her, "Are you here to clean up your brother's paintings too?"

Brother's painting

Ning Ning turned to look at the easel.

A gust of wind just blew, flipping the drawing paper clipped on it, the first, second, third... Several consecutive pictures were of the same person, it was a woman with curly hair, beautiful curly hair, like those of the Aegean Sea Wave, her smile is also very beautiful, like the god of love who smiles at you when the shell is opened.

Ning Ning found that she also knew this face.

At the end of "Dream of the Future", the girl who sent her home with Wen Yu, she was still childish that year, but now she is as mature as a peach in the painting.

What's her name

Thinking of Li Shanzhu's previous little love, Ning Ning guessed that her name was probably the one in the script, Zhang Xinai.

What about the plot? Will it be the same as in the script

Li Shanzhu walked past Ning Ning, and put "Disqualification in the World" in his hand on the table next to him. His slender and white fingers stretched out to the paintings on the easel. When Zhang Zhang, he froze all over, looked back at Ning Ning in a panic, and his face was all red.

On the easel, there is a painting.

For a pure-hearted college student, the content on the painting is too exciting. Zhang Xinai was reclining on the soft sofa by the window, with no strands on her body, only the sun and her long hair. The reddish hickey, like a blown petal, fell on her white and greasy skin.

Studio, Shu Hua, Zhang Xinai, Li Shanzhu.

Does the scene in front of you seem familiar

Exactly a scene from "My Brother's Woman".

At this time, according to the script, Ning Ning should go up to seduce him, but after thinking about it, she gave up.

Having experienced the bad things in "My Angel", Ning Ning found that the script is not credible at all. What is an adaptation based on real events? It means that due to acquired artistic processing, this story is half true and half false, and it will only be a bad thing to play it completely according to the script.

"Aren't you going to speed up?" So Ningning didn't seduce him, she hugged her arms and urged him lightly, "If you keep dawdling, it will be dark."

"...Oh." Li Shanzhu responded in a low voice, not knowing whether it was shy or lost, he continued to clean up the paintings on the easel, and in desperation, there was no weight under his hand, and he tore the painting.

Ning Ning shook his head and was about to go up to help, when he was suddenly stunned.

The torn paintings suddenly returned to their original shape, and Li Shanzhu re-pasted the paintings one by one at a very fast speed.

The door slammed shut.

Ning Ning was the only one left in the studio.

The wind was blowing on her, and she felt cold on her back. What happened

With a creak, the door behind her was suddenly opened.

Ning Ning turned her head and saw Li Shanzhu standing at the door holding "Disqualification in the World".

"Li Shanzhu?" Ning Ning looked at him in shock and suspicion.

"Sister Ai." Li Shanzhu's eyes were a little evasive, and he didn't dare to face her, "Are you here to clean up your brother's paintings too?"

Ning Ning was stunned, what the hell was he doing

Li Shanzhu walked past her, with Disqualification in the World in his hand on the table next to him, his slender and white fingers stretched out to the paintings on the easel, one after another, when they were unloaded to the painting, they were all covered in When he stiffened, he turned to look at Ning Ning, his face all red.

Just now Ning Ning thought he was so silly and cute, but now he just feels creepy.

"Li Shanzhu." She trembled and asked, "What the hell are you doing in and out?"

Li Shanzhu was stunned for a moment, and then the strange scene reappeared. He painted one after another and posted it back to the original place. He walked backwards and passed by Ning Ning. With a bang, the door closed.

Just a few seconds later, with a creak, the door opened again, and he held "Disqualification in the World" again, stood at the door, and looked at her.

After repeating this three or four times, Ning Ning finally understood what Shi Zhongtang meant by "returning to the beginning".

The initiative of the protagonist's ticket is in the hands of the protagonist, not the audience.

The initiative in the film where Ning Ning is located is in Zhang Xinai's hands, not hers.

According to the restrictions given by Zhang Xinai, Ningning can't say what she can't say, can't do what she can't do. The first time Ning Ning was supposed to seduce Li Shanzhu, but she didn't, the second time Ning Ning said something she shouldn't have said, so the movie rewinded and went straight back to the title.

"In other words, if I don't act according to her request..." Ning Ning murmured in her heart, "I will continue to act forever."

With a creak, the door opened, and Li Shanzhu stood at the door holding "Disqualification in the World".

"Li Shanzhu?"

"Sister Ai, are you here to clean up your brother's paintings too?"

Skipping the familiar beginning, Li Shanzhu stood in front of Shu Hua and turned to look at Ning Ning.

This seduction is unavoidable.

Ning Ning slowly showed a sweet smile and stepped forward.

Every step she took, she was thinking: "If I were Zhang Xinai, how would I seduce him? I can't be discovered, I can't make him hate it, and I can't leave any obvious flaws... "

She stood in front of the painting, her smile turning a little sad.

"It's all my pictures," she murmured. "He must love me."

Li Shanzhu was stunned for a while, then nodded his head with a gracious sound.

The wind was blowing on the two of them, and the studio was silent, except for the sound of paper flipping.

"I want to paint." Ning Ning suddenly said, "He has painted me so many portraits, but I have never painted one of him... Shanzhu."

Li Shanzhu didn't expect that she would suddenly call out her name, and she stayed for a while before answering, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Can you do me a favor?" Ning Ning looked at him, raised her hand and brushed her sideburns around her ears.

Li Shanzhu only glanced at her, lowered his head again, and said in a serious and sincere voice, "Anything is fine."

Ningning: "Be my model."

Li Shanzhu raised his eyes with a silly expression: "Huh?"

"You look a lot like your brother." Ning Ning stretched out the hand that had just wrapped her temples, her fingers were slender, and there was a faint scent of shampoo between her fingers. It was rich and gorgeous, and it was the scent of roses. Staring at him deeply, as if looking at him, as if looking at another person through him, and said softly, "He's not here, can you replace him temporarily?"

Literally, let him temporarily replace his brother as her model.

But if one is not careful, it can also be understood as another meaning...

But how could she be so affectionate and nostalgic to her brother, how could she have another meaning? Thinking too much was blasphemy against her, Li Shanzhu's eyelashes trembled violently, and he responded in a low voice: "Okay... When do you need me, when will I come over."

Ning Ning smiled softly, with the same smile as the person in the painting, like a shell opening on the sea, and Venus, the god of love, came to the world.

Li Shanzhu's face turned red little by little, she slowly retracted her hand, took out her mobile phone and said, "Wait a minute, I'll check the time."

She originally wanted to confirm the date, date, and then ask him to come over on the weekend, but after turning on the phone, she suddenly froze.

"What's wrong?" Li Shanzhu was a very slender and sensitive person, and he almost immediately discovered that something was wrong with Ning Ning.

"...It's nothing." Ning Ning immediately looked as usual and smiled, "I just turned on the mute, and found that there were several missed calls... This Wednesday, are you doing anything on the weekend? If not, can we meet here at nine o'clock in the morning on the weekend? ?"

"En." Li Shanzhu replied, then glanced at her, quickly closed his eyes, and said with a blushing face, "Actually, I don't have any classes recently, you can call me anytime."

"Then go back and take a picture of the timetable and send me a copy." Ning Ning smiled and shook the phone in her hand, "Let's make an appointment later."

After the agreement, the two began to clean up the things in the studio. This is the personal studio of Li Shanzhu's brother. He left temporarily and never came back. The things in the studio remained the same as when he left, and the windows were not closed. In case of wind and rain, it will be a mess inside.

After finishing the painting and closing the windows, the two left the studio together.

"Sister Ai, I'll take you back." Li Shanzhu said.

"Okay." Ning Ning didn't refuse, because she didn't know where Zhang Xinai lived now.

Li Shanzhu sent her to the third floor of an apartment building before leaving. There were only four keys, and after trying them one by one, she quickly opened the door.

Three bedrooms and one living room, fully furnished and elegantly decorated, with many famous paintings hanging on the walls, Ning Ning was not interested in identifying the authenticity of these famous paintings, she sat on the sofa and quickly took out her mobile phone.

"I see." She gritted her teeth, "No wonder you gave me such a restriction."

There is a note on the phone.

It seemed that before she crossed over, Zhang Xinai was standing in the studio, jotting things down in the memo.

It says...