I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before

Chapter 115: According to her thousands of miles away


There were footsteps coming from outside, and the flat-headed man hurriedly let go of his hand and kept a distance from Ningning.

"Is the water ready?" Pei Xuan stood at the door.

"Put it away." Ning Ning said to him calmly, as if the person who seduced his younger brother just now was not himself.

Pei Xuan walked past her while taking off his shirt. Although he was over middle-aged, he did not gain weight. Maybe it was because of his healthy work and rest in prison? He even has a few lumpy abs.

Throwing the shirt in his hand on the sink, he turned around and smiled at Ning Ning: "What? You want to watch me take a bath here?"

Ning Ning hurriedly exited, followed by the flat-headed man.

The bathroom door was closed from the inside, the two held their breaths to listen, and the sound of water gradually came from inside.

"Kill him." Ning Ning lowered his voice and said to the flat-headed man.

The flat-headed man was startled by what she said, and hurriedly shook his head and said, "No no no, this can't be done, he is my boss..."

"He knew that the two of us have an affair, do you think he can let you go?" Ning Ning sneered.

"He doesn't know." The flat-headed man's eyes flickered.

Ning Ning smiled slightly, raised her hand slowly, stroked his lips, and then put the finger that had stroked him in front of his eyes - the color of the finger was stained with a bit of lipstick.

The flat-headed man was startled, and touched his lips with his hands in a panic... The lipstick was still a very bright red.

"... You!" The flat-headed man looked at her in shock and anger, "You just did it on purpose?"

"Darling, what do you think he will feel when he sees this?" Ningning nodded her red lips and smiled wickedly, "Now he needs you, so he won't do anything to you, just wait for a while. After the past? What do you think he will do with you, the guy who cuckolds the boss?"

The flat-headed man was silent, he clenched his fists and gasped heavily.

"Of course, I didn't tell you to kill him." Ning Ning slowed down, she didn't really want to kill Pei Xuan, it was almost enough to send him back to prison. The reason why she proposed to kill him at the beginning was for the next bargaining, she touched her bruised neck and asked, "I was pinched like this by you before, and I didn't wake up, how did you do it? of?"

"...I have anesthesia needles here." The flat-headed man replied.

Ning Ning glanced in the direction of the bathroom: "Then what are you waiting for?"

The flat-headed man was indecisive and struggling. I can't see that this guy is so timid. He is obviously taller and stronger than Pei Xuan, but he looks like a deer who is forced to murder a leopard. The deer is extremely afraid.

He can't be given any more time to think. The more people think, the more timid they become.

"Dear, don't you want me?" Ning Ning stroked his chest with one hand, fingers from bottom to top, eyes from bottom to top, full of ambiguity and bewitching, "Don't you want to live in a mansion, open a mansion Che, do you want to be a rich man? That's all Pei Xuan can give you. What he can give you, I can give you, and what he can't give you... "

She put her sexy red lips together and blew a breath of heat into his ear, like melting honey: "I can give it to you too."

Before the wealth, the flat-headed man finally lost his mind.

He clenched the anesthesia needle in his pocket, walked towards the bathroom, halfway there, he paused, and looked back at Ning Ning, as if he wanted to see if she was still there.

Of course Ning Ning was still there, she waved at him, then lightly pressed two fingers to her lips and blew a kiss at him.

This blowing kiss gave the flat-headed man courage, he took a deep breath, finally pushed open the door in front of him, and walked into the bathroom.

The situation is exactly the opposite.

The roles of Ning Ning and Pei Xuan are just reversed.

Last time, Ning Ning tried his best to escape from the man with the flat head. Now it's Pei Xuan's turn. How can he escape from the man with the flat head


It was not Pei Xuan who screamed, but a flat-headed man.

There was not only a pool of water but also a bar of soap on the ground when he entered the door. The soap bubbles were about to melt in the water, and the water surface was full of foam, and he was too anxious to enter the door in a hurry. The result was that he stepped on the soap and fell. Upside down.

Pei Xuan looked at this scene with a smile.

He didn't take a shower, and even the shirt he just took off is now fully worn on his body, and then he leaned against the wall and waited for the flat-headed man to come in.

As soon as the flat-headed man fell to the ground, he walked over quickly, bent down on the road to pick it up, picked up the anesthetic needle that had fallen on the ground, and stabbed it hard at the flat-headed man's neck.

The flat-headed man only had time to block it with his hand. The needle did not go into his neck, but only into his arm, but what was the difference? The flat-headed man struggled for a while, just got up and fell down softly, with half of his face on the cold tile, and said dizzily: "It's her, not me, it's her, not me..."

Pei Xuan ignored him and stepped over him.

Looking around, the living room was empty, no one was there.

He took a few more steps in the direction of the door, and found that the door was open, and there was a pair of women's shoes missing from the door.

"Haha." Pei Xuan stared in the direction of the door, squinting and smiling, "It's really a female fox."

on the street.

"Hu... Hu..." Ning Ning was running wildly on the street, suddenly saw a taxi coming in front, and hurriedly stopped in front of it.

The driver slammed on the brakes, pulled down the window and stuck his head out: "You don't want to die!"

Ning Ning didn't answer him, he opened the car door and went in, then rubbed his messy hair behind his head, and said to the driver, "Hurry up, hurry up and drive."

"Where to go

"Whatever! Master, hurry up!"

After the car started, she had time to take out her phone and think about who to call.

Call the police

No, Zhang Xinai would not do this.

Because she and Pei Xuan were in the same group, at least they used to be in the same group, Ning Ning didn't know what Zhang Xinai did for Pei Xuan, but she must have gained Pei Xuan's trust to a certain extent, otherwise he would not be there. Transfer the money to her before going to jail.

The money is nowhere to be found now, and it is likely that it was squandered by Zhang Xinai while Pei Xuan was in prison, or it was transferred. If Pei Xuan is caught by the police, he will definitely shake her out.

A female star who launders money for bad guys? Zhang Xinai is definitely not willing to bear such a stigma, so she will not call the police, nor can Ning Ning call the police, otherwise she will immediately collapse and return to the beginning.

After pressing down the 110 call she just dialed, Ningning opened the address book and started looking for someone who could use it now.

"Brother Hai... Xiao Ke... No, no, none of these people." Ning Ning murmured, "If you let them face Pei Xuan, maybe they won't help me deal with him, and they will help him deal with me..."

Just like she had persuaded the flat-headed man before.

Pei Xuan can also convince Brother Hai and Xiao Ke in turn.

The comparison is not who is right and who is wrong, but eloquence and brains, and who is more cunning like a fox.

Ning Ning couldn't guarantee that she would win against Pei Xuan, and she didn't dare to put her treasure on people like Hai Ge and Xiao Ke. How many times has she died at their hands

Fingers swiped all the way down, wait... Ning Ning hurriedly swiped back.

"Wen Yu..." She softly read out the name recorded on her phone.

By the time she responded, the phone had already been dialed.

After a few rings, a young man's voice rang on the other end of the phone: "Hello, who are you?"

"It's me." Ning Ning paused, "Zhang Xinai."

With a bang, the phone hung up.

... what's the situation? Ning Ning was stunned for a moment, dressed as Zhang Beloved for so many days, this was the first man to hang up her phone, everyone except him waited for her to hang up first.

Suspecting that there was something wrong with the other party's mobile phone, Ningning made another call, but the call was always blocked. Why? The driver in front laughed while driving: "Debt collection?"

"..." Ning Ning was depressed for a while, "Why do you think about collecting debts?"

"The phone can't get through after one call. Isn't it hiding debt?" The driver threw his mobile phone over, "Here, try again."

Ning Ning took over the phone, and this time, after thinking about her words, she called again.

"Wen Yu, help me." She changed a very pitiful tone, and even Shi Shi couldn't bear to cry when she heard it, "I'm in big trouble..."

"Find someone else to help you." Wen Yu said lightly.

There was another beep, and the phone couldn't get through either.

Ning Ning stared at the phone for a long time, speechless.

… what happened? Is the opposite really Wen Yu? Is it the Wen Yu she knew? When did the little angel in her mind become so icy cold, refusing people thousands of miles away

Forget it, the phone can't get through, send him a text message.

When she opened the text message, she was stunned.

Now is not the future. There is no WeChat, only text messages. If there are too many old text messages on a mobile phone, new text messages will not be received. So Zhang Xinai deleted everyone else's text messages, except Wen Yu...

Although he was thousands of miles away from her, she did not delete any of the text messages he sent.

"...How could this be?" Ning Ning murmured in her heart, "Is it you who Zhang Xinai wants to be with forever?"

At that moment, Ning Ning felt that the phone in her palm was heavy.

Whether it's Brother Hai, Xiao Ke, or a flat-headed guy with a gold chain around his neck, she can chew on it and cheat, because she has to do it, she wants to get out of this movie alive, but... But The object is Wen Yu

Ning Ning edited the text message with trembling hands, sweat on her forehead came out, she was not so embarrassed when facing Pei Xuan, there was a voice in her heart saying to her: "You know you are acting, but in case he Can't see it? You've kissed several people with this mouth, but what if he doesn't know? You...you confessed to him as Zhang Xinai, what if he accepted it? "

Thinking of this terrible consequence, Ning Ning's hand for editing the text message stopped.

After hesitating again and again, she sighed: "Forget it."

Just as he was about to delete the text message, he rushed past a young couple in front of him, forcing the driver to make a sudden brake. Ning Ning was caught off guard and fell to the front. The one in his hand didn't pay attention, and the text message was sent out.

The content is just one sentence.

"A guy named Pei Xuan is looking for trouble for me."

After Ningning's back was put back on the car chair, a phone call came over.

"Where are you now?" Wen Yu's voice sounded opposite.