I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before

Chapter 2: Two transactions


A lot of people came to the funeral, including big stars and big directors. The little stars and reporters who came after them quickly turned the funeral into a social evening.

"It's really weird, isn't it?" A familiar voice sounded behind Ning Ning, "She didn't have that many friends before she was alive, but she has many more friends after her death."

Ningning didn't have to look back to know who was coming.

Chen Guanchao came behind her, bent down, and put the white chrysanthemum in his hand on the coffin.

"You turned her into an exhibit." He straightened up, turned his head and smiled at her.

Ning Ning's lips moved, but she couldn't say anything to refute. Because he was right, people who really came to a friend's wedding would not carry so many reporters and selfie sticks with them.

"By the way." Chen Guanchao said, "I heard a rumor recently."

"What?" Ning Ning asked.

"I heard you're going to auction your mother's belongings." He stared at her, "including her trophies and underwear."

Ning Ning's eyes widened in disbelief: "How could I do such a thing?"

"You'd better not do this." Chen Guanchao was silent for a while, as if weighing something, and finally he said, "Next week, you can come to audition, although the candidate for the female lead has been decided, but the candidate for the female supporting role has not yet been decided. "

If he had said this to Ning Ning before the funeral, Ning Ning would have been ecstatic and grateful to Dade, but now hearing this from him, she felt humiliated and sad because it was too much like a charity.

"This is not charity." Chen Guanchao seemed to see through her thoughts, and a touch of contempt came to his lips, "This is a deal. You retain your mother's dignity, I will give you a chance, that's all."

Ning Ning just stared at what she was about to say, when the phone rang, she looked down at the phone number, she frowned, apologized to Chen Guanchao, and hurriedly went to the lounge.

"What did you say?" In the lounge, Ning Ning was furious, "Mom just left, are you going to auction her relics?"

In a luxury store in Hong Kong, an old grandmother in a mink coat was trying on a diamond ring. The clerk beside her held her mobile phone. While admiring the bright light on her fingers, she casually said, "I don't have enough living expenses recently. ."

Ning Ning took a few deep breaths: "How much do you want?"

"Give me a million first," said the grandmother.

"... I only gave you 100,000 last month, and this month you will ask for 1 million?" Ning Ning said.

"When your mother was young, no matter how much I asked her, she would give it to me without saying a word." The old grandmother said coldly, "She is fine with everything, but she gave birth to such an unconscionable thing as you, and asked you for some living expenses. , you have to bargain with me, are you trying to piss off your grandmother and me?"

There are people in the world who are so rude!

No one inside or outside the circle knows that Ning Yuren is good in everything, the only bad thing is that there is a vampire-like mother Cui Hongmei. Ning Yuren, a generation of film queens, has no money for medical treatment in his later years. Where is the money? It's all in Cui Hongmei's mink fur, diamond ring, and villa.

"I have no money!" Ning Ning was not as good-tempered as her mother, "I still have the money to buy a cemetery for my mother!"

"That's fine." Cui Hongmei said nonchalantly, "Let's see you at the auction then."

After she finished speaking, she pressed the phone and sneered in the direction of the phone: "Hmph, fight with me."

The phone rang again, and the clerk looked at Cui Hongmei, but Cui Hongmei waved her hand and said, "Ignore her and let her continue to call. If you have any other styles, bring them over and let me try them."

On the other side, Ning Ning made more than ten consecutive phone calls, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and cursed to the sky: "Old thief!"

Considering that Cui Hongmei said she could do it, Ning Ning had to quickly contact the people at the funeral home to let them end the funeral as soon as possible. At the same time, she booked a flight ticket on Ctrip and planned to go directly to block people.

A good funeral, so hastily ended.

The guests left the venue one after another, most of them complaining. Inside a Bentley, a tall and handsome man suddenly said, "Dad, are you going too far?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Guanchao sat beside him, and the driver closed the door on his side.

The handsome man - Chen Guanchao's son Chen Shuanghe said lightly: "You didn't plan to let her play your role at all, you asked her to audition because you wanted her to see the gap between her and me, and other people, and then use a scene The field cut crushed her."

"Do you think this is too much?" Chen Guanchao laughed. "It would be too much to allow her to stay in the industry. It is irresponsible to the audience, and it is also an insult to the actor industry."

"Really?" Chen Shuanghe gave him a sideways glance and mercilessly exposed him, "I only saw a brainless fan making trouble unreasonably."

Chen Guanchao was stunned for a moment, and then retorted uncomfortably: "I'm not a brainless fan!"

"There are so many people who lack acting skills, but you only target her." Chen Shuanghe said lightly, "Isn't it because in your eyes, she is a stain on Ning Yuren's body?"

After speaking, he looked at him coldly. After this man got the news of Ning Yuren's death, he cried at home for three days, just like his dead wife. No, when his real wife died, he didn't shed a single tear. He didn't even come to her funeral. He called him crying, but he replied indifferently: "I'll go back after I finish filming." When he came back, his mother had already become a jar of ashes.

Thinking of this, Chen Shuanghe turned his head and looked out the car window. Not far away, Ning Ning was holding the urn and walked hurriedly with a gloomy face. The solitary back was very much like him back then. Chen Shuanghe looked at her with a very complicated mood. One moment she felt disgusting, and another moment she felt pity for each other.

At this time, the car started.

The silver-grey Bentley passed by Ning Ning. For some reason, she stopped and turned to look at him. The eyes of the two quickly met at the rainy funeral, and then quickly staggered. The surging emotions gradually subsided. In the end, there was still more hatred, Chen Shuanghe turned his face away, thinking: next time we meet, crush her.

Ning Ning didn't take the meeting of eyes at that moment to her heart. After the funeral, she should have been busy with the cemetery, but Grandma Cui broke her overall plan. She had to put her mother's ashes at home first. And then rushed to Hong Kong as fast as possible...

She was greeted with a contract.

The contract was placed on the coffee table in the middle, Ning Ning and Cui Hongmei sat face to face, and the atmosphere was tense.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Ning Ning said coldly, "You're selling your granddaughter cheap."

"No, I think the price is very fair." Cui Hongmei sat on the European-style sofa with her legs crossed. Compared with last month, she had a huge diamond ring on her finger, "In addition to investing in your filming and commercials, Mr. Yang is willing to Give me half a million living expenses every month, which is good for you and me."

Ning Ning leaned slightly and stared at her: "In your heart, I'm only worth 500,000 yuan per month?"

"If you had the talent of your mother, of course I wouldn't kill the chicken and get the eggs." Cui Hongmei took a breath, and a white mist spread out from the corner of her mouth, "But do you have it? Just a fresh and beautiful face, how long can it be fresh?"

Ning Ning's fingers on her knees curled up, and someone has been denying her, but this is the first time she has been hurt so deeply, because this is her relative, and she has completely denied her everything except her skin.

"I'm not as good as my mother right now." Ning Ning pursed her lips and said, "But I've been working hard..."

"Forget it." Cui Hongmei interrupted her, "It only took two years for Jade Man to become popular all over the country, how about you? How many years have you been acting on TV?"

Ning Ning was angry and ashamed. She wanted to justify it because the times were different, there were too many colleagues, and the audience looked at the face more than the acting... But these are all excuses. After all, she can't do it herself. If she has the beauty of her mother At the same time, with her mother's acting skills, she would never be what she is now.

At least Cui Hongmei wouldn't give her such a humiliating contract.

This is almost like using a knife to write words on her heart, saying that you are useless, your acting skills are bad, and you pay so much but you are only worthy of being a mistress of a domineering president.

"What if I say no?" Ningning asked coldly.

Cui Hongmei lay down on the sofa behind her, with red lips like blood, and the chimney between her fingers: "I know you have no conscience, but it doesn't matter, I have already contacted an auction house. I preliminarily estimated that your mother's trophies, dance clothes, Underwear, all together, I can sell it for about seven or eight million, which is barely enough for my old lady to spend the rest of her life."

... Maybe someone will scold her for being unfilial, but if there are activities in heaven now, a grandmother can exchange for a mother, and Ning Ning will immediately burn the old woman!

"I can't sign this contract." In the face of Cui Hongmei's blue face, Ning Ning picked up the contract on the table and tore it into pieces, "You don't scare me there, the inheritance has your share and mine. One serving, you can't sell it for eight million."

"You're trying to piss me off!" Cui Hongmei immediately pounded her chest and coughed.

Ningning didn't believe she would die. Yesterday, she was still dating a strong man, and by the way, she posted the kissing photo to the circle of friends.

"I'll give you another choice now." Ningning took a pen and a notebook out of her bag and threw it on the table, "List the relics, half of yours and half of me, and the other half of yours, you mark one Reasonable price, when I make money in the future, I will buy it back from you."

Cui Hongmei immediately stopped coughing, grabbed the pen on the table, and quickly wrote in the notebook.

After the list was made, Ning Ning took a look at it, an astronomical figure. In particular, personal items such as underwear are marked with a high price of one million.

Ning Ning knew in her heart that the most affordable way to get these relics was to let her hold an auction. After all, Ning Yuren was not a popular star, and these underwear would never be sold for millions. But she can't do that, my mother can't afford to lose this person.

She could only grit her teeth and say, "Okay."

Cui Hongmei was satisfied now, and urged Ning Ning's back: "You have to hurry up, I have an appointment with someone to travel to Hawaii next month, and I can't have no money in my hand."

I know! You said in the circle of friends that you want to go on a honeymoon with your strong man!

Ning Ning paused, then walked out quickly.

She got on the plane in a hurry, got off the plane in a hurry, got on the taxi, Ning Ning kept calling and sending messages to people, asking for a job, any job, any role, she wanted to make money.

Can be affected by the top hit movie, and now everyone treats her as a box office poison, and everyone is thankful and insensitive. The agent got the news and called her and warned: "If you still want to continue in this line of work, don't say things like 'any job, any role', stay quiet Come on, talk about it after this time."

Although the agent's words were harsh, the good medicine's bitter words were hard to listen to. This was all for Ning Ning's good, and Ning Ning knew this in his heart. But at this moment, what she needs is not only advice, but also comfort, even if it is "Are you okay". However, as a gold medal manager, Li Boyue is very busy, and there are many artists under him. Ning Ning is one of them, but not the most important one.

After hanging up the phone, Ning Ning tried to find a friend on the phone to talk to, but she turned around and found that there was only a work partner's phone number, and there was no one who could cry on the other's shoulder.

In order to become a qualified actor, she almost sacrificed everything of herself.

No friends, no entertainment, no other hobbies, just training, training, training year after year.

So much has been paid, but nothing in return.

Tears that had been suppressed for several days poured out. Ning Ning looked at herself reflected on the screen of her mobile phone and couldn't help choking: "There is no advantage, why were you born in this world..."

She covered her mouth and kept sobbing. Outside the car window, it rained unknowingly, and an old sign flashed by in the rain.


The car stopped on the side of the road, Ning Ning opened the door and walked out, without an umbrella, she just stood in the boundless heavy rain, looking at the movie theater opposite.

Life Cinema.