I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before

Chapter 20: News in the newspaper


1987, Summer.


A heavy object fell from the sky and fell in front of Wen Yu.

"Someone jumped off the building—"

The woman's shrill cry and the chaotic footsteps sounded in Wen Yu's ears. Wen Yu opened her mouth and called out to the corpse in front of her: "Mom..."

These were the last two words he uttered.

After that, he lost his voice and couldn't say a word again.

Half a month later, Wen Yu sat silently in the room. There was no air conditioner or electric fan in the room. Sitting in it was like sitting in a big steamer, but he only felt cold.

A fat woman sat across from him, with sweat on her fat face, and said with disgust, "I have two children in my family, and they are about to eat me up. Where can I raise another one?"

"I'm going to go out to work soon, can't let me bring a child with me?" said another thin man shaking the palm fan in his hand.

"What am I doing?" The bald head who was drinking beer choked when the two of them looked at him, wiped his mouth and said, "Come on, I want to talk about my girlfriend, and bring such a tow oil bottle by my side. , who is talking to me?"

A group of people blamed each other, and no one refused to accept this hot potato. At this time, the door suddenly opened, and a relative turned his head and looked: "Yo, it's Xiao Ning here."

Ning Ning stood at the door with a blue nose and a swollen face, the red suspender skirt on her body was too late to change, wrapping around her bumpy body, exuding a cheap temptation.

She staggered into the room, found a random corner and sat down, opened her backpack and took out a bottle of stumbled wine.

When she first arrived, she knew very little. She only knew that the child's mother had just jumped off a building and died. She had no savings before her death and nothing left after her death, so several relatives were reluctant to raise him.

Not only did she refuse to raise him, but the fat woman stepped forward, tugging at his hair and shaking his head, complaining, "I know it's dragging us down, why don't you die with your waste mother? You monster. !"

… monster

Ning Ning smeared the medicinal wine for a while, then suddenly stood up from the ground, walked towards the cursing fat woman, and raised the bruise wine in her hand to her head, slam-

"Ah!" The fat woman screamed, covering her face and covering her face, then turned around and scolded, "What do you want to do, stinky bitch?"

Ning Ning sneered at her, she hated two words the most, ugly monster and monster, among which monster is above ugly girl, she smashed the bottle on the table, the bottle shattered, the gap pointed at her, and asked with a smile: " What do you think?"

The other two hurriedly pulled them away. In fact, if they didn't, the fat woman would walk away by herself. Now Ning Ning looks really scary, just like a crater about to erupt, the more she smiles, the more scary she becomes.

"What's the point." As she returned to her seat, the fat woman muttered softly, "You stinky bitch, do you still want to raise this little monster?"

Ning Ning sat back to her original place without saying a word, and continued to smear the wound with the rest of the wine. She was right, her body is indeed not suitable for raising children.

She was wearing the old woman's body when she was young, and now she is the little aunt of the protagonist Wen Yu, whose name is Wen Xiaoning. She did not expect that the poor old woman was in the flesh business when she was young, and the money she earned was not for herself, but for her boyfriend to squander.

The injury on her body was just taken out—what she could endure, she would rather not endure.

Ning Ning fought with each other for a while, the last stool knocked the person unconscious on the ground, he wiped the nosebleed a few times, rummaged through the box and turned the cabinet for a while, stuffed the valuable and worthless, and the last bit of money into the bag together, and then carried the bag on his back. I left my boyfriend's house.

Then she asked all the way and rushed all the way here, just in time to catch up with a group of people who were shirking their responsibilities. The fat woman screamed: "Who do you want to be with? You are talking!"

Ning Ning didn't get involved, she continued to rub the bruises on her legs, rubbing, and suddenly raised her head slowly, looking down the slender legs in front of her, and looked at the little boy standing opposite.

It was a boy with thin hair and thin eyelashes, so the whole person looked slender and delicate, standing in front of Ning Ning like a porcelain doll, silently reaching out to her.

"Don't choose me." Ning Ning laughed, "I don't even have the ability to feed you."

But Wen Yu watched her quietly, and the outstretched hand never retracted.

"Don't choose me!" Ning Ning's expression turned cold, and he repeated what he just said, "I don't even have the ability to feed you!"

Because of the last experience, she doesn't plan to have too much contact with the people in the movie. She will fulfill Wen Xiaoning's last wish and help Wen Yu when he is in crisis, but she will not do anything for him. More—because she's scared! Giving a relationship is too painful, accepting a relationship is too painful, losing a relationship is too painful, to use a fashionable phrase: My body has been hollowed out!

The two stared at each other with wide eyes. In the end, the fat woman took Wen Yu away. After all, including Ning Ning, the other three did not have the financial conditions to raise children.

"Bad luck!" The fat woman spit on the ground, grabbed Wen Yu's arm, and walked out angrily. On the way, the little boy turned his head from time to time, his dark eyes looking at Ning Ning.

"Don't look at me like that!" Ning Ning said with a cold face, "I can't protect myself!"

There is not much money in her pocket. If she wants to settle down in 1987, she must have a job that is enough to make ends meet. Of course, it is impossible to continue the meat business, but she also does not want to go to a textile factory or a factory to be a female worker. It is difficult to find a job in a theater or the like. She can only do odd jobs while looking for news in this regard.

Life is hard enough, and the ex-boyfriend is still haunted and always comes to her for reconciliation.

"Xiao Ning, I was wrong! Make up with me!"

"Xiao Ning, I have no money to eat, go home and cook for me!"

"Xiao Ning, my clothes are all torn, please help me sew them!"

"Xiao Ning, I have already received the money from Boss Qin. You can't bear to see me being beaten? Then you can sleep with him... "

"I'll do it myself!" Ning Ning picked up a broom and hit it!

When she got off work, the boss asked her to leave and told her that not only she couldn't stand her ex-boyfriend, but he and the other employees couldn't stand his ex-boyfriend, so she asked her to do her best and leave quickly with this thing.

As the sun went down, Ning Ningqing walked home with one eye on her way, passed a person, then stopped and turned to look at him.

Wen Yu, who was carrying a schoolbag, also stopped, turned around with a half-swollen face, and looked at her.

At that moment, there was a sense of sadness and pity.

"Why am I so sentimental?" Ning Ning scolded herself in her heart, turned around and continued to walk. In 1987, the streets were not so bright and feasting. She saw a candy man stand with a plate painted on it with twelve zodiac signs. A child paid the money, turned the disc, the pointer turned and pointed to the dragon, the child clapped his hands, and the stall owner poured the boiled sugar liquid on the board, sketched the appearance of the dragon, and then shoveled it down and handed it to the child. The child held the dragon and ran across the road side by side. Along the way, there were all kinds of stalls and all kinds of people.

The sound of footsteps came from behind, and Ning Ning's right hand was gently pulled. She turned her head and saw Wen Yu standing behind her, holding the oil cake wrapped in newspaper towards her. The oil cake was cold and soaked. Newspapers are greasy.

"Eat it yourself, I'm not hungry." Ningning was very hungry, but she couldn't eat his food, because she didn't know if it was all his food today.

Wen Yu looked at her, tore off a small piece of oil cake from the newspaper, and stuffed the rest with the newspaper to her.

"... It's no good to please me." Ning Ning said coldly, but he smiled back.

What a silly sweetheart. Ning Ning murmured, lowered his head and took a bite of the oil cake. At first, he took a small mouthful, then a big mouthful. Finally, he devoured it. After eating, he unfolded the newspaper to try to find the falling cake crumbs.

Then, she moved.

Looking at the contents of the newspaper, Ningning murmured, "How is this possible?"

This is a newspaper from last week, which published a piece of news: "The Phantom of the Opera" adapted from "The Phantom of the Opera" is about to start filming, and the public will be recruiting female lead actors. The deadline is the end of July, and the interview venue is the Orchid Theater.

At that moment, Ning Ning felt a strong sense of unreality in her heart. Didn't she come to a movie called "Abandoned Son"? Why is "The Phantom of the Theater" here? Wait... Thinking back carefully, the information Li Boyue gave her seems to have written that the filming time of "The Phantom of the Theater" seems to be 1987.

"... There are still three days until the deadline is this month." Ning Ning suddenly ran up holding the newspaper, Wen Yu was stunned, and chased behind her with her schoolbag on her back.

Ning Ning ran all the way to the train station. At this time, there was no need for an ID card or a queue to buy a ticket. Those who were physically strong could jump in the queue all the way.

"Give me a ticket to xx." Ningning took out the last dollar in his pocket.

The conductor took the money, looked behind her and asked, "One or two?"

Ning Ning looked back and saw Wen Yu standing behind her, running out of breath, her cheeks flushed. He couldn't speak, but he told her with his eyes, his demeanor, and his hand tightly holding the corner of her clothes: "Take me away."

"...Sorry, I don't have the money to buy your ticket." Ningning said with difficulty.

Wen Yu's eyes dimmed, she didn't roll around coquettishly, she just lowered her head quietly and lost.

"... I went out of town this time to make sure of one thing." Ning Ning squatted down slowly and wanted to reach out to touch his head, but felt that it was too intimate, so she retracted her half-stretched hand. When I came back, I looked at him and said, "After the matter is settled, I will either come back or take you with me."

... You can't let a person who will die unexpectedly next year out of her sight

Wen Yu stared at her for a while, then suddenly took her hand, opened her fingers, and hooked her slender and pale tail fingers on hers.

Then, he raised his head and showed her a warm and trusting smile without haze.