I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before

Chapter 29: third adopter


Ning Ning was slow to choose a third adopter.

One time can be said to be an accident, and two times made her confused.

"Where's the painting?" Remembering what the language teacher said before leaving, Ning Ning bent down and asked Wen Yu's shoulder, "Where are the paintings that Teacher Yu said?"

Wen Yu raised her head and looked at her, shaking her head slowly.

Ning Ning turned her head, and there were his notebook and pencil on the table. She walked over quickly and turned the notebook page by page. Most of it was filled with words. Only at the end did she see a picture of him and her. , There is a big house, there is a dog, holding hands and walking under the sun, all smiles on his face.

Ning Ning turned around, Wen Yu was standing behind her, not angry because she did something to him without permission, but just blinked her big black eyes and looked at her aggrieved.

Ning Ning opened his mouth, and just wanted to say something to him, when someone knocked on the door of the cellar, he turned his head and looked at a theater staff standing at the door with a strange look: "Someone came outside and said yes. your relatives."

People were waiting for them in the living room, Ning Ning led Wen Yu to the door, far away from the door, she heard an exaggerated voice coming from inside.

"Wen Yu is a monster!" he said, "wherever he is, he will die!"

Some girls exclaimed, and some people laughed: "How can it be so evil!"

"Hey, don't talk about it, it's just so evil." The man laughed, "As soon as he was born, his father was hit by a car, and his mother became addicted to gambling and destroyed all the valuable things in the family. He started borrowing money everywhere, and he also jumped off the building not long ago and died, let’s look at the two who have adopted him now…”

Ning Ning couldn't help pushing the door and went in: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

There were a few people sitting in the room, Ning Ning turned his eyes on the person who just spoke, it was a thin man, the two met at a relatives meeting, he also looked at Ning Ning, got up and said to her: "Sister, tell you A piece of bad news, the eldest sister died, and the whole family was poisoned with food not long ago, and all at once."

After speaking, he looked at Wen Yu: "The only one who wasn't poisoned was him."

Wen Yu shrank behind Ning Ning, her small hand grabbed the corner of Ning Ning's clothes, and her dark eyes looked at him.

"Later he disappeared suddenly. I searched with your third brother for a few days and couldn't find him. Later, I went out to work, and I didn't expect to see you on the road." Shouzi stared at Wen Yu and said, "I even called him a few times. Sheng, he ignored me, probably because he didn't want me to find you and tell you these words."

Ning Ning looked down at Wen Yu, he was like a quiet kitten, clinging to her tightly.

"...I'm doing it all for your own good." The thin man walked towards them, keeping his eyes on Wen Yu, "Leave him to me, I'll send him away."

Wen Yu suddenly loosened the corner of Ning Ning's clothes, turned around and ran.

"Wen Yu!" Ning Ning hurriedly chased after him.

Wen Yu ran like a deer chased by hunters, ran from the living room back to the cellar, and slammed herself into the closet.

Ning Ning ran on her back foot, sighed helplessly, slowed down, walked to the wardrobe, then slowly squatted down, and knocked on the door of the wardrobe with her fingers: "Hey, Wen Yu, Xiao Wenyu, there is something I need to correct. you say."

The closet door was closed, and there was silence inside.

"I've already found a third adopter for you." Ning Ning smiled, "That person is me."

There was a sound of breathing in the closet.

"Will you despise me?" Ningning asked through the wardrobe door, "I'm not a very good adult, I don't have a place to live, I don't have a stable job, I don't have money, I don't have anything, if you say someone like me If there are any advantages…”

A very gentle smile appeared on her face, which dispelled the lingering gloom on her face, untied her frown that was always slightly wrinkled, and made her whole body seem to be enveloped in a layer of serene and soft light. In the middle of the church, like the morning sun pouring into the church through the glass window, even the voice of speaking echoes softly in the church like singing: "If you need me, I will always be by your side... I will never abandon you."

The wardrobe door opened. Wen Yu, who was sitting in the dark, held her head up and stared at her for a long time. Suddenly, tears filled her eyes. She threw her hands into her arms, and wrapped her tender hands around her neck, crying silently.

Ning Ning also hugged him backhand and gave him warmth, just like he gave her back then.

There were footsteps behind him, and the thin man walked behind them step by step, panting a little.

"From now on, I'll take care of him." Ning Ning turned to him and said, "Please come back."

The thin man froze for a moment, looked her up and down, and seemed to be listening to some funny joke: "You?"

"Yes, me." Ning Ning has made up her mind, if there is really no one in this world who can accept Wen Yu, then she will accept it. Maybe she will waste a lot of time and energy in this movie, but she doesn't regret it.

The thin man said whatever he wanted. Seeing that he couldn't convince her, he had to scold her kindly as a donkey's liver and lungs. When he was about to leave, he turned around and shouted at her, "Wait and see, you will definitely regret it!"

"I won't regret it." After Ning Ning finished speaking, she led Wen Yu back.

When they walked through the gate and returned to the theater, they were greeted by strange eyes and gossip.

For the first time, Ning Ning discovered that people are such fickle creatures. They will change their minds on you because of a "thank you", and they will also stay away from you because of a "monster".

Wen Yu was no longer as popular as before. He didn't complain or resent anything, but he stayed in the cellar more and more and did not come out. A dog ran towards her like a puppy.

Ningning loves him dearly. In order not to make him feel too lonely, she changed her original plan and started to spare time as much as possible to run to the cellar, accompany him to paint, or tell him stories. No matter what she does, he They all seemed very happy, or in other words, as long as she was willing to come back to see him and accompany him, he was satisfied.

Work and family are always difficult to balance.

Chen Guanchao talked to her once, and he said to her coldly, "You should send Wen Yu out."

"...You are someone who has eaten foreign ink, and you believe in that 'monster' rhetoric?" Ning Ning frowned.

"Of course I don't believe it." Chen Guanchao chuckled lightly, "But you've wasted too much time on him!"

Ning Ning was stunned.

"You didn't forget what you came here for, did you?" Chen Guanchao's eyes tightened, "You are here to act, not to be a nanny! If you forget, remember it to me now! If you can't remember, bring it with you. That kid left my set!"

The words came out of his mouth and fell into the ears of those with a heart. When Ning Ning left Chen Guanchao's room, the courtesan stuck her head out from the corner, and the corners of her mouth twitched upwards slightly.

For a few days, the weather was calm, except that Chen Guanchao would fall into a frantic roar from time to time, and the thin man would occasionally come to see Ning Ning, and by the way persuade her to let go, nothing else happened, until that night, the cellar door suddenly opened, and slowly walked out from inside Come alone.

The moonlight shone on his face, cold and pale, it was Wen Yu.

He looked around slowly, and when he saw that there was no one around, he came out of the door and walked towards the depths of the yard.

Behind a window, the courtesan looked at him strangely.

"What is he going to do?" She was confused, "Should I go and see?"

She doesn't like Ningning, either as a woman or as an actor. As a woman, Ning Ning attracted Chen Guanchao's attention too much. As an actor, Ning Ning overwhelmed her in her acting skills. She didn't want the movie to be filmed at the end. She doesn't like to do things like wedding dresses, she just hopes to get some handle on her, so that Chen Guanchao can do what he says and kick her out of the crew.

In the end, she decided to take a look at it.

Wen Yu didn't go too far. He walked to the plum tree in the yard. The weather had obviously turned cold, but the tree didn't know what was wrong with it. It just refused to bloom, and it didn't even have a few leaves. Someone suggested cutting it down. He planted something else, but no one took action, just kept throwing it away, no one cared and no one liked it.

Wen Yu picked up a stone, squatted down, and slowly dug up the soil under the tree.

"What is he doing?" the courtesan hiding in the dark couldn't help thinking.

Wen Yu dug the soil quietly for a while until a hole appeared on the ground. He stood up and clapped his hands, lifted his shirt, took out a book attached to his stomach, bent over and placed it in the hole, then kicked with one foot. Touch the soil on the ground until the soil fills the hole again, completely burying the book inside.

Then, he suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the courtesan. Under the moonlight, his face was half-dark and half-dark, and a little moonlight swayed in his dark eyes, like the sparkling waves on the lake at night.

The courtesan hid behind the wall, covering her mouth with her hands and didn't dare to speak. After a long time, she stuck her head out from behind the wall, and was relieved that he had already left.

She hesitated for a moment, and in the end, curiosity prevailed. She peeked around and saw that there was no one there, so she lightly walked to the withered peach tree, picked up the stone that Wen Yu had thrown away before, and dug up the soil on the ground. , and take out the book full of dirt inside.

"Tsk, it's really dirty." The courtesan held the book with two fingers, and after shaking for a long time, she opened the book with disgust.

This book seems to be used by Wen Yu for daily communication with people, so there are a lot of words written on it. The socialite looked at it for a while and found that it was not the daily communication with Ningning, but with other people... eh? Day-to-day communication with his previous adopter? Feeling that it was boring, I flipped around for a while, and suddenly the flipping movement stopped, and I started to flip forward in a hurry.

She turned to a painting.

"...What is this?" The courtesan looked at the painting with a strange expression, even a hint of panic. Because she was looking too seriously, she didn't notice a shadow behind her, quietly approaching her. .

When she found out, he had come behind her.

"…Who?" The courtesan turned her head.