I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before

Chapter 34: Two-minute rivalry


"Two minutes." Chen Shuanghe put his hands on the sink and said to himself in the mirror, "Crush her!"

After returning to the living room, my father's voice suddenly came from my ears.

"You look a little nervous." Director Chen sat on the sofa, holding a red wine bottle in one hand, filling the glass with bright red wine, he handed the glass to Chen Shuanghe, "Would you like a drink? I can help you clam down."

"...No need." Chen Shuanghe looked at him with a trace of humiliation on his face, "The last time will never happen again."

"Oh?" Director Chen took back the glass and took a sip himself, "Are you so confident?"

"Of course." Chen Shuanghe said coldly, "I then thought about it carefully, what she showed at the audition for "Ugly Girl" was not acting at all!"

It's impossible for a person's acting skills to improve by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, a genius can, but Chen Shuanghe doesn't think Ning Ning is a genius. Judging from her past performance, calling her a mediocre is a flattery! So at the last "Ugly" audition, there was only one reason why she had such an eye-catching performance...

"That's just a coincidence." Chen Shuanghe said slowly, "Her mother died, and her role in reality overlapped with the role in the script, so she played Qu Ling well, because it was not necessary at all. Acting, she just needs to act herself."

"So what?" Director Chen looked at him.

"So she can play Qu Ling well, but she can't play Phantom." Chen Shuanghe said, "Because she and Phantom have nothing in common, she can no longer rely on coincidences to get away with it..."

"Wait..." Director Chen interrupted him suddenly, he looked at the other party deeply and asked, "Is it my illusion? You seem to have some prejudice against her."

... what right do you have to say about me! Who was the one who clamored to kick people out of the entertainment industry a week ago

"...No." Chen Shuanghe's mouth twitched, "I'm just telling the truth."

As soon as the voice fell, the doorbell rang.

"...Then prove it." Director Chen put down the glass, pulled up his sleeves and looked at the watch on his wrist, then looked up at him and winked at him, "Two minutes, crush her."

...to actually eavesdrop on my son's self-talk in the toilet, this person is so disgusting!

Chen Shuanghe walked towards the door angrily.

When he opened the door, Ning Ning stood there, looking as haggard as last time, but there was a slight difference. What was the difference, Chen Shuanghe didn't go into it, because it was meaningless, because at most she would still be in his house. Stay for two minutes in your life.

"Have you seen The Phantom of the Theater before?" he asked straight to the point.

"I've seen it." Ning Ning replied.

The two-minute rivalry begins.

Time is limited, which scene in the script to choose? Which one can show her incompetence and disadvantage more vividly

Chen Shuanghe quickly had an answer in his heart.

"That's good." He smiled lightly, "Let's play the fifteenth scene of "The Phantom of the Theater" together - see heaven."

One minute and thirty seconds remaining.

The two returned to the living room, and when they passed by the floor-to-ceiling windows, Chen Shuanghe pulled the curtains, the thin sunlight was isolated from the curtains, and the living room became dark.

He stood in this darkness, closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he had become a simple and cowardly newcomer.

Holding an invisible broom in both hands, he slowly swept the ground, and suddenly looked left and right. When there was no one on the stage, he smiled happily, put the broom aside, coughed twice, pinched the orchid in his hand, and learned the style of the pillar. Like, sing on stage.

"Menghuiyingzhuan." He sang, "The years are full of chaos."

As he sang, he paid attention to her movements. Strange, why didn't she move at all? Are you still standing by

At this time, he noticed Director Chen's gaze.

Director Chen's eyes were moving, and his eyes moved from him to the direction of the stairs. Chen Shuanghe understood that just now, Ning Ning walked silently behind him, like a flashing shadow, but he didn't show the slightest hint. Did not notice.

When he lost his mind, he sang a wrong note.

Just as he was about to sing down, a slow voice suddenly came from upstairs: "It's like a beautiful family for you, like water."

Exactly what he just sang.

It just corrected the wrong tone he had just sung.

Chen Shuanghe was stunned for a moment, and then sneered in his heart. You, a person who has never been trained in opera, dare to teach him to sing like a real phantom

For this movie, he specially hired a drama teacher, and he trained for three days!

One minute left.

"It's Du'er who has been searching all over the place, pitying himself in the secluded boudoir."

"Before turning around this peony column, it's close to the edge of the lake, mountains and rocks."

"It's the place where we met, and it looks like each other. Could it be that there is no such thing as a good meeting?"

… how so!

Chen Shuanghe continued to sing line by line, the more she sang, the more frightened she became, the colder she sang, it was true that he was a layman, but she shouldn't act like a layman! He only learned to sing for three days, and the teacher praised him for his talent. If he wasn't acting in movies, he should be someone in their circle, but what happened to her

When he sings, she sings.

If she sings worse than him, or everyone's level is about the same, the problem is... She sings every sentence better than him, more professional than him, and the level gap is so big that she is really like a phantom, sentence by sentence To correct his mistakes, teach him to sing sentence by sentence.

Chen Shuanghe turned his head suddenly and shouted in the direction of the spiral staircase, "Who is there!"

Ten seconds remaining.

After shouting, Chen Shuanghe rushed up the stairs at the fastest speed.

This is not the content of "Seeing Heaven" at all, so Ning Ning was stunned for a while, then turned and ran. Behind him, Chen Shuanghe's footsteps were getting closer and closer, and finally he held her with both hands and hugged her by the waist.

"I got you." He leaned his chin against her sideburns, panting slightly.

"..." She fell silent in his arms, then asked softly, "...Aren't you afraid of me?"

"I'm not afraid." As he said, he reached out and touched her face, wanting her to turn her face around. An actor's quality is not based on her voice or whether she can sing, this is just a bonus Item, the most important thing is her acting skills.

... He didn't believe that Ning Ning had such a thing. As long as she turned her face to face the camera, everything would come to light. She was still the rubbish who couldn't make any other expressions except to dilate her nostrils.

"...You should be afraid." Ning Ning suddenly grabbed his unruly hand.

Then, before Chen Shuanghe could react, he was hit hard by the elbow of her other hand. He had just bent down, and was hit a few times by her again, and he had to kneel on the ground.

"There are many bad people in this world." Her voice came from the front, with a phantom-like cold cruelty, "Knowing how to be afraid can make you live longer."

Chen Shuanghe coughed twice and looked up at her.

He had thought that he would see a smiling face full of hatred and madness, just like the smiling face at the end of the audition for "Ugly".

But no...

Standing in front of him was not the ugly girl, nor Ning Ning, but another woman.

She didn't go crazy, she didn't dilate her nostrils, she just raised a hand, covered her right face, and looked at him like an ignorant and fearless child, some funny, some strange, some gentle, but not An ounce of malice.

"Stop following me." She raised her finger behind him, "Go back."

After speaking, she turned and left, her footsteps silent, like a ghost preparing to return to the darkness and sink alone.

Her back was so lonely that Chen Shuanghe couldn't help shouting, "Wait!"

She paused and turned around, one eye was covered by her right hand, and she only looked at him with one eye, that eye glowed slightly in the darkness, with a trace of undetectable joy and anticipation, as if saying , You know I'm so scary, do you still want to approach me

Terrifying and simple, withdrawn and lonely, not believing in human beings and longing to be redeemed by human beings... She in front of her is such a terrible and pitiful monster, the Phantom of the Theater.


Director Chen's cry suddenly sounded.

She suddenly changed back to Ning Ning.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Ning Ning came to Chen Shuanghe and kept apologizing to him, "Did I hurt you just now?"

Chen Shuanghe shook his head and looked at her with a complicated expression. If it was an accident, she wouldn't be able to get into the play so quickly, and she would come out so quickly, so... is this really her acting? how can that be! how is this possible! How could it be possible... Chen Shuanghe's heart was swept away by a million.

"Okay, come to my study, let's discuss the role of the Phantom carefully." Director Chen said to Ning Ning in a pleasant manner, but turned his head and squinted at Chen Shuanghe, "As for you... I think you should go back and play "" "Ugly Girl" is better, your current state is not suitable for playing Lu Yunhe."

Chen Shuanghe froze in place.

In the study, Ning Ning just sat down when he heard Director Chen say from the opposite side, "Your Phantom still has some flaws."

Ning Ning was stunned: "What flaw?"

"You still lack some charm." Director Chen wrote the word "Phantom" on the paper, tapped the word "Phantom" with a pen and said, "Phantom is a very complicated character, she has her terrifying side, but also her charm. On the one hand, let's put it this way, when she doesn't kill people or lose her temper, she is a genius, elegant in manner, beautiful in singing, mysterious in smile, more famous than any other celebrity, especially when she is on stage and singing..."

Director Chen deliberately paused, then looked at Ning Ning, and said word by word, "Laughing forever is the same fragrance, and crying is the same sorrow."

Ning Ning took a breath, she felt that Director Chen's positioning of Phantom was too high...

"You can do it." Chen Guanchao stared at her, the deja vu frenzy in her eyes made her back a little chill, "You can already perform most of her, and there is only a small part left... don't worry. , I will help you, I will do everything I can to cultivate you, and I will definitely make you the second Ning Yu!"

It wasn't until he got out of the gate that Ning Ning realized that there was a cold sweat behind him.

The phone rang, and at first glance, it was the call from the agent Li Boyue.

After getting connected, he asked hurriedly, "How is it?"

"The Phantom is mine." Ning Ning said.

"That's great!" A car stopped in front of Ning Ning with a swoosh. Li Boyue pulled down the window and gave her a thumbs up, "Let's go! Have a big meal to celebrate!"

Ning Ning got into the car, and Li Boyue couldn't wait to ask her about the audition. She said it one by one, and finally smiled bitterly: "It's just a remake, and Director Chen's requirements are too high."

"After all, it's his masterpiece." Li Boyue said casually, "It can't be worse the more you shoot."

"What did you say?" Ning Ning thought he was joking with herself, so he laughed in agreement, "When did a bad movie become his masterpiece?"

"… Auntie, you can only tell me this kind of joke, but don't tell anyone else to know?" Li Boyue was stunned, and his expression became serious.

Ning Ning laughed twice. Seeing that his expression was still so serious, he gradually restrained his smile and asked doubtfully, "What? Do you think the first version of "The Phantom of the Theater" is not a bad movie?"

"Open Baidu and see for yourself." Li Boyue was too lazy to care about her.

Ningning opened Baidu on her mobile phone, typed in "The Phantom of the Theater", and was taken aback by the news that popped out.