I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before

Chapter 44: chase


Mom was in a dilemma, unable to make up her mind.

Then I'll help her decide.

Ning Ning stretched out his hand to the masked man: "Give it to me."

Under the pale street lamp, a smiling mask looked at her.

"The person you want most is me." Ning Ning asked him, "Isn't it?"

She had already discovered that the first person selected by the masked man was her, and only when she could not succeed did she turn her target to her mother.

There was laughter from under the mask, with a hint of cunning, which made people wonder if his purpose to lure Ning Yuren was to attract Ning Ning and then force her to accept the ticket in his hand.

Just as he was about to give the ticket in his hand to Ning Ning, he suddenly turned his ear and seemed to hear something.

"...It came so fast." He clicked his tongue, and before he could give Ning Ning the ticket, he turned around and ran.

He looked tall and big, but he ran without making a sound. The white prison clothes fluttered in the wind, and from a distance, a piece of paper was swept away by the wind.

Then, Ning Ning also heard the voice.

What's the sound? footsteps, and…

The moment she turned her head, a figure flew past her.

A white coat, black cloth shoes, a bulging bag behind him, a snow-white mask covering his face, and a blazing fire burning on the mask.

is the gatekeeper.

"Where do you want to run?" He grinned grimly in the direction where the masked man fled, and then kept chasing after him. Behind the mask, a long flame tail was drawn, burning and flying, wherever it went, Burn the air red.

Something fell from the bag behind him, fell to the ground, turned around twice, and was picked up by Ning Ning.

is a mask.

She held the mask and looked up at the direction he left. Although the person was no longer there, there was still a burning smell in the air, which was a bit pungent and choking.

"Then, what is that?" Ning Yuren was so frightened that he leaned against the wall and asked, "Is that still a person?"

Is he still human

Are they still human

Ning Ning also wanted to know the answer to this question.

The commotion here finally attracted others. The lights of several nearby houses were lit, the windows were opened, and someone stuck their head out. Not far away, a few people came running, vaguely, there seemed to be a few familiar faces, some Several recognized voices.

"It's the crew who came to us." Ning Ning turned around, "Let's go back."

Unexpectedly, Ning Yuren took a step back and shook his head.

"I'm not going back, anyway, I'm like this now, it's useless to go back." She was silent for a moment, then gritted her teeth suddenly, raised her head and said, "No. 35 Rouge Road, right?"

Ning Ning was stunned, and then replied helplessly and bitterly: "Yes."

The two came to No. 35 Rouge Road together. When two strings of familiar lanterns appeared, and when the five words "Life Cinema" came into Ning Ning's eyes, she actually felt relieved.

It's really there, and everything is still the same. Whether it's the two strings of lanterns in front of the door or the location where the posters are posted, it's the same as in 2017. If there is any difference, maybe the lanterns and the door look the same. newer.

Just felt something was missing.

Looking around, yes, the gatekeeper is not there.

Ning Yuren also looked around, and seeing that there was no one around, he cast his eyes on the unguarded gate, and was about to walk over, but was pulled by Ning Ning's arm behind him.

"Don't evade the ticket." Ning Ning still remembered the advice given to her by the gatekeeper, and said to Ning Yuren with a serious face, "Fee evasion will have terrible consequences."

"Hehe, that's right, the consequences of fare evasion are very serious." A familiar male voice sounded behind her, and before anyone arrived, there was a burning smell.

When Ning Ning turned around, it turned out that the gatekeeper had returned.

With the movement of his walking, the masks in the bag behind him collided, bang bang bang.

Ning Ning looked behind him, but didn't see the smiling masked man, he swallowed, wondering if he escaped or if he had become the mask in his bag.

When passing by Ning Ning, the gatekeeper took the mask away from her hand, and after returning to the gate, he threw the bag behind him to the ground, and opened the bag to reveal the men and women inside, crying or laughing. The mask, he loosened his right hand, and the mask in his hand fell straight into the bag.

After that, he slowly turned his head and looked at the two people in front of the door: "Are there any tickets?"

His eyes are neither warm nor cold, looking at people is like looking at pork on a chopping board, anyone staring at him like this will feel horrified.

Ning Yuren stammered back: "I have, I have."

"One person, one vote, entry is invalid." The gatekeeper took the ticket she handed over. Her palms were sweaty, and the ticket was soaked. ."

Ning Yuren's chest heaved slightly, looked at the darkness inside the door, looked back at Ning Ning, finally gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and rushed in.

After she entered, the gatekeeper immediately stood in front of the door and blocked the door again.

"What about you?" He looked at Ningning and asked, "Are you going back?"

The way he looked at Ning Ning was the same as the way he looked at Ning Yuren.

Ning Ning was stunned for a while, and was about to ask him: Don't you know me

Behind him, a lazy voice suddenly came, asking, "Where are you going back?"

Ning Ning turned her head, not far away, Shi Zhongtang was walking towards her on the moonlight, with a smile on her face but not a smile, her peach blossom eyes twitched and turned to the gatekeeper, then her brows jumped and she whistled.

Ning Ning followed his gaze, and then sweat dripped down his forehead.

Next to the gatekeeper, there is a poster.

It was an ancient poster, and the poster depicted the depths of the cold palace, the desolate grass, the white-headed concubine, hanging under a locust tree.

Title: "Battle for the Favorite"

Starring: Chu Qiuer

Now, visible to the naked eye, three words suddenly appeared from behind Chu Qiuer - Ning Yuren.

Gatekeeper: "..."

Ningning: "…"

Shi Zhongtang: "..."

I am most afraid of the sudden quietness of the air. Mom, how should I explain this supernatural phenomenon to others

"Ha, what's going on?" Like a curious cat, Shi Zhongtang walked straight to the poster, first reached out and touched the name on it, rubbed his fingers, there was no new ink on it, so he became more interested, and turned to The head asked Ningning, "Did you see it just now?"

"...I didn't see anything." Ningning opened her eyes and said nonsense.

"There was a name on it just now." Shi Zhongtang said.

"No, there are always two names on it." Ning Ning bite the bullet.

Shi Zhongtang didn't speak anymore. He looked at Ning Ning with a half-smile, until he saw her scalp was numb, and then he said with a smile, "Well then, just think I got it wrong."

Then he turned and walked towards the cinema door.