I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before

Chapter 46: Compete for favor



The charcoal fire was burning in the pot, and the beautiful woman in Tsing Yi slept on the edge of the pot. Although she was fast asleep, every inch of her body was tempting the people around her.

Especially the snow-white and smooth shoulders that were exposed without knowing it.

A hand stretched out from the side, and before it touched her shoulder, it was retracted like an electric shock. Shi Zhongtang looked down at his hand, as if he couldn't believe that he had just made such a move.

After a brief panic, he hurriedly turned back to the desk, and kept saying to the scroll above, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I was just temporarily obsessed..."

Behind him, Ning Yuren opened his eyes expressionlessly, and then smiled slyly at his back.

She didn't fall asleep at all.

Beside him is the battlefield, and every inch of her flesh is a weapon. Now she wants to see, what does the shriveled woman in the painting use against her

The camera slowly moved from her body to the other end.

The staff lay on the ground and began to blow the cigarette pipe in their hands, and wisps of white air spread out, like the smoke waves on the lake.

Clouds rise and clouds steam, and behind the smoke wave, a woman in white slowly walks out, as if the moon is closed in a light cloud, and it is swaying like the snow returning to the wind.

After a startling glance, Ning Yuren hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, but his ears were pricked up, eavesdropping on the conversation between the two of them.

"Lingshan, don't be angry." There was a hint of embarrassment and guilt in Shi Zhongtang's voice.

"Why should I be angry?" Princess Lingshan laughed, "For her?"

Ning Yuren heard the sound of Xixi Susuo, the sound of her skirt brushing the floor and coming in front of her.

With her eyes closed, she could not see the expression on the other's face.

She can only guess, will you be angry? Jealous? Or is it pretentious? No matter which reaction, she has a way to deal with it.

But from the top of her head, there was only a faint voice: "In the palace, there are people like this everywhere."

Ning Yuren was slightly taken aback.

... What's the matter, is this your reaction to seeing a woman hiding in your sweetheart's room

"Concubine, palace maid, eunuch, everyone is doing one thing - fighting." The voice above his head was still calm.

The more Ning Yuren listened, the more awkward she felt. She felt that a woman should not react like this. She felt that Shi Dao would call a card in the next second, but he never did.

"Fight for a seat, fight for a plate of beads, fight for a compliment, they fight for everything, and a fight is a lifetime." Zhucui's voice came, as if she shook her head gently, and the steps on her bun followed. Shaking, "Sometimes I look at them, just like looking at koi in a pond. When someone approaches, they come together, open their mouths, and keep begging for food."

Why don't you call the card? Why let her be so bland

Shi Dao, what are you doing

... What kind of eyes is she looking at me with

Ning Yuren finally couldn't bear it any longer and opened his eyes.

The moment she saw the other person's expression, she couldn't help but feel a chill down her spine.

Ning Ning, dressed in a single color of white, stood in front of her like flowers and trees piled up snow, looking down at her eyes, just like a nobleman who occasionally stopped by the pond, looking down and saw a koi fighting for food.

"If you can't eat it, you have to eat it, lest you won't be able to eat the next meal." She laughed, the sandalwood fan was pinned to her face, and her eyes showed high pity, "It's so pitiful."

Ning Yuren stared at her blankly.

She had seen such an expression, yes, there was another woman in the world who had looked at her like this.

When she traveled through the movie "Battle for the Favorite", everyone had to fight, only one person did not need to fight, and that was the queen!

The woman smiled as she rolled onto the emperor's dragon bed, and then smiled at her being hanged by the emperor with a white lingerie because of a slander made by her new favorite.

Ning Yuren once regarded her as a fool, but in the end, she realized that the fool was herself.

Fighting and fighting, the assembly is empty, one koi, one bright red, how can you win the favor

At that moment, the queen's smile overlapped with Ning Ning's.

Although they were laughing, their eyes and brows were all written - don't care.


Shi Dao's cry interrupted the two of them looking at each other.

Only then did Ning Yuren react.

... the drama is over

"… Let Jean." She got up from the ground, avoided the makeup artist's hand to touch up her makeup, and walked quickly towards Director Shi and the photographer.

Seeing her coming, Shi Dao rarely gave a good face.

"It's a good shoot this time." He said in a friendly manner, "If you want to maintain your state, you will also maintain this level in the next few days, can you do it?"

Ning Yuren nodded randomly, but his eyes were fixed on the camera.

The final frame is the shot of her and Ning Ning looking at each other.

What was fixed on Ning Ning's face was, of course, arrogant and indifferent.

And fixed on her face...

"Heh..." Ning Yuren sighed and smiled helplessly.

appeared again.

When she was hanged, she looked at the Queen's palace from afar.

Ashamed, and… longing.

The three most important scenes were filmed, and everything went smoothly after that.

At night, Ning Yuren and a few other supporting roles stayed behind to film the night scene. Ning Ning finished filming for today's scene. She took off her makeup and was going to go back to the hotel to rest.

The moon hung over the treetops, and a voice came from behind the treetops.

"Do you also care about me?"

Ning Ning was taken aback by him, and when he turned to look, he couldn't help rolling his eyes: "It will scare people to death."

"Tell me, Lingshan." Shi Zhongtang came over with flowers and willows. In order to catch up with Ning Ning, who had taken a step forward, he didn't have time to change his clothes. He was still wearing the ancient costume in the play, and he said with a wink to Ningning, " Are you the same as you don't care about Yin Hongxiu, and you don't care much about me?"

"It's time to get off work." Ning Ning said, "I'm not Lingshan."

"Alright then, I'm off work too." Shi Zhongtang shrugged, "Brother Stone is here too."

He wanted to get off work, but Ningning really couldn't stop him. The only one who could stop him was his father.

The wind blew from behind the treetops and blew on the two of them.

"I'm not just playing." Shi Zhongtang suddenly said.

Ning Ning looked at him with a smile.

"...Ah, you look at me with this look again." Shi Zhongtang stretched out her hand to lift her chin, bowed her head and stared into her eyes, "You look at my eyes like you're looking at an old friend who knows the truth."

Ning Ning pushed him away, he smiled and took two steps back: "But your attitude towards me is not like an old friend."

"Are you enough?" Ning Ning frowned, "If you do this again, I will sue you for sexual harassment!"

"No, you won't." Shi Zhongtang looked at her tenderly, "Even if I do something more extreme to you, you won't do anything to me, you will only accommodate me and forgive me... Why?"

… because the dead are great.

Ning Ning looked at him speechlessly, wondering how he could see through this.

But just like he said, because she knew he would commit suicide and didn't dare to stop her, she felt pity and guilt for him, so no matter what he did to her, as long as it didn't go too far, she would turn a blind eye. Close one eye.

"...It's incredible." Shi Zhongtang looked at her in confusion, "We obviously didn't know each other for a long time, but you seem to know me very well. You obviously don't like me, but you are willing to accommodate me in everything..."

The wind shook the trees, and the bright moonlight was cut into pieces by the leaves, and lightly sprinkled on his hair, like a silver laurel wreath.

"You are so close to me, yet so far away, I seem to be able to catch you as soon as I reach out, but it seems that I can never catch you." He smiled at Ning Ning, "You really look like a person in a painting."

Ning Ning was silent for a moment, then said to him: "Then don't waste time on me, anyway..."

He suddenly hugged her.

"...Even if you are the person in the painting." He put his lips to her ear and said seriously, "I want you to stay by my side forever."

Ning Ning couldn't break free from his embrace, but what managed to let him loose was the beer belly that came galloping... No, Shi Dao.

After watching Shi Dao leave by grabbing his ears, Ning Ning finally breathed a sigh of relief. By the way, he touched both sides of his face with his hands, and muttered, "It's really timely."

If it was a little later, Shi Zhongtang would find her blushing.

She originally wanted to go back to the hotel to rest, but now Ningning has changed her mind, she whimpered and said to herself, "Quickly blow the cold wind and calm down."

She is also a star in size. She didn't leave the crew until she put on a mask. Wandering around on an unfamiliar street, she wandered in front of a familiar building.

Life Cinema.

Ning Ning couldn't help but let out a sigh.

The gatekeeper is not there.

In 2017, he was unstoppable every day, how could he be so passive in 1990? Ning Ning wandered around the door a few times, and suddenly there were clanging footsteps behind her. As soon as she turned her head, the gatekeeper came back with another bag of masks. Seeing that she didn't seem to see her, she swept away her eyes.

He seemed a little tired, so he threw a bag of masks on the ground and sat on the ground with his butt down, his head lowered as if taking a nap.

Ning Ning looked at him for a moment, then walked over and asked, "...You really don't know me?"

He didn't lift his head: "Yes."

Ningning was silent for a moment, then asked, "Then why do you ask me if I can go back?"

He still didn't lift his head: "..."

Ning Ning suspected that he was asleep, walked over and squatted in front of him.

He suddenly raised his head and stared at her, behind the snow-white mask, a pair of cruel and numb eyes.

But she didn't stagger her eyes, and still looked at him with clear eyes.

"It's annoying." In the end, he couldn't stand the stare at first, he waved his hand to drive people away, but he didn't have much energy, so he lowered his head again and explained impatiently, "Because you are in our eyes. Brightness is different."

Ning Ning was stunned: "What brightness?"

The gatekeeper slowly raised his right hand and used two fingers to compare the length of a candle: "In our eyes, a person is like a candle."

After that, he pressed with two fingers, and all of a sudden, the length was reduced by one-third.

"Now you only have so much left in our eyes." The gatekeeper said, "The shorter the candle, the brighter it burns. Do you know why I asked you not to go back?"

Ning Ning's face suddenly turned pale.

"Because in my opinion, you are about to burn out." The gatekeeper sneered, "You have already changed the fate of the protagonist once? Now the second one?"