I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before

Chapter 48: Enchanted


A hand suddenly stretched out from behind Wen Yu and took the picture book from his hand.

Shi Zhongtang stood behind him, glanced at the contents of the painting, turned his head, and said to him with a smile, "Let me paint the rest, this sister is the person in my painting."

Wen Yu looked at him for a while, then suddenly jumped off the chair and ran away.

Just as Ning Ning was about to stop him, he ran back and put the pencil in Shi Zhongtang's hand.

Seeing his figure running away again, Shi Zhongtang shrugged and smiled at Ning Ning: "Okay, now you can breathe a sigh of relief."

Ning Ning was stunned to hear the words.

"My brother's paintings are usually not very flattering." Shi Zhongtang flipped through the painting book, "His first art teacher was scared away by his paintings, look."

He turned the picture book over and showed Ning Ning the pictures on it.

"This is my brother's self-portrait." Shi Zhongtang said, "He drew it in front of the mirror in front of the art teacher."

As a result, there are two people in the painting.

Wen Yu stood sideways in front of the easel, with two hands on his shoulders. The black lines were like smoke and mist, spreading all the way up from the two hands, and a half-length figure of a woman gathered behind him. The woman's face was blurred. Qing, she could only see that she was bleeding and dying.

"Later I asked him who this woman is." Shi Zhongtang said, "He said it was Aunt Xiaoning... who was his former supporter."

Ning Ning stared blankly at the picture.

Shi Zhongtang probably thought she was frightened, so she put the drawing book back.

"His aunt fell from the building and died in front of him. This incident had a great impact on him." Shi Zhongtang looked down at the painting in his hand, was silent for a moment, and concluded, "He was trapped by the person in the painting. "

After speaking, with a snap, he closed the drawing book.

The moment the picture book was closed, those painful, gray memories that belonged to the past seemed to be turned into black lines and locked into the picture book together.

"By the way, are you thirsty?" Shi Zhongtang conjured up two bright red fairy fruits from behind like a conjurer, "My name is Brother Stone, how about feeding you with your own hands?"

Ning Ning was in a trance for a moment, then came back to his senses and smiled at him reluctantly: "Eat it yourself, I'll go drink some water."

After speaking, she fled in a hurry, and Shi Zhongtang's voice came from behind: "Hey, what did I say wrong again?"

He didn't say anything wrong.

It was she who panicked.

Ning Ning always felt that she had saved Wen Yu, but the moment she saw the self-portrait, she asked herself, did she really save him? Maybe... The moment she fell, she took him down too.

Wen Yu is still alive now, but only half is still alive, and the other half has been left in "Abandoned Son" forever and ever, beside the corpse on the snow, he cried in the never-ending snowstorm, He shouted hoarsely: "Please, don't leave me behind!"

Shi Zhongtang looked at the back who stumbled and fled far away with complicated eyes.

After a long time, he slowly lowered his head and opened the picture book in his hand.

Turning page by page until he turned to the page that Wen Yu had just painted.

Children can always see things that adults cannot.

Maybe Wen Yu doesn't even know what she has captured or painted, right

Shi Zhongtang was stunned for a moment, the Ning Ning in the painting had not yet been formed, and the wisteria flowers and pillars beside it were also outlined. Behind the pillars, a looming mask stretched out.

He slowly looked towards his right hand side, not far away, behind a pillar in the corridor, a smiling face mask stretched out.

In the next scene, Shi Zhongtang behaved a bit abnormally.

After the third ng, Shi Dao stuffed a candy into his mouth: "Would you like to take a break, eat some candy, and adjust your state."

"I'll take a rest." Shi Zhongtang got off the stage and patted his beer belly, "You belly, eat less sugar, or tomorrow the crew will open an extra door to let you in and out."

"Fart! You think I'm a pet dog!" Shi Dao was furious and reached out to grab his ears.

Seeing the two figures chasing and fighting, Ning Ning let out a laugh, feeling a little strange in his heart.

Regardless of what Shi Zhongtang's private life is like, when he was filming, he was a very dedicated actor. To what extent was he dedicated? The male protagonist in the play is a swordsman, so he really goes to learn swordsmanship, and the male protagonist in the play can drive a tank, so he really goes to learn how to drive a tank...

The stuntman must have hated him! He's here to cut off everyone's fortunes!

From the filming of "The Man in the Picture" until now, his performance has been very good, or the best. Everyone's state has ups and downs, including Ning Ning has several times, only he has been performing unimpeded until now.

Until this scene, he began to keep wandering and constantly ng.

Is this scene difficult? Ning Ning frowned and thought, picked up the script in her hand and read it.

This is a match between her and Shi Zhongtang.

If I had to give this scene a name, it would probably be "The Dumped Man Stabbed His Ex-Girlfriend Angrily", or... "Enchanted".

In this scene, the male protagonist became more and more fascinated by Princess Lingshan. Such fascination gradually made Princess Lingshan unbearable. After a dispute, Princess Lingshan returned to the painting. No matter how the male protagonist called her, she would not come down. After the Lord's efforts were fruitless, he decided to let her walk away from the painting forever at all costs.

"Okay." Shi Zhongtang's voice came from the opposite side, "I have a good rest, let's start again."

A group of people returned to their posts, and Shi Dao quickly swallowed the unfinished candy in his mouth and shouted.


The incense burner curled up with smoke, and the smoke drifted over the makeup box, and the treasure box was half open, revealing the hosta, golden hairpin, step shake, flower hairpin, ear hairpin, Fang Shenglai.

Shi Zhongtang took out a peony flower from the box, put it in his mouth and breathed a sigh of relief, softened the glue on the back of the flower, and stuck it on Ning Ning's eyebrows.

Ning Ning leaned on the imperial concubine's couch, her body was half-smoked and half-mist, not like anything in the world, as if the wind would dissipate, until the eyebrows were attached to this piece of peony flower, it seemed charming and real. stand up.

Shi Zhongtang looked at her stupidly, and said, "Only peony is a true national color, and it moves the capital when it blooms."

Ning Ning smiled slightly, resting her head with one hand, without opening her eyes, she said lazily, "Li Lang, let's be apart for a while."

After an indescribable silence, Shi Zhongtang asked calmly, "Are you serious?"

This calmness is more terrifying than hysteria, at least he has scared Ningning.

But she refused to show weakness, instead she opened her eyes and looked at him: "Yes."

He still didn't get angry, and even smiled more gently and decently than usual, but the sense of solemnity in the air became stronger and stronger.

"Can you tell me the reason?" He looked at Ningning sincerely, "What did I do wrong to make you suddenly tired of me?"

"...I just think you're too addicted." Ning Ning raised his finger and pointed to the wall behind him, "In the end, I'm just like them, but it's just a painting."

There are many picture scrolls hanging on the wall, in addition to the landscape, there are also characters, and Zhang Zhang's famous handwriting, all of which are Shi Zhongtang's favorite things. Many people are with you, even if I'm not here, you won't be lonely anymore."

Now, Shi Zhongtang followed her fingers, slowly turning her head to look at the pile of pictures behind her, suddenly stood up from the ground, and walked over quickly.

Then, tear it apart.

In front of Ning Ning, he tore his favorite picture of a Tang Dynasty lady from the wall and threw it into the charcoal basin beside him without hesitation.

The flames scorched the corners of the scroll and the cheeks of the lady, turning this priceless scroll into useless black ashes.

Tear, tear, tear... Shi Zhongtang turned his back to Ning Ning, tore off the paintings on the wall one by one, and threw them into the charcoal basin until the wall was empty and there was not a single painting left. Then he turned around slowly.

At that moment, the flame jumped on the scroll, the bright flame shone on his face, and quickly dimmed, making his face flicker, almost magical.

"No more." He smiled at Ning Ning, "Only you."

Ning Ning stared at him in a daze, there was a chill on his back.

In front of him is like a fire in the dark night, there is no temperature, only a twisted madness.

"...You still don't understand what I mean." She couldn't help grasping the corner of the beauty's couch, obviously not wanting to show weakness, but her tone involuntarily slowed down, "You and I are separated from yin and yang, you are a living person, and I am a dead person. , how could we be in a…”

Before she could finish speaking, he was swept away by him.

The two embracing figures are reflected in the bronze mirror next to them. The color of the bronze mirror is so dim and hazy that the two figures inside are melted together.

"I caught you." Shi Zhongtang whispered in her ear, "I will never let go."

He used too much force, making Ning Ning feel a little suffocated. This suffocation made her feel in a trance. Is she Ning Ning or Princess Lingshan? Is the person holding her now Shi Zhongtang or the male protagonist of "The Man in the Picture"

"...Let go!" She suddenly came back to her senses, struggled to break away from his embrace, and then ran towards the desk as if escaping. Her usual dignity and nobility had been forgotten, and now she was just a person chased by fear. The young girl staggered on the road and ran off an embroidered shoe, but didn't have the courage to go back and pick it up.

A puff of boiling white smoke rolled.

She disappeared.

Shi Zhongtang ran to the desk. On the table was the only undamaged picture scroll in the room. On the picture scroll, a woman in white embraced him and stood with her back to him. She looked pitiful and seemed to be afraid of something.

"Lingshan." Shi Zhongtang held an embroidered shoe and shook her, "Your shoe fell off."

The person in the picture didn't respond.

"Don't be afraid of me." Shi Zhongtang put down his shoes, reached out and stroked the person in the painting, from her hair to her face, her shoulders, "I will never hurt you."

The man in the picture still ignored him.

"...Come down." After a while of silence, Shi Zhongtang's voice softened, "I was wrong just now, I shouldn't have done that, I shouldn't have scare you..."

The person in the painting is still on the painting, with no intention of coming down.

With a bang, Shi Zhongtang suddenly swept his right hand, and swept the inkstone and pen holder mountain on the desk to the ground.

Tick, tick, tick... He turned his back to the camera, stood in front of the desk, his right hand was hanging under the cyan sleeve, droplets of blood fell from the injured fingers, staining the ground red.

"... Maybe you're just having fun, maybe you're just... treating me as a face that comes and goes." He smiled sullenly, then raised the injured hand and gently stroked his painting Chinese.

The pale figure, stained red by his blood.

"But it's impossible for me to let go." He said to her with gentle eyes, as if he was sincere, "Lingshan, I will let you come down from the painting and come down forever."

With that, he leaned down and kissed her.

The camera moved slowly from behind him to in front of him.

The final shot is of his smile when he slowly straightened up, a drop of blood on the corner of his lips, his expression so gentle, so lonely, so sad, and so... desperately crazy.

Such a tense performance made everyone stunned, until Director Shi clapped his hands: "It's over!"

Shi Zhongtang is worthy of being Shi Zhongtang. After a few short periods of time, he showed far more terrifying acting skills than before, almost overwhelming everyone who was playing against him, shaking all over and unable to breathe.

While Ning Ning was shivering, she was sweating comfortably all over her body. A good opponent can promote her. She felt that her understanding of the role of Princess Lingshan was a step deeper. Some unfulfilled feelings.

It's a pity, if Shi Zhongtang wasn't the hero of this movie, she might be closer to him.

"Huh?" She suddenly noticed a different face and a different expression, so she walked over and bent down to look at the man, "Xiao Wenyu, what's the matter with you?"

Wen Yu didn't know when he had already taken back his drawing book, and was sitting in a corner with no one watching the performance. The expression on his face was different from that of others. Instead of being fascinated, he showed a trace of worry.

Hearing Ning Ning's voice, he looked back at her, hesitated, hugged the painting book in his arms, and asked weakly, "Do you think... today's brother is a bit strange?"

Ning Ning was stunned for a while, and followed his gaze, only to feel that his every move was full of courage, and he was simply the most powerful actor she had ever seen in her life.

"... He's very good today." Ning Ning could only come to this conclusion, then looked down at Wen Yu, "What about you? What do you think is strange about him?"

"... He was very excited today." Wen Yu bit her lip lightly, and took a long time to add, "I think... he seems to be going to do something very dangerous."

How can adults believe the "feelings" of children, not to mention that this area is safe and sound, Shi Zhongtang himself is an amateur fighting enthusiast, and it is not stressful to hang three by himself. Ordinary thieves and gangsters meet him, and I don't know who compares. Danger.

So no one expected that at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the crow was circling in the air, and Shi Zhongtang was standing at the entrance of the Life Cinema with a smile, using the ticket in his hand as a fan and fanning himself.