I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before

Chapter 52: The last play


This is the last scene of The Man in the Picture.

After untold hardships, the resurrection medicine was finally made.

There is only one bottle of medicine, but people have two.

One is Princess Lingshan, who has been dead for a long time, and the other is the male protagonist who is about to die.

"Drink it quickly." Shi Zhongtang raised his head to look at Ning Ning and said softly, "I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

They had already escaped from Yumen Pass, and the sand was rolling around them. A camel was standing beside them. The camel bell on its neck was jingled by the wind, and the wind blew golden waves. Ning Ning sat in the golden sand. On the ground, holding Shi Zhongtang in his arms, he gently shook his head at him.

"It's this time, you are still so willful." Shi Zhongtang's voice became lower and lower, and finally closed his eyes.

The moment he stopped breathing, Ning Ning immediately unscrewed the bottle in his hand and fed him the whole bottle of medicine.

The medicine bottle was empty, and she stared at his eyes. After a long time, she asked in a trembling voice, "Why isn't he awake?"

The Taoist hesitated for a long time and spread his hands: "I told him, how can there be any resurrection medicine in this world?"

"What did you say?" Ning Ning was stunned for a moment, then became furious, pulled out the sword from Shi Zhongtang's waist, stood up and pointed at the Taoist priest's neck, "You lied to him?"

"I didn't lie to him!" The Taoist hurriedly took out an old book from his arms, "This book is handed down from my ancestors, and the spells on it are all real, otherwise you wouldn't be the person in the painting... "

Before Ning Ning could finish speaking, he snatched the Taoist book from his hand and took a closer look. It was indeed filled with all kinds of spells, invisibility, wall penetration, people in pictures... and The last page, Resurrection.

"...How could this be?" Ning Ning looked at the blank space after the resurrection, the Taoist book slipped from her hand and fell on the sand.

The Taoist priest rushed over to pick up the Taoist book, and muttered: "I told him that I can't do it, but he won't listen. Hey, in order to make him retreat, I just said a bunch of hard-to-find materials. Knowing that he actually collected it all..."

A sword pierced his chest, blocking his unfinished words in his throat, Ning Ning pulled the sword out of his back and turned to look at Shi Zhongtang on the ground.

She walked over slowly and leaned over to stroke his face.

It's strange, I hated seeing this face before, but now the tears are streaming down and falling on his face.

Raising his hand to wipe the tears on his face, Ning Ning looked down at the sword in his hand, as if possessed by a demon, slowly raised the sword and placed it across his neck, then closed his eyes and wiped it hard—

The sword fell to the ground, splashing a patch of sand.

Ning Ning touched the bloodless neck with both hands, and said in a trembling voice, "How could this be?"

A gust of wind blew, and the sound of flipping pages came from her ears. She turned her head and saw that the Taoist book in the pool of blood was blown open by the wind, and just turned to the last page, which seemed to be because of the blood. A line of words gradually appeared on the blank page.

Seeing that line of characters, Ning Ning first burst out laughing, then burst into tears.

The line after the resurrection is—

"If you want to be immortal, you will sacrifice yourself to paint."

"...Li Lang, you wait." Ning Ning lowered his head and instructed Shi Zhongtang, "I will draw you now, and I will bring you back to life now..."

But when he turned his head, he saw another line of words on the book.

"If you don't die, there is no need in the world."

After the four-line poem, the Taoist technique ignites without fire.

"No!" Ning Ning rushed over, desperately using the sand on the ground to pour the Taoist technique, and when he was in a hurry, he even beat the flames with his own hands. But the flames burned fast and went out fast, even before her hand felt hot, a book had already been burned.

A few ashes floated in front of her eyes, Ning Ning's knees softened, she knelt on the ground, and burst into tears.

The Taoist book is gone, the Taoist priest is dead, and no one in the world can draw the art of drawing people, and no one even knows how to kill her. She will live forever and be alone forever.

After thinking about this, Ning Ning couldn't help shivering.

A feeling of loneliness that she had never felt before rushed into her heart like a wave.

She couldn't help feeling the cold, she couldn't help turning around and crawling to Shi Zhongtang's side, crying and hugging him for warmth.

"Li Lang, I'm afraid." She cried, "I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of living..."

Her cries echoed in the desert, but no one answered.

Parents, brothers, sisters, and even Shi Zhongtang have left her now. The sky is so big and the land is so vast, but she, the one who least wants to live, will live forever.

"Go!" Shi Dao clapped his hands, "Now I announce that "The Man in the Picture" is officially finished!"

The cameraman grabbed his hat and threw it into the sky, and the whole crew fell into a sea of joy.

Fix it. The word pressed on Ning Ning's heart, making her feel extremely heavy.

"How are you going to party tonight?" Shi Zhongtang opened his eyes in her arms and asked her with a smile.

waiting for you to die. Ning Ning thought so in her heart, but she asked, "How are you going to live?"

"Don't even think about being alone." Shi Dao came over and said to them, "Tonight we have a killing banquet!"

Shi Dao is a person who always wants to find an excuse to eat. How could he let such a good excuse go away? A bunch of food and drinks were brought up. Stop pulling him a few times and feed him two mouthfuls of greens.

Many people came over to clink glasses with Ning Ning. Ning Ning smiled and sipped a little wine, daring not to get drunk, and all his attention was on Shi Zhongtang.

He is still the same today, alive and well, with no signs of suicide.

The small accident that happened later did not affect his mood.

A fan didn't know how to sneak into the banquet hall, jumped on him, and screamed: "I love you, Tangtang, I love you!"

Everyone was startled, and while pulling her, they turned their heads and called for security.

"Do you love me?" Shi Zhongtang lowered his head and looked at the female fan who was hugging his waist tightly and didn't let go, with a weird smile.

"Yeah, yeah!" The female fan raised her head and looked at him, her eyes full of infatuation.

"Will you love me in the future? Will you love me when I'm old? Will you love me when I get a beer belly? Will you love me too when my hairline moves back? Come down and smash the opponent by surprise.

The female fans seemed to be frightened by him, and they didn't recover until they were taken away by the security frame.

Not to mention her, others seemed to be frightened by him, and felt that his reaction just now was a bit aggressive.

But most people didn't take it to heart, because he quickly returned to his usual appearance, chatting and laughing with everyone, and taking the initiative to toast everyone. His status is here, his smile is here, no one is there Don't give him face... Except Ning Ning.

Therefore, when most of the people were too drunk, she was still sober, and when Shi Zhongtang put on his coat and walked out of the door, she quietly followed.

He seemed to have spotted her, stopped halfway, and turned his face sideways.

Ning Ning hid behind the telephone pole and frowned at the high heels on her feet. She thought that the other party might have discovered her, but he just paused for a moment and walked forward again.

She hesitated for a moment and followed.

Follow along, and you will follow to the door of the Life Cinema.

He stopped again, this time it wasn't just looking sideways, but walked directly to where Ning Ning was hiding. When she rushed out of the telephone pole and was about to run, he grabbed her and half-pulled her. Take it to the door of the cinema.

"What are you doing?" Ning Ning struggled in his arms.

"I like you, especially knowing that you went to the movie theater for acting." He whispered in her ear, "Because me too."

Ning Ning was stunned, forgot to struggle, and looked up at him: "You? Do you need it?"

He is such a genius, why does he go to the cinema

"I like acting, but I can't keep doing it. When I'm old, I can't play young roles. When I grow a beer belly, I can't play handsome roles, but I will grow old and ugly one day." Shi Zhongtang He smiled and said, "So do you."

"... Everyone is the same." Ning Ning replied, "Just wait until that day and retire."

"No." Shi Zhongtang refused this bland and boring ending without thinking about it. He stared at the movie theater in front of him, "If I hadn't met you, if I hadn't met this movie theater, I might be able to accept this ending, but Now… "

Shi Zhongtang turned his head to look behind him and said with a smile, "I have a deal with him."


Ning Ning turned her head slowly, her body suddenly cold.

A man wearing a smiling face mask came behind them at some point and was watching them quietly.

"...How did you meet?" After Ning Ning asked, she suddenly remembered something, her face turned pale, and she stared at Shi Zhongtang with her head raised, "Could it be that the ticket in your hand is...

"Well, he gave it to me." Shi Zhongtang admitted calmly.

"I warned you not to accept tickets from the staff." Ning Ning's face sank.

"I accepted, I changed the fate of the protagonist." Shi Zhongtang said indifferently, "twice."

When he said this, he walked towards them with a smiling face mask, holding his hands up, his pale palms were full of votes, not only ordinary votes, odd-numbered votes, even-numbered votes, but also a few Ning Ning see also. Tickets not seen.

Shi Zhongtang's eyes lit up, he let go of Ning Ning, stretched out his hand to take the pile of tickets, and then presented it to Ning Ning like offering flowers to his lover, smiling childishly: "I helped him change the fate of the two protagonists, he gave me Tickets, with these tickets, we can play a different person every night, in a different time and place, and do a lot of different things…”

Finally, his eyes became gentle and serious: "Then fall in love with each other."

Ning Ning glanced at the ticket in his hand, then slowly raised his eyes to look at him.

The passion and anxiety in his eyes slapped her eyes like waves.

This was the most terrifying and heart-warming courtship that Ning Ning had ever seen in her life.

"Ah… "

Who laughed

Ning Ning and Shi Zhongtang turned their heads and saw that it was a man wearing a smiling face mask. He smiled, and with his chuckle, with a click, the mask on his face suddenly cracked.


Who screamed in pain

Ning Ning turned his head to look and saw Shi Zhongtang raised his hand and touched his face. He frowned, slowly put down his hand, and looked at Ning Ning doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

Ning Ning looked at him and felt that she had difficulty breathing.

Because a small mask suddenly appeared on his face.

Shi Zhongtang himself touched the mask on his face. He looked even more surprised than Ning Ning. He turned his head and shouted at the smiling face mask, "What's going on? What is this? This is completely different from what we said before!"

"I'm sorry." As another mask shattered and fell, a thin and ruthless mouth appeared on the smiling face mask, apologizing insincerely, and then smiled slyly, "I lied to you."