I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before

Chapter 59: Danger


"Where did you get this ticket?"

After getting off the plane, Ning Ning called Wen Yu while walking outside the airport.

"Yuring." He said a name that surprised her a bit. "I asked her about the weird people and weird things she encountered during the period of 'The Man in the Picture'."

After a pause, Wen Yu said, "Your mother... After the filming of "The Man in the Picture", Ning Yuren kept asking her for tickets - tickets for the Life Cinema."

Ning Ning took a step.

"Before and after, she has been pestering her for more than a year." Wen Yu said, "Afterwards, You Ling couldn't stand it anymore, so she found someone to make a fake ticket for her just as she described."

"Have you seen through?" Ning Ning asked, but she already had the answer in her heart.

"Yes, it was discovered. Because of this incident, the two of them had a big fight. According to You Ling..." Wen Yu considered her words and said euphemistically, "Your mother's appearance is very bad. When the bodyguard dragged her away, she kept screaming at her, saying 'you caused me to escape the ticket' or something..."

fare evasion…

Ning Ning clearly remembered that in the will left by her mother, one of the most important things was marked-never and never evade fares.

It turned out that she had already escaped the ticket.

What impact did this fare evasion have on her? Wen Yu's words were too euphemistic, the so-called appearance was very bad, maybe she was going crazy, or she wouldn't have asked the bodyguard to drag her away.

"This ticket is the fake ticket back then, and your mother threw it back to You Ling." Wen Yu said, "When I went to visit, she found it and showed it to me, and I took a picture of it for you. Look, how is it? Do you have any impressions?"

"No." Ning Ning said disobediently.

"Really." Wen Yu said lightly, looking like she didn't believe her words, "If you think of anything, please let me know."

"Okay." After Ning Ning hung up the phone, he immediately got in the car and rushed to Life Cinema.

At this moment, there was a thought in her mind - she would go to the cinema more than Wen Yu, and she had to find a way to save people before Wen Yu found more clues... to save Shi Zhongtang.

"Maybe I can tell him everything?" As soon as another thought came up, she was forcibly suppressed by her. She lowered her eyes and said, "Then he will definitely enter the cinema."

The car stopped at No. 35, Rouge Road. She paid and got off the car, wrapping her coat tightly by the cold wind outside.

Da, da, da, the high heels slowly walked to the entrance of the Life Cinema.

Two rows of fluttering lanterns, the gatekeeper sitting on the stone steps at the entrance, the outdated posters on the walls, today's Life Cinema is still the same, like an oil painting that will never change.

Ningning turned to look at the poster on the wall, a new night, a new poster.

Title: "The Pillowman"

Starring: Yan Qing

In the poster is a new house, with the word "Happy" on the wall and the word "Happy" on the pillow.

The bed was empty and no one was there, but upon closer inspection, a pair of figures fell on it, it seemed to be a man and a woman.

Ning Ning turned around, took out the last ticket from her handbag, and handed it to Boss Qu.

Boss Qu slowly raised his head, stared at her viciously, and said word by word, "Go, go back, go!"

"I have a ticket." Ning Ning knew that he couldn't refuse him, "I want to go in and watch a movie."

Boss Qu seemed to want to reject her, but he couldn't. The movie theater gave him rights and restricted his behavior. He couldn't reject customers who had tickets in hand.

"... Change it." After a while, his attitude softened a little, coaxing her like a child, "Come back tomorrow or the day after."

Ning Ning blinked: "Why?"

Boss Qu hesitated. He turned his face to the side, looked at the poster beside him, and said solemnly, "This movie is too dangerous for you."


Ning Ning looked at the poster next to her in surprise. It was not the first time that she had traveled through a movie. The first time she was burned to death, the second time she fought a criminal and died, and the third time she didn't die, but she was also frightened a lot. But Boss Qu never used the word "dangerous" to describe the three films.


Judging from the name, judging from the content on the poster, most of it is a romantic movie or a family ethics drama. Why did he get the evaluation of "dangerous" in the mouth of Mr. Qu

"Is there anything special about it?" Ningning asked.

Boss Qu shook his head, meaning he couldn't speak.

"...Is it related to you?" Ningning was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked.

Boss Qu was stunned.

"Can I find some clues from it?" Ningning stared at him, "A clue about the movie theater, a clue that can save you?"

Their eyes met, and after a long while, Ning Ning said slowly, "I understand... let me in."

Boss Qu stood up from the ground, his tall body blocked the entrance of the cinema, as if he wanted to turn himself into a second door and not let her in.

Ning Ning didn't say a word, just handed the ticket to him.

Boss Qu gritted his teeth and said, "It has nothing to do with me, with..."

He tried to reveal more, but couldn't reveal it. He obviously didn't want to take the ticket, but his right hand trembled and stretched out.

"One person, one vote, entry is invalid." He tore off the ticket in his hand very slowly. His body, which would not tremble even when cut with a knife, was trembling now. Ningning heard him keep scolding in a low voice, stupid. , Stupid guy, stupid daughter... He suddenly turned his head and shouted, "Shi Zhongtang! Come here!"

Then he turned his body to the side and let the door open.

"I'm sorry." When Ning Ning passed by him, she said softly to him, she didn't want to make him so embarrassed, but his reaction, his eyes, and his words made her feel that this movie is very important, If I miss it tonight, I don't know when I will encounter such a "dangerous" movie next time.

Boss Qu didn't speak. After she walked into the cinema, his voice came softly from behind her and said, "I shouldn't pay attention to you, I shouldn't have..."

Ning Ning paused, then walked in without hesitation.

The white-robed swordsman wearing a jade mask was already waiting for her inside the door. As soon as she came in, a hand stretched out from the opposite side, tapped her lips, and shrugged at her.

"Don't talk, come with me." Shi Zhongtang said softly.

He pulled Ning Ning, the two of them lowered their bodies, and walked silently into the auditorium.

Ning Ning's ticket is an ordinary ticket, and the location is very far back, far away from the screen.

Shi Zhongtang took her to the seat written on the ticket and sat down, then stood beside her and pointed to the front.

Ning Ning looked down his arm and couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

The seats in Life Cinema are not the popular sofa seats, but carved wooden chairs with hollow backs and various patterns. Looking forward from the back, she saw a person.

- Another guest.

Ning Ning was so startled that she almost jumped up from her seat, but Shi Zhongtang put her hand on her shoulder and pressed her back when she jumped up to prevent her from making too much noise.

Ning Ning calmed down and began to observe the other party. The other party's position was very forward. The little girl in the mask who had been serving her before was now serving her diligently. Because the distance was too far, the light was dim, and the other party was facing her back, Ning Ning couldn't tell whether the other party was a man or a woman, or even guessed the other party's age.

Someone suddenly pinched his shoulders, Ning Ning looked up at Shi Zhongtang, saw him tilted his head and glanced at him, then pointed to the chair at the far left in front of him, one, two, three... and counted them one by one.

It took Ning Ning a few seconds to understand what he meant.

She hurriedly followed his example, counting from left to right, one, two and three. When she counted to another guest, she came to the answer in her heart: "Twenty-three - odd-numbered designated votes!"

Odd-numbered designated ticket, one of the special tickets of Life Cinema.

It can specify the object that the guests pass through. This object must be someone other than the protagonist and must have appeared in this movie.

Ning Ning looked at each other from a distance, with relief and hesitation on her face.

In such a big movie theater, it is impossible for her to be the only guest. She had long guessed that there would be such a day when she would meet other guests in the movie theater.

But after that

Since they are watching the same movie, they are most likely to travel to the same movie. Ning Ning originally thought that one more person should take care of him, but now, looking at the attitude of Boss Qu and Shi Zhongtang... It seems that he does not agree with her and her. Another guest to make early

why is that

Before she could think about it, when the lights went out, the whole movie theater was dark.

The movie screen in the distance lights up slowly, like a human eye that has just opened. There is no black eye, only the white of the eye.

After a while, a line of words slowly appeared on it.

"This film is based on a true story."

Then a woman's voice sounded, as if she had practiced vocal music, and the singing was very beautiful and full of emotion.

"Pillow man, look at you." She sang sweetly, as if singing a bedtime tune for the pillow man.

"The person next to your pillow, look at you." The lyrics were still the same, but her voice was filled with panic for some reason.

"The person beside the pillow, look at you!" The high-pitched singing, the despairing wailing.

The singing sounded like a tsunami, drowning the two people in the audience...

In 1994, the High School Affiliated to Normal University.

"Wow, why are you still sleeping?"

"Wake up, wake up, the car is coming."


Ning Ning suddenly opened his eyes.

There were white mosquito nets, an electric fan on the ceiling was turning, and there were 121, 121 calls from outside the window, and it seemed that some students were in physical education class.

She turned her head and saw a short-haired woman in her twenties standing beside the bed. Behind her was a student dormitory bed. The upper and lower floors were covered with mattresses and covered with white mosquito nets. There were also quite a few textbooks on the bed below. , Take a closer look, the second grade of junior high school.

"Quickly, change your clothes!" The woman in black dragged her up from the bed, frizzy.

"I got up..." Ning Ning pretended not to be awake, and got out of bed while rubbing her eyes.

First question, who am I? Resident students or resident staff

Ningning opened the wardrobe, which was full of adult clothes, characterized by plain colors, conservative styles, and old-fashioned like a medieval nun.

She casually took a white one and put it on, then said, "Where's my wallet?"

After that, she started rummaging around on the bed, table, and drawers, and finally found what she wanted in the bottom drawer.

A teacher certificate.

When she opened it, she saw a photo of a long-haired woman with the same appearance as the clothes in her wardrobe. She was plain, conservative, and old-fashioned like a nun in the Middle Ages. She was qualified as a senior teacher and taught Chinese as a subject.

"What are you doing?" The woman in black jumped next to her, "If you don't go, I'll go first."

"Come here." Ning Ning put the teacher's qualification certificate back, closed the drawer and walked towards the other side.

The woman in black was chatting all the way, while Ning Ning was silent all the way. There was too little information. She didn't know exactly what kind of person she should dress up as.

Then, she'd better live the life of the other party, interact with the other party's circle of friends more, and gradually know what to do.

"Hello Mr. Yunlin, hello Mr. Li Pingping." I met a few students on the road and greeted them both embarrassedly. Thanks to them, Ning Ning finally knew the identity and name of the woman in black beside him.

They walked out of the school gate together, not far from the station, a bus was about to leave, Li Pingping yelled to stop the car, and then got on the bus with Ning Ning one after the other.

The car drove all the way, and the passengers changed all the way, but Ningning and Li Pingping kept sitting on it and didn't see Li Pingping stand up until the last stop.

Terminal: Fukuyama Funeral Home.

The two got out of the car in tandem again. Li Pingping walked to a nearby gift shop, pointed to a bunch of white chrysanthemums and asked, "How much is this?"

Boss: "Three dollars."

Li Pingping: "It's so expensive!"

Boss: "This is the price here, you can go out and ask."

Li Pingping murmured a few words in a low voice, then suddenly turned her head and smiled at Ning Ning: "You give half of the money, this bunch of flowers is given by the two of us together, how about it?"

Ning Ning was stunned.

"It's decided." After Li Pingping finished speaking, she walked over to put her hands up and down, took out the wallet from Ning Ning's body, then took two yuan and walked away, returning the bag to her with a smile, "I don't have any change, you give me two yuan. Give me a piece."

When she turned around to pay, Ning Ning tilted her head and looked at her behind her back. Judging from the small matter of paying, she could almost already see the character of the other person, the usual character of her body, and the relationship between the two of them. relationship.

One took it by force, the other dared not resist, the other was aggressive, and the other endured silently. Thinking about it this way, the other party brought him to the funeral home, perhaps not for her company, but for her to pay.

After the chrysanthemum was wrapped, Li Pingping took the chrysanthemum, turned around with a smile, and said to her, "Let's go, let's go to Yanqing's funeral."

Ning Ning was stunned to hear the words.

Yan Qing

... the protagonist of "Pillowside Man"