I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before

Chapter 68: match made in heaven


"You're back." Li Pingping laughed suddenly, "The meal is almost ready, come in quickly."

"Who are you?" Pei Xuan looked like he didn't know her at all, and asked cautiously, "Why are you at my house? Where is Yunlin?"

Li Pingping glanced at him and walked back towards the house.

Leaving Pei Xuan and others behind, the two neighbors looked at each other and asked, "Let's call the police?"

"Don't call the police yet." Pei Xuan said, "Don't force her to take risks. I'll go talk to her first and make sure of Yunlin's current situation."

In the eyes of others, he was like a 24-year-old filial husband, and Mrs. Li was moved: "Then you must be careful, I will ask my wife to call someone over, and you can call someone if something happens."

"Thank you." After Pei Xuan finished speaking, he took a deep breath and entered the door.

Chop chop chop, chop chop chop...

The closer he got to the kitchen, the louder the chopping sound.

Picking up a golf club in the living room, he walked to the kitchen door and smiled: "What's for lunch today?"

"The couple's lung slices, plus my homemade wife cake." Li Pingping turned her back to him and stood in front of the chopping board, slicing with the knife in her hand, "Do you eat the meat stuffed?"

Pei Xuan's brows jumped.

He looked around carefully. Compared with before he left, the house was a lot messier, especially the kitchen. It seemed that there had been a fight. The plates and cups were broken, and now they were swept in the corners, like a small garbage dump.

Not only that, the floor is still a little sticky, and the shoes on it feel very bad. Every step is very difficult. If you look closely, there is a bloody handprint left on the wall. The blood has dried up, and it seems that it has passed. a few days.

Thinking of the meat-filled wife cake, Pei Xuan had no appetite.

"I ate on the way." He said with a smile, "It's still early, don't be busy cooking, come and talk to me."

The sound of chop chop chop stopped, and Li Pingping slowly looked back at him.

"Okay." She came over with the knife in her hand, "It's time for us to have a good chat."

The two returned to the living room, one with a knife and the other with a golf club, wary and smiling.

"Why did you pretend you didn't know me just now?" Li Pingping was the first to break the silence.

"In the eyes of others, I am a man who is about to marry Yunlin." Pei Xuan said with a wry smile, "A strange woman suddenly appeared at home. I am very familiar with this woman, what will others think of us?"

Li Pingping didn't speak, and stared down at the knife in her hand.

"I'm going abroad soon, you will go with me when the time comes, but before we leave, let's not make extra troubles." Pei Xuan said to her solemnly, "I'll tell people outside later that you are Yun Lin's colleague, Yun Lin is ill, you are here to take care of her... By the way."

He looked around, his eyes stopped on the wall of the corridor, all the large and small photo frames had been removed, and the cat's eyes on the wall were staring at him.

"...Where's Yunlin?" He looked back at Li Pingping, "How did you deal with her?"

Li Pingping also glanced at the direction of the corridor wall: "I threw her into the wall."

Pei Xuan was stunned when he heard the words.

"I didn't expect people to live inside the wall." After she finished speaking, she looked at Pei Xuan with a half-smiling smile. She didn't say whether the "people" in the words meant Ning Ning or another person.

The atmosphere suddenly became dignified, until there was a gurgling sound from the kitchen.

"The rice is ready." Li Pingping got up and said.

She walked away from Pei Xuan, and soon returned with her lunch, white rice, slices of husband and wife's lungs, and a plate of steaming wife cake. The smell of sesame and meat mixed together, but it didn't stimulate Pei Xuan's appetite.

"Eat." Li Pingping put a piece of wife cake in front of him, "Why don't you eat it?"

"I'll go wash my hands first." Pei Xuan got up and left, leaving the golf club in his hand on the sofa when he left.

Li Pingping stared at the baseball bat and waited quietly for a while, only to hear the sound of water in the bathroom, but no one came back, so she put down her chopsticks and followed quietly.

She was already careful, but she wasn't careful enough. When she entered the bathroom door, a stick came from the side and hit her on the head.

Li Pingping shouted and swayed on the spot, but Pei Xuan didn't give her time to react at all. He desperately hit her with the dismantled clothes-drying steel pipe. Only when he could make a faint humming sound, he dropped the steel pipe in his hand, went to the sink to wash his hands, wiped his face with a towel, and combed his hair. .

Then, he turned around and went to the piano room.

The piano is still covered with a layer of dust. Pei Xuan can't play the piano, and Ning Ning can't play the piano, so this room has always been idle, and put some documents and sundries, which is similar to a warehouse. Usually the two of them No one will come here on their own initiative.

The photo frame on the wall was also removed, Pei Xuan walked over, took out a key, and inserted it into the cat's eye.

The cat's eye is hidden behind the photo frame, the keyhole is hidden in the cat's eye, and there is a simple maze behind it.

The door disguised as a wall opened.

Who knows that there is another world separated by a wall.

This world is like the reflection of the outside world, the corridor corresponds to the corridor, and the room corresponds to the room, just like someone copied and pasted a copy of the villa outside and put it behind the wall.

The difference is that the outer world is bright and beautiful, while the inner world is dark and desolate.

"It's so dark, why don't you turn on the lights?" After Pei Xuan finished speaking, he groped for the wall beside him and pressed the light switch.

The light came on, and the woman in the corner winced.

She was wearing a floral dress, and she was as dry and thin as a mummified corpse just dug out of the ground. Her originally delicate curls were now withered and yellowed, and a lot of hair fell on the ground and hadn't been cleaned up.

A plate and a bowl around her were all licked clean by her.

"Just you?" he asked. "Anyone else?"

The woman seemed to be slow to respond, and after a long time, she gave a soft snort. After that, she didn't answer his question, but shivered and grabbed the bowl beside her and pushed it in his direction, looking cold again. Hungry and pitiful.

Pei Xuan watched her quietly for a while, then suddenly turned around and ran, rushing towards the door.

But he was still a step too late.

The cluttered footsteps went from far to near. Ning Ning led a group of people to the door. She stopped, and Pei Xuan also stopped. They looked at each other, and in a split second, Pei Xuan responded.

"Xiao Lin!" He suddenly rushed over and hugged Ning Ning tightly in his arms. With a smile of the rest of his life on his face, he kept saying, "You're fine, you're fine..."

How could Ning Ning let him slip through so easily, she looked behind him: "… Yan Qing?"

"Yan Qing?" An exclaimed voice came from beside him.

They were all neighbors. The Yanqing incident was so noisy that no one knew her.

A few brave ones walked over, pulled the hair off the other's face, and exclaimed, "It's really Yan Qing, she's not dead!"

Everyone's attention was on Yan Qing, only Ning Ning stared at Pei Xuan to see what he had to say next. This liar, this villain, actually didn't show any signs of cowardice at this time. Instead, he sighed and turned to Ningning and said, "Sorry, I didn't want you to see this scene."

"...What did you do?" Ningning asked coldly, "Why didn't she die? Why is she here?"

Pei Xuan's eyes were frank: "She asked me to do this."

Ning Ning was stunned.

"You're right, Yan Qing." Pei Xuan turned to look at Yan Qing with pity and disgust in his eyes, "You said you couldn't live, please hide you, don't let outsiders find you, Don't let people outside see you again, you don't want to be scolded or cast aside again."

Yan Qing, who was originally like a puppet, suddenly started shaking when she heard this.

"Your parents also begged me like this, I am soft-hearted, I agree, and I will help you identify a dead vagabond girl as you." The pity in Pei Xuan's eyes became less and the disgust became more and more, "But there must be a deadline for this matter. Right? You cry and cry all day long, cursing this and cursing that, I really have a hard time with you, and when you propose a divorce, you even curse me together..."

"I... No." Yan Qing made a weak voice, "I really didn't..."

"You have." Pei Xuan said firmly. Compared with Yanqing's weakness, his speech was more concise and powerful, and his exhausted look was more contagious. I tortured no one or a ghost. It was obviously you who cheated first. You refused to admit your fault or die, and you refused to divorce me or leave me. What are you going to do? I am tired... Really, I have very tired very tired…”

After speaking, he took off his glasses and covered his face with his hands.

An elite who is usually well-dressed, suddenly shows such a vulnerable side in front of others, but looks more like a weak person than a weak person.

Bewitched by him, the crowd began to complain about him.

"Why is she like this?"

"Hey, marrying such a woman is really a sin in a previous life."

"It's long overdue to leave, let her parents take people back."

"I'll inform her family."

Someone really went to inform Yan Qing's family, Ning Ning saw Pei Xuan's lips move, but he didn't stop it after all.

"By the way, I have to call the police." Sister Li, jealous of hatred, patted her wife's thigh and said, "Is there another lying in the bathroom, is it a thief or something? No matter, call the police to come and ask her."

Pei Xuan's lips moved again, but the matter has come to this point, he can no longer say anything if he stops it.

He glanced at Ning Ning next to him, and suddenly put his arms around her and said to everyone, "Xiao Lin looks a little uncomfortable. I'll help her to rest first."

"Go quickly, we are here." The enthusiastic crowd urged.

Pei Xuan half forcibly helped Ning Ning into the bedroom, closed the door with his backhand, and stared at her without blinking.

"...You're smarter than I thought, and you're worse than I thought." He suddenly laughed, revealing his nature, taking off his disguise, that smile was cunning and gorgeous, like a viper with colorful scales under the sun, " The two of us are a perfect match."