I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before

Chapter 82: One person and two corners


"Why do you do this to my brother?" With the door closed, Ning Ning stared at Pei Xuan angrily.

"You can drive him away." Pei Xuan said, "No matter what method you use."

Ning Ning was stunned.

Pei Xuan shook the red wine in his hand, and in front of Papaya, he poured wine for Ning Ning, and as soon as Papaya left, he drank it by himself, no longer respectful, and suddenly surpassed Ning Ning.

"Now tell you the role you want to play." Pei Xuan said, "You want to play a lady from a rich family."

"How old are you?" Ning Ning asked coldly.

Pei Xuan glanced at her: "You are as old as you are now."

"What do you do at home?" Ning Ning asked again, "Is it an only child? If not, how many brothers and sisters are there? Are you favored or not? What do you like to do? What kind of people do you associate with..."

She asked a lot of questions in one breath, and finally exhaled, embarrassed after being emotional: "I can play her well by finding out what kind of person she is."

I figure out what kind of person you want to know what you're planning.

"If you don't ask, I'll tell you too." Pei Xuan put the red wine glass by his hand, got up and said to her, "Follow me."

Ning Ning hesitated and followed behind him.

The two went to the attic.

There was a maid guarding the door of the attic. Seeing Pei Xuan coming, he took out the key and opened the door behind him.

Mysterious, what's in there

The door opened, and inside was a girl.

With her back to the crowd, she sat on the rocking chair by the window, the sun shone in from the window, and a straight ray of light shone from her to the door.

Ning Ning followed behind Pei Xuan and slowly walked to the girl's side.

The girl's face slowly appeared in front of her.

Ning Ning felt her heart beating wildly.

"It's her who you want to play." Pei Xuan reached out and touched the hair of the girl in the rocking chair. She had the exact same face as Ning Ning, and even the same body, like a person carved out of the same mold.

"... Who is she?" Ning Ning asked with difficulty.

"An illegitimate daughter of the big boss." Pei Xuan replied, "I found her and sent her to her biological father. They like each other very much. The big boss has already arranged that they will officially meet her in two months... Unfortunately, there was a little accident in the middle and she became a vegetable."

"...So you want me to impersonate her?" Ning Ning looked up at him slowly, "But I'm not her, I'll be exposed."

"No. I will train you." Pei Xuan said decisively, then changed the subject and smiled at her maliciously, "Besides, you already know about this, do you think you can still learn from it? Exit here?"

Ning Ning was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, a tight feeling of being entangled by a poisonous snake over her body, pinned her to the spot.

"By the way." Pei Xuan said, "From now on, I will call you by another name, and you will respond to me immediately after you hear it, understand? Lian Lian."


Ning Ning looked down at the girl on the rocking chair again.

The gap between sixteen and thirty-six is too big, so Ning Ning didn't recognize her at first, but now take a closer look... Isn't she Lian Lian? Isn't she the woman who has mixed praise and criticism in the future and is called a witch because she doesn't know too many men

"No." Ning Ning asked herself, "Is that Lian Lian in the future, she or me?"

Half an hour later, in the living room.

"Miss Lianlian..."

"Who allowed you to speak?"

Papaya froze in place, while Ningning sat on the sofa and looked at him coldly.

No matter who is Lian Lian, he shouldn't be here. Pei Xuan said that she could let him go in whatever way she wanted, but what could she do? It's useless to reveal the identity of her sister directly, this guy never listens to her, do you want her to drive away the boy who gave her hand cream? She could only use words to force him to leave.

After all, language is sometimes more lethal than swords.

"I ask you to speak, you can speak, understand?" Ning Ning leaned on the sofa, holding her head with her right hand wearing black lace gloves.

Papaya nodded lightly.

"Okay." Ning Ning was dismissive, "Now sing me a song."

Papaya hesitated for a while before starting to sing. The voice changer boy had a rough voice. He was interrupted by Ning Ning's laughter as soon as he sang a few sentences.

"Hahaha, what are you singing?" Ning Ning leaned back and forth, mocking him without hesitation, "The voice is like a duck..."

When she said this, her heart suddenly trembled, and she remembered the opening song at the beginning of the movie.

"My angel spoke to me today and said I was as fat as a watermelon."

"My angel smiled at me, laughing at me singing like a duck."

"To make her laugh, I quack, quack, quack..."

The papaya in front of her lowered her head and clenched her hands tightly. Ning Ning could even see his shoulders shaking slightly. She didn't know if her words just stabbed him, nor did she know whether the face under the mask was embarrassed or sad.

She saw him slowly raise his head and make three ridiculous noises: "Quack, quack, quack."

Ning Ning didn't want to laugh, but she had to pretend to be hilarious, hahaha laughing. She suddenly felt that she was a good actor, and a good actor could laugh when she wanted to cry in her heart.

"It's really ugly." She wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and ordered Papaya, "You are not allowed to speak in the future, Pei Xuan is right, it's better that you don't have a mouth."

She saw Papaya's hands clenched instantly and then slowly loosened.

Even through the mask, Ning Ning can feel that he seems really sad...

Ning Ning was sad and depressed, thinking: I am such a person, why do you call me an angel

They all have the same face, so why is the treatment so poor after changing clothes

"Sister, is the meal still good?"

At night, in the rental room, the door was kicked open with a bang, Papaya looked tired and angry, walked in angrily, and then lay down on the ground in a figure-eight shape.

"It's almost ready." Ning Ning, who went home one step earlier, was busy in the kitchen, looked back at him and shouted, "It's cold on the ground, you have to go to bed."

Papaya: "I'm manly."

"Go wash when you sweat." Ningning said.

"Turn your head." Papaya said.

As soon as Ning Ning turned her head, a stinky piece of clothing was thrown into her arms, and the shirtless Papaya lay down again: "Wash the clothes first, then wash me."

Ningning: "…"

Can she slaughter this little bastard who used her sister as a servant

In the end, she washed the clothes, and seeing that Papaya was really unwilling to get up, she also twisted a towel over to help him wipe his face and body.

When she wiped her chest, Papaya, who had been closing her eyes, suddenly grabbed her hand and opened her eyes: "Sister, are you tired?"

Ningning: "What?"

"Do whatever your mother asks you to do. Now that your mother is away, do whatever I ask you to do." Papaya turned to look at her, "You are not our servant, why never say no?"

Ningning: "…"

Because of her personality, she couldn't say no.

One person and two corners.

In the morning, with Pei Xuanxu and Wei She, she played a flawed mistress in front of him, full of upstart temperament, beautiful but vicious. At night, she was with Papaya, playing in front of him an obedient sister who followed him most of the time, beautiful but weak.

Maybe she was still having fantasies. After seeing Lian Lian, she fantasized that she would wake up one day, end this mess, and make everything return to what she wrote in her memoirs.

"Is it bad to have someone who obeys you?" So she lowered her head and smiled at him, "Okay, let go."

He looked up at her smile, and after a long time, he let go of his hand and let her continue to work tirelessly to wipe his body with a towel.

The next morning, Papaya went out early and did not choose to take a car, but ran all the way in the morning. This kind of unremitting exercise made his body a little less fleshy, and also made his mind a little bit clearer. It took him five minutes less than usual to arrive at the place of work - Pei Xuan's house.

Pei Xuan's house not only provided clothes, but also provided rain showers. He quickly rinsed himself, and then changed into the servant clothes on the chair. After putting on his clothes, he was tying the buttons on his sleeves in front of the mirror when the door behind him opened. Xuan walked in.

"Yesterday you acted very well." The man wearing gold-rimmed glasses appeared in the mirror in front of him and said with a smile, "You acted much better than your sister, it would be great if the genders of the two of you were reversed, it would save you money. Lose me a lot."

Papaya hurriedly turned around: "Boss."

"Just call me Brother Pei." Pei Xuan waved his hand indifferently, "Sit down. By the way, does your sister usually scold you like that?"

Papaya was silent for a moment: "No."

"I thought she was always like this." Pei Xuan shook his head, "I asked her to play a stubborn young lady, but stubbornness is not pungent, she played too much."

"She's not usually like this..." Papaya said dully.

"What does she usually look like?" Pei Xuan looked at him curiously, hoping to get more information about Ning Ning from him. This kind of information from relatives around him is very important, it can let him know Ning Ning's weaknesses, and then Make plans based on her weaknesses.

"Very gentle and nagging. Everything goes with my will, never say no to me..." Papaya lowered her head and looked at the mouthless mask in her hand, "So the words she is saying to me now... Eighty percent is the truth."

"Oh?" Pei Xuan raised his eyebrows and looked at him with interest.

"She thought I didn't know her identity, so she said these words to me. Do you think it's too much? I think it's a vent." Papaya smiled and rubbed the mask with her thumb, "It's good, why is it like this mask? Same, don't say anything."

"Do you think she hates you?" Pei Xuan asked suddenly.

Papaya looked at him in surprise.

"...I don't know." After a long time, he sighed and put the mask on his face.

He also has a contract with Pei Xuan.

That contract was relative to Ning Ning.

Ning Ning played the hostess and he played the male servant.

According to Pei Xuan's request, he had to pretend that he didn't know Ning Ning's true identity, to obey her, serve her, and make her happy like a real servant.

Isn't that what Ning Ning usually did to him

"... She can scold me if she wants to, and hit me if she wants to. Anyway, I made her what she is now." Papaya wearing a mouthless mask said, "She wants to be a sister, and I am her. Brother, she wants to be the hostess, I am her servant, she is one person and two horns... Me too."