I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before

Chapter 92: my angel


The acquaintance of Ning Ning and Lian Lian originated from an audition video.

Ning Ning plays the role of Yan Qing and Yun Lin in "The Pillow Man".

She is so realistic that she restores many details that only the parties themselves know.

It's okay for Yan Qing to watch this video, and it's not a big problem for Lian Lian - at least that's what Ning Ning thought before watching "My Angel".

But now she doesn't think so.

Taking out his mobile phone, Ning Ning called Lian Lian.

The phone rang a few times and got through. Ning Ning sorted out her emotions, then smiled and said, "In order to understand the role of fungus, I went to her hometown."

After a while, there was no reply from the other side, but he didn't hang up the phone, so Ning Ning went on talking to himself.

"...and her alma mater, No. 19 Middle School, I met her classmates, friends, neighbors, bosses, and landlords." Ningning said, "Then I found out..."

"What did you find?" Lian Lian finally said.

She always said that she started to take beauty sleep before ten o'clock every day, and she couldn't be shaken. But her voice is sober now. It seems that whether she sleeps or not has nothing to do with thunder or not, but depends on who is calling and what is on the phone.

"... I found that since childhood, there was no one friend named Lian Lian by Mu Er's side." Ning Ning said, "No one has seen her, and no one has heard Mu Er mention her..."

"What's so strange about this?" Lian Lian smiled, "Do you have to introduce her to everyone around you if you have a friend?"

"It's not strange to put it on someone else, but it's a bit strange to put it on the two of you." Ning Ning took the phone, "I remember what you wrote in your memoir—you live on the same street, go to the same school, and have the same family background. You have the same dream, and you have a brother who also fucks. You are the same in everything, including your looks. In this case, how can others only see the fungus and ignore you?"

"Wait." Lian Lian interrupted her suddenly, her tone a little dangerous, "Who told you that we both look the same?"

Yes, her memoirs are so detailed, down to the streets and schools.

But only one thing was overlooked, the most important thing—Lian Lian and Fungus look exactly the same.

"There is only one explanation." Ning Ning took a deep breath, "The time when the fungus disappeared was the time when Lianlian appeared. When Lianlian appeared, the fungus never appeared again, so... I should call you Lianlian, Or fungus?"

There was silence on the other side, and after a long time, Lian Lian's voice sounded again, she said coldly: "Come out, I'm at the entrance of the cinema."

At the entrance of Life Cinema, a car was parked quietly in the dark. Lian Lian was leaning against the car. Several cigarette butts had been dropped on the ground. She took out a lighter and lit another cigarette for herself.

When Ning Ning came out from behind the gate, Lian Lian raised her head and smiled at her: "Call me Lian Lian. Fungus used to be eaten, but now fungus is not a good word, especially since I'm still wearing black today."

Ningning didn't care what her name was, and now she cares more about another thing.

"How did I know I was here?" Ningning looked at her vigilantly.

"Before you came, I didn't know you would be here." Lian Lian raised her chin behind her, "I saw it from above."

Ningning looked back and saw that the previous movie posters were still posted on the wall behind her.

"My Angel", starring: Papaya, Ningning.

Nothing has changed on it, the fat man is still the fat man, the gift box is still the gift box, the letter is still the letter, and the words on the letter are still those words. Even Ningning's physical condition has not changed in the slightest. It can be seen that the history she has experienced is the real history. This side proves one thing - the little fat man is dead! No matter whether Ning Ning wears it or not, his sister is destined to be favored by Pei Xuan, and he is destined to die for her sister.

Just when Ning Ning looked back at the poster, Lian Lian's voice rang in her ear, and she asked, "Should I call you Yun Lin, or Ning Ning?"

Ning Ning looked back at her in surprise.

"It's not surprising, when you were investigating me, I was also investigating you." Lian Lian took a deep breath, "There are many people called Pei Xuan, but not many bad people called Pei Xuan, and those who take human life as a joke Even less, hehe, Pei Xuanba in "The Pillow" is the one I know."

Although she had already guessed, but getting this answer from her mouth, Ning Ning still felt a shudder.

"You said before that you don't remember him..." Ning Ning just finished speaking, and smiled bitterly to herself.

What if she didn't remember, Pei Xuan wouldn't leave. It took him so much effort to turn her, a fake, into a lady from a rich family. How could he leave without taking any benefits? So they have some time to get to know each other again, and some have time to be embarrassed.

It's just that these things are personal and private matters, and they are not enough for outsiders.

So there is no need to delve into this question. Ningning asked her the most important question: "So what? Have you told him about me?"

Lian Lian walked slowly towards Ningning with the cigarette between her fingers.

Then, a ticket was slowly handed to Ning Ning.

Even-numbered votes.

Ning Ning didn't accept the ticket, she looked at Lian Lian suspiciously and vigilantly, a little confused about her current behavior.

"Take it." Lian Lian said.

"No merit, no reward." Ning Ning asked.

"Then guess, guess what kind of ticket it is, and I will give it to you." Lian Lian smiled, "I will also tell you how this kind of ticket came about."

Ning Ning looked down at the ticket in her hand for a long time, then slowly raised her head and squeezed out the words between her teeth: "Designated ticket. One of two designated tickets, an even-numbered designated ticket at a designated time. Now it's your turn, Tell me how this ticket came about."

Ordinary tickets are too restrictive, and tickets for exclusive staff are too dangerous. In contrast, the two types of designated tickets are the most practical, but they are the rarest. So far, Ning Ning does not know how this ticket came. Can't find a way to collect it.

"Designated tickets are the same as regular tickets. They are all sent from the movie theater, and one person can send up to three tickets." Lian Lian replied, "The difference is that the meaning of ordinary tickets is that you want to change your life, so you get them. There are many people with ordinary tickets, because people are selfish. But when a person does not want to change his own life, but intends to change the life of another person, but this person has unfortunately entered the movie theater and became one of them... "

As she spoke, she shoved the even-numbered designated tickets into Ning Ning's hand, and told her word by word: "Then, the cinema will send this kind of designated ticket to the other party, it is not only a designated time and person, It designates a specific masked person!"

This sentence was so inspiring, Ningning took her ticket, and somehow, she suddenly remembered a long time ago, the first designated ticket she got - the designated ticket from Wen Xiaoning, and the fact that she was on the verge of death. Ji grabbed her arm and screamed: 1988! 1988! 1988! It turns out that it is not the nostalgia for time, but the nostalgia for someone, not the regret for time, but the regret for someone.

"You want to save Papaya out?" Ningning asked her, holding the ticket in her hand.

Lian Lian looked in the direction of the door with complicated eyes. The door was so dark and deep, she couldn't see it, but only vaguely saw the outline of a mask. Who was looking at her at the end of the darkness

"You wrote him so badly in your memoir." Ning Ning followed her gaze, "I thought you hated him."

"I hate him very much." Lian Lian snorted coldly, "He's fat and fat, like a lump of melted butter, sticky. And he's always hard to get along with me, obviously he's a younger brother, and he's always yelling at my sister. Drink, and my mother doesn't stop him, she treats me as a servant..."

She babbled a lot, constantly venting the resentment in her heart.

After venting, he sighed: "As a result, I got a total of two tickets, one for Pei Xuan and one for you, both are designated tickets..."

A person can deceive himself, but he cannot deceive the cinema of life.

If you want to change your destiny, the cinema will send you regular tickets.

If you want to change the fate of the designated object, the cinema will send you designated tickets.

No matter how much you criticize and deny it, the votes you get will prove what kind of desire you have in your heart.

"... Anyway, I won't save him, I want to save you." Lian Lian threw the cigarette in her hand on the ground, rolled her high heels, and turned around, "By the way, I'll tell you something, Pei Xuan is now Not only has the name changed, but even the age on the ID card has been changed. He is a brand new person, and he is rich and powerful. His subordinates are no longer the three melons and jujubes of the past. I am also an accomplice under his subordinates, so I am very Clearly, today, the two of us together can't fight him... unless one of us goes back in time, before he made his fortune."

"Of course it's me." Ning Ning shouted at her back.

Lian Lian's back froze.

"You're afraid of Pei Xuan, and so am I." Ning Ning said, "I know that he is very insidious and cunning, and maybe he is very rich. He may even be a big director and the big boss of a film and television company. It can ruin my future, so I have to go back to the past, when he was just cunning, not cunning and cunning, and deal with him more carefully and cautiously."

"...As you wish." Lian Lian left a sentence, then opened the car door, and at the moment she bent over to enter, she suddenly turned around and rushed towards Ningning, reaching out to get the designated ticket back, but at the last moment she died. Stopping, she retracted her trembling fingers, Lian Lian raised her hand and brushed her hair back, tears streaming down her face at some point.

"Are you okay?" Ning Ning asked.

"I'm fine." Lian Lian shook her head, "I just... Twenty years ago, I could do anything for my brother, but now I don't have the courage... "

After saying this, Lian Lian seemed to be ten years older all of a sudden, her back hunched down quickly, she said goodbye to Ning Ning, and then staggered towards her car, when she opened the door, her back Zhu Ningning murmured: "If you can really go back to those days, I would like to trouble you with one thing... Turn me back into a fungus, an ordinary job, an ordinary marriage, it is best to marry the owner of a video store, and have a few children. After a child, I started to gain weight... If Papaya dares to laugh at me, I will laugh at him."

She choked and said, "...because he must have already married at that time, and was fed by his wife to get fatter and fatter..."

Ning Ning was stunned for a moment, then slowly looked back at the cinema door behind him.

She has never understood why Xiao Pang is already thin, but why is he a fat man after becoming a masked person.

The answer may be right next to her.

Who is not easy to marry, why do you have to marry the owner of a video store? Because this is what my brother expects. Why is it difficult to be a thin person, but to be a fat person with a mask? Because this is my sister's expectation.

So many expectations, so much silent love, so many unspoken words, in fact, summed up in one sentence - you are my angel, I will protect you.