I Want To Be a Good Person in This Life

Chapter 19: Welcome to new life


An hour later, in Zhuo Rongming's old house.

It was already dark, and the small house was crowded with many people, including Zhuo Rongming, Zhuo Jiabao, and the police. At the same time, Zhuo Shao's aunt and uncle were also called.

Zhuo Shao's grandfather gave birth to two sons and a daughter, of which Zhuo Shao's aunt Zhuo Rongyu was the oldest.

Zhuo Rongyu is definitely better than Zhuo Rongming. When Zhuo Shao's parents died, she cried sincerely for a long time, and later gave Zhuo Shao 100 yuan.

But she is also a very powerful woman who is unwilling to suffer losses. Zhuo Shao remembers that when Zhuo Rongming asked Zhuo Rongyu to take out the money on the grounds that his parents did not leave any money at the funeral, Zhuo Rongyu would not Yes, he also scolded Zhuo Rongming.

Zhuo Shao wanted her to take care of Zhuo Ting when something happened in her last life, but she also disagreed because she felt that Zhuo Ting was not from Zhuo's family.

For such a woman, she may not want to take Zhuo Shao's property, but she will definitely not be convinced when she learns that Zhuo Shao's parents left such a large sum of money and was greedy by Zhuo Rongming.

And Zhuo Shao... If he hadn't suddenly discovered that his parents had left him such a large sum of money, he wouldn't have thought of looking for this aunt.

After Zhuo Shao saw this aunt and said, "Aunt, the uncle took the hundreds of thousands left by my parents, and he didn't even give us enough food to eat", Zhuo Rongyu quarreled with Zhuo Rongming, Even louder and louder.

The room outside was a mess, but Zhuo Shao took Zhuo Ting to stay in their room and never interfered.

In fact, he couldn't intervene. People outside felt that children should not care about this.

"Brother, what should we do in the future?" Zhuo Ting looked at Zhuo Shao worriedly.

"Tingting, we will live together in the future, just the two of us." Zhuo Shao said.

From the very beginning, Zhuo Shaoda wanted to take back his parents' house and live with Zhuo Ting.

He is not yet an adult, not even sixteen years old, but he believes that he will be able to take good care of Zhuo Ting and raise Zhuo Ting.

But now knowing that Zhuo Rongming has money and his aunt intervenes... Zhuo Xiang feels that he should be able to get some money from Zhuo Rongming while getting rid of Zhuo Rongming.

It's just Zhuo Jiabao's house, he's afraid he won't be able to get it.

He is still too young, and it is inconvenient to do many things, and Zhuo Rongyu is willing to quarrel with Zhuo Rongming for him, but he will definitely not fight Zhuo Rongming for him.

However, all of this is temporary. When he grows up, it should be his, and he will definitely be able to get it back!

There was no expression on Zhuo Shao's face, and he and Zhuo Ting slowly cleaned up their room together.

After coming here, Zhuo Jiabao felt that he might have hidden the stolen money here, so he turned over his room and threw his and Zhuo Ting's things around. Now the house is a mess... Of course, Zhuo Jiabao didn't turn over any money, but turned over the rice he locked in the room, which made the police feel bad for him again.

By the time Zhuo Shao cleaned up the room, the quarrel outside had come to an end.

Zhuo Rongming actually didn't want to raise Zhuo Shao, but he didn't want to return Zhuo Shao's money to Zhuo Shao.

Zhuo Rongyu has been scolding Zhuo Rongming all the time. She is already a grandmother, and it is unlikely that she will bring Zhuo Shao back to raise her. She is not going to ask Zhuo Shao's money, but she can't see Zhuo Rongming taking such a big advantage.

She felt that Zhuo Rongming should give Zhuo Shao the new house and give Zhuo Shao 30,000 yuan.

The blessing of Tuo Zhuo Jiabao let the police go to his home to investigate the case. Now they not only know that Zhuo Rongming received hundreds of thousands of Zhuo Shao's parents, but also know that he has a deposit certificate of 30,000 yuan.

There was no conclusion about this matter until nine o'clock in the evening, but because of Qu Guixiang's absence, Zhuo Rongming and Zhuo Jiabao were obviously at a disadvantage.

In the end, the two sides finally negotiated a result.

After Zhuo Rongming bought the new house, it was in the name of Zhuo Jiabao, and he would not return, but Zhuo's father and mother's house in the countryside had to be returned to Zhuo Shao.

In addition, Zhuo Rongming's family will give Zhuo Shao 50,000 yuan.

Zhuo Rongming insisted that Zhuo Shao's parents did not leave any money, and that he had his own money in the passbook. He only admitted that he had received 50,000 in compensation.

After the discussion, Zhuo Shao was called out.

"Zhuo Shao, do you think it's okay?" the policemen asked, and then mentioned Zhuo Shao's future: "In the future, you will live with your aunt..."

Hearing this, Zhuo Rongyu was a little reluctant, but didn't say anything, but Zhuo Shao objected: "No need, I can cook and wash clothes, so I can live alone with Tingting."

"This... you are too young." Everyone present couldn't help frowning.

"I can, and my aunt's house is too far away, so reading is inconvenient." Zhuo Shao said again.

As soon as Zhuo Shao's words came out, everyone didn't say anything.

Zhuo Rongyu's home is really a bit far. If Zhuo Shao and Zhuo Ting lived at her house, it would take half an hour to go to school by bicycle and more than an hour to walk.

In a big city, or if you have a car, this distance is really nothing, but at this moment in Fuyang County, there are not many buses.

And Zhuo's father and mother's house in the countryside is relatively close. Zhuo Shao walks to school from home in 40 minutes, and it only takes 15 minutes to ride a bicycle.

Everyone discussed it again, and in the end they all felt that Zhuo Shao could live alone.

It's better to let Zhuo Shao live alone than to let him continue to live with Zhuo Rongming's family, at least he won't be beaten and won't be hungry.

After Zhuo Rongyu said that he would visit Zhuo Shao often, everyone had no opinion.

Zhuo Shao also felt relieved.

He spent a lot of effort to let everyone know how miserable he was, and now, he finally got rid of Zhuo Rongming's family.

The corner of Zhuo Shao's mouth ticked up slightly, and then he met Zhuo Jiabao's resentful gaze.

Zhuo Shao smiled at him.

Zhuo Jiabao stood up abruptly and looked at Zhuo Shao angrily, as if he was going to beat Zhuo Shao, but before he could move, the police stopped him.

Zhuo Jiabao and Zhuo Rongming were finally taken out of the house by the police forcefully. When they left, they also explained that Zhuo Shao must lock the house.

Zhuo Shao obediently agreed.

The next day, instead of going to school, Zhuo Shao went to the police station.

In the police station, Zhuo Rongming gave Zhuo Shao 30,000 yuan, wrote an IOU of 20,000 yuan, and then gave Zhuo Shao a hateful look and left with Zhuo Jiabao.

After that, Zhuo Rongyu took his ID card and the account book that Zhuo Shao had just made up, went to the bank to make a passbook for Zhuo Shao, and deposited all the 30,000 yuan in it.

"In the future, my aunt will come to see you often. At that time, I will give you five hundred yuan a month to use as living expenses. If you have to pay tuition fees, my aunt will come too." Zhuo Rongyu said.

"Auntie, thank you." Zhuo Shao said gratefully, but he couldn't help but feel a little helpless - at his current age, he couldn't withdraw money alone.

At this time in Fuyang County, there were no ATMs, and people were not even used to using bank cards.

"Why are you thanking your aunt?" Zhuo Rongyu said, and took Zhuo Shao to the house left by Zhuo's father and mother.

This is the first time Zhuo Shao has returned to the place where he grew up since he was reborn... He really didn't have time to come here to see it before.

The house built by Zhuo’s father and mother is a small two-story building with mosaics and tiles on the outside. The tiles are large red tiles, and the windows are blue. It looks very beautiful from the outside.

This side of Fuyang County is located on the coast, with less land and more people. There have been very few homesteads approved in the village. Therefore, since the 1980s, big guys have begun to build two-story buildings. There is a building.

Those two-story buildings built in the 1980s or early 1990s have black and gray roof tiles, and the outer walls are only painted with lime. There are basically only two rooms upstairs, one by one looks gray. But the houses built in recent years are almost the same as those of Zhuo Shao's family.

Of course, these houses look beautiful from the outside, but they are very ordinary inside, and generally have not been decorated.

But his family has already been calculated - Zhuo's father and Zhuo's mother installed a toilet upstairs and a flush toilet.

At this time in the village, many people still used latrines.

Now, the house has been rented out by Zhuo Rongming to a family of outsiders who raise cattle.

No one raises cattle locally in Fuyang County. The family came from out of town more than half a year ago, and then from time to time they bought a few cows and came back to kill and sell them. Now they have a stall in a vegetable market in Fuyang County, and they will Take some orders, the business is doing very well.

Every time they go to buy cows, they buy seven or eight cows. It is impossible to kill so many cows at one time, so they have to keep them...

If they wanted to raise cattle, it was naturally impossible for them to live in a house in the city, so they rented this building from Zhuo Shao's house.

Because they lived well here, they even invited some relatives from their hometown to live with them. Of course, those relatives stopped selling beef and went to work in a nearby factory.

These, Zhuo Shao knew when he dealt with them in his last life, and in his last life, he drove all these people away in anger.

As for why he is angry...

As soon as Zhuo Shao and Zhuo Rongyu entered the door, they smelled the stench of cow dung. At the same time, they saw the piled up cow hides in the main room facing south. In the corner of the room, a pile of cow horns was thrown. …

At the beginning, Zhuo Shao and Zhuo Rongming's family ran back with tears in their faces. They were frightened when they saw this scene. Even now, he couldn't accept it.

How can anyone who has lived in twenty years accept such a messy environment with mosquitoes and flies everywhere

At the beginning, Zhuo Shao planned to bring Zhuo Ting back to live like in his previous life, but now, he hesitated a bit.

Even if he cleans up the house well, it is estimated that it will still smell.

Zhuo Rongyu's expression was also ugly: "This is a new house! Zhuo Rongming is so rude to people!" When the house was built to handle wine, her brother also said that the house would be used for Zhuo Shao's marriage in the future. To think that it has been ruined like this now!

"What are you doing here? You want to buy beef?" a woman asked immediately when she came out of the house.

She is a tenant here. Their family has a stall in the vegetable market, but many people in the village come directly to their house to buy beef... She thought that Zhuo Rongyu and Zhuo Shao were the same.

"No, I'll take a look at the house. This house is mine." Zhuo Shao said.

The woman was taken aback.

Zhuo Rongyu called people from the village and determined that the house belonged to Zhuo Shao.

"Then we'll give you the rent in the future?" the woman asked, holding a two- or three-year-old girl.

"You have to move out, he has no place to live now." Zhuo Rongyu said.

"But we've all paid this month's rent..." The woman was a little unhappy when she heard the words.

She is not distressed about the rent, but reluctant to bear the house.

They keep a herd of cattle, the house is too small to live in, and the whole big house is not easy to rent - every household in the village has a house, but the house is for them to live in, how can they be willing to rent it to them

"This month's rent, you can go and ask the person who paid your rent to come back." Zhuo Rongyu said.

"But even so, we couldn't find a place to move for a while..."

Zhuo Shao knew that the family could still find a place to move out. In a previous life, the family rented a pig shed with a yard and two north-facing houses built by a family in the village to live in. Although it was crowded, they lived there. .


Zhuo Shao pulled La Zhuo Rongyu's clothes.

"Zhuo Shao, is something wrong?" Zhuo Rongyu asked.

"Aunt, otherwise my sister and I will not come back to live."

"Where do you live?" Zhuo Rongyu frowned.

"We can use the money they rent to rent a house in the county seat." Zhuo Shao said, then looked at the woman: "How much is a month for you to rent my house?"

"Three hundred and fifty." The woman said, at the beginning they rented the house, and Zhuo Rongming only charged two hundred, but later they called some people to live there, and Zhuo Rongming raised the price, and the monthly fee three hundred fifty.

"If you give five hundred a month in the future, I will rent it to you." Zhuo Shao said.

Zhuo Rongyu was surprised to hear that Zhuo Shao rented the house for 350 yuan a month, and was even more surprised to hear that Zhuo Shao asked for 500 yuan.

Nowadays, many people earn only five or six hundred a month!

As a result, the woman thought about it and agreed: "Yes, but you can't increase the rent arbitrarily in the future."

Zhuo Rongyu was shocked, but Zhuo Shao was not surprised. After all, when he chased people out in his last life, the family said that they could rent his house for 500 yuan a month.

At this time, people's wages are indeed low, but the income of doing business is still very good. In addition, his house is quite large, with a total of seven rooms upstairs, which can allow them to live in a lot of people, which is more cost-effective.

And for Zhuo Shao, this is also very cost-effective.

At this time, if you rent an old, one-bedroom, one-bedroom house in the county town, 100 yuan is enough, and the remaining money is enough for him and Zhuo Ting to live.