I Want To Be a Good Person in This Life

Chapter 25: Smashed monthly exams


To decorate Liang Chen's house well, Zhuo Shao had this idea from the very beginning.

He didn't think a home had to be so ornate, but it couldn't be completely empty, so that it wasn't popular...

However, this is someone else's house, and he can't interfere... Although Zhuo Shao thought the house was not very beautiful, he didn't say anything.

But now... He was thinking that he might be able to find time to decorate the house. Even if he couldn't make a model house, he could practice his skills and live comfortably by himself.

"Okay!" As soon as Zhuo Shao finished speaking, Liang Chen agreed without hesitation.

Zhuo Shao had already expected this, but he was still a little moved...

With a smile, Zhuo Shao said, "It's not something you agreed to do, you'd better ask your father."

Hearing Zhuo Shao mention his father, Liang Chen's brows furrowed. He rarely gets along with his father. Although he is much better now, he still doesn't want to call his father unless it is necessary.

"Don't be afraid, you don't need to say that your home is going to be renovated, just say that you want to buy some furniture and come back... The money you gave me is enough." Zhuo Shao said, Liang Chen's home, the hard-decoration has been done, he said I don't plan to knock them all out, so the only thing missing now is the soft outfit.

In fact, whether a house looks good or not depends mainly on the design and soft furnishings.

Liang Chen hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Liang Chen had a phone at home. He picked up the phone and dialed a number directly.

Zhuo Shao noticed that it was a mobile phone number, and shortly after the call, Liang Chen stammered and said, "I... I... I want to buy a few... pieces of furniture."

He paused, then said, "No, no money, enough... enough."

After saying this, he stopped again, then nodded and said, "Yeah."

Then, Liang Chen hung up the phone almost impatiently, and looked at Zhuo Shao happily again: "Okay!"

Zhuo Shao was a little helpless. He knew that many fathers and sons had problems getting along with each other, but he had never seen Liang Chen and his sons like this.

With the consent of Liang Chen, Zhuo Shao did not start construction immediately after he could dress up Liang Chen's house with the money he had.

He has no time.

At the same time, he will soon usher in the first monthly test after rebirth.

After the weekend, go up on Monday, and immediately it is a monthly exam that lasts for one day.

It's just a monthly test, there's no need to change seats, but all the desks have been opened, and there is an aisle between Liang Chen and Zhuo Shao. The desks are still facing the front of the classroom.

This exam is a bit tricky for Zhuo Shao.

Although he has been studying hard these days, he is still not sure. He is sure that he will be very bad in the test this time.

Fortunately, Qu Guixiang and Zhuo Jiabao came to the school to make trouble, so even if his grades dropped, the teacher should think that he was influenced by these people.

Thinking so, Zhuo Shao calmly started the paper.

Fill it with everything that can be done, and leave it empty for those that cannot be done.

The exams in the morning were Chinese and mathematics. Because of the exams, school was dismissed earlier than usual, and just after the exams, Zhuo Shao took Liang Chen to pick up Zhuo Ting.

"I... I have done all my math questions, and I should have done well in Chinese..." On the way back, Liang Chen kept chatting.

They were in the third semester of junior high, and they took a new class. In the past half month, in order not to make mistakes in his homework, he could let Zhuo Shao copy it well, and he really worked hard, and this caused him to study the most recent class. I did very well, and I did well this time.

"It's awesome." Zhuo Shao smiled and looked at Liang Chen, not stingy with praise at all.

The smile on Liang Chen's face suddenly became brighter.

For lunch, Zhuo Shao usually prepares it in the morning. Today, he put it on the steaming rack and steamed it with minced pork with soybeans.

Soybeans are freshly grown, very tender green soybeans. These soybeans can be cooked and eaten together with the pods, or they can be peeled and used for cooking. Because of their delicious taste, they are very popular among people in Fuyang County. , and even many people grow soybeans just to eat green soybeans, not giving them a chance to become old soybeans at all.

Put the green soybeans on a plate, put a layer of minced meat on top and steam them until cooked, and the vegetables and meat are all there. After Zhuo Shao goes back, he will fry the shredded pork with watermelon and seaweed and egg drop soup. The three of them will be enough. ate.

A week ago, Zhuo Shao kept Liang Chen from eating enough, but today he has an exam... Not only did he reduce the amount of exercise in the morning, but at this moment, Zhuo Shao did not restrict Liang Chen from eating: "You can eat more today. "

"No, no, no, I'm enough." Liang Chen stopped eating after two bowls of rice: "I'm actually not very hungry..." Hungry is still hungry, but he runs every day this week and eats less. After that, he felt lighter.

He was so light!

Liang Chen was too excited, so naturally he refused to eat more - he wanted to lose weight as soon as possible.

Zhuo Shao didn't persuade him any more. Liang Chen now eats the same amount as he does, which is actually quite a lot. He also pays great attention to nutrition when he cooks, so it will definitely not make him malnourished.

The exam in the afternoon was still a bit tricky for Zhuo Shao.

He has forgotten a lot of things and can't do it at all...

Zhuo Shao no longer dared to think about his achievements.

The monthly exams are marked by the school teachers themselves. For example, Yang Jianhua only needs to mark the Chinese of the two classes he leads. Because of this, the results come out very quickly.

On the second day, the results of several subjects have already come out, and on the third day, all the results have come out.

Even if Zhuo Shao's grades have dropped this year, he was still in the top three in the class before, but now...

This time Zhuo Shao was ranked twenty-fifth in the class.

Although Beimen Junior High School is a very good junior high school, it is not the kind of private junior high school that selects students. In Beimen Junior High School, there are still a group of students with poor grades. In Zhuo Shao’s class, a few students are often tested. Failed.

Because of this, Zhuo Shao was ranked 25th in the test, which was already very bad. If he ranked 30th or later, he would not even be able to get into a normal high school!

The class ranking was posted at the back of the class, Zhuo Shao looked from the back to the front, and quickly found his name.

It seems that if he wants to go to a good high school and go to a good university, he must work harder.

Many people in the class looked at Zhuo Shao sympathetically, but Zhuo Shao didn't take it seriously. After seeing himself, he went to look for Liang Chen's name...

Liang Chen was the second in the class.

Zhuo Shao knew that Liang Chen was not stupid, but he was quite surprised to see this result. Looking at it again, he found that Liang Chen got perfect marks in mathematics, but lost a lot of marks in English.

This is normal, the school teaches dumb English, it's boring to learn, and the teacher's teaching is mediocre...

The English in the class is good, and many of them have taken extra-curricular tutoring classes. Liang Chen just relies on listening during class, and it is no wonder that his grades are good.

Zhuo Shao analyzed Liang Chen's results, and when he turned his head, he saw Liang Chen was looking at him uneasily.

"What's wrong?" Zhuo Shao asked.

"Zhuo Shao...you...you..." Liang Chen looked at Zhuo Shao worriedly, Zhuo Shao's grades were so good in the past, but now he suddenly dropped to the twenty-fifth place, this... this...

He felt extremely uncomfortable, Zhuo Shao should not be like this.

Zhuo Shao's achievements should be very, very good, and everyone should praise him!

Is this kid worried about himself? Zhuo Shao smiled: "I'm fine."

Zhuo Shao is really fine, but obviously, everyone thinks he has something to do, and then they are very careful, lest they pierce his glass heart.

Yang Jianhua specially called Zhuo Shao over and comforted Zhuo Shao a few words, but he didn't say a word.

Zhuo Shao was dumbfounded.

In fact, he is not in a bad mood at the moment, because he found that Liang Chen is very smart, if he educates this child well, this child will definitely be able to get into a good university in the future.

Of course, before that, Liang Chen's stuttering problem had to be corrected for him.

Zhuo Shao was thinking about Liang Chen's future, and when he turned his head, he found that Liang Chen was still looking at him worriedly.

"I'm really fine." Zhuo Shao said.

Liang Chen nodded, but the unease in his eyes did not dissipate.

Zhuo Shao was helpless, he simply talked about something else, and shifted Liang Chen's attention: "Liang Chen, have you been stuttering since you were a child?"

Liang Chen didn't expect Zhuo Shao to ask this, and was a little embarrassed: "I... I didn't stutter before..." He remembered that he had no problem speaking when he was a child, but then he didn't talk to anyone for a long time, and then he suddenly stopped talking. .

This was nothing at all, anyway, he didn't talk to people very much before, but now he lives with Zhuo Shao and often has to talk...

Liang Chen felt a little ashamed.

"In the future, you will practice speaking and English every day. You must also practice hard. It can't be like this..." Zhuo Shao said a lot, and successfully made Liang Chen look at himself without worry, and then again Said: "Lend me your math homework..."

Liang Chen hugged his schoolbag: "No, you can't copy your homework, you..."

"That's pretty straightforward, it doesn't look like you're really stuttering." Zhuo Shao smiled, and then snatched Liang Chen's homework.

He copied the homework, but it was different from the others in the class. Others didn't want to do the homework, so they copied it without thinking, but he was actually copying and reading the problem-solving steps.

No way, he hasn't been to school for 20 years, he no longer knows how to solve the problem...

Zhuo Shao didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did, but Liang Chen kept looking at him accusingly.

Zhuo Shao: "..."

After returning home that night, Zhuo Shao opened his mouth to speak English.

Liang Chen and Zhuo Ting were a little confused and didn't understand at all, but what Zhuo Shao said was still English.

Zhuo Shao actually doesn't like English. How good is it that everyone speaks Chinese? But English is still very important. It is one of the three main subjects. These two children have to learn English. The method of learning English... After Liang Xin asked him to learn English, he always used English when talking to him...

He just wanted to be able to understand Liang Xin's words, and he was angry. It only took one year to learn English well. Now he decides to do the same to Liang Chen and Zhuo Ting.

Neither Liang Chen nor Zhuo Ting can understand Zhuo Shao's words, especially Zhuo Ting, they haven't even started to learn English in elementary school!

The primary school in the county town is already learning English earlier than the primary school in the countryside, but it takes only the fourth grade to start learning English, and Zhuo Ting is now in the third grade.

However, fortunately, looking at Zhuo Shao's actions, you can also guess what Zhuo Shao means... Zhuo Ting and Liang Chen finally succumbed to Zhuo Shao's lewd power, and their ears were all in English.

And Liang Chen is actually worse than Zhuo Ting. In addition to speaking English to him, Zhuo Shao also forced him to read English aloud, making him read sentence by sentence. Is the pronunciation not standard? Keep reading! Stuttering? Keep reading!

Even when doing some simple exercises every night, Zhuo Shao made him have to speak English.

A few days later, Liang Chen even dreamed, and the dreams were all in English. He also dreamed that Zhuo Shao forced him to memorize English in the dream. If he couldn't memorize it, he would not be given food.

In the dream, he was very sad, but when he woke up, he felt that it was fine...