I Want To Be a Good Person in This Life

Chapter 27: first business


Who doesn't love beautiful furniture

Liang Chen and Zhuo Ting have never seen the world, and now they like everything they see. After being told that they can sit on the furniture and feel it, they wandered between the furniture with bright eyes. .

Even a high chair for two or three year olds to eat, they will be surprised when they see it.

Zhuo Shao was worried that the two people who were hoping to come and play would be lost when they came here, but now he is relieved, and what makes him even more happy is that there are many kinds of furniture here, and there are many new styles of furniture. .

When he went to Fuyang County to buy a bed before, the furniture he saw was very old, a good white coffee table, a little red pattern on the four corners of the glass countertop, and most leather sofas. All look stylish but not practical, here is different.

I think the same, the vision of the people in the provincial capital must be several years more advanced than the people in Fuyang County, and they will pay more attention to their individuality. Of course, when the Internet develops in the future, even in remote areas, they can also know the latest. Decoration information.

Zhuo Shao had already measured the size of the home and made a simple plan. Where and where the switches in the home should be placed... He knew all about it.

At this moment, he looked at it and took out a tape measure to measure the size, which looked very professional.

Zhuo Shao's appearance today looks a little immature, but his temperament is very mature, and the people in the furniture factory never thought that he was actually a minor.

At first, they thought it was a young man who was going to get married to buy furniture. Later, seeing that Zhuo Shao was right, they had other ideas: "Young man, did you study decoration design in college?"

"Yes, I have learned some design." Zhuo Shao said.

"No wonder!" The person who took Zhuo Shao to look at the furniture sighed.

Zhuo Shao quickly finished reading the furniture, and then picked some to buy.

At this time, when people buy sofas and so on, they all buy complete sets, and they all have to be leather. The more stylish the better, but Zhuo Shao didn't like sofas that took up space like this, and finally chose a small, light gray fabric for three people. For the sofa, I chose a light yellow leather sofa and a light blue fabric sofa. I plan to use them together.

There was also a coffee table. He also chose the simplest one, which had no colors at all.

In addition to these, Zhuo Shao also chose a shoe cabinet, a sideboard, three light green horn chairs and three light yellow horn chairs, as well as some small furniture that can be placed in the bedroom on the balcony.

In fact, Zhuo Shao still has a lot of things he wants to buy, but at this time, the furniture factory produced far less than the later generations.

Moreover, things like soft furnishings are not just furniture. It is said that this sofa, if you don't put a few pillows on it, will not look very good, although the use of the pillows is not really great.

Zhuo Shao bought a lot of things, and several of the furniture were made of very good wood. It cost more than 10,000 yuan in total. Zhuo Shao grinded them with them for a while, and finally won them at the price of 10,000 yuan. The people from the furniture factory Also responsible for sending him home to install.

When Zhuo Shao was shopping, Liang Chen looked at him admiringly the whole time, and once again felt that Zhuo Shao was very, very powerful.

How does Zhuo Shao know so much

When they went back, they didn't take the bus, but went back in the big truck that brought them furniture.

Zhuo Shao asked Zhuo Ting to sit in the co-pilot seat, but he went with Liang Chen and the other two. The people responsible for installing and moving things sat in the carriage of the truck together.

At first, Zhuo Shao was worried that Liang Chen was going to get car sick again, but he didn't expect Liang Chen to be sitting in the truck blowing the wind, and he didn't feel dizzy at all, and he looked at the scenery along the way with great interest, and everything he saw was strange.

"Zhuo Shao, the bamboo over there is really short and the leaves are really big!" Liang Chen pointed at the green sugar cane not far away.

"That's sugar cane..." Zhuo Shao was speechless.

The truck was faster than the bus, and within an hour and a half, they returned to Fuyang County. Zhuo Shao instructed the truck to drive into the community, and then introduced the community property to someone who could help lift the furniture upstairs. Call and have the man come over and hoist the furniture upstairs.

Because he had already made an appointment, that person came very quickly, and the movement here attracted a lot of people in the community to watch—the people who went out to play during the National Day holiday this year were not as many as they were later.

Older people may think that the gray fabric sofa looks unclassified, but they also like other novel furniture, not to mention some young people in the community. They just think that everything here is very fond of.

That little yellow sofa really makes people want to lie down!

"These furniture look really nice."

"Where did you buy this?"

"I can still buy this shoe cabinet! I don't know if it looks good... It's really ugly that my family hired a woodworker to do it!"

There are very few people with computers these days. Baidu has just been established, but it is not that in the future, when you simply click on Baidu, you can come up with countless decoration renderings. Many people have seen furniture styles that come and go. Now I naturally feel that Very rare.

"If you want to buy furniture, you can go to Jiuliqiao and buy it directly from our factory. The furniture in our factory is much cheaper than outside." The installers introduced them to the people around them.

"Yes, furniture is very cheap to buy there, but the decoration of the house still depends on the design. It is best to determine the style before decoration, so that the decoration will look good." Zhuo Shao also smiled and said, "I found my house. It was designed by relatives."

This community has been built for several years. More than half of the houses have been renovated and occupied, but there are still others that have not been renovated or are being renovated. At this moment, Zhuo Shao hopes to attract a few people to come to him to do the renovation.

Of course, now he has to cook first.

It took more than six hours to drive back and forth and buy furniture. It's past 1 o'clock. They haven't had lunch yet, and the renovation workers haven't eaten anything.

Zhuo Shao asked Liang Chen to take the inner pot of his own rice cooker to the fast food restaurant to buy rice, and he quickly cooked a few dishes.

Tofu soup, stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers, roasted green soybeans with watermelon, stir-fried sliced meat with garlic leaves, and a large plate of scrambled eggs... After it was done, Zhuo Shao called the driver and the two people who were in charge of furnishing to have dinner together.

"I didn't expect you to be young, but you are very thoughtful." The workers laughed. The child looked young and didn't expect to be so thoughtful... They originally thought that they would be hungry for a while and wait until they were done. Go get some fast food!

After the three had eaten their fill, they started working energetically. The furniture installation was something they were accustomed to, and it was done very quickly. At five o'clock in the afternoon, they had already finished all the work.

After they left, Zhuo Shao sold the cardboard box to the old man who was guarding the door in the delivery room, and then took Liang Chen and Zhuo Ting to clean up. Finally, he was busy until 8 o'clock in the evening, and by this time, Zhuo Shao had everything I don't want to do it, I just want to sleep.

Liang Chen and Zhuo Ting also wanted to sleep, and Zhuo Ting wanted to sleep on the sofa: "Brother, can I sleep on the sofa?"

Zhuo Shao opened his mouth to read a string of English, and then went to get a quilt by Zhuo Ting.

Zhuo Ting: "..." What did her brother say

But after listening for a long time, she seems to be able to understand a few words

Zhuo Shao wanted to sleep very much, but he didn't go to bed right away, but first wrote down the prices of all the furniture he asked about today.

In the next few days, Zhuo Shao made a lot of interesting things at home.

There is no Taobao now, and it is very troublesome to find things for soft clothing. Zhuo Shao took his two children to run around a little bit, and finally found the wallpaper and suitable lights that he wanted, and asked people to make curtains and buy them. I bought the cloth I wanted and asked a tailor in the county town to make a pillow.

Twenty years later, the kind of lamps that have been complained about hanging strings of glass and emitting colorful lights have just become popular at this time and are the most fashionable. When you walk into a lighting store, you will be filled with such lamps, prices It's not cheap... Zhuo Shao really put a lot of thought into making his home beautiful.

During this period, as long as there were people in the house, Zhuo Shao would open the door of the house, and he would not avoid people when he bought something at home... This really attracted the attention of many people in the community, and many people came to ask about their home. Who did you find for the decoration and where did you buy the furniture

At this time, Zhuo Shao would talk to them about the design, and also said that his relatives opened a decoration company in the provincial capital.

He spared no effort to publicize, but some people really took the bait. On the morning of October 6th, after someone saw Liang Chen's house, they asked Zhuo Shao, "Can you ask your relatives to help me decorate it?"

It was a young couple who asked this question. Their house was on the top floor of the building where Liang Chen lived.

The husband of this young couple, his father used to be the deputy director of a state-owned factory. Later, when he encountered reforms, he simply bought the silk factory with money... This man is now in Fuyang County, and he is considered very rich. That wave.

Before his son was married, he bought a house for his son. It was the fourth floor of the building, plus the top floor—the ground floor of the building was a garage, so there were only four floors in total.

In fact, in the era of no elevator, the top floor was not a good choice. After all, climbing the stairs was very tiring, but this father felt that he could not let others live on top of his son's head...

Each of the houses here has 150 to 60 square meters. If the top floor has a jump floor, there will be more than 200 square meters. The decoration must be well decorated, but the young couple doesn’t really want to. Dressed up in a common style in the county, I didn't decide who would dress it up until I saw that Zhuo Shao had done this.

It's obviously very simple things, like shoe cabinets, there are no patterns, only black and white, but it makes people look comfortable... They both like it very much.

"Of course! You can rest assured that the design plan will be published first, and then you will be satisfied with the design drawing and quotation. It must be formal!" Zhuo Shao smiled.

"When will the measurement come?" the man asked again.

"I'll measure the size now." Zhuo Shao smiled: "My relative is in the provincial capital, and he doesn't have time to come over these days. I can help me measure it first."

The man glanced at Zhuo Shao suspiciously, but nodded anyway.

The real estate company gave the floor plan, Zhuo Shao asked for two, and then took one of his own drawing books, and followed the young couple to the top floor.

The apartment on the top floor is really good, and the jump floor allows him to have a lot of room to play... Zhuo Shao took two hours to measure all the dimensions, and then asked them in detail about their requirements.

The young couple still have some ideas about their own house, but the main thing is where they will live and where their parents will come to live in the future.

What they thought was that some places were not suitable, but Zhuo Shao didn't say anything, only told them about the decoration: "I was in the provincial capital and saw someone use glass to seal up the entire terrace on the top floor. Now, in addition to planting flowers, you can also put tables and chairs... The bedroom doesn't have to be upright and put a TV cabinet, I saw someone design it like this... "

The young couple listened to Zhuo Shao's words, and the more they listened, the more excited they became. At the same time, they felt that the decoration company on the other side of the provincial capital was taller... No one in their county pretended like this!

Using his three-inch tongue, Zhuo Shao quickly fooled the young couple into believing that he did have a relative who opened a decoration company in the provincial capital.

Seeing this, Zhuo Shao breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned again.

To draw design drawings, it is best to have a computer and a printer... Zhuo Shao gritted his teeth and finally decided to buy a computer tomorrow.

"Zhuo Shao, you haven't done your homework yet." Zhuo Shao was thinking about buying a computer when Liang Chen came over.

Zhuo Shao was stunned for a while, only to realize that he had forgotten about his studies while running around in the past few days.

Of course, it's not without benefit for him to run around like this... Now he already knows something about the price of building materials and the situation of the decoration market at this time.

However, learning should not be forgotten.

"I'm going to take a shower, and then come to do my homework." Zhuo Shao said, he got some dust when measuring the size, it's better to take a shower first, so as to wake up.

These days, he runs outside during the day and takes notes in his bedroom at night. He only sleeps five hours a day, and he can really sleep when he falls down!

Zhuo Shao was sure that he was definitely overtired. When he was taking a bath, he actually let water in his ears...

Of course, this is not a big problem... After taking a shower, Zhuo Shao took a tissue and wiped his ears.

Zhuo Ting stared at Zhuo Shao for a while, and suddenly said, "Brother, I haven't picked my ears for a year."

Zhuo Shao was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered something related to his parents.

His mother wasn't very expressive, but she was kind to them, clipping their toenails and picking their ears.

After Zhuo Shao was a little older, he did these things by himself, but Zhuo Ting was still young. Before Zhuo's mother died, she would find a sunny day and pierce her ears on the drying field. .

"I'll show you." Zhuo Shaodao, took Zhuo Ting to the balcony, and looked at her pierced ears through the sun.

"I really want to pierce your ears, but I didn't have an ear spoon." Zhuo Shao said.

"Brother! Yes!" Zhuo Ting said, and after a while, she brought a key ring. On the key ring, hung a nail clipper, an ear scoop, and a very small folding knife: "It's mother's."

Zhuo Shao looked at the key ring for a while, then smiled and said to Zhuo Ting, "Tingting, I'll clean your ears."

Zhuo Shao sat down directly on the balcony, while Zhuo Ting lay down directly, then put her head on Zhuo Shao's lap and asked Zhuo Shao to dig her ears.

Digging and digging, Zhuo Ting started to cry.

Zhuo Shao stopped what he was doing and asked after a while, "Did it hurt you?"

Zhuo Ting shook her head: "No... Brother, I miss Mom..." The little girl cried even louder.

Zhuo Shao's heart was sour and astringent.

Zhuo Ting cried for more than half an hour, and then her voice slowly lowered. Zhuo Shao looked over and found that she had fallen asleep.

Carry Zhuo Ting back to her room with bright yellow curtains, when Zhuo Shao came out with an ear pick, he saw Liang Chen.

"I also want to pluck my ears." Liang Chen summoned the courage to look at Zhuo Shao, and added: "No one has ever plucked my ears."

"Let's go, I'll dig your ears." Zhuo Shao said.

Liang Chen happily followed, he had already discovered that Zhuo Shao would treat him well as long as he properly showed his pity.


Zhuo Shao asked Liang Chen to sit on the balcony chair, then stood by himself, grabbed Liang Chen's ears and cleaned his ears with an ear-picking spoon.

Liang Chen was so lost, Zhuo Shao didn't even put his thigh on him!

But even so, he was happy.

Zhuo Shao didn't know what Liang Chen was thinking at all, but he just thought that Liang Chen, who was smiling silly, looked a little silly.

"Okay, I'll help you clean it up and do your homework." Zhuo Shao patted Liang Chen on the shoulder.

Zhuo Shao stayed up all night to finish all the homework that night, and then the next day, he took the two children to board the bus to the provincial capital.

There are also places where you can buy a computer in Fuyang County, but the price is much more expensive than the provincial capital, and the model is relatively old. He thinks it is better to go to the provincial capital to buy it.

As for why he brought Liang Chen and Zhuo Ting... Zhuo Shao felt that he had to take them out to meet the world.

They left very early today, so they had a seat, but the conductor thought that Zhuo Ting was a child, so she was not allowed to take a seat.

"Tingting, sit on your brother's lap." Zhuo Shao said to Zhuo Ting.

Zhuo Ting nodded, sat on Zhuo Shao's lap, and then made Liang Chen envious again.

He also wanted to sit on Zhuo Shao's lap.

But no... he will crush Zhuo Shao...

The provincial capital at this time was completely different from what Zhuo Shao remembered. He asked someone a few times before he knew where to buy the computer, and then got on the bus again.

The Computer City after the provincial capital does not yet exist, but there is already an area where computers are sold. There are many computer shops next to each other, and many of those computer brands have never been heard of by Zhuo Shao. .

Zhuo Shao didn't know much about computers, but compared to people at this time, he was quite knowledgeable. After asking his family, he knew a lot.

In the end, he spent more than 6,000 on a computer, then a printer, and other useful things.

With such a purchase, the 10,000 yuan he brought with him was almost spent...

Beimen Junior High School has computers, and Zhuo Ting’s elementary school also has computers, both of which have just been bought in the past two years, but Zhuo Ting has never touched a computer, but Liang Chen has. I'm a little bit furious, and I don't know what the computer is for.

"I want to use it for drawing." Zhuo Shao said.

"Paintings drawn with a computer are not as good-looking as those drawn with a pen." Liang Chen said, that "painting" is not easy to use at all.

Zhuo Shao smiled, and then asked the computer seller to install the software he wanted to use on the new computer.

After Zhuo Shao bought the computer, he realized that it was a very wise choice to bring Liang Chen and Zhuo Ting together.

He was alone, and there was no way he could bring the cumbersome computer home.

Zhuo Shao carried the display screen in one hand, the printer in the other, Liang Chen who was holding the main box, and Zhuo Ting who was holding the keyboard and other bits and pieces, and walked back with difficulty.

Liang Fang, the owner of Xinhe Real Estate, did not stay in the company today, but brought two talented students who had just been dug from abroad to the computer market to buy computers.

He hasn't gone to school, but he is very willing to learn things. He has been able to use a computer for a long time, and now he can talk to the two new employees under his hands.

However, after saying a few words, he became a little distracted.

The one who carried a main box and walked out behind other people's butts seemed to be... his son

No, Liang Chen is studying at home, how could he buy a computer here

Liang Fang quickly denied his idea, and then continued to look at the computer.

Looking at it, he thought of his son again.

Liang Chen wants to buy furniture, but he doesn't know if he has enough money...

After Zhuo Shao brought the computer home, he placed it in his room.

There is no Internet cable at home, so I can't access the Internet, but if you want to make pictures, you can do it even if you don't have an Internet cable.

Zhuo Shao drew the design diagram on the computer, and couldn't help sighing.

The computer at this time is really not easy to use...

It was already 2010 when he was released from prison in his last life. At that time, computers were all LCD screens and mobile phones were all smart. How could he ever use an old-fashioned computer like this

Fortunately, he is experienced enough to still be able to draw.

There are countless decoration cases in Zhuo Shao's mind, and the speed of coming up with design plans is very fast, but because the computer is not smooth, it took three or four hours to come up with three plans.

Because there are two floors, each plan has two pictures. Zhuo Shao printed them out, stapled them, and then fell asleep.

Going to school tomorrow...