I Want To Be a Good Person in This Life

Chapter 41: The hero saves the boy


The smashed glass window shattered. Tian Leng Zhuo Shao wore a lot of clothes, but his body was fine, but his hand was cut open, and blood quickly poured out.

But at this moment, he couldn't care about the hole in his hand.

Jumping into the house, Zhuo Shao charged directly towards Tao Dazhuang and Wei Weiyang.

"It's you?" Tao Dazhuang recognized Zhuo Shao, and all the old and new hatred came up at once.

If this guy hadn't followed Liang Chen all day, his mother might be able to coax Liang Chen, and he wouldn't have to take risks at all!

Now, this guy has come to the door!

"Who are you?" Wei Weiyang didn't know Zhuo Shao.

"It's your father!" Zhuo Shao rushed over and smashed Wei Weiyang with a stick.

Zhuo Shao was in a hurry, the stick was aimed at Wei Weiyang's head, but Wei Weiyang obviously couldn't stand and let him hit... The man ducked to the side, and Zhuo Shao's stick hit Wei Weiyang on the shoulder .

"Stinky boy!" Tao Dazhuang was so angry that he rushed towards Zhuo Shao, but before he rushed to Zhuo Shao, Zhuo Shao shouted: "Kidnapping is sentenced to five years, but if you dare to hurt us, at least Ten years in prison!"

"If something happens to us, you will be executed!" Zhuo Shao said again.

Tao Dazhuang originally wanted to kill Zhuo Shao under his resentment, but when he heard Zhuo Shao's words suddenly, his actions were paused.

He didn't want to be sentenced to death at all... That's the death penalty!

Tao Dazhuang was stunned for a moment, but Zhuo Shao kicked him in the crotch, and then shouted: "Catch the thief! Someone steals! Catch the thief!"

If you shout to kill people, people around you may not dare to come and look at it, but if you shout to catch the thief, it will be different...

The houses in the countryside here are generally all facing south and built in a long line. When Zhuo Shao shouted, people on both sides of Wei Weiyang's house suddenly moved, and some people shouted towards Wei Weiyang's house. : "Where is the thief?"

Zhuo Shao didn't answer.

Tao Dazhuang was still covering his lower abdomen and was speechless. He was beaten again and screamed in agony. Wei Weiyang, who was beaten by Zhuo Shao just now, had already opened the door at this time and walked from the stairs. ran down.

Wei Weiyang has been involved in society and beat people, but Tao Dazhuang has never touched people before. Zhuo Shao's words already made him scruples. Now that he was beaten by Zhuo Shao, he was even more afraid and wanted to go upstairs. run down.

Tao Dazhuang ran towards the stairs, and when he got there, he stopped.

Wei Weiyang's house is a few years old. The stairs are wooden and very steep. Wei Weiyang is used to walking and it's fine, but Tao Dazhuang is a little afraid of going downstairs.

However, as soon as he paused, Zhuo Shao followed and kicked him on the back.

Tao Dazhuang rolled directly down the stairs, Zhuo Shao ignored him, took a few steps up the stairs, and then jumped directly from the stairs to the downstairs - this building is not too high, Tao Dazhuang could not be killed, he jumped down, and also Nothing.

And when Zhuo Shao jumped downstairs, Wei Weiyang just went downstairs.

Wei Weiyang didn't want to fight with Zhuo Shao, he just wanted to run, but Zhuo Shao caught up...

"Stinky boy, don't force me to be cruel..." Wei Weiyang shouted.

Zhuo Shao didn't talk to him, he just hit him hard with a stick.

Just now, it was this person who wanted to kill Liang Chen!

If he came later, Liang Chen might be dead!

Ever since Zhuo Shao learned that Liang Xin is Liang Chen, he has been feeling very uncomfortable, feeling guilty and worried, and hated the two kidnappers even more.

But he was just a teenager, and the weapon in his hand was just a wooden stick...

Wei Weiyang took another bite, his ferocity came up, and he rushed towards Zhuo Shao, scrambling with Zhuo Shao regardless.

At this time, Tao Dazhuang, who rolled down the stairs, limped up and ran outside.

The van they used to kidnap Liang Chen was borrowed and has been returned, but Wei Weiyang has a bicycle in the main room...

Tao Dazhuang pushed the bicycle and wanted to run, but at this moment, he heard Zhuo Shao shouting "catch the thief", so the villagers who got up from the bed came over.

Zhuo Shao was punched by Wei Weiyang, and another punch hit Wei Weiyang's nose, only to make Wei Weiyang's nose bleed. At this time, he didn't even shout: "Catch the thief, don't let the thief run away!"

The villagers who had just woken up heard Zhuo Shao's shouts and saw Tao Dazhuang wanting to run, so they subconsciously stopped Tao Dazhuang. One of the men in his thirties directly pulled Tao Dazhuang off his bicycle.

When Tao Dazhuang was caught, they found out that the "thief" ran out of Wei Weiyang's house, but the person who shouted "catch the thief" was not Wei Weiyang, but a teenager, who was still fighting with Wei Weiyang.

"What's going on?" Someone wondered.

The young man who pulled Tao Dazhuang off the bicycle just now rushed towards Wei Weiyang, grabbed the arm of Wei Weiyang who was fighting with Zhuo Shao, and pulled Wei Weiyang away: "Wei Weiyang, you actually hit the child!"

Wei Weiyang has a very bad reputation in the village. After seeing the scene where he and Zhuo Shao scuffled, they all felt that he was bad.

"Damn it!" Wei Weiyang couldn't help cursing, looking at Zhuo Shao angrily.

Zhuo Shao was young after all, and after fighting with Wei Weiyang, he suffered several times. Half of his face was now blue, and he looked miserable, but Wei Weiyang knew very well that it was himself who suffered.

He can't open his eyes now.

And Zhuo Shao saw that Wei Weiyang was restrained, so he was not polite, and kicked Wei Weiyang directly in the crotch.

When he kicked Tao Dazhuang before, there was some distance between the two. Although Tao Dazhuang was in pain, it was within the tolerable range, but now he kicks Wei Weiyang...

Wei Weiyang let out a scream like killing a pig, and the whole person collapsed.

The man who was holding Wei Weiyang's hand let go of Wei Weiyang subconsciously, and looked at Zhuo Shao defensively, while feeling a dull pain in a certain part.

They are all men, and this young man is a little too ruthless.

"This eldest brother, they kidnapped my classmate!" Zhuo Shao said.

He was beaten several times on the face, one of his face was swollen, and it hurt when he spoke, but because of this, he woke up: "Please catch them and don't let them run away."


The villagers who came to catch the thief were stunned.

"I'll go to the phone to call the police." Zhuo Shao said again, and immediately ran upstairs.

Liang Chen is still upstairs!

When he rushed in just now, Zhuo Shao wanted to drive the two gangsters away from Liang Chen, but he didn't want them to escape, so he didn't care about Liang Chen, but now that the two kidnappers were caught, his mind was all on it. Liang Chen was on him.

The wooden stairs were a bit steep, Zhuo Shao almost walked upstairs, and after he went upstairs, he saw that Liang Chen was no longer lying in the original place, but moved towards the door for a while distance.

"Liang Chen, Liang Chen, are you alright?" Zhuo Shao hugged him quickly, his heart aching.

Liang Chen was wearing the red coat he bought, and after putting it on, he looked at the thick red coat that was bulging.

When Liang Chen tried on this dress, he looked very happy, but now, his whole body is actually a little small because of the clothes, and his face full of tears made Zhuo Shao see it. I feel heartache.

"Liang Chen..." Zhuo Shao didn't have time to take care of anything else. He first checked Liang Chen's physical condition and found that Liang Chen was not seriously injured, and then carefully lifted the ointment on Liang Chen's mouth.

Zhuo Shao used this kind of plaster after he was sprained before, but the plaster he put on his body at that time had holes, but the plaster that Wei Weiyang and Tao Dazhuang put on Liang Chen's mouth was a plaster without holes, and several times. Floor.

It seemed like this in his previous life. At that time, Zhuo Shao didn't care, and he left after the neighbor came, but this time, he was distressed and regretted - why didn't he care at that time

"I'll tear it apart for you, it might hurt a little..." This kind of plaster is very sticky, Zhuo Shao didn't dare to use force when tearing it, for fear of hurting Liang Chen. As a result, he hadn't torn off the plaster before someone came up.

The one who came up was the one who grabbed Wei Weiyang and let Zhuo Shao kick Wei Weiyang.

This person is Wei Weiyang's neighbor, his name is Wei Jianming. He has some strength and courage, so he followed up. As soon as he came up, he saw Liang Chen who was still tied with tears and tears.

"Someone is really tied up!" Wei Jianming exclaimed, and said again, "Didn't you say you should call the police?"

"My cell phone is on the balcony." Zhuo Shao hugged Liang Chen tightly, he didn't have time to worry about calling the police: "Please call the police for me, I still have 120, I have to call 120!"

Then Wei Jianming went to the balcony to look for his mobile phone, but Zhuo Shao's eyes fell on Liang Chen's face again, and at the same time, there was a sense of joy in his heart.

Liang Chen is fine, it's really great.

Liang Xin is fine now, it's really great.

Zhuo Shao carefully tore off the plaster on Liang Chen's mouth, and at the same time noticed Liang Chen's very similar eyebrows and eyes as Liang Xin.

If he saw Liang Chen like this at the entrance of the foreign language school, he would have guessed that this was Liang Xin, but Liang Chen was the one who lost weight a little bit, and it was considered dark under the lights. He didn't expect this possibility at all.

Zhuo Shao looked at Liang Chen with extremely complicated eyes.

He even had a feeling that he didn't dare to face Liang Chen... If he recognized it earlier, Liang Chen wouldn't have to suffer this time.

Liang Chen noticed that Zhuo Shao's eyes were wrong, but he couldn't help but jump in his heart.

He thought he was going to die before, but Zhuo Shao came to save him again... He was really happy and happy, and cried with joy.

Later, when he saw Zhuo Shao going after the two robbers, he was very worried and kept moving towards the door... Except for this, he couldn't do anything.

And when he saw Zhuo Shao running back to hug him again, he was even more happy, all the previous fear and fear disappeared.

Zhuo Shao is here to save him! He will be fine!

It's just... Seeing Zhuo Shao's complicated eyes, he suddenly remembered what happened before.

Zhuo Shao... Zhuo Shao...

He likes Zhuo Shao, but Zhuo Shao probably doesn't like him.

The emotion of fear returned to Liang Chen's body, and he suddenly didn't know how to face Zhuo Shao.

Zhuo Shao must have regarded him as a friend, so he will come to save him, but if Zhuo Shao knows that he likes him... Will Zhuo Shao leave again like before

The plaster on his mouth was torn, and he felt a little pain.

He wanted to call Zhuo Shao's name and fall into Zhuo Shao's arms, but he didn't dare.

Liang Chen's tears flowed again, he suddenly realized that it was a bit ugly, but he couldn't hold back his tears.

"Does it hurt somewhere?" Zhuo Shao asked worriedly, and reached out to pat Liang Chen's back: "It's alright, it's alright, don't worry, it's alright, the bad guys are all arrested."

Zhuo Shao embraced Liang Chen, patted him on the back, and said in a coaxing voice. Halfway through, his movements suddenly froze.

Zhuo Shao suddenly thought that he coaxed, it was actually Liang Xin.

Liang Xin has always been strong, and even when he is seriously ill, he rarely shows his weakness. He can't imagine himself doing such an action to Liang Xin.

Even if he has realized it, what he saw before may only be Liang Xin's appearance.

Zhuo Shao's movements paused, but Liang Chen's heart couldn't help jumping.

"I'm fine..." Liang Chen whispered, moving his body away from Zhuo Shao's chest.

He touched Zhuo Shao's chest just now, and his tears were all wiped on Zhuo Shao's clothes... He shouldn't be like this.

"It's fine, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken you with me when I went to the provincial capital." Zhuo Shao said with some guilt, and helped Liang Chen untie the rope on him.

The two tied Liang Chen's hands tightly, and Zhuo Shao was distressed because of the wounds on those hands.

Knowing that Liang Xin actually likes him, he doesn't have to worry about offending Liang Xin. He wished he could kiss the hand in front of him to comfort him, but if he really saw the hand in front of him, he couldn't kiss it anymore.

The hand in front of him is a pair of hands that belong to a young man, and are a bit fleshy.

These hands are a little small... The owner of the hands has just turned fifteen years old and is still a child.

Zhuo Shao's movements stopped awkwardly, and only glanced at Liang Chen's hand: "Wait in the hospital, let the doctor take a good look at you..."

He likes Liang Xin. In his last life, he fantasized about being able to do something with Liang Xin countless times, and he was full of desire for Liang Xin, but now...

At this moment, Zhuo Shao really doesn't know what to do.

He likes Liang Xin, there is no doubt about that, but what he likes is the grown-up Liang Xin, and now he has a child in his arms.

His own body is also small, but his mental age is already thirty-six.

For such a child, he really can't handle it...

He deeply likes Liang Xin. Liang Xin is his favorite person and his obsession. He also attaches great importance to Liang Chen and treats Liang Chen as a family member and even his own child.

Knowing that these two are actually the same person, he was greatly impacted, his feelings for Liang Chen were deeper, and he knew that he could never let go of this person again.

This is his most important person, even if he himself is seriously injured, he does not want this person to be injured by a single hair.

It's just... Seeing Liang Chen's chubby little face full of tears, Zhuo Shao was full of entanglements.

He... doesn't really have any special hobbies.

Such a child is too young for him.