I Want To Be a Good Person in This Life

Chapter 49: When busy


Shen Xinghuo is full of hope for the future, and so is Zhuo Shao.

After finishing Shen Xinghuo's restaurant, he knew more about the decoration industry at this time, and he also knew many workers. After that, he could register as a decoration company...

When the contract was signed, Zhuo Shao went to buy cement and sand without stopping.

The technology required to start a factory like a cement factory is not high, and the demand is large, so there are many places, and there is one in Fuyang County. Cement and yellow sand entered the venue, he was relieved, and hurried home to cook, and asked Xu Dagang to pick up people by the way.

When Xu Dagang brought people back, Zhuo Shao's meal was not ready, but he was in a good mood: "You guys rest, you will be able to eat right away."

"Brother, we are going to school, and we are not tired, so why should we rest?" Zhuo Ting said.

Liang Chen didn't speak, but he went straight into the kitchen and smiled at Zhuo Shao.

In fact, there was no work for Liang Chen to do in the kitchen, but Liang Chen insisted on staying in the kitchen and did not plan to leave.

Seeing this, Zhuo Ting pouted and went back to her room to do her homework.

Most children don't like doing homework and will try their best to procrastinate. Zhuo Ting did this a long time ago.

But in the previous year, Qu Guixiang wished that they would not do her homework to help her work. Zhuo Ting almost failed to turn in her homework several times. Later, she became active in her homework, and even got used to doing her homework first when she had time. Done.

The three of them had things to do, Xu Dagang was a little overwhelmed, he thought about it, and finally went into the bathroom to find a rag and wiped the floor.

Zhuo Shao was more satisfied with him.

Originally, Zhuo Shao only planned to find someone to help him do some chores to survive this period of time. Now that he is so diligent, he wants to nurture him.

It is impossible for him to keep an eye on every project, and he will definitely train several reliable project managers in the future.

Zhuo Shao stayed with Xu Dagang to eat together. After eating, he took Xu Dagang out and went to the house.

"You work overtime with me at night, and you will be paid overtime." On the way there, Zhuo Shao advanced Xu Dagang 100 yuan and said to Xu Dagang.

Xu Dagang looked at Zhuo Shao gratefully and nodded again and again.

Zhuo Shao went over the big night this time to do some work ahead of time.

The lobby side of the hotel does not need to build walls, but the kitchen needs to be built. The hotel kitchen cannot do the whole cabinet like the home kitchen. Generally, it is built with a low wall, and then covered with marble for the countertop, or directly covered with cement. There are also tiles on the board.

If the masons come tomorrow to measure the walls, maybe the last morning will pass and the construction will not start... Zhuo Shao simply measured the cables in advance and marked the places where the walls need to be built.

Xu Dagang took a battery lamp to light Zhuo Shao, and Zhuo Shao repeatedly measured... I was busy until more than nine o'clock in the evening, and I was finally finished, and I also had an overall plan for the kitchen.

"Go back first, and come to my house at 6:30 tomorrow morning to find me." Zhuo Shao said to Xu Dagang.

After leaving get off work at 9 o'clock in the evening, someone came over at 6:30 in the morning. Zhuo Shao is definitely exploiting people, but Xu Dagang has no opinion at all, and even thinks that he has found a good job.

Although he followed Zhuo Shao to many places today, he was not tired from work, and the dinner he ate at Zhuo Shao's house was very rich... Moreover, he had thirty dollars a day!

He was digging the river mud until his back was sore, and he was only fifteen a day.

Xu Dagang was in a good mood. On the way back, he saw a grocery store open, so he went in and bought a pack of cigarettes. He planned to give it to the security guard who introduced him to the job tomorrow.

"Xu Dagang, did you buy cigarettes? Give me two." Just as he walked out of the grocery store, Xu Dagang met an acquaintance he knew when he was a small laborer.

"Brother Li, I'm going to give this cigarette to someone tomorrow." Xu Dagang put the cigarette into his arms and smiled shyly.

"It's so stingy." Brother Li muttered, and then asked, "Xu Dagang, what kind of job did the security guard introduce to you?"

"Someone is renovating the restaurant, and there is a shortage of small workers, so I'll go do miscellaneous cooking." Xu Dagang said.

Hearing that he was also a small worker, the man immediately lost interest in asking again, gave Xu Dagang a disdainful look, and left.

Xu Dagang smiled, took the cigarette and returned to the place where he lived with others, and then couldn't help but think of Zhuo Shaolai.

His boss is really amazing!

It looks like he is about the same age, but he can do anything!

He had only heard of that computer, but Zhuo Shao was able to use it so proficiently.

Xu Dagang made up his mind to learn something with Zhuo Shao, and then fell asleep excitedly.

He has to get up early tomorrow, but Zhuo Shao didn't stay up late that night, but when he got up early in the morning, he made breakfast and sent his two children to study, then went to the construction site.

When he arrived at the construction site, it was only seven o'clock in the morning, before the masons he called yesterday had come, so Zhuo Shao took Xu Dagang and mixed the cement and yellow sand to work first by himself.

He didn't go to build the whole wall, but only built the bottom layer of bricks according to the line he drew yesterday, so that when the mason arrives, he can directly build it up, which saves a lot of trouble and time.

After Zhuo Shao worked for more than an hour, the mason he hired came over and gave the two masons his work. After negotiating the price, Zhuo Shao would not do the work.

If he wants a project to be done quickly and well, management is the most important thing. He doesn't need to waste his time doing this kind of work.

While the masons were building the walls, some of the carpenters and electricians that Zhuo Shao contacted yesterday also came.

They all don't have mobile phones. Zhuo Shao made a call from their home yesterday. Those who answered the phone themselves were fine. Some were answered by family members. have a look.

Zhuo Shao quickly explained the situation on his side, and said that as long as he was not lazy when he was working, the price he gave would be high, and he would continue to work with them in the years to come.

"When will carpentry start? It's the end of the year, and I don't have much work to do there. I can come over at any time." The carpenter who helped Zhuo Shao with Zhou Zhengqiang's house asked Zhuo Shao.

"The woodworking will start in two days, but you can come over tomorrow, and some things can be done in advance." Zhuo Shao said that the cabinets needed in the kitchen can be done first, and then fixed at that time.

"Okay, then I'll come over tomorrow." The woodworker smiled. Zhuo Shao has given a lot of money here. Now that the Chinese New Year is coming, he works hard for the first half a month, and he can make some money for a good New Year.

The carpentry work will take a few days to start, and the electrician's work will start in the afternoon. In fact, if the wires and pipes hadn't been delivered, it can be started this morning - this project does not require masonry work. The built-in walls run wires, so the electrician can do it with the mason.

Zhuo Shao was too busy to touch the ground, so he left many things to Xu Dagang to do, such as buying a large rice cooker and liquefied gas tank liquefied gas stove to cook for the workers, all of which were done by Xu Dagang .

After ten o'clock at noon, Xu Dagang bought all the things and washed the vegetables. At this time, Zhuo Shao finally got the wires and pipes.

"You cook the rice, I'll cook some dishes first." After washing his hands, Zhuo Shao said to Xu Dagang.

"Ah?" Xu Dagang looked at Zhuo Shao with some doubts, Zhuo Shao was so busy, and he planned to cook by himself

"It's for two children." Zhuo Shao smiled and started cooking with the vegetables Xu Dagang bought.

What vegetables to buy, he explained to Xu Dagang in advance, and now Xu Dagang has washed the vegetables...

Zhuo Shao made a soup with cabbage hearts and sliced meat, cut the chicken wings into small pieces to make braised chicken wings, and finally fried a tomato scrambled egg, and went to deliver meals to the two children, leaving Xu Dagang to the workers. Cook.

He was very busy, but he continued to cook for Liang Chen and Zhuo Ting. This was because he was worried that Liang Chen would eat outside food, and more importantly, because cooking and delivering meals was not a tiring job for him. , it would make him relax.

When people do one thing and are very tired and nervous, they can relax themselves by doing another thing.

Zhuo Shao went to deliver the meal, and on the way he sorted out what he was going to do next. When he returned to the construction site, Xu Dagang had already prepared the meals for the workers.

It took a long time to prepare today, and it was too late to make dishes that take time like braised pork. Xu Dagang only cooked a few quick dishes, one stir-fried pork slices with garlic leaves, one boiled Chinese cabbage with oil residue, and one mustard soup.

There are only two dishes and one soup, but the workers are already very satisfied. After all, the fried pork slices with garlic leaves are full of fragrant pork belly slices.

Zhuo Shao was also quite satisfied. After eating, he started to hold the drawings and told the two electricians who came over how to pull the wires, and then started to contact the person who made the central air conditioner...

This hotel, Shen Xinghuo, must have a central air conditioner, not a small central air conditioner for household use, but a large one.

However, it is not necessary to do all of them for the time being, as long as the pipes are arranged on the top of the lobby, after all, the upstairs has not been decorated yet.

This winter, the hotel will definitely not be able to use the central air conditioner. Fortunately, in a place like a restaurant, it is basically not too cold, and the guests who come to eat at this time are generally not very demanding...

Shen Xinghuo came here in the morning and looked at the yellow sand cement, water pipes and wires, and came back in the afternoon. Seeing that everything here in Zhuo Shao was done in an orderly manner, he felt relieved.

He didn't believe that Zhuo Shao could renovate the ground floor of the hotel a few years ago, but now, he does.

"Mr. Shen, I bought the yellow sand cement, but I want you to buy the plates. I have already made a list." Zhuo Shao took out a list and gave it to Shen Xinghuo.

In the half-package contract he signed with Shen Xinghuo, he was responsible for the purchase of electric wires, water pipes, yellow sand, cement switches, etc. These bits and pieces really didn't cost too much money.

But these tiles, plates and lamps were bought by Shen Xinghuo.

Now that the project has begun, these follow-up things will naturally follow.

It is necessary to buy the plates first. As for the others, you can buy them after the project is on the right track in a few days.

As for why it took two days... He would definitely follow him when he arrived.

"Okay, I'll buy it later." Shen Xinghuo took the list and nodded.

Seeing this, Zhuo Shao made another appointment with him to see the floor and wall tiles.

When these things are done with water and electricity, people can come to the door to measure and calculate the area and start posting.

Now that the end of the year is approaching, Shen Xinghuo's restaurant is very busy. Fortunately, he doesn't need to be in charge now, and he has his wife to help him look after the store, so he can walk out.

The two agreed to see the bricks two days later, and after a few more words, they saw Tang Tianqing walk in from the outside with a frown.

"Old Shen, the construction of your hotel has already started? Why didn't you tell me?" Tang Tianqing's expression at this moment was really not very good-looking.

After talking with Shen Xinghuo yesterday, he thought that the work on Shen Xinghuo's side was definitely his, but he did not expect to learn that Shen Xinghuo's construction site had started today!

Seeing Tang Tianqing, Shen Xinghuo smiled boldly: "Old Tang, I'm sorry, I promised my little brother in advance. When you came here yesterday, they had already prepared their designs."

Although Shen Xinghuo went to Tang Tianqing before, and talked with Tang Tianqing again yesterday, he did not agree to let Tang Tianqing do this project, so there is no embarrassment at this moment.

Tang Tianqing looked at the construction site that had already started, and knew that what Shen Xinghuo said was true. He was afraid that they had already started preparations for the construction to start so quickly.

But even so, he was still very dissatisfied with Zhuo Shao, and even raised a strong sense of vigilance.

Among the people in Fuyang County who are doing decoration, he is definitely the boss, and there is no one who can do better than him, but now...

Could the decoration company in this provincial capital plan to open a branch in Fuyang County

Tang Tianqing and Shen Xinghuo chatted for a while, and praised Kua Zhuoshao for leaving, but as soon as he left the construction site, his face sank.

Not long after Tang Tianqing left, Shen Xinghuo also left, but Zhuo Shao stayed at the construction site and discussed with the workers about starting night work.

Although the electrician has already entered, there is no electricity here, that is to say, if there is no light at night, it is not suitable for night work.

But it was not difficult for Zhuo Shao. He borrowed a small kerosene generator and turned on a few lights, so that the lights were bright at night.

In this era, the cost of ordinary families is not small, a bottle of Coke costs several yuan, but the wages of workers are low, and the income of many families is also low. Under such circumstances, workers are quite willing to work at night to earn more. , therefore, finally everyone agreed to continue working at night.

To start night work, dinner will be eaten on the construction site. Zhuo Shao asked Xu Dagang to cook the food, and when Xu Dagang was ready, he asked Xu Dagang to go to school to pick up Liang Chen and Zhuo Ting.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhuo Shao made a few dishes and packed them into the lunch box.

When Liang Chen and Zhuo Ting were brought to the construction site, Zhuo Shao gave them the lunch box: "This is the dish I made. After Xu Dagang sends you back, you can use the rice cooker to cook some rice, and you can eat it later. already."

When Zhuo Shao spoke, he kept looking at Liang Chen.

It's been about twenty days since Liang Chen was kidnapped, probably because he kept exercising and started to grow taller. Although he didn't eat less, he lost some weight and the baby fat on his face disappeared.

Zhuo Shao couldn't help but touched his head, and then he felt a sense of contentment.

"Zhuo Shao, you don't have to cook for us, we can do it ourselves." Liang Chen couldn't help saying.

He likes Zhuo Shao to cook for himself, but Zhuo Shao works so hard, but it also makes him distressed.

"I have some spare time, but I can't leave here." Zhuo Shao patted Liang Chen's head again: "If I'm really tired, I won't do it." He really didn't feel tired from cooking, after all, he didn't need to move. Brain, and... With Xu Dagang here, he doesn't need to touch his hands to wash dishes and pots at all.

Compared with cooking, in Zhuo Shao's view, the most troublesome thing is actually the cleaning work before and after.

Zhuo Shao asked Liang Chen to go back early. Although Liang Chen didn't want to leave, but seeing that Zhuo Shao was so busy, he would only disturb Zhuo Shao here, so he stopped insisting and left early.

That night, the light from the kerosene generator illuminated the entire construction site, and the workers on the construction site also started working at night.

At this time, there was nothing for Zhuo Shao to work on, so Zhuo Shao built a brick stool for himself with bricks and sat down.

When Liang Chen came over, he saw Zhuo Shao, who was wearing a dirty worker's clothes, sitting on a brick looking at drawings.