I Want To Be a Good Person in This Life

Chapter 85: Extraordinary business (Part 1)


Liang Chen started an internship at Xingchen Decoration in his senior year, and soon became a regular. Later, he rose steadily, and finally became the person in charge of the decoration website of Xingchen Decoration.

After graduating from university, he and Zhuo Shao went abroad and got married.

The marriage certificate is actually not legally valid, but both Liang Chen and Zhuo Shao attach great importance to it.

It's just that the marriage certificate has been obtained, but the wedding has not been held.

It's only 2008, and the acceptance of homosexuality in China is far less than ten years later. Most of the people Zhuo Shao and Liang Fang know in business are disdainful of it, and they have no relatives or friends...

At this time of the wedding, most of the guests who come here may not look down on them. If so, why should they go? And if you don't invite those people... Then the family can have a meal together.

Zhuo Shao felt that the wedding was unnecessary, so he took Liang Chen to an island for a ten-day honeymoon.

He arranged the company's affairs in advance, and after arriving on the island, he stopped checking emails, stopped handling official business, and only accompanied Liang Chen every day...

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and the honeymoon was over in a blink of an eye. Zhuo Shao took Liang Chen back to H City, and then inevitably got busy.

Not only that, but Star Decoration was in trouble.

Some customers found many problems after Xingchen Decoration helped them decorate, such as cracking of latex paint on the wall, nails exposed on the inside of the built wardrobe, cracked floor tiles, easy jamming of the kitchen cabinet door, etc.

Xingchen Decoration is a big company, but in fact, the workers under their hands are not necessarily the best in craftsmanship. It is inevitable that some problems will arise during the decoration process. As long as there is a problem, the company has always helped to repair it for free until the customer is satisfied. of.

However, this customer did not agree with the maintenance plan given by the company, but was furious. He felt that Xingchen Decoration had fooled him after charging a lot of money, and there was a quality problem in the decoration. Therefore, he made a lot of posts on the Internet and found a newspaper office. And TV station exposed star decoration.

"Mr. Zhuo, we have cooperated with several local TV stations. We have already interviewed there. I want to ask Mr. Zhuo what to do about it?" As soon as Zhuo Shao went back, his subordinates approached him and said this matter.

When they were decorating the client, they were indeed negligent because the client seldom came back to see it, but after the incident, they have already started to remedy and promised to help the client solve all the problems, but the client deliberately made a big noise...

The photos of the construction site have been sent. Zhuo Shao looked at it and asked, "Why are there so many problems with this renovation?"

Things like cracking on the wall are sometimes related to the climate at that time, and are unavoidable, but the nails in the wardrobe are exposed or even exposed, and the floor tiles are broken, it is logically impossible to happen.

Their company has regulations that if such a thing happens, it must be remedied on the spot, not to mention that the whole tile is cracked, and occasionally a small corner of the tile is accidentally broken during the decoration process, and it is also pryed and re-paved according to the fix.

The reputation of Xingchen Decoration has always been very good, not because their craftsmanship is good, but because of the good service attitude of Xingchen Decoration.

"Mr. Zhuo, the project manager in charge is a new one. He has a soft temper and didn't hold back those workers, so there are indeed some problems, but according to his words, some problems are not there during the decoration." The assistant in front of Zhuo Shao said: "The problem of the cracking of the floor tiles should have happened later, and there are also cracks in the walls. The worker who painted the walls is a veteran. After he painted the walls, he explained that the best thing to do is within a week. No ventilation, but the client left the windows wide open…”

Today is October, the autumn is high and the air is cool. City H is not only sunny, but also windy. After the windows of the room are fully opened, the incoming wind will naturally crack the walls.

"So?" Zhuo Shao asked again.

"Mr. Zhuo, I suspect this is the handwriting of a competitor," the assistant said.

Zhuo Shao also had such doubts.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, and it is normal for some people to want to deal with star decorations. After all, star decorations are developing too fast and too big...

In Zhuo Shao's last life, the decoration industry has always been a flourishing industry. There are countless decoration companies in every city. In addition, there are many people who need decoration and few workers. Therefore, although this industry has competition, it is not comparable to other industries. In comparison, the competition is less.

But now... Someone is trying to discredit the star decoration

Zhuo Shao looked online and guessed the other party's plan.

Star Decoration made a fortune on the Internet, and the idea of those people was to smear Star Decoration on the Internet.

At this moment, the interview of the TV station has not come out, but the posts on the Internet are already extremely hot. Besides the landlord, many people jump out and accuse Xingchen Decoration, saying that the decoration of Xingchen Decoration is very bad.

Zhuo Shao can't guarantee that the decoration he made at home will be good, but they have warranty service. If it is not good, the local store will not solve it. You can even complain online, and the headquarters will definitely handle it. Therefore, in this post Most of what those who echoed it said were made up.

But there's no denying it's useful.

Many customers of Xingchen Decoration are from the Internet. If the reputation on the Internet is bad...

Zhuo Shao tapped on the table with his hand, and quickly said: "The TV station has already started the interview? You can contact them, I will go over immediately, and by the way, we will also bring our own filming team there."

The decoration program of Xingchen Decoration has been doing all the time, and has been challenging various difficult decorations, and it has been done well, so Xingchen's side simply got a shooting team.

It's normal for someone to take a shot at the decoration of the stars, but those people underestimate him too.

How can those people play around with the Internet

What's more, this kind of decoration defect is not a big problem at all... Fortunately, he strictly controlled the materials and did not let anyone do anything.

When Zhuo Shao drove to the client's house, the door of the client's house was open, the camera crew of the TV station was filming, and the client, who was furious at the moment, was getting angry.

"I trust Xingchen Decoration, but I didn't expect them to do this! I just found out that the bathroom drain is blocked!"

The customer repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction. Seeing this, Zhuo Shao went in immediately, then apologized immediately, and said, "Mr. Li, I am very sorry for bringing you such an unpleasant enjoyment, and our company will definitely compensate you! We will find someone to renovate the house.”

The customer was stunned, and Zhuo Shao looked at the camera again and said, "I'm Zhuo Shao, the general manager of Xingchen Decoration. The problem with the decoration this time is our company's mistake, and we will definitely make a remedy!"

After speaking, Zhuo Shao took the hammer that had been prepared for a long time, and without hesitation, smashed the wardrobe next to it, smashed it into a hole, smashed it a few times, and smashed it directly: "This way the quality is not good. Good renovations, we will demolish them all and re-decorate them!”

After finishing speaking, Zhuo Shao also said by the way that Xingchen Decoration has a warranty period for helping people decorate their houses. As long as the quality of the decoration is a problem, they can be guaranteed. If the store has poor service, you can complain on the official website or call customer service.

Zhuo Shao did all this very quickly, and the irritable customer couldn't answer for a while, so he couldn't react.

However, the TV station that came to interview them responded very quickly, and they filmed everything that Zhuo Shao did.

That night, the TV station released the footage in the local news.

What Zhuo Shao said and what he did were not edited out at all, so everyone in front of the TV saw someone complaining about the decoration of Xingchen Decoration. At the same time, Xingchen Decoration immediately responded...

Immediately, many people had the idea of "this decoration company looks good". At the same time, some people who didn't know Xingchen Decoration before also learned about this company.

At this time, Zhuo Shao has already started to deal with the news on the Internet.

He asked people to register the account of Xingchen Decoration, apologized publicly on the Internet, asked the home address of everyone who said that the decoration of Xingchen Decoration had quality problems on the Internet, said that he would come to help solve the problem, and smashed the wardrobe this time. After the video was edited, it was posted on the Internet, with titles such as "General Manager of Xingchen Decoration Furiously Smashed the Decoration", and also contacted some online media specifically to send them this incident and ask them to report it. Send it out as news.

In addition, Xingchen Decoration also stated that the owner's redecoration will be all filmed and sent to Qian Yuan's video website and Xingchen Decoration's decoration website, please supervise.

In the end, Zhuo Shao also contacted some technicians, checked the IP addresses of those who decorated the black stars on the Internet, and then pretended to be injustice, stabbed them out, and some people pretended to be insiders to express some opinions, such as The wall is dry and cracked, obviously the wind is blowing...

He also bought a little water army by the way, and then publicized this incident well on the Internet, so more and more people knew about it. Some people complained about Star Decoration, but Star Decoration immediately said that it would be redecorated for him.

Although there were some problems in the decoration of Xingchen Decoration, but knowing the mistakes can be corrected, this is a good company! Not to mention what happened this time, according to the analysis of many people later, it should still be decorated by black stars...

Even if it was hacked, the service attitude of Xingchen Decoration is really good!

In the end, not only did Xingchen Decoration not get hit by this incident, but its popularity has become higher. The official website that will be mentioned in every place has a huge increase in traffic...

Star Decoration escaped a crisis and developed even better.

And after him, it will get better and better.

Zhuo Shao opened several branches by the way, and asked his subordinates to register the official account of "Xingchen Decoration" on Weibo to promote Xingchen Decoration and send some decoration knowledge by the way...