I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 108: my wife (20)


The girl who hugged Zheng Zhiyu froze for a moment, as if she didn't understand what she was asking, the smile on her face became sweeter and sweeter, and even her pleasing voice seemed a little sweet:

"what are you talking about?"

Zheng Zhiyu pondered the voice for a while, although she already knew that something seemed to be leaning over in Xu Jiao's body, and the top priority was to force the thing out, but she had to admit that hearing this person speak to her in such a tone of voice, It really made her cool to the bone.

It was rare that she didn't immediately take the so-called guy out of Xu Jiao's body, but raised her hand to grab the other's neck with a little bit of wickedness, maintaining it at a level where she couldn't break free, but not enough to make people feel uncomfortable. The degree of suffocation, he looked at these dark brown eyes with ease, and said again:

"Well... just keep it like this, say a few more words for me to listen to."

Something leaning over Xu Jiao: "...?"

Does this recognize it or not

Damn, he's obviously just an ordinary red-clothed person, why do you feel that this guy's strength is more powerful than ordinary ghosts

Especially when faced with this.

The evil spirit leaning over Xu Jiao's body just turned her eyes a little, and quickly showed a somewhat flattering look, she was obviously a little afraid of what Zheng Zhiyu would do to her in the next second, but for the sake of her livelihood, she was still very sensible He took the initiative to hug Zheng Zhiyu's neck, trying hard to hide the greed and fear in his eyes, and said tactfully while holding his throat:

"You...you weren't like this before."

"Now I'm a little uncomfortable and my head hurts a little, why are you so cold?"

"Would you give me a hug, okay?"

Zheng Zhiyu tasted the tone carefully, like a judge of some show, and gave her own evaluation seriously: "No, it's fake without the first few sentences, hey, it's a fake after all—"

As soon as she finished speaking, traces of Yin Qi leaked from the palm of her hand that was pinching her neck, but before the Yin Qi penetrated into Xu Jiao's skin, she suddenly saw the girl who was caught by her trembling violently. , closed his eyes, and seemed to faint in an instant.

Immediately after.

The girl fainted and woke up quickly, as if a mental patient had switched personalities. When she opened her eyes again, her brows were slightly wrinkled. She first looked at the environment from left to right, pressed the position of her temples, and glanced at her eyes. Zheng Zhiyu, who was directly above him, exhaled:

"Just now… "

Zheng Zhiyu replied in seconds: "There was something with no eyes on your body just now. I was about to drive it out, and you woke up. Are you alright now? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Xu Jiao was stunned by her overly eager condolences, and after a while, she slowly said, "Well, I'm a little dizzy, wait a minute."

Zheng Zhiyu raised her hand to help her press her temples.

Xu Jiao closed her eyes and let her move. After the initial darkness, the memory of her body being occupied by dirty things appeared sporadically in her mind. At first, she was still thinking about what was on her body. Later, she slowly opened her eyes and looked straight at Zheng Zhiyu.

Zheng Zhiyu was caught by her gaze

, the movement at hand got slower and slower, and finally stopped, only the cool fingertips were still on the side of Xu Jiao's head.

She slowly blinked her eyes, lowered her eyes and asked Xu Jiao, "What's wrong? Is the force I used inappropriate?"

Xu Jiao stared at her with a half-smile, and when she saw Zheng Zhiyu becoming more and more embarrassed, she opened her lips unhurriedly, and repeated a few words in a fluttering tone:

"give me a hug?"

The same words, when the fake said it before, it seemed like someone in a low position, asking for alms from the object of his admiration, but now these words came out of Xu Jiao's mouth, and he immediately seemed to have the initiative. One side is willing to let the other side come close to him.

The change in the habitual tone of voice has made a world of difference.

When Zheng Zhiyu heard this, her first reaction was that Xu Jiao hadn't recovered yet. Then she realized the tone of voice, and she felt a little flattered. Then, she tentatively stretched out her hand and took Xu Jiao into her arms. He cleared his throat and asked:

"Why are you so active all of a sudden?"

It made her feel uncomfortable.

The previous time in the cloud, it was because of Xu Jiao's initiative to invite her that she was in a high mood.

As a result, he took the initiative to hug him today, and Zheng Zhiyu felt that his cold heart was being warmed.

Originally, Xu Jiao just wanted to remind a certain ghost that he was pretending to be pleasing when he used someone else to occupy her body, but when Zheng Zhiyu really hugged her and asked this question, Xu Jiao had a sense of what she usually is. It's not an illusion of being too cold to people.

She stopped talking, held back her headache, and let Zheng Zhiyu hug her for a while.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect or something else. The heavy feeling that I had just woken up and being weighed down by some weight had disappeared. Last night's anxiety that I couldn't find anyone in my dream had also faded a lot. Unspeakably easy.

After a while like this, Xu Jiao suddenly said:

"I thought about it, and I didn't encounter any dirty things before, except for that weird doll, what exactly is in there?"

Zheng Zhiyu didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing. Her reaction to these dirty things was not as big as Xu Jiao's meal. She pressed Xu Jiao's head gently, but there was no emotion in her black eyes. , with a bit of disdain in his tone:

"A little thing."

"But after a few years of raising it, it's not a small thing."

Xu Jiao: "?"

Zheng Zhiyu mentioned the thing he saw on the rooftop last time: "The little thing has the breath of your classmate, I guess it should be related to her, or she was raised with blood, and her soul is sealed. in that doll."

Xu Jiao listened thoughtfully.

At this time, I heard Zheng Zhiyu say slowly: "I didn't intend to meddle in this kind of business, but who would have thought that that thing would hit you and me, and since that's the case, I don't mind doing things for heaven."

Xu Jiao heard the words "acting for the heavens" coming out of her mouth, and she felt a sense of absurdity without reason.

However, Xu Jiao did not reveal her emotions on her face. With Zheng Zhiyu's face now, she would still be accustomed to treating her as her heroine. No matter what her identity, the heroine was mostly bright and upbeat.

, Xu Jiao is happy to see this.

She nodded and replied: "Well, I have to find a chance to see, this person can put the kid on me today, and he can cultivate the kid like this, maybe he has done this countless times before, and it has been very good. mature."

"But I haven't heard much about any deaths in the school because of this." She changed her words.

According to Qian Aichuan's uproar about the death in the back door hotel, if the girl from the next-door department caused a big incident because of this thing, the school couldn't hide it even if it wanted to, so it must have nothing to do with human life.

Xu Jiao decided to send some love and warmth to this classmate back and forth based on the principle of "people respect me one foot, and I give back ten feet".

She raised her hand and pushed Zheng Zhiyu's hand away, sat up from the other's lap, and was about to get off the bed because she was a little hungry.

Zheng Zhiyu followed her, remembering what happened when Xu Jiao woke up with her own strength, and asked behind her, "How did you wake up just now?"

Xu Jiao stretched out her hand to tie the loose shoelace of her right foot, looked back at Zheng Zhiyu, and recalled a little: "At first, it seemed like she was locked in a dark room, but because she wanted to go out, so..."

Zheng Zhiyu listened intently—

In the end, Xu Jiao's answer was: "That's why I came out."

Zheng Zhiyu: "..."

Zheng Zhiyu: "???"

Why can this person do all things related to ghosts with such a simple attitude

Is there any mortal who has been on a ghost's body and can drive away the other's soul so easily

She subconsciously thought of the ghost cores she had fed Xu Jiao, and she could only think about it from this perspective. Maybe the ghost cores enhanced Xu Jiao's soul, so let her be able to compete with these evil ghosts. .

Thinking of this, Zheng Zhiyu nodded and didn't ask any further questions.

Xu Jiao went out to wash with her toothbrush and cup.

Maybe it was because she didn't get up too late today, so the girls around the washbasin actually lined up in a long line. The last two came down from the upstairs, complaining that the water pressure above was not enough and the water was too small.

Xu Jiao stood at the back, and those chatting sounds naturally flowed into her ears:

"Is there a test essay to write this week?"

"Let's hand it in next week, did you remember it wrong?"

On the other side, two girls are looking at each other's faces:

"Hey, I haven't stayed up too late recently. Why do I have so many pimples on my face? I'm going crazy."

"Me too. I used a new product two days ago, and I started to be allergic. It hasn't gotten better during this time."

Someone who knew him heard it, looked back at them, and said with a smile, "Isn't there a beauty from Su Da in your dormitory? Why don't you ask her about skin care experience?"

The two girls waved to her: "How can we, Su Qi is different from us, she is born beautiful, how much money we spend on maintenance can't raise her like her!"

"Yes, in this summer, it's easy for everyone to get dark when they go out in the sun. You can see that her skin is as smooth as a freshly peeled egg, hey, it's enviable tears."

As soon as Xu Jiao heard the name, she immediately remembered the girl's face,

There's that weird doll.

A few thoughts flashed in her eyes.

Soon, the girl in front left after washing her face. It was Xu Jiao's turn to use the faucet. She calmly finished washing and returned to her room. When the door was closed, she said to Zheng Zhiyu:

"I seem to know how she became beautiful, but I need a little more proof."

Zheng Zhiyu watched her wash her face with cold water just now, but turned a blind eye to this sentence, just raised her hand and touched her forehead, and then the voice was a little colder:

"It's a little hot again. Don't wash your face with cold water next time. It's not good for your body to burn repeatedly."

Xu Jiao squinted at her, her eyes wandering, as if she was inadvertently seduced:


"It's so hot, isn't it just right for you?"

Zheng Zhiyu: "...!"