I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 121: To you Jiangshan (3)


Hear the word "I".

Xu Jiao looked at the person who came, and inadvertently glanced up and down, and then looked at her wrist, which was too slender compared to an adult, and knew that this body was not a minor.

She pretended to be frightened, nodded, and replied, "Oh."

After thinking for a while, she learned the names of the palace people around, and added: "Master Yu has good taste." She could see the beauty of the future from her bean sprout-like body.

The system heard something subtly wrong: "Wait, didn't she mean to do something about you now? Why are you not worried at all?"

Xu Jiao replied without thinking, "She is not such a person."

System: "?" I don't know why, it felt like it was being shown.

I haven't been sure if this character is the same as the people in the previous worlds. Why can Xu Jiao trust me so unreservedly

Before the system asked aloud, Xu Jiao already knew what it was going to say, and she replied casually, "It doesn't matter if it is."

The system was confused by her: "Huh?"

Xu Jiao replied leisurely: "If she dares to do inappropriate things to minors, I will take off her dog's head."

system:"… "

Oh yes.

Almost forgot that Xu Jiao is a bit of a skill, she always forgets this.

But the world is a little bit of martial arts, and it is necessary to fight for internal strength. Can Xu Jiao really defeat this Yu Ye

The system's doubts have not been answered yet, but now, Yu Ye is amused by Xu Jiao's unnerved appearance. Some of the palace servants around her accidentally caught a glimpse of the curvature of the corners of her lips, and they lowered their heads in fear.

They didn't dare to forget that it was such a woman with such a good-looking smile who just took the life of a servant without blinking an eye.

"You're interesting," Yu Ye said slowly after laughing enough, with an aura that came out of the corpse mountain and the sea of fire, even if the words were full of lightheartedness, no one dared to ignore any of her words: "Since this is the case, I will wait for Your Highness in the hall."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and wanted to go out. After stepping out for a while, she remembered something and turned her head to Xu Jiao and said:

"Let the next person do such trivial matters as bathing."

"With me here, they don't dare to be disrespectful to you, just tell me."

When Xu Jiao heard her say this, she knew that she probably had to get used to this kind of life where clothes come to stretch out her hands and food come to open her mouth. She took a deep breath and said nothing.

Just when she entered the bathtub, in order to divert her attention, she asked the system to transmit the memory of the original owner to herself, and by the way reminded the plot of this world.

After an immersive memory experience—

Xu Jiao finally remembered that this book is an extravagance of her own ancient fiction, from the perspective of one of the most popular supporting characters. The original book is called "Emperor's Policy".

This book is called "The Story of Emperor Yu in Rebirth".

The names are very simple. The book "Emperor's Policy" is about a background similar to that of the Warring States Period. The five kingdoms of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han and Liang coexisted side by side in the Central Plains. Among them, Liang was the most powerful in military. The other tribes fought and were busy defending against the plundering of the steppe tribes, so in the Five Kingdoms they were in countries that were often occupied by other countries collectively.

Before Liang Guo's treasury was full and agriculture could not support the huge military consumption, Liang Guo used the diplomatic means of envoys to mediate. Been a proton.

The later story is naturally that he grew up all the way, conquered the princesses and beauties of other countries, and then sat on the country, and also experienced countless twists and turns with the queen and the heroine and finally remained with him for a lifetime of happiness.

Since Yu Ye is not the protagonist, her story is naturally not very lucky—

In the original story, the Yu family was originally a family of military generals, the most prosperous family in Dayan, and was loyal to the royal Xu family. Unfortunately, the emperors from the Xu family were more violent than each other. His military power, on a whim, said that there was a man in the Yu family who had offended his harem concubine, so they had the entire Yu family plundered.

That's not all, he also asked people to remove every bone from Yu Ye's father's body and use it as the door curtain of his inner hall, threatening that the Yu clan has always been high-spirited, and they want to guard the country for Dayan in life and die. Afraid that he would not be able to sleep in the mausoleum, he asked him to guard the house for him and protect the emperor of Dayan from succession.

This action aroused the anger of the other ministers of the State of Yan, but unfortunately it was suppressed by the Xu family with even more violent means.

When the official's remonstrance was the most intense, the emperor of Dayan put the person who took the lead to be tortured by Ling Chi, and that night, he feasted the ministers at night. At the banquet, a bowl of soup was presented on the table, and there were pink meatballs in the soup.

A minister came out to thank the emperor for his gift as usual, but Emperor Yan gave him a deep look, and then said: "If Guo Aiqing knew that he could still wrap his belly for his comrades after he was gone, he would surely rest in peace under Jiuquan."

Only then did everyone know that the emperor cooked this pot of soup with the meat of the official Ling Chi.

When I went back that night, I don't know how many people were throwing up their throats at night.

The absurd things done by the emperor of the Xu family are more than these. From the beginning of Emperor Jie, these emperors and princes have been more cruel than each other, invented many severe punishments, and even took pleasure in killing people in front of everyone in the courtroom. .

Maybe it's God's will.

Back then, there was a woman in the Yu family who disguised herself as a man, and Yu Ye, who left her father and brother secretly to join the army at the border, was the retribution of the Xu family. She grew up in the army day by day and secretly united with all the forces of the Yan Kingdom, because the Xu family made too many sins. , the man always fell into a madness and died in his early thirties, and she broke into the palace like a broken bamboo.

She blood-washed the entire Yandu Palace.

But on that day, no one in the whole country shed a single tear for this old dynasty.

Yu Ye, who just avenged his revenge, had no more thoughts, and he supported a nobleman to become the emperor, and the whole person retired behind the scenes. However, the little emperor couldn't help him, and was easily killed by the courtiers with floating minds, and the country fell into chaos. , when Liang Guo's army reached the border, Yu Ye personally put on armor and went into battle to kill the enemy—

She died standing on the battlefield.

When she died, the smoke and anger swept away the flag of the Yan Kingdom, and she had 318 arrows in her body.

This battle was led by the hero of Liang Guo, who had already succeeded to the throne. He heard someone report that Yu Ye had died in battle, and he stepped forward, only to find that the other party still had his eyes on fire after his death, and no soldier dared to stand behind her. Stepping into the land of Yan Kingdom under the line of sight.

He stood in front of Yu Ye's dead body and promised her that after entering Dayan, he would not kill a single commoner, and would give the people of Dayan a prosperous world.

Then, Yu Ye's eyes were closed by him.

Since then, the territory of history has turned a new page, and the state of Yan has returned to Liang.

When the article was serialized here, many readers wept for Yu Ye's miserable life, and they left messages with blood and tears asking Xu Jiao to arrange a new story for her. She should have a better ending.

If it weren't for the fact that her youth was too rough, she should be a star who left a deep trace in this history just like the hero.

If she comes back, if she becomes emperor in Liang Kingdom, she can do more for the people.

At the end of Xu Jiao's writing, she was suddenly inspired for some reason, and gave Yu Ye a separate episode, but it was not very long. There were only two chapters, what Yu Ye saw after his death, and the discovery that his world had fallen into darkness. , things that come back to life.

The following parts are left blank.

Let the reader imagine the different scenes of the Five Kingdoms.

Xu Jiao opened her eyes again.

She didn't expect that those blank spaces that were lazy and didn't want to be written back then would still be returned after all. Now she wonders if a reader sees her resentment too deeply and really wants to read some different stories, so she threw her in and let her Perform it yourself.

The water in the wooden bucket was still warm, and in the wafting mist, Xu Jiao's hair and body were carefully dried by the palace servants, and then, the snow-white soft and cloud-like middle clothes were properly put on When it came up, the extremely skin-friendly fabric made people want to caress more carefully. Fortunately, Xu Jiao had also seen the market and didn't have much reaction.

Only then, she saw her coat—


In this country, only the prince wears red, and the emperor wears bright yellow.

Just looking at the dress, Xu Jiao vaguely guessed something.

But she didn't say it. It would be meaningless to tell these palace servants any more. She had to explore what Yu Ye wanted to do.

Xu Jiao only had a preliminary guess in her mind.

Yu Ye, who was born again, already knew that the original emperor was an Adou who could not be supported. She wanted to find someone who could control him better, but this person couldn't be too stupid, so... She liked herself

With this thought in mind, Xu Jiao quietly asked the palace people to take herself to the place where Yu Ye was. When she saw the upper study, Xu Jiao was not surprised at all, as if she didn't know that only the emperor could come here. Same.

She entered the hall and was facing several ministers who were wearing court clothes and sitting on chairs.

Xu Jiao didn't know a single one.

Subconsciously, he went to look at Yu Ye who was behind the table. It happened that the man also looked over, and there was a natural smile in his eyebrows, but he did not introduce her meaning to the ministers, and only let an old eunuch beside him take care of the ministers. sent out.

Then, she glanced up and down at Xu Jiao: "This color suits you very well."

She thought that this little girl couldn't hold back such a gorgeous color, but she didn't expect that the small body could wear this bright red with a calm feeling. If you put on the crown of the prince, it would be a bit of a royal family. majesty.

As expected of the Xu family.

No matter what his temperament is, his appearance and appearance are indeed impeccable for this Dayan.

Therefore, the ancient emperors always carried the skins of delusional gods and did more terrifying things than Shura.

After Yu Ye finished his praise, he waved to Xu Jiao and motioned her to come over.

"Do you know what I asked you to do?"

Xu Jiao nodded before she walked to Yu Ye's front, and was pulled to sit in the other's arms. She was stopped by this overly intimate gesture, and she spoke after half a beat. tune:


"You want a puppet that's obedient and not too stupid."

Yu Ye pressed his chin on top of her head, and when he heard her words, he took a breath.

Xu Jiao felt that the atmosphere was not right, so she kept her posture and didn't move, and only asked, "Am I wrong? Did you actually like my beauty and want to feel the pleasure of pressing the royal family under your body? , that's why he gave me a chance to live—"

The latter words were not spoken.

Because her mouth was pinched by Yu Ye.

Xu Jiao's cheeks bulged, and in the next instant, her chin was pinched and tilted to the side. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a cluster of extremely cold light flashing in the man's dark eyes.

At the same time, Yu Ye's thin lips were pressed against her ears, and a smiling voice fell into her ears:

"People are very smart."

"It's just… about all this nonsense—"

"I'll make you poisonous and dumb, and then put you on this case, do the things you just said, and fill you up and crush you, so that you can't even scream, okay?"