I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 22: Green plum green plum (14)


"Xu Jiao, this student, has repeatedly violated the school rules and is of a bad nature. Principal Yu, as the grade director, I am really sad to see such a stubborn and unrepentant student. I hope you can understand my difficulties..."

"If this student can't be expelled today, how will I manage other students in the future? How can I have the nerve to make them obey the school rules? Where is the face of my grade director?"

in the principal's office.

The well-insulated and well-crafted wooden doors couldn't stop the grade director's sharp voice. Xu Jiao leaned against the wall with her arms folded, and her communication with the system with her eyes down was interrupted several times by her raised tone.

She glanced at the director who was clamoring to fire her, and said in her heart:

"This person is really inferior to being a teacher. She is a singer who was delayed by her profession as a teacher. You said that if she went to the Vienna Music Hall, what would happen to other singers?"

system:"… "

It replied blankly: "Please don't change the topic, the host, you seem to be very reluctant to see the heroine have a good impression on you, why?"

Xu Jiao lazily said, "Huh?" She caught sight of the principal's warm voice comforting the dean, looked back, and continued in her heart, "I don't want to fall in love with her, why do I want her to have such a high favorability?"

While speaking, she remembered what happened just now—

Originally, I just wanted to help Shen Yelan solve Lu Pei's problem once and for all. Who would have known that a little girl who looks good on the face, but her mental activity is comparable to a gust of wind and a tsunami.

The favorability of -80, I made her a positive number in the blink of an eye, and even added 10 points.

What is the concept of 90 favorability

The little junior sister from the previous world is an example. She looks respectful to her as usual, but as soon as she finds an opportunity, she immediately starts to bind, bind, and imprison her.

He is young and has a lot of tricks. He only has two faces at a young age.

The system that heard her voice: "..."

After recalling the development of the previous world, Xu Jiao thought about it and then said, "I think it's better for me to stay away from this little girl Shen Yelan, anyway, she has come out of the quagmire of relatives now, and her life in the future will probably be the same. Positive, sunny, upward, there is nothing more to help."

The two of them go back to the bridge and the road to the road, that's all.

The system said: "But, don't you think it's strange? Why did the favorability level of -80 turn into a positive number in an instant—"

It was only halfway through when it was interrupted by the accusation from the side: "Principal Yu, look, look at this student, she has never looked like a student since she entered the office, and she has no respect for the teacher. She also likes to bully her classmates, such a person will make her go into society in the future, she will be a poisonous tumor, and she will lose the face of our Eighteenth Middle School!"

Xu Jiao suddenly raised her hand and made an interrupting action.

She didn't rush to answer the system's words, but looked at the dean lightly, squinted her eyes, and her eyes showed a bit of cold meaning: "Sorry for interrupting your complaint, director."

"But I have to remind you that since people like you who are indifferent between right and wrong, who are deliberately partial, who talk about rules, and who judge facts but rely only on stereotypes and prejudices to make decisions can stay in the Eighteenth Middle School, even I'm still in the position of director, why can't I be a student of No. 18 Middle School?"

Perhaps this director's character was set by Xu Jiao with reference to the teacher she hated in the school, so even if she knew that the other party's speech was just to respect the character, she couldn't help but speak.

Although the voice was as calm as ever, only she knew that she still hadn't stabilized.

That's the bad thing about a world that's close to reality...

Accidentally, those things buried in the bottom of my heart that were originally intended not to be uncovered for the rest of their lives actually rose up along with the bubbles emitted by the rotten leaves at the bottom of the pool.

"Headmaster Yu! Listen! Listen to what she is saying!" The high pitch that the dean finally lowered rose another eight beats.

Principal Yu sighed secretly in his heart, handed a cup of tea to the dean, and acted as a peacemaker in the middle: "Okay, classmate Xu, you are not allowed to talk to Director Zou like this, Director Zou, come and have some tea—"

"Teaching students sometimes requires patience. You see, Xu's monthly test results this month have achieved very good results. It can be seen that the education model of our Eighteenth Middle School is still very successful. In Teacher Zou Under the leadership of each class, the head teachers of each class also generally reported that the discipline situation in their class has improved a lot..."

Principal Yu has a good relationship with Xu Jiao's mother. He also knows that Xu Jiao's family has relatives working in the Ministry of Education. He has known about this student since he first came to school.

Therefore, Director Zou's demands are destined to not be satisfied.

Xu Jiao received the constant glances from Principal Yu, raised her brows when she was hinted, and didn't bother to bother with such an NP director anymore. After being quiet for two seconds, she got up and walked out of the office.

"Uncle Yu, I'm going back to class first."

Principal Yu nodded hurriedly: "Hey, study hard. Your mother called me two days ago, and she has no requirements for you. She will be very happy if she can maintain her ranking in the next exam."

Xu Jiao nodded, without saying that she would perform better next time, raised her hand and opened the door of the office.

She just took two steps, and before she reached the corner of the corridor, she almost collided with the person with her head sticking out from behind the wall.

Xu Jiao stopped in time, and smiled helplessly at Su Xi, who stretched her neck to look here: "What are you doing here?"

Su Xi raised her hand to straighten the bow headband on her head, and smiled at her: "It's not that old witch, she shouted so fiercely just now, I'm not worried that the principal really listened to her nonsense and will give you a demerit punishment. something."

"I've heard that Peggy's name was called. They called their parents to come to the school, and even the one with the surname Shen was called. Would you like to go and have a look?"

Su Xi raised her hand and grabbed Xu Jiao's wrist, and pulled her towards the classroom affectionately, not forgetting to talk about what happened just now in a gossip tone.

She thought, judging from the degree of Xu Jiao's attention to Shen Yelan, Sister Jiaojiao should want to make a rescue, right

after all…

Sister Jiaojiao is not the type to help people out.

Shen Yelan, who looked dumb and dumb, would be considered his own in the future, Su Xi thought in his heart.


Xu Jiao's light voice interrupted her thoughts, and before she could react, she continued as usual: "I still have questions I haven't finished, so I won't watch the fun, not to mention Uncle Yu's just now. In the office, the matter between me and the dean is enough to give him a headache, let him save some food."

Su Xi said "Oh" in a dazed way.

She heard Xu Jiao's refusal.

Seeing that she was about to be transferred to the teaching area, Su Xi suddenly said, "But I think she was scolded badly by that Peppa's parent. If your head teacher didn't stop her, she would have been beaten."

Xu Jiao responded and corrected her: "It's Lu Pei."

After a pause, she said again, "No."

Hearing her firm refusal, Su Xi looked at her suspiciously for a long time, but soon gave up thinking about it—

Anyway, I don't have a brain, why should I think about such a difficult thing

No matter what Sister Jiaojiao does, she has her reasons.

Shen Yelan found that Xu Jiao was very cold to her recently.

It's not that she was so enthusiastic before, but...

She always felt that she was a little further away from this person.

It's very strange, Mingming helped her so much, and even let her take this opportunity to make a clear relationship with her aunt and uncle, and successfully get out of the quagmire, but when she asked to thank her, Xu Jiao only Quietly threw a sentence:

"Not helping you."

"I just hate people like Lu Pei, so I have nothing to thank."

When she heard this, Shen Yelan would have started to boil as soon as she got close to her, as if she wanted to bubbling her own blood, which immediately became much colder.

She stammered: "I know, but after all, you helped me indirectly. Besides, I'm temporarily living in your house now. It's reasonable, I will at least invite you to dinner..."

The voices from behind faded.

Because Xu Jiao frowned slightly, the tip of the pen who was calculating on the draft stopped, as if her train of thought was interrupted by her long-winded words.

Shen Yelan pursed her lips in silence, only to see the haze between her brows, and even choked her apology in her throat, not knowing where to put her hands and feet.

Until Xu Jiao recalculated, accompanied by that casual response:

"Need not."

"You pay the rent, and the food at home is delicious."

"If it bothers you, just pretend I didn't help you and forget about it, okay?"

Shen Yelan was suffocating her breath.

How can you forget it

Maybe for Xu Jiao, it was just a little effort, but for herself, it was a rescue.

But she didn't dare to insist any longer. She was afraid that her gratitude would cause trouble to Xu Jiao, so she held the pen nervously and turned back to do her own questions in silence, but she was listless all day.

It wasn't until after school that she heard Su Xi running into the classroom: "Sister Jiaojiao! It's Saturday in two days, do you remember what day it was?"

Xu Jiao was packing her schoolbag, and when she heard this, she answered without looking up, "Your birthday."

There was a smile in his voice that Shen Yelan had not heard all day.

The reason why I remember it is because in the original book, Shen Yelan's birthday is the same day as Su Xi.

According to the original trajectory, Shen Yelan was harassed by Lu Pei again on her birthday. She was beaten by her aunt. She went out by herself in sadness at night. She wanted to find a quiet corner for her birthday, but happened to bump into Su Xi and Xu Jiao. This group of people has another bad luck.

Hearing Su Xi's words, Shen Yelan's throat moved, wanting to say something, but in the end she swallowed it back and just listened to the two of them talking and laughing as they walked out.

"What gift do you want to give me?"

"what do you want?"

"I want a surprise! Don't tell me secretly, I'll guess it by myself! By the way, you haven't played with Lao Shen and the others for a long time. I'll have a party then, and we'll have a good night! You can't refuse!"

"I try not to fall asleep."

"Do you like to eat cake? I think you've been around the fifth house?"

On Thursday night, Shen Yelan bought a bag of cream puffs, and as soon as she walked out of the store, she was startled by the words from the alley next to her.

She looked up, and it was difficult to distinguish a thick black in the night that was different from the shadow - the person she had saved before.

Shen Yelan pressed the corners of her lips, and didn't ask how this person knew about her tracks. She just handed the bag of cream puffs in her hand and asked, "Can you taste it for me?"

Dongqing gave her a strange look. She wanted to reject such a sweet thing, but after a while she reached out, picked one up from the bag, put it to her mouth, and swallowed it.

A touch of sweetness spreads in the mouth, and the cream is beaten soft and thin, as if there is no substance at all, eating it... like biting a cloud.

Make people feel happy from the bottom of their hearts.

Dongqing cheeks stopped and stretched out her hand again. Shen Yelan did not refuse, and even handed the bag to her and asked earnestly, "Is it delicious?"

Holly didn't want to admit that she was bought by sweets: "It's okay."

Shen Yelan's eyes immediately revealed disappointment.

Seeing her like this, Dong Qing couldn't help but ask, "Why... why don't you eat it yourself?"

Shen Yelan shook his head: "I can't taste the difference, I feel the taste is similar, but—"

She pursed her lips, perhaps the other party was standing in the night, hidden in the darkness, so pouring out her heart to such a person was like telling herself in a silent night.

After a pause, Shen Yelan lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "I have a birthday in two days. I want to invite someone to eat my cake. I'm afraid that what I bought won't taste good, and she won't like it."

After thinking about it, she asked again, "Do you know which brand of cake is better?"

Dong Qing said strangely: "Would you just ask her directly? Isn't it all written on your face for little girls like you, what you like and what you don't like?"

Shen Yelan shook her head, hesitated for two seconds, and whispered, "I'm afraid of causing trouble for her."

"On my birthday, she happened to have a good friend who also had a birthday, and she was going to that person's party, so... I just wanted her to have a bite of my cake, but I haven't had a birthday cake, so I don't know which one to buy. it is good."

Holly returned the puff in her hand: "Sorry, I can't help you, in fact, I came to say goodbye to you today, I found a new job - I will remember your kindness, no matter what, as long as you later If necessary, I will try my best to come to you."

Shen Yelan's eyes showed sadness.

She shook her head and didn't accept the puff: "I'll give this to you, I wish you a safe journey."

After speaking, she looked down at her phone and looked at the map to find the next cake shop.

Saturday morning.

Shen Yelan got up early, and habitually beat Auntie Su, then when she heard a knock on the door, she went to open the door and took the cake she had ordered.

Aunt Su heard the movement and looked over her head: "Oh, is this the cake you bought for Xiaoxi?"

Shen Yelan was silent for two seconds, then replied softly, "Auntie, today is also my birthday."

Aunt Su immediately said, "Oh, so are you going out with Xiaoxi and the others for their birthday today?"

Shen Yelan shook her head silently, and carried the cake back to her room.

She carefully lit the candle, and clumsily closed her eyes and made a wish according to the way she remembered Lu Pei's birthday—

Because she remembered that her aunt had said that her wishes on her birthday would be very spiritual, and she had to remember to eat the cake after making a wish, so that the prayer ceremony was completed.

In the candlelight, she said earnestly in her heart, "Please let Xu Jiao live in peace, health and happiness, and fulfill her wishes..."

Shen Yelan made a wish for a long time, then carefully tied her hair behind her head, and blew lightly on the delicate cake full of petals, blowing out the candles.

There was a new movement outside.

"Huh? I'll go out with Xiaoxi and the others later. I'm not eating at home... "

Hearing this, Shen Yelan carefully cut a piece of cake out of the cake and walked to the door. She even hit her toe against the door because she moved too quickly, but she ignored the pain and just twisted the door open and hurriedly said:

"Wait, wait, Sister Xu Jiao."

Xu Jiao was changing her shoes at the entrance, and when she heard the movement, she looked back at her calmly.

Holding the cake plate in both hands, Shen Yelan carefully came to her, trying to control her trembling tone, but it was still not ideal, and said in a hoarse voice:

"I... Today is my birthday."

"I want to treat you to a cake, can I?"

Xu Jiao's movement of putting on her shoes stopped for a while.

After a while, she smiled lightly and shrugged to Shen Yelan: "Happy birthday."

"But I'm rushing out the door, so I don't eat the cake," she said.

After speaking, she lowered her head and put on her shoes, got up, raised her hand, opened the door, and walked out. Only the sound of closing the door patted on the eardrums of people, and it seemed to hit Shen Yelan's heart directly.

Shen Yelan stared blankly at the direction of the door, and after a long time, silently squatted on the spot.

Strange, the place in her heart was suddenly cold and painful.

I don't know what's wrong.

It was as if she had been thrown from summer to winter in an instant, and her blood was about to freeze.

"Xiao Shen?" Aunt Su stuck her head out of the kitchen and looked at Shen Yelan's unhappy face with some worry.

Shen Yelan stood up, and when she turned around, she tried to squeeze a smile at her, but failed, she lowered her head and said weakly, "I may have woken up too early, I want to go back to sleep first."

Aunt Su said, "Okay, do you have anything to eat for lunch?"

Shen Yelan's voice slipped out before closing the door: "No, Auntie is not my nanny, don't worry about me, I will find a way for lunch and dinner."

She casually placed the untouched cake plate on the table.

Fall back into bed.

not moving at all.

In a daze, I don't know how long it took, and I fell asleep like this.

She was dreaming again.

I don't know if it was because of her obsession, but she was also celebrating her birthday in the dream, and the cake was still this bright type decorated with rose petals. It was so beautiful that people didn't know where to start.

She was holding a cake-cutting knife and was hesitating when she suddenly saw someone passing by. She instinctively pulled the person and said nervously:

"I, it's my birthday... can I treat you to my birthday cake?"

"No." The man rejected her indifferently.

Shen Yelan wanted to cry anxiously, and wanted to hold people back, and was afraid that people would misunderstand him. As a result, the two of them knocked over the cake on the table, the cream cake collapsed all over the floor, and even On the clothes of the two, it got on the skin.

She suppressed the person, looked at the white stained on the other's neck, held her breath, and cautiously moved closer—

He pursed his lips.

A sweet taste bloomed on the lips.

Shen Yelan whispered, "It's so sweet."

She suddenly knew how to eat this cake. This snow-white cream should also match beautiful skin. If there is any fruit that can decorate it, it must be the rich and colorful cherries.

At the end of May and the beginning of June, the brightest bunch of cherries on the branches can ooze sweet juice when bitten.

Creamed cherries, she tasted.

Very, very sweet.

Exactly two.

But in such sweetness, she noticed the heat in the corners of her eyes.

pat, pat.

Two small water flowers bloomed on the man's face, and then slid down the smooth facial lines and dripped onto the white floor tiles.