I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 25: Ome Ome (17)


under the blazing sunlight.

The swirling tree shadows cast large uneven shadows on the edge of the playground, and by themselves, they provided shade for the students, so even the places with the deepest tree shadows became a feng shui treasure that needs to be scrambled for.

Xu Jiao sat on the parallel bars under the shadow of the trees, with her hands on her sides, her slender legs dangling gently in the air, and her newly bought white sneakers gave off a strong sense of presence even in the dark where the sunlight was not so strong, as if the whole world was just like that. She is the coolest.

The dark school uniform trousers shrunk slightly because of her sitting position, revealing clean socks that reached her wrist, and the tiny black tattoo pattern, which only showed the tip of the iceberg, arousing the viewer's infinite reverie.

A group of lively girls from Class 1 gathered under a tree not far away, touched their companions with their elbows, and said in a low voice, "Hey, look at Xu Jiao's right foot, isn't that a tattoo?"

"Really? I heard that she had her ears pierced in junior high and got into fights with people. Isn't it normal to have tattoos?"

"Her skin is so fair. Looking from this side, the pattern on her feet looks very beautiful. Who do you know what she got tattooed on?"

"How dare I ask this, hey, didn't that Shen Yelan in our class sit at the same table with her in class 7 for a few days? Go and ask Shen Yelan, maybe she just happened to meet, because this semester Classes 7 and 20 are swimming lessons."

"Makes sense!"

The speaker suddenly realized, his eyes wandered around, and soon he saw the target under another tree, and quickly walked through the fiery area between the two trees, walked to Shen Yelan, and squatted with arms folded. Come down and say:


Shen Yelan looked up from the book and looked at the person who was coming, as if she was asking something silently.

"Do you know that Xu Jiao has a tattoo on her foot?" the girl asked.

Shen Yelan's eyes turned slightly to the side, and then she moved her lips and slowly spit out three words: "I don't know."

The visitor immediately showed a slight loss, "Ah, I originally wanted to ask if you've seen it before, and what it looks like if you've seen it, forget it, you, a university tyrant who only has books in his eyes, won't understand it. "

The other party got up and walked away.

in situ.

Shen Yelan still maintained the posture of raising her head from the book. After an unknown amount of time, she raised her eyes to look in the direction of the parallel bars.

The hot wind brought the smell of the plastic runway. The smell of the plastic particles mixed with sweat after exposure was particularly unpleasant. The sun even gave them a rich connotation with the temperature.

But Shen Yelan wasn't impressed. His gaze passed through a few people nearby who were doing stretching exercises while relaxing their muscles after practicing long-distance running, and tepidly landed on the figure on the parallel bars.

To be precise, it landed on the opponent's right foot.

There was a voice in my ear again.

"Liar liar."

The person who was exactly the same as the figure on the parallel bars stood beside him, with a full smile on his face, half bent down, and scolded her softly in an almost intimate tone.

Shen Yelan didn't turn her eyes to that side, and said calmly in her heart:


This is fake.

Seemingly aware of her being unmoved, the person standing beside her leaned closer to Shen Yelan's ear. In a cold and flat tone, he said a particularly attractive sentence:

"You've seen my tattoo, why are you lying?"

After a pause, the person beside his ear gave a small chuckle, and the voice passed through the ear canal and hit Shen Yelan's heart directly, like a fluttering feather falling to the ground, causing a movement like dust.

Then, Shen Yelan heard her exhale and say, "You not only watched, but also bitten, didn't you?"

Hear this-

Shen Yelan's pupils shrank suddenly.

She suddenly closed the book in her hand, got up and strode towards the teaching building, as if she would make a big joke if she stayed in place for another second.

The voice that had pierced through her heart before followed her like a shadow, and laughed behind her and said, "I can't stand it anymore? I have more things that I haven't said."

As if deliberately angering Shen Yelan, the person behind him deliberately lengthened his voice and said slowly as if tormenting her: "Which of your dreams is not more intense than what I said? For example, last night..."

At that time, Shen Yelan happened to walk to the shade of the empty teaching building.

Now it is class time. The classes that are not during the physical education class are all in the classroom, and the first class is practicing running. Now the teacher allows them to move freely. In principle, as long as the students in class 1 do not disturb other classes, It is okay to wander around the campus in moderation.

She stood beside the small bamboo forest on the campus, smelling the light fragrance and a touch of refreshing coolness, and said in a steady voice:

"To shut up."

Shen Yelan looked directly at the face in front of him that was indistinguishable from the person in his heart. The deep black eyes contained extreme depression. Because of the madness that was suppressed, the face instead showed the calmness of the ancient well.

She said, "You fake."

Hearing this sentence, the "Xu Jiao" in front of her showed a smile, not annoyed or angry, she just tilted her head to look at her, her expression seemed innocent and cruel, she gave Shen Yelan a soft "oh", mockingly. Opening:

"The one on the playground just now was real, why didn't I see you?"

Shen Yelan's eyes were half-closed, and his eyes only stayed on the ground in front of him. The school was paved with small square white tiles on the road here. The blue ones were used as stripes. The fundus has spread out of sight.

She did not answer this sentence.

However, the other party was reluctant: "Again, you know I'm fake, why do you keep me with you? Some time ago, you passed by the hospital, but didn't you end up going in?"

"Shen Yelan, why can't I continue to linger in front of your eyes, don't you know best?"

"Because you are a poor little one, you can't reach that one at all, so you keep this delusional idea of me. You like to see me hooking you like this and satisfying your heart that you can't ask for, don't you?"

Shen Yelan's eyelashes trembled, and she said again, still the same two words: "Shut up."

But for some reason, his voice is now a little hoarse.

It seems that a string that has been stretched to the extreme, as long as a person exerts a little more force, it will suddenly break, with an inexplicable feeling of fragility.

"Xu Jiao" walked in front of her step by step, raised her hand, and put the tip of her right finger on her chin, obviously without any real feeling, but Shen Yelan couldn't help but raised her head slightly, and looked into the other person's smiling eyes from a close distance. inside.

"It's not easy to shut me up? You just wave your hand lightly, or grab my neck—"

The other party deliberately lowered his voice, as if to share some secrets with her, but the words he spit out were particularly terrifying.

Shen Yelan closed his eyes fiercely, took a half step back in embarrassment, his breathing became much heavier, the whole person seemed to be divided into two halves by the sound, one half was clamoring to destroy this defective product, and the other half was desperately trying to dissuade him. .

"There is no need for fakes."

"No, you can't hurt her. You dare to do something to her today. If you can't distinguish her from Sister Xu Jiao someday, are you going to kill Sister Xu Jiao?"

The two voices were constantly arguing in Shen Yelan's mind.

She shook her head hard, and kept reciting those ancient poems that she must memorize in her heart, trying her best to calm herself down, otherwise these voices would only become more and more chaotic.

Calm down, Shen Yelan.

You can't be a lunatic.

"The blackening value of the heroine detected... 20."

Near the original playground.

Xu Jiao's relaxed and comfortable appearance paused for a moment, then she sat up straight, jumped off the horizontal bar, and stood firmly on the ground, her eyes narrowed, and her eyes swept across the playground under the golden sunlight. corner.

As expected, she did not see Shen Yelan again.

If she remembered correctly, this person was still nearby before, did he meet someone again

Xu Jiao had a thoughtful look in her eyes, and she asked in her heart as she walked out:

"Isn't she in danger this time? System, you can't go on like this. Previously, all the trivial things were sent out and clamored for me to save them. Now the heroine has turned black twice under your nose, what are you doing? No response at all?"

system:"… "

It replied in a flat tone: "Because this system can only detect events that pose a threat to the heroine, as long as what happens is something that Shen Yelan's ability can handle, it will not be included in the detection scope, and naturally you don't need to s help."

Xu Jiao smiled lukewarmly and asked again, "Then explain, what is this blackening value?"

System: "This value detects the deviation between the protagonist's character and the original work. The greater the deviation, the more evil it is. The higher the value, the harder it is to achieve HE achievement at the same time, and the farther it is from our revised ending goal."

Xu Jiao was quiet for a few seconds and patiently asked, "I mean, explain to me why Shen Yelan turned black!"

Compared to Xu Jiao's confusion, the system is still very calm, almost leisurely: "Sorry, I can't find out the specific reason, please continue to work hard."

Xu Jiao: "…"

Spicy chicken.

She cursed inwardly, and at the same time, she headed towards the classroom. If she was not mistaken, Shen Yelan should take advantage of the free time to study the questions.

as predicted-

After she returned to the classroom of Class 1, there was a familiar figure doing the question in her line of sight.

It was Shen Yelan.

Xu Jiao leaned against the wall by the back door, picked up a bottle of drink from her table in the last row, unscrewed the bottle cap and looked left and right, but couldn't see why this person was doing the questions blackened.

Is it...

Is the subject too difficult

Difficult to cry for Shen Yelan? Make her despair of studying? So you want to take revenge on society

Xu Jiao took a sip of the peach soda, tasted the carbonated taste on the tip of her tongue, stared at Shen Yelan quietly for a while, and suddenly asked in her heart, "How good is she towards me?"

The system responded quickly this time: "90."

Xu Jiao pondered to herself.


How can she help Shen Yelan reduce her blackening value without increasing her favorability

After lunch break.

Shen Yelan went out to get a cup of hot water, and as soon as she got back to her seat, she found that there was a small note on her desk with a few words twisted on it:

"Have you stayed up late at night? Are you still mourning for the unsolved knot in your heart? Are you dreaming about it and vowing to find the final answer in your heart?"

Shen Yelan: "...?"

Who is this prank

She looked left and right, and found that the people in the classroom were either sleeping or writing questions, and no one seemed so boring.


Class 1 people really can't write such ugly words.

She glanced down and saw the second note: "I have everything you want :)" There was also a note at the back.

Shen Yelan's brows tightened even more.

Throwing the note in her hand into the drawer, she continued to lower her head to do the question, ignoring the strange sounds that appeared in her ears from time to time.

until that night.

Shen Yelan had some insomnia because his mood was so ups and downs. He wanted to rest well, but he was afraid that he would dream about those strange things again and deepen the greed in his heart.

She tossed and turned for a while, and suddenly remembered those little notes from the day.

Maybe there's some chicken soup to heal her soul, she thought.

With a good memory, Shen Yelan recalled the contents of the note, and took out a new mobile phone from under the pillow—the previous one was broken when Dong Qing was beaten a certain time, and the other party took the initiative to replace her with a guilty conscience. Got a new one, and now she is also someone who can surf the Internet on her mobile phone.

After inputting line by line, Xu Jiao took a deep breath and watched the web page load slowly, waiting for something like "What you see is darkness, you are darkness, you always yearn for light, and you are also light". class words.

After a few seconds—

The page jumps out.

There are various sections in it, and you can look at it at will. One of the lines reads:

"National Mathematical Olympiad Contests Over the Years"

Her eyes moved, and she saw "Interesting Physics Principles in Life", "Recite One Thousand Poems of Chinese Ancient Poems", "English Listening Simulation for CET46"...

Shen Yelan: "..."

She threw the phone back under the pillow and continued tossing and turning.

in the master bedroom.

Two in the morning.

The system's voice woke Xu Jiao from her sleep: "The blackening value of the protagonist detected, 25."

Xu Jiao didn't open her eyes, she gave a vague "um", and fell asleep again. In the chaos of consciousness, the content of the system slowly entered her brain processing system.

After a while, she reacted suddenly, and the voice in the room was complaining and shocked:

"Isn't it?!"

"How difficult is she doing?"