I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 27: Ome Ome (19)


The entrance to the clubhouse needs to go up the stairs. Below the steps are strips of light that glow and act as a decoration. This time it is golden, giving people a luxurious and extravagant feeling.

Xu Jiao climbed up the stairs, and when she was in front of Shen Yelan, she put away her umbrella, and the water droplets on the transparent umbrella surface converged on the white umbrella tip at the end, drawing a long arc on the dark tiled floor. Wire.

Shen Yelan's dress color is just the opposite of hers. The upper body is white, hip-hop style short sleeves, with capital letters and graffiti-like lines, and black skinny jeans below.

The two have the same style and the colors are reversed. I don't know how good their relationship is.

Xu Jiao's eyes were taken away from her at the touch of a button, without any extra consideration, she raised her eyes slightly and said to her, "Long time no see, are you here to play today?"

While speaking, Xu Jiao's gaze shifted to the position above Shen Yelan's head, and she realized that Shen Yelan seemed to be a little taller than herself.


She didn't seem to have paid much attention to this man's height before.

Thinking back for a while, Xu Jiao found that when she was with Shen Yelan, this person always fell down for various reasons, either looking at herself from a low position, or bowing her head, or embarrassed She doesn't know where to put her eyes, all in all, her expression is always more eye-catching than her height.

Not like now.

Shen Yelan looked straight at Xu Jiao and heard her say the words "Long time no see" in a familiar voice in her ear.

It's been a long time indeed.

Although the two people are usually next to each other in the class, but sometimes fate is such a wonderful thing—

When she wanted to see Xu Jiao, she seemed to have an invisible detection radar on her body. When she raised her head inadvertently, she could see her at a glance within a ten-meter radius, and then she sighed quietly in her heart and saw him again. ah.

And when she decided to unilaterally cut off this connection...

She and Xu Jiao really never saw each other again.

No matter between classes, physical education, cafeteria, going to school and after school, although Shen Yelan deliberately avoided them, and even went to the bathroom, he chose to walk in the opposite direction of Class 1 classroom, but inexplicably, they even met by chance. All disappeared.

It was as if fate had sensed her heart, and cut off the traces of this evil fate along her will.

Thinking of this, the corners of Shen Yelan's lips pursed, her eyes met Xu Jiao's eyes, her voice fell neither lightly nor heavy, with a hoarseness that was not there before:

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"It was Su Xi who invited me to come, and said to celebrate your good results."

Xu Jiao was stunned for a moment, then laughed abruptly: "This guy..." What's going on, he hired the champion to celebrate the second place in the province, what kind of mudslide operation is this

Shen Yelan heard the helplessness in her words, her eyes moved slightly, like waves on a calm lake, she said again with a hoarse voice:

"It happened that I wanted to congratulate you too, so I came here."

Xu Jiao raised her brows, and then she stretched out her right hand in relief, "Okay, we both rejoice, I congratulate you too, your score is very high, it's amazing."

Shen Yelan looked down at her outstretched hand—

The fingertips are still white as if they will glow, as tender as green onions, and the phalanx is slender, like the green bamboos in the mountains.

Maybe it's because I haven't been holding a pen for a long time, so I don't even have any faint calluses on my hands, and it looks enviable.

Seeing that she didn't move for a while, Xu Jiao thought it was because she was abrupt. She was about to smile and find herself a step down, but as soon as she retracted, a heat was posted on her palm.

Much higher than your own temperature.

Even... there is still a very thin layer of dampness.

I don't know if it was hot sweat or rain that I accidentally touched.

Shen Yelan shook her hand and let it go, as politely as the two hypocritical politicians didn't even want to do superficial work, Xu Jiao blinked her eyes slowly, not too lazy to think too much. After withdrawing his hand, he walked forward first, "I'll take you in, don't you know the room number?"

Hearing her words, Shen Yelan answered silently in her heart:

No, I want to wait for you.

I want to see you sooner.

But on the face, she only responded briefly: "Yeah."

Xu Jiao smiled and shook her head, saying that Su Xi was careless in her heart, and took Shen Yelan to take the initiative to walk inside. As soon as she entered the door, she heard a warm welcome, and a well-dressed manager came over to ask if they had an appointment. .

The two were led into the elevator by the manager, and saw the manager who led the way pressing the top floor.

Xu Jiao recalled it in her heart, and quickly found out the contents of Su Xi's family from the memory of the original owner that she inherited.

The owner of this club has a good relationship with Su Xi's parents. When she was a child, when Su Xi's parents were not available, she often brought her here after school and kept her in the office to watch, so the high-level people who stayed here longer, Basically, I know Su Xi, and I know that she is the child that the boss likes.

These unfamiliar memories are like this. They can't be remembered at ordinary times. Only when you enter keywords in a specific condition, like a search box, will they pop up.

Xu Jiao pressed her forehead lightly, thinking about the name of the club, she always felt that there was more than that.

The system jumped out and reminded: "Friendly reminder, the male protagonist Ouyang Hao in the original text is a frequent visitor to this club. When the male and female protagonists are in the same scene, it is very easy to trigger the plot."

Xu Jiao's face suddenly appeared, and she heard the elevator "ding" and reached the sixth floor.

The manager led the two of them in with a friendly attitude. Because it is an entertainment place, the lights in the corridor of the clubhouse are not too bright. They are all illuminated by the lamps decorated on the walls and the light strips hidden in the ceiling. Gives a trance and hazy feeling.

In this dim atmosphere, even if a king-eight came towards him, it would make people feel good-looking.

Thinking of the prompt from the system just now, Xu Jiao subconsciously glanced at Shen Yelan beside her, curious about the circumstances under which she would bump into the male protagonist.

Unexpectedly, Shen Yelan's eyes turned to meet her after only looking at it.

Xu Jiao heard her ask in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

She didn't expect Shen Yelan to be so sensitive to other people's eyes, Xu Jiao was silent for a second before she found an excuse: "No, I just wanted to ask, is it too late for you to change your voice? I feel your voice... and It's a big difference compared to before."

Doubts are thrown, but the one who receives the goods is quiet.

Shen Yelan didn't expect her voice to change so obviously, she couldn't help raising her hand to touch her neck, it landed on the throat, paused, and put it down again, she didn't tell the truth, she just answered vaguely: "En. "

The light was so dim that Xu Jiao couldn't see the subtle changes on the other person's face, but judging from this answer alone, she felt that Shen Yelan must be lying.


It's just that I haven't met each other in school for more than a year. Why do I feel that Shen Yelan's body has changed so much

It seems to be full of mysteries.

How can a student feel this way

Just as Xu Jiao had the thought of exploring, the door of the private room beside her was suddenly smashed open by a force, and she was about to be photographed—

At the critical moment, Xu Jiao, who hadn't done anything with anyone for a long time, reacted and wanted to hide, but it was too late!

Just when she thought that she would be affected to some extent, a force suddenly came from her waist and took her to the other side. slapped on her face.

Xu Jiao's heart beat suddenly in her chest, but without blinking, she immediately looked behind the door, her eyes cold and emotionless.

She didn't even find out where the skills and reaction speed of Shen Yelan who pulled her away came from.

Shen Yelan felt the feel of the slender waist under the fabric, her eyes were dark like a cloud of ink, her fingertips twitched as if they were twitching, and immediately, before Xu Jiao could react, she quickly moved her body away. Hands, eyes turned to the room.

A man dressed as a waiter fell heavily in front of the two of them. The tray and wine glass fell apart on the carpet. He hugged his stomach and looked in the direction of the private room with a painful expression.

Inside was a man with a cigar in his mouth and a coat with a leopard pattern, his expression arrogant and domineering.

The situation is clear at a glance.

The waiter was kicked out.

The man with the cigarette slowly untied his cufflinks, and his vague voice could not cover the sarcasm in his voice: "Take your fake wine, where did you come from, and you'll be perfunctory like this next time. Your grandfather, it's not just like this today."

At this moment, the manager who led Xu Jiao and the others said, "Oh, Mr. Zou, what kind of misunderstanding makes you so angry?"

While speaking, he blocked Xu Jiao and Shen Yelan in front of him intentionally or unintentionally. By the way, he tapped the waiter's shoulder on the ground with his toes, signaling him to leave quickly.

Mr. Zou, who was in a leopard suit, heard the voice, so he looked up lazily, then he took off the cigarette and smiled at the manager: "Yo, Manager Zhou came just in time, we will judge, I'm an old guest here. I asked him to get a bottle of your best red wine just now, but you see, is this something for people to drink? Who do you look down on?"

"Manager Zhou, if you want to explain this to me today, I won't expose it easily. I have a distinguished guest here today to discuss business, can you see?"

Zou gave the manager a rogue-like smile.

Manager Zhou pretended to scold the waiter: "You are too naive, why did you make Zou angry, so don't hurry up - Zou calms down, I'll see what's going on with this wine."

He went to pick up the bottle and gave it a gentle sniff.

This is the red wine produced by the Romanee-Conti winery in Burgundy. The average price is 110,000. It can be called the most expensive winery in the world, and it is never sold separately. Usually, it only buys ten wines from other areas of the winery. Two bottles of wine will be given as a gift.

Some people also call this red wine the drink of billionaires.

Manager Zhou had a decent smile on his face, and he couldn't help scolding Mr. Zou as a "stupid". According to his worth, Mr. Zou was not worthy of this wine.

He asked with a smile, "I can't see any problem with this wine for the time being. May I ask what is Zou always dissatisfied with?"

Zou Zou waved his hand carelessly: "Who doesn't know that the Lafite in 1982 is the most valuable, you don't fool me with such inferior products, and you dare to open the price of 150,000, why, you really are me How much stupid money?"

Manager Zhou: "..."

He was turning his head and thinking quickly about how to solve this accident caused by the uneducated guests.

Before he could come up with a solution, Mr. Zou suddenly looked behind him and saw a very beautiful profile face, tender as if he could squeeze out water, but his demeanor was very cold. It's like the unattainable female star he saw when he followed Ouyang Hao to a high-end party a few days ago.

As soon as Nian moved, he immediately said: "Oh, but for the sake of our long-term friendship, we can make this matter a big one. What kind of newcomer did Manager Zhou bring recently, he also pulled it out for me to see. see?"

While speaking, President Zou's eyes kept looking at Xu Jiao and Shen Yelan who were behind.

How could Manager Zhou not know what this color embryo was thinking, how could he dare to spoil Su Xi's guests to this guy, he immediately smiled and said, "I can't have any new people to bring, President Zou is joking, this is us What about the VIP guests?"

"Come on, the two of them are underage at first sight, and they look like VIPs. Your surname Zhou will fool me. In this way, if you can let them have a drink with me today, I will pretend that this incident did not happen. Well, what do you think?"

Manager Zhou: "..." He really wanted to curse.

With a smile on his face, he wanted to raise his hand to say something, and saw the two little girls behind him come out. Xu Jiao leaned over to look at the red wine in his hand, and said pertinently:

"Good wine."

Shen Yelan was really afraid that Xu Jiao would be kind enough to help Jing Zhou to resolve the siege, and went down next to him with a cold face:

"It's not impossible to drink this glass of wine."

"It's just that after I finish drinking, it's not up to you to decide this matter."

When Xu Jiao heard Shen Yelan's words, she turned her head to look at her somewhat unexpectedly. She didn't expect that the child who was pushed down by someone in the past would now speak ruthlessly, and she didn't know who she learned from.

in the box.

Ouyang Hao closed his eyes and rested, but the tip of his brow was lightly frowned.

If it weren't for the family's relationship with this family surnamed Zou, he really didn't want to stay in the same place with this person for a second. There are no good habits, but there are a lot of bad problems.

He heard Mr. Zou embarrassing people outside, his face moved, and he turned to the person next to him: "Dongqing, go and see what's going on."

Dongqing heard the voice, but rarely did not listen to the employer's advice, only hooked her lips and whispered: "It's okay."

"I know people outside, but President Zou can't find anything."

after all-

That was the good apprentice she brought out.

Hearing the rare emotion in the bodyguard's words, Ouyang Hao slowly opened his eyes, carefully discerned the meaning of Dong Qing's words, and found that it turned out to be a bit of gloating.

He frowned, no matter who Holly's schadenfreude was heading, it was inappropriate. After all, he didn't want to make extra troubles when he came today. After a pause, he emphasized: "Go and have a look."

That's what it means to take care.

Dongqing didn't have a hard time with the bonus, and silently walked towards the door, ready to say hello to his apprentice.

"Mr. Zou, our president asked me to tell me, you don't know, that is indeed the most expensive red wine just now, much higher than the average price of Lafite in 1982."

While speaking, she inadvertently met Shen Yelan's gaze, blinked her right eye lightly at her, then landed on Xu Jiao's body as if scrutinizing her, and asked her with her eyes:

Who is this

Shen Yelan blocked in front of Xu Jiao without a trace.

Holly raised her eyebrows, oh, it's not easy.

No one noticed the subtle exchange of expressions between the two of them. Manager Zhou breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. President Zou's face turned blue and white for a while, and Xu Jiao was still looking at the red wine.

Taking advantage of no one to react, Manager Zhou quickly said goodbye to President Zou, and took the two to the private room they reserved—

President Zou was not reconciled to the fact that the duck around his mouth flew like this, and stared at the private room they entered for a while.

Afterwards, he entered the room and apologized to Ouyang Hao with a smile, raised his hand and rang the waiter's bell, and called the person in again. channel:

"I want to give the bottle of 0606 over there. You help me put it on the account, and you said that you want to give it to the most beautiful girl in it. By the way, help me add this..."

He stuffed the money and the same thing into his brother's arms.

"Sister Jiaojiao, why are you here! Ah, you came with Shen Yelan! Did you two make an appointment?"

Su Xi was originally working as a Maiba, but when she saw Xu Jiao and Shen Yelan who were late, she shoved the microphone into the hand of the person next to her and greeted them happily.

Xu Jiao didn't say anything about the fact that she hadn't been in touch with Shen Yelan for a long time, she just smiled and said to her, "I met something on the way, do you want me to fine me three cups first?"

"But we can agree that today you are making trouble. If there are adults here, you can only drink juice and don't make trouble."

Su Xi nodded excitedly, then raised her finger and pointed to the circle of people behind her: "Say! Who are you underage? Take the initiative to raise your hand, so as not to cause me to be scolded by Sister Jiaojiao, you don't know, recently we are Jiaojiao Sister Jiao is simply a walking dean, so fierce..."

Xu Jiao scolded her softly, "Go away."

Then he walked to the table, simply opened a can of beer, took an upside-down mug, and poured three glasses quite neatly.

Shen Yelan hesitated for a moment, and silently walked to her side, followed her actions and drank three glasses, even though she was not very familiar with the audience.

I came here today, mainly to celebrate Xu Jiao—

At the same time, it is also to say goodbye to each other completely.

In the past year or so, her condition has improved a lot, and she no longer sees this person's phantom from time to time. As long as she persists, maybe... After many, many years, she will be able to maintain the mood when she first met this person and be with her. Let's meet again on a strange road.

After the two of them drank, the atmosphere became hot, Su Xi stopped singing, and had to take advantage of people to play more exciting, the simplest and most natural is Truth or Dare.

Everyone sits in a circle and draws cards, and those who find the big ghost can ask questions or make requests for the smallest three.

Two rounds passed, neither Xu Jiao nor Shen Yelan were drawn.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the private room, a waiter came in, put a bottle of red wine over, and after repeating what President Zou said just now, he lowered his eyebrows and prepared to leave.

Su Xi was at a loss: "The most beautiful girl? You pointed it out more clearly. Our beauties have their own characteristics. Forget it, let's divide it up. If anyone has a question they don't want to answer, give me this drink. This wine is quite classy."

The crowd did not object.

Another round-

Shen Yelan drew a ghost card, and the third of the diamonds was... Xu Jiao.

Shen Yelan licked her lower lip lightly, her eyes fixed on Xu Jiao, and under the expectation of everyone, she asked, "Truly or a big adventure?"

Xu Jiao did not hesitate: "Sincerely."

Shen Yelan held her breath for two seconds, unable to hold back the temptation in her heart, and asked, "Do you... have someone you like?"

Xu Jiao raised her eyes to look at her, her eyes were as calm as ever, as if she would be able to say the answer in the next second.


In front of everyone's eyes, Xu Jiao raised her hand and took the bottle of red wine, poured herself a glass, a full glass of red wine that was about to overflow, she raised her head and drank it without thinking.

Everyone including Shen Yelan was stunned.

Su Xi said incredulously: "Sister, isn't it? If you have it, you have it. If you don't have it, you don't have it. Is this problem difficult?"

Xu Jiao put down the wine glass, hooked her lips lightly, and joked, "I want to taste this red wine."

Su Xi breathed a sigh of relief, Xu Jiao's expression just now made her think... This person seems to have had a relationship that is so unforgettable that she can't even mention it, so that she is so secretive.

"Hey, you scared me, sister, you can't be so skinny in a while."

The atmosphere revived again, but after another round, Xu Jiao was still the unlucky cube three, she raised her hand to rest on her forehead, and smiled lightly: "It's always against me, this is, if I do this, I can open it. Hang up, I don't want to be asked."

After speaking, the card face in her hand moved slightly, as if she really heard her disgust.

It was Susie who drew the ghost card.

Su Xi laughed twice, even skipping the process of asking her the truth or taking a big risk, and said directly: "You have been in so many relationships, which one impresses you the most? Hee hee."

Everyone around coaxed: "Oh! Sister Su Xi is amazing!"

"It's still Xiaoxi who knows Sister Jiaojiao best!"

"Fatal problem."

They showed gossipy expressions, wanting to hear from Xu Jiao "the name of the character that the Eighteenth Lieutenant Colonel will never forget".

Xu Jiao sighed softly, stood up helplessly, and then raised her hand to reach for the bottle of red wine.

Su Xi: "!"

She wailed: "Sister, if you don't take you like this, you don't follow the rules at all, you can't do this."

Someone shouted: "I can't drink anymore, sister Jiaojiao has to blow the bottle!"

Xu Jiao raised her brows and looked at the coaxer. After two seconds, she said helplessly, "No problem."


"Wuwuwu, I suddenly fell in love with the handsome Jiaojiao sister!"

"I don't think many of the men present have ever drunk her..."

Xu Jiao didn't bother to take the cup, so she drank directly from the mouth of the bottle and poured it in a coo, like drinking plain water. Shen Yelan, who was sitting next to her, looked at her unconsciously, with deep worry in her eyes.

Xu Jiao was drunk.

I was so dizzy that I couldn't play at all, so I could only sit on the edge of the sofa and close my eyes.

Shen Yelan kept her eyes on her, watching her lying there for a long time, went out to ask for a cup of hot water, brought it to her, leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Are you alright?"

Xu Jiao moved slightly when she heard the voice.

Immediately after.

She raised her arm abruptly and hooked the neck of the person talking beside her. At this moment, she couldn't tell who these people were. She only vaguely felt that the voice was familiar and she knew it.

Because of Xu Jiao's sudden movement, the cup in Shen Yelan's hand was not steady, and the warm water sprinkled on her thigh.

She put the cup aside, and as soon as she turned her head, the hot breath fell on her ear, as if kissing her earlobe directly, and the intoxicating breath with a strong alcohol smell came out:

"Take me away."

She heard Xu Jiao say, "The wine is not right, I can't stay here."

Shen Yelan's face changed suddenly, she didn't care about her red ears, raised her hand and patted Xu Jiao's back lightly, raised her hand and gestured to Su Xi, until Su Xi approached, she leaned over and whispered something what.

Su Xi looked at Xu Jiao's drunken state with regret, and then said, "Okay, then be careful on the road."

Shen Yelan didn't expect that she would come to Xu Jiao's house again on the day she was about to say goodbye.

When she turned on the light, she found that nothing had changed here, it was almost the same as when she left a year ago.

After being stunned for a moment, she remembered to move people into the room.

She was about to help her walk in, but suddenly, the person who had been quiet all the way suddenly raised her hand and grabbed her collar, her eyes that had been tightly closed opened, because she was too drunk, and now there was a luster inside. one slice.

Like a diamond that reflects brilliance after falling into the water.

The drunken blush floated to the eyes and the end of the eyes, the color like an apple, tempting people to take a bite.

Shen Yelan's breathing stopped for a while, and she leaned forward unexpectedly. At the critical moment, she raised her hand to support the wall next to her, and the veins on the back of her hand floated up.


not like this.

Her throat moved, and with difficulty, she stopped about a centimeter away from Xu Jiao.

The tip of the nose is all that drunk, with a sweet smell of alcohol.

However, she didn't move, but the person in front of her watched her carefully for a long time, as if confused as to why she suddenly stopped. Then, Xu Jiao grabbed her by the collar, leaned on her hard, and took the initiative to run over her. her lips.

Shen Yelan's eyes widened in astonishment.

Her strength against the wall and the weight of the two of them loosened, and suddenly she fell down with Xu Jiao in a whirl. Fortunately, in an emergency, she just pulled the person's waist and changed her posture, and her back slammed into the entrance. up the stairs.

Shen Yelan gasped in pain.

However, the person lying on top of her didn't know all of this. She held her face with both hands, came over to kiss her again, and mumbled, like laughing and crying, and whispered:

"Did you come back?"

Shen Yelan didn't dare to make a sound, she couldn't understand what was going on, and she nodded stiffly after a while.

Xu Jiao suddenly burst out laughing, her blushing lips curled open, like a blooming rose, she kissed her again, and she touched Shen Yelan's clothes with her hands restless.

Shen Yelan: "!"

She smelled the intoxicating smell of wine and couldn't help thinking:

what happened? Are you getting sicker? Is the hallucination deeper? Why does the entity still appear

Shen Yelan didn't dare to move, as if she was the one who was drunk.

Even though she was so obedient, Xu Jiao was still not very happy. She pinched the man lightly, and noticed that her body was shaking. She bit Shen Yelan's shoulder and said in a serious tone:

"If you don't come back for so long, if you don't apologize to me, you will cry..."

Shen Yelan: "..." It's over, she really wants to cry now, because of this sweet dream that is too seductive and degenerate.

Did happiness come too suddenly

Before she could start thinking in her gooey brain, she suddenly heard the sound of her clothes being torn apart. Shen Yelan looked down in astonishment. She didn't expect the drunk Xu Jiao to have such strength.

In the next instant, she found that her clothes had turned into rags, which were used by Xu Jiao to wrap her wrists. Shen Yelan didn't struggle at all, and even cooperated to watch how the other party wrapped her hands tightly. to a piece.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Yelan's hand was pressed to the top of his head—

Xu Jiao came up close to see her, the corners of her lips hooked wickedly, and she deliberately teased, "Are you afraid?"

Shen Yelan shook her head honestly.

Xu Jiao was very dissatisfied with her reaction and pursed her lips. After a while, she thought of something, and the drunken smile on her face widened a lot.

That night.

The drooping petals of a particularly beautiful Ye Laixiang are filled with dew that has been accumulated for an unknown period of time, and the fragrant flowers quietly protrude out of the wall, and are seen by the little wild cat who does not know where they are.

Then, the little wild cat smelled the sweetness in it, first leaned in and licked it, and tasted a little sweetness, and then wanted to taste the sweetness in it.

The little wild cat buried his head and tried his best, and finally his nose and face were covered with the flower dew, causing the cat to slightly rub the sweetness on his body elsewhere.

The cat blinked, annoyed by this Yelaixiang, and decided to use his paws to teach this guy a good lesson.

until the sun rises again.

Xu Jiao opened her eyes from the severe headache and let out a heavy snort. She rolled over on the soft bed and stretched out her arms, but she felt a large area of cold on her arms.

She wondered vaguely, what about my clothes

After two seconds, Xu Jiao suddenly opened her eyes, but as soon as she raised her head, she met another pair of quiet black eyes who had been watching her for an unknown amount of time.

Xu Jiao: "!"

She bounced back a distance and looked at Shen Yelan puzzled: "You..." Why are you here

But halfway through, she saw a deep tooth mark on Shen Yelan's shoulder.

This scene... something doesn't look right.

Xu Jiao's brain began to slowly restart.

It was quiet for about half a minute.

There was a hint of despair in her voice, her lips trembled, and she asked, "Did I... offend you last night?"