I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 30: Ome Ome (22)


"She didn't take you to heart at all. You worked so hard to find her. Do you think she was touched at all? No, she doesn't love you at all, she doesn't even care about you, Shen Yelan."

"To Xu Jiao, you are just a tool she needs to make up for her guilt. Other than that, you have nothing to do."

"Want to know how to get her forever? Take her away, lock her up, so she's all yours, only you can see her, only you can touch, her whole being, her everything… all will belong to you."

A charming voice whispered in Shen Yelan's ear, drawing out the dark thoughts in her heart that could never be left in the sun, constantly magnifying those thoughts.

As long as Shen Yelan's eyes are still on Xu Jiao, as long as her sanity is shaken, these trivial voices are pervasive, vowing to pull her into the sea of evil.

Shen Yelan originally made up her mind not to pay attention to this news, but she didn't know if the separation had deepened her longing, or if she really felt uneasy about not being replied to the news, so that when she walked to Xu Jiao's side, she couldn't help herself. Yin said the sentence: "I want you."

As a result, I heard the other party refuse without hesitation: "Just think about it."

When she said what she was thinking, Shen Yelan was just expressing her thoughts. She didn't know how to make Xu Jiao see her heart, so she could only say something like this, and she didn't even want to do anything excessive. matter.


Xu Jiao's answer without hesitation still made her heart feel bitter.

Recalling the other party's previous behavior on the bed, Shen Yelan inevitably felt nostalgic, she couldn't convince herself not to love that feeling, the kind of feeling that could grasp all the sex and emotions of the other party.


After listening to the tempting sound in her ears for so many years, this is the first time Shen Yelan has compromised with the devil hidden in her heart. Even overly add:

"Right now."

"This is the second time."

She wanted so much that Xu Jiao, who would beg her softly and act like a spoiled child, just to make herself give more.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, Shen Yelan saw Xu Jiao's eyes tremble slightly, as if only such absurd things could make her mood fluctuate.

"How much is Shen Yelan's blackening worth?"

Xu Jiao's gaze fell on the person in front of her. Rationally, she had no fear of Shen Yelan, but her body seemed to have remembered the madness of the other party during the summer vacation. When it came down, Xu Jiao could feel the trembling from the depths of her soul.

The person who was sitting by the back door in the corner unexpectedly unknowingly avoided to the side. When she reacted, the temperature of the wall pierced through the thin clothes, making Xu Jiao shudder.

The system's voice sounded: "80."

Xu Jiao's gaze fell, and she saw the fingertips beside her trembling slightly unconsciously. The voice in her heart was as calm as ever: "The value is quite high, it seems that it can only be smoothed."

That is to say, if she rejects Shen Yelan's request now, she might do something more terrifying because of her blackening, or her blackening value will soar again.

Xu Jiao asked the system again, "Are there any students on this floor? Where are the security guards who used to be?"

The system heard what she meant, and was a little surprised. He didn't expect Xu Jiao to make such a sacrifice. Immediately, she was moved by her rare determination. It detected that all the students on the half floor had left, and the security guards also re-arranged. After reaching the building, it took a while to respond before it responded:

"What do you take me for! I'm not a lookout for the two of you to do this kind of thing in the holy and great hall of knowledge!"

Xu Jiao: "Who are we and who, don't be so stingy."

After flicking the system, she looked up at the front and rear of the classroom. Sure enough, the place where her major was located was the old campus a long time ago. There was no monitoring-control installed in this teaching building. The senior who brought her in some time ago The senior sisters have kindly reminded:

"It's best to come to the building of the academy to go to the study room. Although the building of our academy looks old from the outside, entry and exit must be determined by the student ID major. The management is very strict, and there is also monitoring inside."

"It's very troublesome in the old building. Every year, people go out to the bathroom and find that they have lost their computers, mobile phones, and money treasures.

Squinting her eyes, Xu Jiao raised her head slightly to look at the person in front of her, her neck with graceful lines and a fragile neck was exposed. Because her skin was too pale, she could see faint traces of blue blood vessels.

When seeing clean things, people always have two kinds of mentality. One is to take care of it carefully, try to make it dirty as slowly as possible, and use all means to protect it; the other... is to simply and thoroughly dye it other colors.

The darker the better, the harder it is to be covered by other traces.

Shen Yelan lowered her head as if enchanted, and was about to get closer when she suddenly heard a soft "snap" sound, and the light in the entire classroom suddenly went out. Because her eyes were not adapted to the sudden darkness, she couldn't even see the appearance of people who were close at hand. clear.

Just when she stopped halfway, Xu Jiao, who had turned off the lights, had an extraordinarily calm voice that entered her ear:

"Do you know what would happen if we were found out?"

In the darkness, the heat and sound of the other party's body became the beacon that Shen Yelan was chasing. She turned her head to the side, and, relying on the position she had written down before turning off the light, brought her lips together and kissed Xu Jiao's cheek.

She asked softly, "So, will Sister Xu Jiao be afraid?"

Xu Jiao raised the corners of her lips silently. Because she was too close, she could smell the smell on Shen Yelan's body. It was very strange. She was obviously a girl, and she didn't know what this person had been through recently. Mild smell of gunpowder.

Not at all in line with her silent and do not engage in troubled school tyrants.

But it was the unkind and even choking smell that made Xu Jiao inexplicably excited. With her right hand resting on the table next to her, she sat sideways and did not choose to answer Shen Yelan's question. , but instead asked:

"Is this not what you want?"

Shen Yelan was silent.

In this moment of silence, Xu Jiao exhaled and asked again, "Will you be happy if you do something like this with me?"

Xu Jiao really wanted to know, if she and Shen Yelan increased again and again this time, could she make Shen Yelan less upset, make her smoother, and reduce the blackening value a bit.

But I don't know what Shen Yelan understood from her words. She had not moved for a long time. After hearing this sentence, she suddenly raised her jaw and kissed her gently.

During the staggered breathing, the system took advantage of the discordant screen before it appeared, and hurriedly asked, "Aren't you afraid? After a while, I will enter the shielding mode, and I will no longer be able to detect the surrounding environment for you."

Xu Jiao's throat moved and swallowed what she couldn't bear, her voice was still flat:


She said: "Even if I don't take this world seriously, I don't have the hobby of being watched by people. If I really want to be discovered, I will immediately give up the task of this world and see you in the next book."

In short, no help, wait to die, next.

system:"… ?"

There was a hint of confusion in its flat voice: "Is this what you call trying to reduce the blackening value?"

Xu Jiao asked back, "Am I not working hard enough? In order to smoothen the hair of this little bastard, I don't even want the face for two lifetimes—"

Vision is limited, and the responses of the other senses are constantly amplified.

Xu Jiaoman thought that Shen Yelan couldn't see clearly just like her, so she didn't control her expression very much, but she didn't know that Shen Yelan could clearly see her pained and joyful appearance.

Including the thin layer of sweat on her neck, when she turned her head and bit her fingertips because she didn't want to make a sound, it was painted with a warm jade-like color by the faint light outside the window on the other side.

Shen Yelan couldn't help but opened her mouth to bite. As soon as her lips touched, she heard Xu Jiao let out a forbearance from the gap between biting her fingertips: "Don't..."

Do not bite on the neck, it will be seen.

Shen Yelan paused, and her lips lingered lightly and slowly on the side of her neck, but it was not intimate, instead it only picked up bursts of itching, as if she could bite down hard at any time, giving a kind of butcher knife. Suspended above his head, but the feeling of trepidation has not fallen yet.

Maybe it was because the previous experience was too crazy. Xu Jiao found that she had become much more sensitive than before. Just being touched casually by Shen Yelan, her pores all opened up. Happiness came easily and simply.


Shen Yelan, who noticed that she was in good condition, suddenly pulled away, holding the chair next to her with her right hand, her slender fingertips coming together, leaving a layer of crystal water marks on the back of the chair.

Shen Yelan kissed Xu Jiao's cold ear, and replied in an extremely intimate gesture, "It's okay not to bite your neck. In exchange, Sister Xu Jiao has to do another thing."

Xu Jiao's happiness suddenly stopped, she raised her eyes wide and looked up at her, her breath was chaotic for two beats.

She had a gut feeling that Shen Yelan was going to do something again.

Sure enough, Shen Yelan observed her current state in a relaxed manner, but she mentioned another matter: "Have Sister Xu Jiao ever bought flowers at the flower shop?"

Xu Jiao: "...?"

Is this the time to mention what to buy flowers

Seeing her dazedly opening her eyes slightly, Shen Yelan hooked her lips and said calmly, "Once, I saw someone going to a flower shop to buy carnations. Originally, the flowers were closed, but The flower shop owner turned the flower into full bloom after the customer had finished picking it, does Sister Xu Jiao know how she did it?"

"She held the bottom of the flower head with one hand, and with the other hand she gently plucked the petals on the outside of the flower head with the side of her index finger, slowly, slowly rubbing open those red and pink carnations—"

"Afterwards, I never saw this technique again. I think Sister Xu Jiao's rose is so beautifully folded, she must be quite ingenious, can you repeat it for me?"

Xu Jiao: "…"

This story almost made her listen to the Buddha, but she didn't pay attention to what Shen Yelan was saying at the end, the temperature in her body gradually dropped, her voice dropped from the full emotion, and she asked in a nasal voice: "I Where can I find flowers for you?"

As soon as the words came out, she recalled Shen Yelan's words carefully, and her whole body froze.

Sure enough, Shen Yelan laughed lowly and pointedly said: "Why not? Isn't there one here? Sister Xu Jiao's flower is more beautiful than the flower shop."

Xu Jiao: "!"

Hearing such slanderous words, her face couldn't control the temperature rising, and the fire spread to the tip of her ear and neck like a cloud.

Shen Yelan saw that she hadn't moved for a long time, and gestured to get closer to her neck again, Xu Jiao raised her hand against her shoulder with difficulty, stopping her from leaving marks on her neck, and spat out two words with difficulty. Character:

"and many more."

There was a smile in Shen Yelan's voice: "Then Sister Xu Jiao will be faster, I'm not very patient, and—"

"In ten minutes, it looks like the security guard will come up again."

"Is Sister Xu Jiao's rose blooming?"

"… "

"Why don't you talk? Then I'll just come and take a look?"

"Don't! Don't! Open, open..."

The chair accidentally bumped into the table because of too much movement, causing Xu Jiao to froze nervously.

Before she could let out the breath she was holding, another strong light came from the transparent glass on the door of the classroom. She bit the fingers of her right hand and the back of her hand had prints. , I don't know if it's tears or sweat.

Hearing the sound of leather shoes walking past the door, "da, da, da", Shen Yelan felt Xu Jiao's nervousness, and raised her left hand to hug her, so that she would not be so afraid, but as soon as her hand was raised, she was caught by the other party. Misunderstanding the meaning, he pulled it over and bit her wrist.

Xu Jiao didn't save her strength—

Shen Yelan felt the pain, and the strength of his right hand could not be controlled, and immediately heard the other party's mouth groaning.

Shen Yelan kissed the tip of the other person's ear soothingly, and let her bite her own. The emotion in her eyes was heavy. Only the kissing of the other person was very gentle, with endless pity.

The campus at night gradually lost its voice.

So those birds, frogs and insects occasionally shouted tentatively, and quickly changed places to hide.

Xu Jiao followed Shen Yelan to the outside of the school with one foot deep and one foot shallow. At this moment, except for the self-study room that was specially opened all night, the dormitory building and teaching building have curfew, so as not to disturb the rest of the dormitory aunt, They can only go outside and stay in a hotel.

The two went out through the window on the first floor of the old teaching building. At that time, the surroundings were quiet, no one could be seen, and there were no cameras nearby to capture their feats in the middle of the night.

The existence of this teaching building in the school has always been very evil. I heard that the feng shui was not very good when it was built. If there are students who violate the access control and secretly stay in it for too long, they will always see some when they study at night. Things that shouldn't be seen.

Even the surveillance cameras installed in the surrounding area have such or other problems after two months. Over time, there is no need for the security guards there to urge them. Students studying in this old school building will automatically see that the curfew is approaching. Consciously pack up and go back.

After all, the stories of hitting ghosts are still circulating on campus.

Xu Jiao walked a lot slower than usual. Seeing her movements from behind, she seemed to be a little sluggish, as if she didn't want to walk forward. Sure enough, she stopped by the woods just outside the school gate. .

Shen Yelan was walking in front, and when she heard her stop, she also stopped and turned to look at her.

Today's moon is particularly round and bright, and the tall trees and trees next to it are heavily shadowed, and the shadows of different shades swaying by the roadside with the gusts of wind pass by.

Xu Jiao squatted on the spot with a flushed face, her ears were the color of overripe tomatoes, she clenched her fist with teeth marks, and said to her, "No, I won't go."

Shen Yelan fell back and stood beside her. After a while, Shen Yelan squatted down and asked in an unprecedentedly gentle tone, "Why?"

She raised her hand and pulled away Xu Jiao's face, which had been wet with sweat in a small wad of hair, and a narrow smile appeared in her black eyes. She seemed to be a particularly reasonable person, and said calmly:

"Sister Xu Jiao can't be rude."

"Just now you said you didn't want to continue, I promised you, so we're going to the hotel to continue, why did you go back on it?"

Xu Jiao: "…"

She looked at Shen Yelan's brazen appearance, her cheeks clenched tightly, and after a while, she said, "I can't walk anymore."

Shen Yelan reached out to her, just when Xu Jiao thought she was going to let her go, before she could breathe out, she heard Shen Yelan say, "Then let me hold you."

Xu Jiao looked at the open palms in front of her, and was silent for a while. Seeing that there was no one left or right, she squeezed out a sentence between her teeth: "No need! As long as you stop that thing, I can go by myself."

Now she could still hear a humming noise somewhere that was turning her whole sanity to ashes.

I can barely squat anymore, how can I still move

Unexpectedly, Shen Yelan, this little bastard, looks serious on weekdays, but in the end, the tricks in this kind of thing... It's like an old sow wearing a bra - one set after another!

Don't finish her!

Hearing Xu Jiao's words, Shen Yelan was just silent, not saying a word, the smile in her black eyes gradually receded, Xu Jiao couldn't help but softened her voice and said coaxingly:

"Shen Yelan, stop bullying me."

Seeing the tears in her red eyes, Shen Yelan was indeed touched by Xu Jiao's soft prayer.

Xu Jiao saw that she was eating soft and not hard, so she found a way, she raised her hand and tugged at the corner of Shen Yelan's windbreaker, and looked up at the person in front of her, because she looked very short when she squatted down. So at this moment Xu Jiao's attitude seemed even weaker in Shen Yelan's eyes, pitiful and helpless.

"I want to change the form of compensation now, okay?" she asked Shen Yelan.

Shen Yelan looked at her quietly, waiting for her next sentence.

Xu Jiao sighed, "You're so unkind, and you've been tricked by you ten times. I'm dead. Your future partner probably won't be able to stand your play."

Shen Yelan slowly repeated: "Gentle?"

Xu Jiao watched the drama, her voice stopped, and when she slowed down her body, she said earnestly, "Yes, do you have someone you like? How about if I teach you how to chase your sweetheart, let's meet once, okay?"

Shen Yelan looked straight into her eyes, and when Xu Jiao waited until her body was trembling, she finally nodded slowly and replied, "Okay."

Xu Jiao asked tentatively, "Then we will...?" Don't you go? Hurry up and say no!

Shen Yelan watched her tremble unconsciously, thought about it, and asked, "How about I carry you?"

Xu Jiao: "…"

Shen Yelan said patiently, "It's okay to hug you."

Xu Jiao: "…"

The child is old, it is not easy to lie.

Like a piece of cake, she was tossed and baked on the hotel bed for half the night. When Xu Jiao woke up the next day, she felt the long-lost muscle aches all over her body.

She scolded Shen Yelan with a little pervert in her heart in a daze.

What she said last night was really not wrong, but any girl who was a little less physically fit and a little more housebound came over and tossed Shen Yelan once, and would not want to get off the bed for a week.

Fortunately, this time the surnamed Shen had a little conscience, not only helped her take a bath, but also ordered breakfast for her, sat next to her to check her body temperature, her voice was hoarse as always, it sounded rusty.

"Sister Xu Jiao has no class this morning, so sleep more."

Xu Jiao couldn't open her tired eyes, the corners of her lips moved, she couldn't help thinking in her heart: This little bastard can't be considered good, right

It was also during the previous summer vacation, and last night as well, so I assumed that she would be fine the next day, so I tried to torment her.

But she was too tired and didn't have time to think too much, her consciousness became hazy again, and suddenly, the system's voice suddenly sounded: "Congratulations to the host, the heroine's blackening value has been successfully reduced, the current Shen Yelan's blackening value: 75 ."

Xu Jiao was shocked.

I almost lost Half-Life last night and only lost five points

That is to say, the remaining eight full counts can only reduce the blackening value by another 40-how to count her blood loss.

Can't go on like this.

Xu Jiao thought, when she wakes up, she must make a plan.

"Sister Xu Jiao is free on Saturday? Can you go somewhere with me?"

After returning to school from the hotel, Xu Jiao received a text message from Shen Yelan.

After thinking about the other party's blackening value, and if she had promised the system, Xu Jiao tapped her phone and replied, "Yes." As long as she doesn't drag her to the bed, she can agree to anything.

B City Impression Clay Museum.

Xu Jiao pushed on her sunglasses and looked up at the name. Because she was standing in the morning light, she couldn't help but narrow her eyes, hiding her doubts well.

What did Shen Yelan ask her to do here

Just then, a hoarse, rustling voice came from the side: "Sister Xu Jiao is here."

It was Shen Yelan's voice.

Probably because the two had a close relationship, Xu Jiao found that her ears were a little hot just hearing each other's voices, she raised her hand and pinched her ears a little unhappily, and nodded to Shen Yelan: "Well , did you let me come here?"

Shen Yelan took her inside, not in a hurry, just waiting for someone to lead them to experience the process of this clay handicraft.

Xu Jiao inexplicably played with her in the mud all morning.

After the experience was over, she turned around and asked Shen Yelan, "Can you tell me what I'm doing here now?"

Shen Yelan looked at her deeply, and after a while, Xu Jiao heard her say, "Don't you want to say, use other things to offset the previous compensation?"

Xu Jiao realized later: "Do you want me to learn this? Okay, what are you going to do?"

Shen Yelan glanced at her up and down, pursed her lips, and she said, "I want you to use clay to pinch a me, scaled down, exactly the same as me—"

"This can be offset once compensation."

Xu Jiao was stunned for a moment.

Shen Yelan lowered her eyes and asked, "Do you agree?"

In order to create a lifelike self, Xu Jiao must always keep her eyes on herself, remember every feature of herself, and even close her eyes, her mind is full of her own image.

She had to use another way to make Xu Jiao remember her completely.