I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 32: Ome Ome (24)


a few minutes ago.

Shen Yelan pulled Xu Jiao's shirt and took a deep breath, as if she was about to make a major decision, her throat was tight.

Finally, she mustered up the courage, and still wanted to re-speak the words that had never appeared in the sun:

"In addition to teaching me to fall in love and pinching a clay figure, we still have six times left. I will use all the remaining times in exchange for one thing, okay, Sister Xu Jiao?"

Xu Jiao replied calmly, "You say it."

Shen Yelan asked lowly and slowly, "Can you be my girlfriend?"

When the voice fell, Xu Jiao stared at her for two seconds, her left brow raised high, as if she had heard something interesting. Instead of being surprised at all, there was a faint smile in her eyes:

"I heard it right, Shen Yelan?"

"In addition to the time I was drunk before, we rolled the sheets three times in total, and then... You like my bed skills, so you are satisfied after three trials, and you have decided to develop a long-term relationship?"

With such a half-joking smile on her face, Xu Jiao couldn't help but sigh with the system, "Humans are really greedy animals, I guess she just wanted to entangle me, no matter what, the result is here. Now, she not only wants people, but also hearts."

Xu Jiao's words were like a thin needle, which plunged straight into Shen Yelan's heart. At first it was an extremely sharp stabbing pain, then the pain gradually eased, but with each beating of the heart, Send the dull, never-disappearing feeling to the limbs.

Or encouraged by Xu Jiao's words, the voices in Shen Yelan's ears became more frantic—

"Look, even she's not fooled by you."

"Come on when you want to. Now if you want to fall in love, do people have to talk to you, Shen Yelan, if you really have such a great charm, how can you toss yourself to this point now?"

"You know what? The most pitiful thing about you is that you don't even realize how pitiful you are."

Shen Yelan listened to the bustling denials, ridicules, and ridicules, she struggled to open up a clear light in her mind, her eyes moved, she tried to recall from these identical voices that the sentence was really what Xu Jiao said. , which just mocked her hallucinations.

But she failed.

At this moment, her proud memory suddenly seemed to be unable to function.

Shen Yelan looked at Xu Jiao who was in front of her with a light smile, and there were several identical people in her line of sight, either standing in front of her and smiling at her Yingying, or raising her hands and closing them casually. The large bite marks on the back of the neck were exposed, and some lowered their heads and bent down, tying their shoelaces pretentiously, but the trousers were pulled up because of the movement, and there were half-covered tattoos.

She blinked her eyes lightly. Since she forgot what Xu Jiao said, she could only follow her previous words and say:

"This request should make you embarrassed, and I have done too much things to you before, you should not be very impressed with me, but... But I actually like you for a long time, can you give me a chance to try? Or You can also try talking to me for a week first."

Having said that, the voices that Shen Yelan heard were replaced by malicious laughter, and pressed towards her piece by piece.

After a pause, she spoke again with difficulty, and decided to face the thing that she never wanted to face, just like an ordinary person who was entangled by a lonely ghost in a deep house and an old man, lying on his back. Layer upon layer of ghosts wanted to bite off her flesh and blood, but they were about to be assimilated, but they walked to the door of the house with difficulty, and opened the rusty copper lock door, and went out into the sun. And go.

She knew that she had many, many wounds on her body, and she also knew that she might be so ill that she would die in the sun after the cold, maggot-like bones had melted.

But she still wanted redemption.

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you refuse me—"

Shen Yelan's mouth was dry, she didn't know if it was because of the sun, or because she was too worried about Xu Jiao's answer, she said slowly, "I will still cancel the remaining six times, from now on, you don't owe anything. What's wrong with me, Sister Xu Jiao."

That is to say, the choice before Xu Jiao now is whether to be her girlfriend for a week with Shen Yelan, no matter if she is not, she doesn't have to perform the remaining six compensations, it sounds like a bloody profit.

According to Xu Jiao's previous behavior, she would refuse without any guilt.

However, now there is an unsightly blackening value that was finally eliminated, Xu Jiao struggled to resist the temptation of the option of "reject", her eyes narrowed, and she looked at Shen Yelan in front of her.

After a while, she made a sound and repeated as if confirming: "Is it okay to try to talk for a week first?"

Shen Yelan concentrated, trying to ignore other movements, and focused her eyes on Xu Jiao, to be precise, on Xu Jiao's pale pink lips, so as not to miss her words again.

Almost as soon as Xu Jiao asked, Shen Yelan nodded quickly: "Well, within this week, what kind of girlfriend do you like, I will change myself into what I am, and I will not be like before. Forcing you, I will try my best to be a normal good girlfriend."

As soon as the words came here, she suddenly sensed the approach of other breaths, and instinctively moved her eyes, and saw Su Xi who was leaning and trying to approach this side.

Shen Yelan just stopped talking, but couldn't help but ask Xu Jiao again:

"Be my girlfriend, okay?"

Even if it's just for a week.

Even if this dream is too far away for me, I still want to stand on tiptoe and stretch my arms to touch it once.

Seeing Shen Yelan's eyes moving, Xu Jiao couldn't help but follow her gaze, and she saw Su, who had just straightened up beside the road and raised her hands to greet her, with an embarrassed face. hope.

I don't know how much the kid heard.

However, her appearance made Xu Jiao realize that she had been late for a long time. She smiled at Shen Yelan and said in a relaxed tone, "Well, let me think about it and tell you the answer tonight, okay?"

After all, she still has something to say, but those contents are not suitable for Su Xi to hear.

Shen Yelan was stunned and nodded.

Su Xi's greeting hand forgot to drop at the moment, and held it up for a long time. When the two of them stopped talking, she looked left and right, and said a sentence slowly:

"Shen Yelan, you are here too."

Shen Yelan's dark eyes looked at her lightly, but Xu Jiao raised her hand and pulled Su Xi away: "Yeah, you didn't know that I was in the same school with her today, go, go later, and have lunch at that time. You have to queue for two hours.”

Su Xi dazedly followed her strength: "Oh..."

"Sister Jiaojiao..."

Along the way, Su Xi looked at Xu Jiao hesitantly, and as soon as she walked into the underground subway station, she couldn't help calling Xu Jiao, her expression full of doubts.

Xu Jiao glanced at her, laughed lightly, and patted her shoulder: "Want to ask about Shen Yelan and me, don't you?"

Susie Chicken nodded, pecking at the rice.

Xu Jiao kept the curvature of the corners of her lips unchanged, and only said, "It's not something you should know, don't ask."

Su Xi: "… "

She held it back, but she could only suppress the many doubts in her heart, and said "Oh" obediently, after being quiet for a few seconds, she couldn't help but complain again: "Sister Jiaojiao, you are so strange. ."

Xu Jiao liked her good-natured and obedient appearance, and when she heard the words, she followed suit and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

Su Xi frowned in distress: "I just think you are mysterious. When I was celebrating your summer vacation before, I asked if you had someone you liked. If you didn't say it, if you asked what you were impressed by, you still didn't say it. , now I ask you what's the matter with Shen Yelan..."

"Hey, I just feel like you don't like to mention emotional things. It's really changed a lot compared to before."

Xu Jiao just laughed when she heard her words.

Su Xi looked at her in confusion, and didn't understand why her words made her laugh, but thinking back carefully, since Xu Jiao began to study seriously in her second year of high school, it seemed that she couldn't understand each other more often.

As before, she simply gave up thinking, picked up her phone, took a picture of her makeup on the black screen, and then took out the lipstick in her bag to touch it up. After finishing it, she smiled at Xu Jiao again and again. up:

"Forget it, don't say it if you don't say it. What are we going to eat? Haidilao?"

"This queue will take a long time. Let's change it. There is a barbecue restaurant nearby. It's not bad." Xu Jiao chatted with her softly.

Xu Jiao separated from Su Xi and returned to the school dormitory, it was already more than seven o'clock in the evening.

The weather in this northern city was good today. In the evening, there were flaming clouds of heavy colors in the sky, and the red and purple spread out for several miles, like the colorful clothes woven by the fairy, with the rolling wind, the skirts flew out.

The sky slowly darkened, and when the night was completely closed, there would be sparse stars hanging in the sky, twinkling like falling candy.

Xu Jiao likes to look at the sky very much. At this moment, she is staring at the edge of the burning cloud, slowly being swallowed by the dark blue. When she walks, she can't help but look up.

As a result, when I arrived at the door of the dormitory, I almost tripped over a kettle that someone had placed on the side of the road.

Only then did she lower her head, avoid it for a while, and found that her actions hadn't kicked the person's kettle, revealing the scalding hot water. She couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and lowered her head to lift the kettle and put it back to its original position.

Someone came step by step in her direction.

The sole of the shoe rubbed inadvertently with the fine gravel on the cement road, making a light clucking sound.

Xu Jiao first saw a pair of white and gray sneakers come into her eyes, and when she realized that she looked familiar, she had already raised her head and looked at it from the bottom up—

It was Shen Yelan.

Behind her is the tall dormitory building, and the sky exposed beside her is a color that has already pulled half of the dark curtain. The gray-blue, black-blue, and dark-blue gradually swallowed up from the distant horizontal plane, and has engulfed half of the world.

And above Xu Jiao's head, the oil painting-like fiery cloud was still struggling in the final struggle, dazzling like a flapping phoenix, golden, red, orange, purple... Only the edge was caught by the tail of the night, The splendor gradually fades, like a long game.

Xu Jiao maintained a half-squatting posture holding the kettle, her clear eyes met Shen Yelan's dark black eyes.

The two did not speak for a while.

It was Xu Jiao who broke the silence first: "Why are you here?"

Shen Yelan's major is different from hers, and the dormitory buildings are not divided together. It can even be said that they are completely different. If Shen Yelan chose some public classes here, the two of them might be on the same level on weekdays. Can't get together.

Shen Yelan stopped in front of her, looked down at Xu Jiao's relaxed expression, and squatted down after a while, raising her hand to reach the slightly loose shoelaces that Xu Jiao didn't notice. .

"Brush" sound.

It was Xu Jiao who stepped back a little bigger.

Shen Yelan raised her hand and touched the air.

Following her movements, Xu Jiao lowered her head and used her dexterous fingertips to untangle her shoelaces and tie them with a bow. She deliberately pulled hard again, trying to prove herself by her actions, but Shen Yelan raised her hand to tie it up. The top of her hair was brushed.

After meeting the real person and confirming that the one in front of her was true, Shen Yelan said, "I'm waiting for Sister Xu Jiao's answer."

After Xu Jiao finished tying her shoelaces, she didn't expect that Shen Yelan would dare to stroke the tiger's whiskers, and even touch the top of her own head. top.

Apart from hair, there is nothing superfluous.

Shen Yelan is... looking for a chance to have contact with her

A clear smile appeared in Xu Jiao's eyes. She didn't care about Shen Yelan's actions just now. She just asked casually, "How long have you been waiting here? What are you going to do if I don't come back to the dormitory tonight?"

Shen Yelan turned her eyes away, and the sky darkened little by little at a speed that was difficult for everyone to notice. She didn't tell Xu Jiao that she would be waiting here stupidly from noon, but just said:

"Sister Xu Jiao promised to give me the answer tonight, no matter where I am, I will definitely give it."

Xu Jiao asked with interest: "If you know this, why are you waiting here?"

Shen Yelan was quiet for a long time, and when Xu Jiao thought she would not answer, the hoarse voice drifted into her ear with a nasal sound:

"because… "

"I want to hear the answer from your own mouth."

She knew that Xu Jiao's words were like life and death for her, but Shen Yelan still decided to face the result, especially after a long and agonizing wait, and now she wanted to hear the result. eagerly a lot.

Xu Jiao didn't know if it was intentional or what, but she refused to give Shen Yelan a good time. Instead, she put forward another condition: "It's okay to let me be your girlfriend for a week, but you have to promise me one thing—"

Shen Yelan immediately answered, "What?"

Xu Jiao: "You have to be happy every day."

Shen Yelan was stunned for a moment, and there was obvious hesitation in her eyes, trying to discern the true meaning of Xu Jiao's words.

Xu Jiao explained patiently: "And it's up to me to decide whether you are happy or not. If I find out that you are unhappy one day, I will terminate this relationship, okay?"

As for the judgment of whether you are happy or not, of course, the blackening value has the final say.

Xu Jiao's abacus was cracking, and a series of plans even appeared in her mind. According to the routine she wrote about love novels in the past, even if it was a trivial matter, she was confident that she could completely clear it within a week. All the blackening values of Shen Yelan.

Shen Yelan couldn't resist the temptation to make Xu Jiao her girlfriend—

Don't say anything about being happy every day, even if Xu Jiao wanted to pick a star for her every day, she would do her best to do it.

At first, Shen Yelan just nodded slowly.

Then, as if she had recovered, she clicked again, and then again... The whole person was like a clock bird that tells the time, repeating the same movement mechanically.

At first, Xu Jiao just held her cheeks and looked at Shen Yelan's performance with a little amusing, until the system's voice suddenly sounded: "Congratulations to the host, Shen Yelan's blackening value is currently 50."

One step closer to getting out of this big trouble.

Xu Jiao breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and the smile on her face became stronger.

Compared with the bright mood of the two of them, the surrounding light was much darker. On the sky above the head, the dazzling clouds had now been covered by gray and blue, and the previous colorfulness could no longer be found.

And at the back of the dormitory building in the direction of Shen Yelan, there was even more darkness.

The street lights on the campus gradually turned on, Shen Yelan took a step towards Xu Jiao from the blue and black background, lowered her head gently, closed her eyes, and kissed her on the forehead carefully and reverently. for a moment.

Just like an apostle who had fallen into darkness, on the day she stepped into the confession room again, she heard the forgiveness from the god she once admired, and felt the holy light shine on her again.

Shen Yelan's tone was extremely suppressed, but still revealed a hoarse voice of joy:

"Thank you, Sister Xu Jiao."

Thank you, even if you don't like me, you are willing to fulfill my dream.

"No, I feel, do you want to try a different posture?"

"Is this pose more difficult than before?"

"Shen Yelan, don't look so rigid."


Xu Jiao followed Shen Yelan to the clay hall again, but unfortunately the progress was still stuck at the point where she could only make a large washbasin, and could not even make a delicate and small cup. Achievement, Xu Jiao asked Shen Yelan to help her think of a quick solution, but she was dragged into the rental house by the other party.

Only then did Xu Jiao know that this guy didn't live in the school dormitory at all, but now he is rich enough to rent a house outside, and he even got a lot of painting tools in the rented house extraordinarily leisurely.

But she didn't see a single picture.

Waiting patiently for Xu Jiao to finish visiting her house, Shen Yelan pulled the person into the room, and told Xu Jiao to "practice painting first, so that she can understand the characters she wants to pinch in advance." The front of the drawing board, and then I went to the back to become a model, and only then did those dialogues.

With a pencil in her hand, Xu Jiao was at a loss against the blank, large sheet of drawing paper. From time to time, she raised her eyes to look at Shen Yelan who was sitting behind her. Although her drawing skills were very general, her ability to pick on things was top-notch.

The tip of the pen stopped on the drawing paper, and Xu Jiao couldn't help sticking her head out again to criticize the model behind: "Shen Yelan, why don't you stand up, I think it's too difficult to draw at this proportion of you sitting, saying Maybe you stand up and I'll have inspiration."

Shen Yelan stood up with a good temper, and even in order to reduce Xu Jiao's difficulty, she stood up in a military posture. After another ten minutes, she still did not hear the sound of the brush falling smoothly.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could only see Xu Jiao frowning, and the tip of the pen moved less than a few centimeters on the paper, before picking up the eraser and rubbing frantically.

Five or six minutes later—

Xu Jiao put the pen back on the shelf in frustration, squinted at Shen Yelan, and said slowly, "I reasonably suspect that you are trying to secretly add another task to me. Originally I only needed to pinch one of you, but now I I have to learn to draw again.”

No matter how you look at yourself, you are blood loss.

Shen Yelan heard Xu Jiao's complaining, even if the other party was just joking with her, she still followed Xu Jiao's words in cooperation, "Then don't paint?"

In his words, he didn't care about the fact that he just put up a pose for more than half an hour in vain with the other party's request.

Xu Jiao waved to her, let Shen Yelan come to her, and pulled the corner of her clothes to make her crouch down. Then, the eraser part at the end of the pencil gently touched the other's forehead.

Shen Yelan's expression was blank for a second, although she didn't know what Xu Jiao wanted to do, she remained obediently motionless.

Until the cool, strange touch came down from his forehead, along the straight outline of the bridge of his nose, stopped at the tip of his nose, and then touched the position of his lips.

It also brought a series of micro-itching.

Like water droplets falling into the lotus pond, ripples appear in circles.

Xu Jiao's face also came closer, her soft voice was filled with incomprehensible doubts, but her slightly raised tone showed a bit of flirtatious ambiguity: "It's weird, it's obviously just simple eyes, nose and mouth, why? Can you be so good-looking that I can't even draw a good-looking one?"

"You should reflect on yourself, Shen Yelan."

As soon as she finished speaking, Xu Jiao noticed that Shen Yelan's neck and auricle were slightly red.

She found it funny in her heart. The nib of the pen had just moved away, but the person in front of her raised her wrist and pinched it. Shen Yelan raised her head, and her eyes were already filled with scorching heat, like two obsidian stones with flame hearts. Beneath the thick black surface is a scorching hot flame.

Although the negative distance contact was only two or three times, Xu Jiao understood the meaning of Shen Yelan's eyes at a glance.

Before Xu Jiao could say anything, Shen Yelan said in a hoarse voice, "How about I paint you?"

Xu Jiao let out a bit of broken laughter from her throat, and the end of the pen followed Shen Yelan's neckline and slowly swiped down. The movements were neither light nor heavy, but a wonderful sense of danger came out from inside, and even He gently picked the gap between the buttons of the other party's shirt in a wicked way, with the illusion that he wanted to uncover the canvas, but only lingered on the edge.

"Are you sure you're just painting?"

Shen Yelan's throat moved, swallowing something silently, resisting the urge to rectify the Fa on the spot, her voice changed to an unreasonable tone, like a hunter worried about scaring his prey away, and said softly:

"I'm sure."

After speaking, she licked her lower lip.

Xu Jiao found it interesting when she saw her frantic and patient movements, she moved the end of the pen up again, tapped on Shen Yelan's lower lip, and provocatively said: "Then let me appreciate Shen Da's artist's work. Works, let’s talk about it first, if I am not satisfied with the painting, I will return it.”

Shen Yelan opened her mouth gently, her teeth caught the end of the pen, she tugged at Xu Jiao's lips, and replied:

"Whether the painting is good or not depends on whether my model matches or not."

three minutes later.

Xu Jiao regretted it.

She knew that Shen Yelan was not as well-behaved as she seemed on the surface, this little bastard held a grudge, how she tossed her just now, and now she is tossing her back even more.

Now she raised her hand to cover the few fabrics on her body, looked up at Shen Yelan, squinted her eyes and said, "I didn't let you do this just now..."

Shen Yelan's calm expression contained a bit of innocence: "Just now, I was Sister Xu Jiao doing what she said. How come I'm so disobedient when you're a model now?"

Xu Jiao: "…"

She moved her hand away with difficulty, and let Shen Yelan rip off her last cover little by little, her face was blushing uncontrollably, and even the large area of color was like splashed ink. , and there is a tendency to spread to other places.

Shen Yelan saw that her toes were about to curl up, and the color in her eyes darkened a bit.


She thought, as if Xu Jiao agreed to be her girlfriend, but she wanted to bully people even harder.

Shen Yelan let out a breath of turbid air slowly, raised her hand and made Xu Jiao look her favorite. Just when Xu Jiao thought she was going to lose control, this person got up and backed away, returned to the canvas, and took it. He picked up a pen and started painting seriously.

When Xu Jiaoguang thought of the final product, she felt that a big line of content appeared in her mind:


Not suitable for children.

The skin exposed to the air was agitated by the cool air, causing particles to form, Xu Jiao resisted the shame, held it for two seconds, and said to Shen Yelan, "I regret it, I don't want to see your paintings, okay? no?"

Shen Yelan's pen paused, her eyes moved from behind the drawing board, and she said to Xu Jiao, "Didn't Sister Xu Jiao teach me before? You have to do what you promised the object of, no matter what, have you forgotten? ?"

Xu Jiao: "…"

Seeing that she was speechless, Shen Yelan turned her eyes around her again, paused, and said again, "Besides, I think you seem quite happy."

Xu Jiao held back her posture and didn't move, and said in a lazy voice, "Why am I happy? I'm not happy."

Shen Yelan's burning gaze was fixed somewhere, "Oh? But I don't think your other mouth said that."

"Which mouth of Sister Xu Jiao is telling the truth?"

Xu Jiao felt like the place was about to burn when she saw her. She couldn't keep her body still at this moment, so she couldn't help but move. As a result, she saw Shen Yelan's brows furrowed, and then she walked from behind the drawing board. Come in her direction.

When the temperature was close to her, Xu Jiao finally couldn't control it. She pushed Shen Yelan with her right hand, and wanted to pick up clothes with her left hand. She would not cooperate with this little bastard's absurd game. Anyway, she had heard the system's constant "Shen Yelan" in her heart. Yelan's blackening value -1" and "Shen Yelan's blackening value -1", this time the nonsense is enough.

next moment.

Shen Yelan took her hands, pressed her back on the sofa covered with beautiful cloth, and said in a low voice, "Why doesn't Sister Xu Jiao let me paint?"

"You're so beautiful, you should be painted," she said.

Xu Jiao laughed angrily at her tit-for-tat words, but asked, "Oh? You tell me, where am I so beautiful?"

Shen Yelan held a paintbrush in the tip of her right finger, and when she heard Xu Jiao's question, she deliberately reversed the order of the other party's previous order. radian:

"Sister Xu Jiao heard a song? The lyrics are sung like this—"

"Sister's legs are not legs, spring-water on the banks of the Seine."

"Sister's waist is not the waist, Saburo's machete." Xu Jiao's waist softened.

"Sister's back is not the back, Bulgaria's rose." Shen Yelan's pen tip reached the butterfly bone on her back.

Just when there was only the last sentence left, Shen Yelan suddenly moved the pen down again, leaned over to kiss Xu Jiao's red lips, but the red brush gradually went down.

Xu Jiao heard her murmur, "Sister's mouth is not her mouth, it's the clear water under the Anhe Bridge."

When the words fell, Xu Jiao also trembled slightly following her movements. Then, Shen Yelan held the brush upside down in front of Xu Jiao's eyes, letting her see the crystal and wetness on the slender pen.

A drop of wet water fell from the middle to the end, with a turbid color, and condensed into a ball where the brush head was, and it looked like it couldn't fall off.

Shen Yelan stared at the drop of water and corrected: "It doesn't seem to be very clear."

Xu Jiao: "…"

She raised her hand and pulled Shen Yelan's collar down, took the initiative to bite her lip, and scolded with a smile, "I think your painting is fake, it's true that you want to take the opportunity to tease me—"

Shen Yelan learned her serious voice: "I can continue to paint."

Xu Jiao's breathing became a little messy, "But I can't bear it any longer, don't pretend, and hurry up."

"This is what you asked me to do, not what I wanted."

"Shen Yelan, can you stop being so cunning?"

The two enjoyed a spring in a two-bedroom, one-bedroom rental house.

Shen Yelan has tasted the clear water under the Na'an River Bridge, and the sweetness of May cherries. She has even seen the peaks and valleys of mountains and hills, roaming through the layers of ravines, coming and going freely.

At the end of the spring outing, Xu Jiao was sweating all over.

She fell asleep in a daze until the voice of the system woke her up: "Congratulations, Shen Yelan's blackening value is only 1 point left."

Xu Jiao was awakened by the movement, opened her eyes, and wanted to see the time. After all, it was dark outside, and they seemed to be fooling around for an afternoon.

After a while, Xu Jiao saw a figure leaning over at the door, as if she had caught something. She sat up halfway and heard the man say something intolerable: "Shut up."

After two seconds, Xu Jiao asked in confusion, "Is it Shen Yelan?"

Hearing this voice, Shen Yelan raised her head and looked at Xu Jiao's position expressionlessly. Then, there was a moment of hesitation and confusion in her eyes.

Xu Jiao couldn't see her expression clearly, so she asked, "Why don't you turn on the light?"

Shen Yelan turned on the light, saw her and the shadow beside her, paused, then walked towards her position, until she sat next to Xu Jiao and felt the temperature of her, she breathed a sigh of relief, Then she raised her hand and shook the dinner box she was holding at Xu Jiao, a smile leaked from her lips, and Shasha's voice was gentle:

"I bought you dinner. The lights in the living room were too dark just now, and I couldn't see clearly. I've been a little night blind recently."

Xu Jiao looked at the lunch box in her hand, raised her hand to pull away the thin blanket on her body, and glanced at the lunch box that Shen Yelan was carrying. She didn't look at the contents, but asked casually:

"Just take some vitamins for night blindness. By the way, who were you talking to just now?"