I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 52: Do not want a divorce (19)


Her mind was full of lust and desire to release. Xu Jiao was hot and unbearable. She felt every cell in her body was screaming and hugging this Alpha, but her fingertips were in the quilt. She pinched her palms so hard that she wanted to keep her awake, so that even though her whole body was flushed, her eyes still had a gleam of clarity.

Being touched by Feng Qingyu from the forbidden area, she did not expect that she would have such a big reaction. Now, hearing the other party's seemingly gentle words, but in fact, they deliberately attracted her affection, Xu Jiao couldn't help but smile. .

She said slowly in her emotional, murmured voice: "I really need your help, the bed will be even dirtier, right?"

At this moment, she is very charming like a fox-fox-jing.

It was obvious that the little tail was already fluttering in the air, spreading the pink ambiguity all over the place, but when the scholar under the mountain was seduced by her, she could not help but lay there loosely and wagging her tail. , as if the person who brought the other party to arouse a strong possessiveness with pheromones was not her.

Feng Qingyu couldn't wait for her permission, and sighed softly, the smile on her face could no longer be maintained, and resisting the strong urge, she only leaned over and hugged Xu Jiao tightly across the quilt, trying her best to hold Xu Jiao tightly. The pheromone that is publicized by himself is restrained, and he does not resonate with the sweet freesia of the other party.

To prevent the fire from getting worse.

It was obviously not the susceptible period, but seeing Xu Jiao's uncompromising attitude and unmoved behavior, somehow, an indescribable sadness filled Feng Qingyu's heart, it was an overwhelming despair. , as if she can't get the love of the person in front of her and she will die the next moment.

She didn't know how the peaceful self had such paranoid thoughts, she endured it, because she buried her head in the quilt, so the voice she made was a little muffled:

"… sorry."

She said: "Actually, I should ask you at the door if you want to help. If you refuse me, I should leave, instead of coming in and making you more and more difficult... I shouldn't have bullied you just now."

Xu Jiao couldn't hear her words a little, her ears were buzzing, and Feng Qingyu's pheromone was pressing down before, she thought this was the most uncomfortable thing, but now the pheromone taste suddenly faded, but her body was eating. Sui Zhiwei wanted to chase after the smell, and frantically wanted to be appeased by the other party.

She continued to take deep breaths, and even recited the pure determination to practice in the first world. Although this world has no spiritual energy, it is not a world that can be practiced at all, but some words do have their own power. After doing this, Xu Jiao found that she was gradually sobering up.

She heard Feng Qingyu whispering in a very sad tone:

"Although I say this, you should think that I am making excuses for my own desires, but... Really not, it stands to reason that I am resistant to Omega's pheromones, before... You are not without the use of binding heat. The pheromones of the period came to hook me, but at that time I was basically indifferent."

"But I don't know what's going on recently. Not only do I have no resistance to your pheromones, but there is always a voice in my heart calling to be more intimate with you, pulling you to sink into that desire, as long as I can I will do anything to get your love..."

"I even feel hopeless, as if I've repeated this begging of you so many times—"

At this point, Feng Qingyu noticed that a slightly warm hand pushed her hair away and gently stroked the side of her face. She slowly raised her head with the strength, and her reddish eyes fell into Xu Jiao's eyes.

It was clear that Xu Jiao was the one who suffered more, but she found that the struggle in Feng Qingyu's eyes surpassed her own.

She looked at the person in front of her carefully, and after an unknown amount of time, she suddenly smiled and asked in a low voice, "Do you really want me?"

Feng Qingyu nodded unconsciously, in her palm, like an obedient puppy, staring at the delicious bone.

Xu Jiao asked again, "Then do you want my body more or my heart more?"

After Feng Qingyu heard her question, she vaguely realized what the correct answer was. She took a small sniff, then lay back on the quilt, clinging like a large dog, and gently rubbed Xu Jiao with her face. in the palm of his hand and whispered in his mouth:

"I see."

She said, "I'll be good, I won't mess with you, I'll be here with you, okay?"

Hearing her answer, Xu Jiao's hand on the side of her face slid slightly, and she lifted her chin slightly, the corners of her eyes were full of irresistible charm, her cheeks were flushed, and her lips were wispy. The water red, it should be moistened just now.

Under Feng Qingyu's patient and puzzled eyes, Xu Jiao chuckled and said hoarsely, "Good children should be rewarded..."

This time, before Feng Qingyu's doubts could be expressed, she saw the man below him sighing lightly, holding her right wrist, and dragging her into the quilt a little bit.

The smell of pheromones in the room suddenly became strong.

The ventilation system has automatically opened to the maximum frequency and is working, but it still can't stop the two scorching entanglement smells in the house. Immersion, for a while, I don't know if the refreshing sweetness is more intense, or the dazzling sweetness is more intense.

The soft Omega face was pressed against the cushion of the bedside table, a messy and uncontrollable voice overflowed from her mouth, her nose fluttered, and she wanted to breathe a breath of cool air, but no matter how hard she tried, she could never get rid of the powerful Alpha message. All the breaths discharged from the lungs are inevitably stained with each other's taste.

It was as if someone had marked it from the inside out.

The people behind her were reluctant to bite marks on the glands on the back of her neck. They were worried that she would be joked by everyone when she returned to the crew tomorrow, so they just kept licking on that piece of skin, like a child who got a cherished candy. , reluctantly peeled off the sugar coating, carefully licked the sugar paper, and used the little bit of flavor to imagine the sweetness of the whole sugar.

And as the position of the gland is touched once, the person below will tremble once.

For Feng Qingyu, she was restrained and patient and did not want to bite down, but for Xu Jiao, the deadly place was no less than the throat, and the canine teeth gently bit and loosened it, like a herbivore The animal was caught by the jackal and endured the fatal blow that the other party could suddenly bite at any time, but the danger was delayed and just hung above her head.

The more frightened you are on guard, the more your attention will be focused there, and the position of the glands that gather many nerve endings will become more sensitive, but will perceive the other party's movements more clearly, such a vicious circle.

For a time, Xu Jiao felt like the source of the three rivers, as if there was an endless source of water hidden in the depths, so the water flowed out continuously, and the position of the gland was like a pump, every time it was touched , he spat out more tremblingly.

Feng Qingyu hugged her from behind, wrapped her waist with one hand, and propped her face with the other hand, the hot breath splattered beside her ears, with a clear smile:

"Jiaojiao, you are so sensitive..."

"The sheets and quilt seem to be all wet from you," she said.

Xu Jiao was originally reluctant to see the scene where she was being dominated by the urge to combine heat, but Feng Qingyu couldn't help describing it to her on purpose, so those absurd and extravagant rooms followed in her mind.

She panted lowly and asked, "Feng Qingyu, are you coming?"

As soon as she finished speaking, all her auras turned into mourning.

Feng Qingyu answered her with action, and the laughter came into her ears, with a burning, fiery emotion, as if she wanted to drag her into hell. In the storm, Feng Qingyu said slowly:

"pity… "

She bit the tip of Xu Jiao's ear, cooperated with her actions, and said to her eagerly, "It's a pity I didn't prepare in advance, you know? Between female Alpha and Omega, there is a special item to help pregnancy, which can make My pheromones…”

"Inject it deeper into your body."

"I want you to fully unfold for me, so that not only your glands, but your body... is my taste."

"I want you to be mine."

Xu Jiao was ups and downs in the sea of love, and when she heard her unbridled and blatant words, she danced along with her movements, blooming on her fingertips.

Love and tide collide together, like dry wood meeting a fire, bringing the heat that burns the whole room together, trapping them in it, and even the quilt, carpet, wallpaper, and every floor tile are stained with their smell, left their traces.

The absurdity continued until dawn.

Feng Qingyu hugged Xu Jiao and fell asleep in a clean nightgown. Except for the dry side, the rest of the bed was dripping with dark colors, exuding a misty dampness.

Just when Feng Qingyu's breathing slowly calmed down, Xu Jiao, who was supposed to be exhausted and powerless in the heat of combination, moved her eyes slightly and opened her eyes to look at the person in front of her.

Although she was so sleepy that she could hardly open her eyes, she swiped her eyes on Feng Qingyu's face inch by inch, with a cold, erotic calmness, as if she had just taken the initiative to pull the person in the lust. She is not the one floating in the sea.

The system's voice sounded slowly: "In these few worlds, you have been avoiding emotional or physical relationships with the heroine. Feng Qingyu clearly gave up just now. Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Xu Jiao watched Feng Qingyu instinctively show her closeness to herself in her deep sleep, and buried her head in her shoulder unconsciously. After a while, she turned her eyes away and answered the system's questions lazily.

"Yeah, if they're just pure heroines... Xia Jingzhe is just Xia Jingzhe, Shen Yelan is just Shen Yelan, and Feng Qingyu is just Feng Qingyu, of course I won't change my approach."


"Is the current one really still Feng Qingyu?"

She stared at the face in front of her because she had set these heroines as one face before, so she tried her best to distinguish these people in the description of temperament. When there is no description of the appearance, it will make Xu Jiao a little dazed.

She will forget who this person is.

It was this sense of trance, coupled with the other party's previous words, "I even feel hopeless, as if I have repeated this request to you many times, but I can't get it", which made Xu Jiao suddenly startled.

"I suddenly had a very terrifying and daring idea," Xu Jiao said slowly in her heart, her eyes never taking her eyes off Feng Qingyu: "Since I can come to the book, let this plane The world has become three-dimensional, will it be possible... Some people in the book also have their own souls?"

The system was silent for a while.

Then he said: "I have repeated it many times, every world is real."

Xu Jiao smiled: "Yes, but I didn't realize what this sense of reality means until today. Do you think it is possible for Feng Qingyu to have the memories of Xia Jingzhe and Shen Yelan?"

System: "This question is beyond my understanding, sorry, I can't answer it."

The smile on Xu Jiao's lips has not yet subsided, she just looked at Feng Qingyu's sleeping face like this, as if she could see the deep soul of the other person with a few more glances.

The system said again: "The host has not answered my doubts - why did you suddenly change your mind and choose to have a relationship with the heroine?"

The smile on Xu Jiao's lips climbed to the end of her eyes. She was already satisfied, and her expression was unconsciously relaxed. That is to say, Feng Qingyu was asleep and couldn't see now, otherwise she would be unconsciously exuding a charming aura. Hook the fire again.

"Why change your mind..."

She said: "You can take my instinct to be paranoid. I want to know what these heroines want to get my love and get my body."

Xu Jiao smiled faintly and raised her hand to gently brush Feng Qingyu's hair from her ear. Her movements seemed to be gentle and caring, but these emotions were only on the surface. The deepest part of those black eyes was empty.

She slept more comfortably with Feng Qingyu on her shoulder, and even raised her chin with the other party's movements, and then continued in her heart:

"My love, she can't get it."

"But the bait has to be sincere enough. It's just another sacrifice. I can take it out. I can't bear to let the child catch the wolf, that's all."

Xu Jiao kissed Feng Qingyu's forehead, like the creator's pity for favored things, like a free wind, stopping a little for the world.

"She wants to pull me down this sea of lust—"

"It's a coincidence, that's what I thought too."

"System, do you want to look forward to it, in the end, who will achieve our goal first?"

Is it because she is suspicious, or is she really caught in a huge conspiracy.

It depends on her and Feng Qingyu, who will fall first.

The system was silent for a while, whether it understood it or not, and asked another thing: "Then you asked me to help you search for a better hospital for gland removal surgery before going to bed. Do you still want it now?"

Xu Jiao touched the back of her neck with her backhand, but she felt the tooth marks beside her shoulders. Feng Qingyu wanted to mark her when she was emotional, but she managed to control it and removed the bite marks elsewhere:


"Not for now," she said.