I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 8: Bridal room with you (end)


Dao Jianguang slashed from the sky and suddenly split the abyss barrier of the demon world. In an instant, tens of thousands of monsters were wiped out, the abyss was cracked, and the flames and magma in the center of the earth flowed out along the surface, and the whole world was filled with the smell of inaudible sulfur .

The sword light stopped in front of the Demon Dragon Hall.

However, inside Xu Jiao, she could still feel the shaking of the entire demon world.

This is Xianzun's sword.

The immortal spiritual power it contains is directly left on the ground of the demon world where the sword light is, and the pure immortal power is attached to the killing intent, causing countless monsters to change their colors and make painful screams.

For the first time, the sun shone into this pitch-black underground, and the hidden ghosts and ghosts were all hidden. The redemption for the world was a disaster that was close to destruction for the monsters.

In time, Xu Jiao seemed to hear the wailing of ten thousand ghosts, and even the magic pillar that imprisoned her made a humming sound, as if she was aware of the immortal power, and she was eager to fight against it.

Xu Jiao looked outside, but still couldn't see anything, just like an ordinary person trapped in a high-rise building during an earthquake, who could only hide in a safe place and feel the changing colors of the world and the movement of the battle.

She was stunned by it, and stayed in the same posture for a long time.

Until the system's words reminded her: "It is detected that Xia Jingzhe's vitality is rapidly draining, please respond to the host, don't get distracted."

Xu Jiao recovered from her daze and laughed, "I just think this world is too real—wait, what did you say? Xia Jingzhe lost?"

Speaking of the second half of the sentence, her expression could not help but become serious.

This result...

Unexpected and reasonable.

According to her settings, Xia Jingzhe struggled for a long time in the script of Kunlun. After opening the dungeon of the demon world, he had to go through a series of upgrades, and finally he could cultivate into the body of the gods and demons, and lead the army of the demon world to the immortal world and kill the Immortal Venerable. Lose.

Now she is not surprised that she can't win against Immortal Venerable, but Xu Jiao's lips are tightly pursed.

She found herself uncomfortable.

Since entering this world, her mood has not fluctuated very much. Even if Xia Jingzhe confessed to her countless times, she did not take it seriously, until this moment—

Her heart became a crumpled piece of paper, all injustice.

"Why are you courting death?" She asked the system in a puzzled way, her voice tense for the first time, as if she had not spoken for a long time.

But the system asked her a question: "Is the host sad about this?"

Xu Jiao was startled.

Then, she said bluntly: "It's not sad."

"However, the account that worked so hard to get to the full level was suddenly deleted. Are you not angry?" Although Xia Jingzhe was not the heroine who paid the most for her, she would still be a little depressed.

After listening to her answer, the system stopped talking.

Xu Jiao frowned, and before she could say something else, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the snow-white expanse—

She looked over.

When the light was close to her eyes, she realized later that this was the sword light, the sword of the Immortal Venerable.

This sword intent came violently, and without the obstruction of the abyss of the demon world, the road slashed towards the hall, unstoppable, with the might of thunder and the surging energy of the gods blocking and killing the gods, and came towards Xu Jiao's face in the hall.

Xu Jiao just glanced, her eyes were scorched by the sword intent, she also felt a stinging pain in her eyes through the formation, and then there was snow white in front of her, only two lines of slight heat flowed down her cheeks.

Just glanced.

She went blind.

This is the energy of the Immortal Venerable.

Feeling the stinging pain in her eyes, the moment she closed her eyes, a thought flashed through her mind:

Are you going to die too

After she dies, will she re-read the file, or will it be counted as a failure to save the world, and will she start over in the next book

Thoughts crossed my mind.

However, Xu Jiao waited for a long time, neither heard the system prompt, nor felt the sudden pain, as if time had stopped.

"Crack..." the sound.

She heard the sound of the heavy hall door being pushed open.

With the loss of her eyesight, her hearing became extraordinarily sensitive. Over time, she heard the sound of the wind blowing in from the outside, and even her skin sensed the chill.

She couldn't help asking the system in her heart, "Am I not dead?"

The system made a "hmm" sound, but was silent again.

Xu Jiao was still about to ask, when she suddenly noticed something fell on top of her head, her face was slightly cold and biting, and it was slightly itchy.

This is…


She raised her hand and scratched in the air in vain. After she felt the coolness in the palm of her hand, she clenched her fist and felt the melted moisture. She couldn't help but wonder: Is it snowing

But why does it snow in the Demon World

Just as the confusion was born, Xu Jiao's wrist was pinched by a force, and the force was very tight, and the skin it touched was very hot.

From that strength, she felt who was coming.

"Junior Sister Xia." She said softly, and even tilted her head involuntarily. Because she couldn't see, her eyes were three-thirds more absent-minded than before, but it didn't damage the coolness of her whole body.

Xu Jiao heard the light laughter from the man.

waiting to speak-

Suddenly there was a thunderous sound in my ears!

"Boom...!" Xu Jiao raised her head subconsciously and looked up. The thunder was too loud, and it took her a while to realize that this was someone who wanted to cross the calamity

But where did the monks from the devil world come from Du-Jie? If the monsters are not recognized by the Heavenly Dao, they will not endure calamities, and their cultivation is completely different from those of the righteous people... Moreover, the thunder sounded so close that even her ears hurt, not to mention the common people in this world, mortals are probably scared. Can be scared to death.

Compared with the calamity, this is more like the wrath of heaven.

Sure enough, the sound of thunder was louder than the sound, and Xu Jiao could vaguely feel a white light flashing across her retina. That was her eyes' last fuzzy perception of light, and it should be lightning outside.

Xu Jiao thought at first that Xia Jingzhe made some noise, until the system suddenly said, "The thunder has passed ten times."

Ten paths, the highest nine-nine thunder, is dedicated to hacking those who have committed great sins.

There has never been more thunder than this. This is the default rule of the cultivator's heart.

Xu Jiao suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but said in her heart, "Wait." No wonder it was snowing.

In her setting, there are indeed more times than ten thunders—

"Xianzun has fallen?" She murmured, her voice was unbelievable, it was not loud, and no one could hear it in the background of the rumbling thunder.

Except for Xia Jingzhe, who was staring at her intently.

Seeing Xu Jiao's red lips moving slightly, Xia Jingzhe recognized the word, and the smile on her lips couldn't help but expand.

She thought, Senior Sister lied to me again.

He also said that he was not a god, yet he knew everything.

At this moment, Xu Jiao felt a little pain in her lower lip, she raised her hand and moved, but Xia Jingzhe brought her into her arms and kissed her.

There was a bit of venting in the other party's movements, like a dog chewing on a bone, Xu Jiao couldn't help the pain, and pushed her shoulder hard, although she knew it was useless, it was an instinctive expression of resistance.

Then, she felt the damp heat of her hand, blood.

Just when she was stunned, Xia Jingzhe took the initiative to back away this time.

"Senior sister." The affectionate voice fell into her ears.

Xu Jiao's hearing was still a little distorted, but she reacted with hindsight. The thunder in the sky stopped, and the mourning for the Immortal Venerable has passed. Next... It should be three consecutive years of heavy snow between heaven and earth.

If there is no successor to the next Immortal Venerable, the mortal creatures will lose their lives in this heavy snow, and the whole world will return to the vast silence.

Xu Jiao recalled the plot, opened her mouth slowly, and asked with a sigh, "Does Junior Sister Xia want to be an Immortal?"

Although I don't know why she advanced the plot, the ultimate goal of destroying Kunlun, becoming the Supreme Being of the Demon Realm, and killing the former Immortal Venerable should not change, right

At this moment, Xu Jiao could not see the specific appearance of Xia Jingzhe, nor did she know what the surrounding environment was like, and could not obtain information, so she finally spoke a little more.

Xia Jingzhe only asked, "If I become an Immortal Venerable, will Senior Sister love me?"

Xu Jiao: "…"

Xia Jingzhe giggled twice, hugged her and said, "That's okay... Thousands of years of loneliness, it's too hard." Speaking of the back, her voice was much lighter, as if chatting The person is about to fall asleep.

Xu Jiao listened silently, and after a while she asked, "Are you dying?"

She said, "What exactly do you want to do, Junior Sister Xia?"

Xia Jingzhe raised his hand to cover her eyes, and noticed that her eyelashes moved slightly, brushed from his palm, and the slight itching appeared, after a while, he slowly said, "Senior sister, this confusion is related to me. It's related, just let this confusion stay in Senior Sister's heart for a while—"

In this way, she can pretend that she is also in Xu Jiao's heart for a while.

Time, the two quietly listened to the sound of snow falling between heaven and earth.

It was an inaudible, rustling movement.

Snowflakes fell lightly on Xu Jiao's hair and shoulders. She didn't know how long she was frozen by the coldness. Xu Jiao suddenly moved, and she felt that the dust-sealed restraint in her body was showing signs of loosening.

Is it because the Xia Jingzhe under the ban has not much time, so the seal has also been loosened

She didn't know, but she felt that spiritual power finally flowed in the veins that had been dry for a long time, like the earth that had been dry for too long finally met the rain, and her heart was happy.

Xu Jiao instinctively moved her mind, but when Zhou Tian passed by, she found that something else was flowing in her tendons.

That coldness like a thread...

It's magic.

Yes, Xia Jingzhe had let her soak in that magic spring before.

It's just that Xu Jiao once thought that she would become a complete monster, but she didn't expect that she still has spiritual power in her body, and this spiritual power and magic energy work together... Huh? Isn't this the setting she wrote about the body of gods and demons

"Senior sister, I have been to your library." At this moment, Xia Jingzhe spoke again, and brought up an irrelevant matter.

Xu Jiao said "um", not to miss any of her words, just to answer the confusion in her heart.

"You have read this book "Jiuzhou Xingji" and left some insights in it."

"You said, you want to see the scenery of all things in the land of Kyushu, and also want to see how the devil world is..." Having said this, Xia Jingzhe stopped talking, as if he had lost his strength, but also seemed to have lost the interest to continue.

But Xu Jiao, as if struck by lightning, suddenly froze, and even stopped breathing.

For a long time, she asked the system in her heart: "She brought me to the devil world because she thought I wanted to see the devil world?"


It wasn't something she wrote.

That is the system to let her integrate into this world, at the moment she enters, it automatically adds details for her when she perfects her identity.

Before the system could say anything, Xu Jiao continued to ask, "What else did you write later?"

The system's mechanical voice was as peaceful as before: "'When I travel around the world, I want to practice hard, become an immortal, and go see the sight of that immortal world'."

at the same time-

The hand covering Xu Jiao's eyes fell, and she noticed the soft light.

That's a sign of vision recovery.

Xu Jiao narrowed her eyes, and when she opened it again, she finally saw Che.

There were collapsed and broken stones around, and she recognized that it was the magic pillar that had trapped her before. At this moment, it had fallen to pieces, the ominous patterns had also shattered, and the hall above her head was cracked.

Not far away, rustling snowflakes fell from the gray sky, covering the red lycorale in the courtyard in front of the temple gate. The extreme white covered the flirtatious red, leaving only a blood-like edge on the ground. The unknown blood color outlines everywhere, still so suffocating beauty, but also with inexplicable cruelty.

In front of him, Xia Jingzhe hugged her halfway, with a hole in his chest, he smiled very nicely, and his eyes were full of satisfaction.

Xu Jiao lowered her head and saw the blood flowing from her body that seemed to be about to dry up, and the traces of the road winding out on the ground, complex, like a formation, with power she didn't understand. .

Xu Jiao slowly raised her eyes and followed the formation. Lu saw the distance that she could no longer see. She also spread out her consciousness and extended it thousands of miles away before she saw the end of the formation.

Connected to a person covered in snow, no, it should be a person covered in blood at this moment.

The immortal power on that person, just touching it with divine sense, can feel comfortable.

It is the Immortal Venerable who fell earlier.

Because of the pure immortal body, his corpse will not rot for ten thousand years after his death, even if it is a breath of immortality, it can nourish all things, not to mention the blood.

However, Xu Jiao retracted her gaze and went to find the core of the formation. The answer was easily found by her—

You are the heart of this formation.

She moved her lips, perhaps frozen by the extremely cold snow, so her voice trembled a little: "You... want me to be this Immortal Venerable?"

Take her to the Demon Realm, cast her body as a god and demon, kill her Immortal Venerable, and finally become an Immortal Venerable in order to fulfill her.

Xu Jiao felt suffocated for a moment.

Because it wasn't her dream, it was just a lie, a false setting...

But Xia Jingzhe did so many crazy things just for this line of writing.

Hearing Xu Jiao's voice, the curvature of Xia Jingzhe's lips remained unchanged, and he spoke softly. The voice was soft and soft like Xu Jiao had never heard before.

"Senior sister is very suitable to be the god of this world."

She said, "The former Immortal Venerable could only see Kunlun. It's so unfair to all things, but I think Senior Sister is very suitable to replace her."

Xu Jiao didn't know how to answer.

In her silence, Xia Jingzhe raised his hand and touched the corner of her eye, and asked, "Senior sister, do you remember the question I asked earlier? If I die, will you cry for me?"

As soon as the words fell, a snowflake fell into Xu Jiao's eyes.

Xu Jiao's eyelashes trembled, and soon there was a wetness from the corner of her eyes, which was her instinctive reaction.

Like tears.

She replied aloud, "No."

Xia Jingzhe smiled, his eyes slowly closed, as if talking to himself: "I think so too."

She let go of her hand, stopped holding Xu Jiao, and reminded lightly, "Winter is coming to an end."

But she can't wait for her spring.

"Xia Jingzhe's blackening value, 100." The system's voice sounded relentlessly.

Xu Jiao listened to the system's prompt, looked down at Xia Jingzhe, closed her eyes, stopped smiling, and stopped hugging herself.

pat, pat.

More snow fell in her eyes, turning into hot tears and falling on Xia Jingzhe's face.

Unfortunately, that person would not open his eyes to distinguish whether it was snow or tears.

I don’t know when the snow between the sky and the earth stopped, the gray sky, the clouds and fog were pushed aside, and the sunlight showed again—

It turned out that Xia Jingzhe's demonic energy and the immortal power of the former Immortal Venerable poured into Xu Jiao's body, shaping her into the new Lord of Heaven and Earth. Time, her ears and eyes are clear, even the chirping of birds and flowers in the mountains thousands of miles away. Can be noticed.

It's just a matter of thinking.

Even as long as she gently closed her eyes, she could feel the rules of the rotation of all things and the changing seasons.

This is the power of the laws of the world.

Xu Jiao stood up and walked outside the hall. There were flowers blooming under her feet. On the left was the fangs and claws of safflower amaryllis, and on the right was the tender and pink peach blossom. She was surrounded by both good and evil. , Immortal world, human world, all respect her.

The first sunlight in the sky fell on her body. This was the care of the law. The magic energy of the Dragon Palace gathered into a dark and black aura, and it also converged on her body, not to be outdone.

She looked back to see—

I stood in the brimming spring, and Xia Jingzhe, who was in the same place, brought the ice and snow that could not be melted and would no longer melt, and stayed in the winter forever.

Xu Jiao stared at her for a long time, and said the first sentence after becoming an Immortal Venerable.

That will become the rules of heaven and earth, recorded in the avenue.

She whispered: "Destroy it, this world."

The world was silent for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Tiandao sensed the birth of a new law, and it began to collapse from the end of the mountains and the sea.

No living being can escape this sanction.

The whole world collapsed—