I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 82: your preference (16)


Little Lilith couldn't wait for the black snake's answer, and her stomach was rumbling with hunger. Just when the black snake was tangled, she secretly turned into a devilish energy and slipped out of the cave, her face flushed, as if thinking of something wrong. What to think about, she turned her head and slowly said to Xu Jiao:

"Your Majesty, I also know how to get to the underground cave, or... let me take you there?"

She and Hei Snake shared the same memory, so the place where Hei Snake refused to tell Xu Jiao was easily thrown out of her place.

Xu Jiao was a little surprised. She raised her brows and asked Lilith, "Are you... alright?"

The question is about the molting of black snakes.

Lilith was stunned for a while, and then quickly said, "It's alright! There are still about three, um, three to five days. She should be able to shed her skin successfully, but before that, I have to come back, if you are just going to visit At a glance, the time is completely in time, but if you want to do something else, I may not be able to accompany you."

At the moment when the old scales are removed, it is not a simple matter. Among ordinary snakes, molting is because the body of the snake has become larger, and the old body cannot carry it, so it is necessary to molt and replace it with a larger one. Body, in the process of molting, if the snake fails, it will die completely.

Although Lilith is composed of demonic energy and is difficult to kill, everything in this world grows for its own reason. Changes are made in the form of molting. If the molting fails, although it will not die like other snakes, it will turn into a mass of demonic energy and lose all memories until day after day and year after year in this world. Be strong again.


A sound drew the attention of both of them.

Xu Jiao's eyes showed a bit of softness, and she took the lead to go to the distance and said to the people who were still behind: "Let's go, aren't you hungry? Let's go find something to eat first."

Little Lilith quickly trotted to catch up with her, because both of them were very special, Xu Jiao could sense everything that was happening around her, and Lilith itself was composed of demonic energy, so she was very sensitive to the existence of those creatures, so even if it was For them, being in a dangerous forest was like staying in a town with excellent security.

Those prey were induced by the wind element and were brought to the vicinity of the two of them unknowingly. The stones that Lilith threw at random could hit the prey. She helped Xu Jiao start a fire in the open space, watching her hands. The beautiful light of the sun's divine power in the room suddenly reminded him of the way this person took the initiative to lean up last night, holding his own neck in his dream, and subconsciously reddened his ears.

But she quickly pulled back her mind and warned herself not to think about this kind of blasphemous sainthood, her fingertips curled up on her skirt, and the girl whispered:

"Your Majesty..."

Xu Jiao picked up the fire with dry branches and answered her with a good temper: "Huh? What do you want to ask? Just ask."

If it was someone else who had a good relationship with her in this world to ask her questions, Xu Jiao would not necessarily answer, but little Lilith has a special status, next to the protagonist, and part of the black snake, so Xu Jiao would not answer. Jiao loves her very much, not only in action, but also in her heart.

Make an analogy.

In the first two worlds, there was a small follower Su Xi by her side, and then there was a mother-in-law Shi Weiya who was very good to her. Xu Jiao had a good attitude towards them both, but she would not be right in many cases. what they said.

Only the protagonist has the qualifications to get a little closer to the creator, but those protagonists are too similar to the people she has in her heart, so Xu Jiao instinctively has a feeling of staying away, not even wanting to be contaminated.

This blonde Lilith is the only exception.

Not only is the protagonist, but also completely different from her sweetheart, and her personality is lively and simple. It can be said that Xu Jiao has completely occupied the right place and the right place. Xu Jiao is willing to tell her the truth, and she is willing to believe her.

The girl's thick hair was slightly curly, like a wave of wheat, and like a golden ocean, and her sky blue eyes were clearer and purer than the sky on the top of the Zak Mountains today. She tilted her head and looked at Xu Jiao boldly. , and then asked his own question:

"What kind of person do you like?"

Xu Jiao fell silent, the branch in her hand poked at the stones in the fire, and lifted a stone to the side, revealing the burning red heart of the stone.

Seeing that she didn't want to say anything, Lilith's face immediately appeared a little flustered, like a child who had done something wrong unintentionally, and hurriedly tried to make up for it: "Sorry, I, I'm just curious, if you don't want to the words said… "

Xu Jiao let go, and slowly roasted the rabbit on the simple wooden grill. After a while, she said lightly, "Nothing to say."

"Actually, I've never been in a relationship with her, or even been together."

"Because during the time I spent with her, I didn't realize that I liked her. At that time, I was very young, and I didn't understand many things. She taught me everything I understand now."

"It was too late for me to understand those things, too late..."

Xu Jiao had never spoken to anyone about that person.

She used to be because she couldn't say it. Later, when she was able to say it, it was unnecessary. Time passed by in a hurry. The residents in the old tube building came and went, and no one remembered the stories that happened inside. To describe from some rumors, the sons of so-and-so were once the champions, so-and-so had a poor family, he was a fool to have a daughter, and he couldn’t afford it, so he could only be locked in the house every day, and which family had died before people…

More specifically, no one knows.

People who know the story are scattered in all corners of the world. The person who once left a deep impression on Xu Jiao and taught her to see the colorful world is no longer there.

And Xu Jiao's perception of the world, those sharp pains, had come too late.

It was like cutting flesh with a blunt knife. I didn't feel much pain at first, but at some point it suddenly gave a sharp blow. Looking down, the wound was already deep with bone.

She took a deep breath without a trace, raised her eyes and glanced at Lilith, the corners of her lips were slightly hooked, as if she was laughing, or she was simply mocking something. After a while, the girl heard the other party speak again:

"She's already dead, she died because she saved me."

"She is the teacher who taught me, the person who shaped my three views, my spiritual support, and my god... I have imagined countless times that she is still alive, trying to make her in a new world like a god. Rebirth, but all failed, because I am not a god, I cannot create anything new, and I cannot regenerate people who have died."

"But this truth, I only learned not long ago."

Little Lilith could not understand what she heard, but she truthfully memorized all these contents so that she could share this information with the other party after returning to the body of the black snake soon.

Xu Jiao didn't speak any further, and looked back at the rabbit on the grill, only to find that the flesh on one side was a little burnt. She put aside the topic, took the meat off the grill, and shared it with the children after eating. , just follow the other party's guidance and head towards the cave with devilish energy.

There are many guards of the major temples around the cave.

Since Henry and the others died, there has been a shuffle between the temples of the miracle continent. It can be seen even in this place that the most dangerous places are guarded by the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of War and the Temple of Destiny. People, these clergy members of the Temple of Wisdom are sitting next to each other drinking tea and playing games of kings.

Xu Jiao didn't approach rashly.

She was just watching from a distance with little Lilith.

Within the range of Xu Jiao's perception, the cave was like a small black hole that existed on this continent. No matter what elements or things approached, they were all absorbed and left behind.

It's just like…


She frowned and took Lilith back to the original place without a trace, asking the children around her as she walked, "Does she have any special memory about this cave?"

The child was very honest, and the bamboo tube poured out like beans: "It is said that there is a cursed place on the Miracle Continent, which is a place that God needs to seal up. What you saw."

Cursed Land.

Still need the seal of God himself

Xu Jiao suddenly thought of another law. All things in the world are mutually reinforcing and mutually reinforcing. A powerful person like Lilith needs to shed her skin to get through her weak period. Could it be that God has no weaknesses at all

Where did God come from

Will he exist forever? In what form will he die

Xu Jiao intuition that there is a story in this Zach Mountains.

at this time-

Lilith, who was walking beside her, suddenly came over and took her palm boldly. Xu Jiao squinted her eyes. Even though the people around her were still the same, she somehow sensed that they had changed their cores.

Xu Jiao let her lead, and asked:

"What, are you hurting again?"

She was making fun of each other with what she said in her dream last night.

Hearing this joke, the other party was silent for two seconds, and suddenly said: "You are indeed a fake. God was born with this world, and he was born to know everything, and no one can point him."

Xu Jiao smiled: "Yeah, so are you going to kill me?"

The person holding her hand looked up at her, and somehow changed the subject aloud:

"Have you ever thought that maybe your attempt... succeeded?"

Xu Jiao didn't react for a while: "What?"

The blond girl looked up at her, her eyes had turned into vertical pupils that only her body had, so she looked up at her from a low position. The two looked at each other for a while, and Xu Jiao heard the snake girl say slowly:

"At the beginning, God also thought that the things He created were fake, but later, He created angels and created humans... And later, He taught human beings divine powers, selected humans to serve, accompanied them, and taught them many things."

"Maybe one day, he will fall in love with one of them too."

"What about you? Would you fall in love with the people you 'created'?"