I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 88: your preference (end)


After the saint left, the black snake coiled itself into a circle, and stayed on the bed where the other party's breath still remained for a while.

In this way, she seems to be still enveloped by the other party's breath.

Sleepy comfortably.

When she closed her eyes, some charming scenes that happened last night suddenly entered her mind without saying hello. The black snake who was lying dormant thought about it, and suddenly there was a sweet smell around her.

That's the smell she only releases when she wants to court each other.

The black snake's tail swayed from side to side, not knowing the taste of some gluttonous feast, after a while, she thought:

No, she can't just wait in this room for that person to come back.

This will make it seem as if she can't wait to do something with people. She is a witch who seduces people and degenerates. She has always been the only one who has attracted others' desires. When will it be someone's turn to push her into the sea of desires and not be able to climb out

Thinking like this, the quilt moved along with it. Originally it only occupied a small position, but the bulging part turned out to be more and more. Finally, a snow-white hand stuck out of the quilt and lifted the warm quilt. A long-haired woman with black hair and black eyes slowly sat up.

If any maid enters the hall at this moment, she will definitely see the appearance of this beauty—

His long hair reaches his waist, and his eyes are deep, as if it contains endless magic power that can suck everything in.

The radian of the waist is even more incredible, the bee’s waist is raised-hip, the perfect S-shaped curve, there are a lot of places that should be plump, as long as you look at such a person, you will immediately blush and heartbeat, as if those restricted, unable to The picture that appears in the sun will occupy his mind for a moment.

No one appreciates the beauty, but she doesn't care about Ying's self-pity, she propped up the edge of the bed like she had no bones, and looked out the direction outside the palace, she muttered to herself:

"Isn't it time for a noon break?"

Why doesn't a certain saint come back

Could it be because he said earlier that he would go back early in the evening, so that person simply acquiesced that he did not need to go back at noon

A bit of annoyance flashed in the black-haired woman's eyes, and she was about to get in touch with the part of the consciousness that was separated, and asked what the saint was doing now, but after waiting for a while, she was a little stunned.

That part of consciousness unilaterally cut off contact with her.

what happened

Shouldn't it be...

Little Lilith finally couldn't hold back her thoughts and impulses, and was going to secretly take advantage of the Holy Maiden while she was away

After all, it is also a part of her, and the person who knows the black snake best must be herself. Thinking of the innocent appearance of the child, but the inside is as bad as herself, Lilith was a little undecided for a while.

She was just about to follow the connection between the two and go to the place where the avatar was, when the talent just arrived at the gate of the temple, and suddenly heard an extremely loud bell from the sky.

The bell spread very wide, vigorous and heavy.

With a certain solemn sacred atmosphere.

Everything will wake up with this sound.

The woman standing at the entrance of the temple was stunned for a moment, and instinctively raised her head to look in the direction of the sky. When she looked up, she just saw countless white doves flying over her head, flapping their wings in groups, moving towards the sky. Go on the other side with strong winds.

Like a blizzard.

Lilith never knew that there were so many pigeons in the temple. When they were in groups, the breath of life was extremely strong, and the large white areas also symbolized the existence of holiness.

She felt her whole soul shaking.

It is the fear of the dark creatures for the Lord of Light, as if somewhere, she already knows what kind of enemy it is to wake up.

Lilith's hand rested on the door of the temple next to her, her fingertips shrank, and demonic energy instinctively leaked out from her palm, leaving a brand mark on the door of the golden temple of the Sun Temple. The magic circle on the door was not protected. To stop this erosion, let out a sizzling protest.

The woman by the door didn't notice it, she just lowered her head and slowly spit out a sound from her bright red lips:

"My God..."

God woke up.

If last night was just a precursor to awakening, then the sound of the bell on the ceiling now is a sign that God has regained consciousness.

Miracle Continent has historical records—

Every time God wakes up from a deep sleep, the unbridled darkness will retreat back into the nooks and crannies in terror, hiding himself as much as possible, because where God’s eyes can see, darkness cannot be seen. is allowed to exist.

God will use just judgment to purify those dark people.

as predicted.

Lilith just thought of this when she heard the first divine words from the sky.

Except for God, other species are not allowed to learn the language of God, and Lilith naturally does not understand the meaning of this sentence, but she understands the cheers of the pigeons, as if they are singing.

at the same time.

She suddenly felt a slight pain in the position of her heart.

It was the core of demonic energy that had been planted in another person last night and had a connection with her origin, and lost its voice.

Thinking of that cold and hard woman, her eyes flickered for a moment, but instead of waiting for the second trial to come, she turned into a black demonic energy and went directly to the place where the sound disappeared.

Halfway through, she got in touch with little Lilith again.

A heart-wrenching emotion spread in her mind. The other party seemed to hate her to the extreme, and even had the idea of killing her body at a certain moment.

Good thing she's in control.

The demonic energy re-solidified in a room, a black-haired woman appeared, and she saw a blond girl hugging a person by the window, a girl who always liked to look like a child. At this moment, she seemed to be a mature woman. And this change is just to hold the person who has lost his life in his arms tightly.

Lilith faced that part of herself, her eyes slowly moving down...

She saw the woman who was still disdainful of herself in the morning, pale and lost her breath of life, and fell into Lilith's arms like this, closing her eyes.

There is also a long light arrow on her chest.

The arrow carried the scorching, scalding power of light, and it seemed that it would never stop until all the darkness in the world was burnt.

Feeling Lilith's extremely evil aura, the light arrow trembled faintly, as if she wanted to come out of Xu Jiao's body and put them on each other.

The blond girl raised her head, the tears on her chin were already dry.

"God killed her," she said softly.

The black-haired woman was silent for a moment, as if she had not yet reacted from this sudden change. In her memory, she unilaterally agreed with the saint to return early tonight.


She wanted to try it, forget about God, and fall in love with this woman.


Lilith doesn't have this chance.

The blond girl holding Xu Jiao's body looked at her, as if waiting for her decision. After a long, suffocating silence, the girl got the answer.

She gently put the person in her arms down, as if the other person just fell asleep inadvertently.

Immediately afterwards, Black Snake heard her say, "She said we would meet again, but before we meet again, I will avenge her."

Lilith subconsciously stopped: "No."

At this moment, an angry sound came from the sky—

Thunder roared, and a purple-black thundercloud swirling with lightning shrouded the sky above the Temple of the Sun. This place that had been most favored by the gods now turned out to be the core of the gods' wrath.

No one thought of this.

The blond Lilith sensed that she was about to take herself back into her body. At that moment, she turned into a black magic energy, part of which was returned by the will of the black snake, and the rest stretched into a long black Clouds, go out the window.

The black demonic energy struck by the lightning was unscathed, and he could only let it go to the sky like this.

Lilith stood in the room and saw the lightning flashed outside the window, shining on Xu Jiao's face.

The connection between her and her doppelganger has not been completely severed.

Now, she felt the feeling of the other party rushing towards the Heavenly Palace where the gods were, but she didn't care, she just crouched in front of Xu Jiao's corpse, raised her hand to wipe the red on her lower lip, and whispered:

"I don't seem to have asked your name yet."

"God doesn't have a name, but you should have one."

Lilith once thought about God, but her idea had just arisen, and before she could do anything, God expelled her back to the Land of Miracles without listening to her discernment.

Nor was she given a chance to prove herself.

Now, she has done so many things. Originally, she wanted to return to God's side, but then she changed it. She just wanted to find a place to live quietly with this saint, and stop thinking about the person she will never be able to remember. .

God did not allow them.

This is God...

Lilith covered the direction of her heart and spit out a mouthful of black blood. She slowly closed her eyes, and when she opened it again, she had already arrived at the place where God was with another part of her will.

That face was still as cold as he remembered, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

But Lilith had never seen such a serious injury on a god.

From the lower left chest cavity, golden blood flowed out from it.

Lilith could feel that another part of her incarnation had now become pure demonic energy, interacting with the demonic energy in the rib of the god, destroying this perfect body from the inside.

She thought that she would be very sad, reluctant, or that she had accumulated too many problems over the years, so she would have a feeling that she didn't know where to start.

However, her mood was far calmer than she thought.

Lilith looked at the other party's face that was exactly the same as the saint, with more perfect facial features. She should have been infatuated with it, but at this moment, a strange comparison suddenly appeared in her heart:

The appearance of the saint seems to be more vivid.

Even the indifference has a sultry cuteness.

And she didn't have any ** towards this face of God.

"Judge..." God looked at her with no joy or sadness in his eyes. The entire Miracle Continent knew that He hated darkness, but now that He saw Lilith, a collection of darkness, there was no grief at all, as if he didn't know her at all. , just ruthlessly trying to destroy her.

Although Lilith didn't understand the divine language, she only felt that she told her that if the gods read the divine words, she would be punished, so she urged the part of the power in the god's body to penetrate the entire body—


The golden blood spilled out more and more, and the ground was covered with beautiful little white flowers.

The bright sunlight on the horizon was suddenly swallowed up by black from the corners, and half of the miracle continent fell into darkness, as if it was about to usher in an eternal night.

Lilith glanced to the side, and when she turned back, the perfect body full of divine power in front of her had already fallen, and only a pitiful little wisp of demonic energy was left in her body, which seemed unable to even look. Condensed again.

She stared at the god in the flowers.

Afterwards, she sighed in a low voice: "This is God..."

Ruthless, indifferent.

It is a calculated success, a fallen existence.

At this moment, Lilith suddenly felt a little bored, and even had a little absurd thought. She always felt that the previous saint was not a substitute for God, and now this person who has no feelings and exists like a law is the one Substitute for the Holy Maiden.

She knew she was cranky.

About because…

Some miss it.

Wisps of demonic energy flew in front of her, and her voice was still as clear as a child's, with a bit of unexpected excitement: "How could you...?"

Lilith didn't answer the question.

The voice began to ask and answer itself: "Ah, I see, I am a part of you, and when I fell in love with the Holy Lady, you were already moved, didn't you?"

"You no longer love God."

"You love the Holy Maiden, but you refuse to admit it."

Lilith heard the voice muttering to herself in her ear, and saw that the body under her feet was completely covered by flowers, so she couldn't see her eyes. At the same time, the sunlight in the sky disappeared, and the whole world turned into night again.

She is the witch of the night.

When she wakes up, the world should be shrouded in darkness.

Lilith raised her hand, and some force flew out from her fingertips, and turned into beautiful light spots in the sky. Those light spots crashed down like rain, falling from one end of the sky to the other. one head.

It was a meteor shower that descended on the entire continent.

And beautiful.

Scary again.

Where the light spot falls, there is the power and deep pit that ignites the flame.

Standing in the sky, she saw that the entire continent was covered by the firelight, and suddenly said, "Did you know she lied to you?"

The devilish energy revolved around her: "What?"

Lilith lowered her eyes, looked ruthlessly at the world where life was ruined, and answered slowly:

"She's not coming back."

"She won't be in this world again."

The demonic energy seemed to be somewhat incomprehensible, stopped on her shoulder in confusion, and followed her words: "Where should I go to meet her again?"

There was no emotion in Lilith's voice: "I don't know."

"She's dead," she said.

The devilish qi drummed up unhappily, and even secretly sucked some more devilish qi from her body, and stubbornly repeated: "The Holy Lady said that we will meet again, and she never lied to me."

Lilith hooked her lips, as if she was mocking something. The desires on her body faded with the death of that person. At this moment, her ruthless look at the world looked a bit like a god.

"She never lied to you? Then do you know why she kept you and me in this world?"


"Because she wants you to be a god."

Lilith paused for a moment, obviously the demonic energy was also her consciousness, but she didn't completely withdraw this part, probably because she was standing too high and the wind was too cold at this time, so she was too lonely. You need a voice to talk to you.

The devilish voice returned to her in a low voice: "But I don't want to be a god, I want to be with the Holy Lady, where she is, I will go."

This remark somehow pleases Lilith.

She looked back at the patch of flowers behind her. At this time, she felt that the previous thoughts had become extremely distant, and it was a little empty. Lilith opened her eyes and closed her eyes, and the more vivid face was in her mind.

When sinking, calm, and pitifully begging for mercy...

She took a deep breath and asked another voice, "Don't you want to be a god?"

Demonic qi curled her hair: "I don't want to."

Lilith nodded: "What a coincidence, I don't want to either."

The fire of the Miracle Continent burned even more vigorously, as if it was going to be rolled up from the land to the sky.

In the fiery redness of the sky.

She descended from the cloud.

The new god that was just born in the miracle continent also fell.

The finale chapter of "The Beloved":

"Lilith once said that wherever the Holy Maiden goes, she will follow her wherever she goes.

The saint didn't want to take her to hell.

But she still decided to abide by the agreement.

Because... what little Lilith said and expressed was also what the witch said.

She didn't tell the Holy Maiden that there was never little Lilith, it was her from beginning to end, those who were clingy, coquettish, cute, and reluctant were all hers.

From the first sight of the saint, the witch has completely fallen.

The saint gave her a new life.

When the saint dies, she dies too.

Because she is born from the other's preference, and when that love is not there, she also ceases to exist. "


Xu Jiao heard the content read out by the system in that mechanical voice, leaned on the back of the gaming chair, closed her eyes halfway, waited for the content to fall, and repeated in a low voice:

"And when that love is gone, she ceases to exist?"

She folded her palms, covered her face, took a deep breath, and asked the system somewhat puzzled: "In this world... how could someone die because they lost the love of another person?"

The system was quiet for a few seconds.

It said: "The great world is full of wonders."

"Maybe not in other worlds, but the world in the book is different. Your protagonist's loss of your love is really no different from death."

The system said, and reminded Xu Jiao: "Xia Jingzhe, isn't that the case?"

Xu Jiao was speechless for a while.

She almost forgot about Xia Jingzhe, after all, it was the first book she traveled to, she was not serious, she almost regarded the experience in it as her own trip to another world, and she didn't want to do what the system said, and she didn't care about that." The world of "fake" is not of interest, and in retrospect, many things are vague.

Except for Xia Jingzhe's death.

The virtual space was quiet for a long time, until the system asked again: "Didn't you have someone you liked very much? Some things, once you have them, you can't bear to lose them."

Xu Jiao lowered her eyes.

After that, she smiled softly.

"you're right."

Xu Jiao: "I was too young to be her lover at the time, and my perception of everything was ignorant. I couldn't fall in love with her, and I thought about her for such a long time in the days to come. Been in a relationship with her... maybe..."

Maybe it will also be heartbreaking, and I can't wait to go with it.

Xu Jiao's throat moved, as if she wanted to say more, but in the end she just stared at the grayed-out book. Various voices sounded in her mind, as if they had just fallen in the last second:

"Would you like to try to like me?"

"If you like me, I will like you too."

"You please me and make me fall in love with you."

"Come back early tonight."

"Do you like her at all?" The system suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

Xu Jiao opened her eyes, stared at the gray book for a long time, and inexplicably surged into a little anger.

"No," she said blankly, "I wouldn't like this kind of guy who spoils my heart and doesn't cherish my sacrifices at all."


in another space.

The woman woke up from her deep sleep, and when she heard the numbers reported by the system, she seemed a little unresponsive. After a while, she confirmed, "You said just now, how much has the Creator's world's favor with me increased?"

"-1." The system calmly repeated this value.

The woman was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly laughed out loud. Her voice echoed throughout the space. It was obviously a negative value, but she seemed to have fulfilled her wish, and her laughter was filled with incomparable joy and happiness. Satisfied.

"You seem very happy? Why? Isn't the favorability level deducted by 1 point?" the system asked in confusion.

The woman snorted and was happy to answer it:

"In the first world, she was indifferent, and her favorability didn't change."

"In the second world, she pity me, so she intentionally gave me 1 favorability."

"In the third world, because of my self-esteem and self-love, and because I don't want her charity, she gave me the appreciation of another person as an ordinary person, which belongs to the kind of points that can make friends, 15 points of favorability. "

"Until now..."

The woman extended her voice in a low voice, and the ending almost disappeared, as if recalling something.

"She annoyed me."

"Didn't you notice? She started paying attention to me, hoping that I would give her the reaction she wanted, and she got angry when I made a decision that went against her. Is this script familiar? Like it? When I became Shen Yelan, my reaction to the school bully sister?"

She raised her hand and made a listening gesture in her ear—

"This is not -1, system, listen carefully."


The woman closed her eyes, made an expression of enjoyment and pleasure, and slowly said to the system:

"I heard so many little voices..."


"She's about to fall in love with me, and she doesn't know it yet."