I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 89: my wife (1)


The more Xu Jiao read the gray book, the more headache she felt.

She pressed her forehead and threw the blond little girl's face out of her mind, and even the black snake was swept into the corner of her memory by her.

After being quiet for a while, she opened her eyes again, her dark eyes returned to her usual indifference, she packed up her mood, and said to the system:

"The next one, what is the next world?"

The system was silent for a while, and said to her, "There is one thing I think you need to know."

Xu Jiao raised her chin and looked at the ceiling above her head. Everything in this space was false. The sound of the system came from above. She silently said "um" and motioned for the other party to speak directly.

"At present, you have tried to modify the endings of four books in total, and you have only succeeded in one, with a failure rate of 75%, and the only successful world has the help of the novice poverty alleviation package, although the conditions for opening the punishment mechanism have not been met, but In the next world, your influence and control over the world will be reduced to a certain extent.”

Xu Jiao narrowed her eyes: "What do you mean?"

The system was not very easy to explain to her, so she gave an example: "For example, in the first and second books, even if you don't have any special abilities, the will of the world will be very friendly to you, allowing you to It's easier to influence the protagonist or the development of the storyline—"

"But in this case, the success rate of your ending modification is still very low. The system judges that you are due to your special status and lack of empathy for the story in the book, so in the next world, you will lose some The privilege of being the creator of the world."

Xu Jiao tasted these words of the system.

She suddenly saw the cruel side of this harmony system hidden under the cold mission mechanism.

If you insist on being as passive and slack as in the first world, you will eventually become ordinary in this journey of time and time again, even like the characters in your own writing, rigid and paper, because you lose your identity. With the status advantage of the Creator, and the world's affinity for her, she will even encounter some terrible accidents like ordinary people, and it is very likely that she will lose her life suddenly.

The longer she stayed in these books, the more danger Xu Jiao would face.

It is also more difficult to modify the ending.

But she couldn't lose herself in this kind of difficulty in order to meet the requirements of the system, so let her see if these books made her lose more quickly, or if she had the last laugh.

Xu Jiao raised her lips and replied lightly, "I see."

She said, "Can you arrange the next one?"

The system was silent for a moment and replied, "Okay."

The girl sitting in the chair glanced over the bookshelf. When scanning the titles of the books, the relevant settings and their contents appeared in their minds one by one. Although some of them were far away from now, there were also vague thoughts in their minds. Memories and general impressions.

at this time-

She saw a name.

"Building Eighteen".

Xu Jiao's breathing stopped for a moment, and instinctively turned her eyes away, thinking that it shouldn't be so coincidental, after all, this book was written in a hurry because of lack of inspiration when it was written, and it was unfinished.

Just as she was thinking about it, the title of the book suddenly lit up with golden light within her line of sight.

Before her consciousness became blurred, Xu Jiao's face suddenly turned ugly.

Because this book…

It's a horror.

"Building No. 18" is a work written by Xu Jiao when the horror trend was popular, but the websites she is on are all based on romance. The subject matter is not liked by many people.

After all, life is hard enough, who wants to continue to struggle while watching? Seeing the president of the family with thousands of dollars kneeling in front of him and begging him not to go, because he can't live without you; The little green plum next door... Isn't this kind of cookie delicious

It's not that the main theme of the drama is completely dead.

It's this kind of theme, in which the foreshadowing and the idea need to be very delicate. It is a theme that needs to be calmed down and managed with heart. Xu Jiao is actually better at Shuangwen routines. When trying this new theme, it is inevitable to stumble. , very uncomfortable, and the early readers of this book didn't respond very well at that time, so she simply wrote a short story and ended up unfinished.

In her vision, "Building 18" is a story that takes place in a university dormitory.

There are some common and familiar stories between schools, such as books that would suddenly be turned over in the classroom in the middle of the night, and for example, there must be a night bus at the bus station near the school. If you get on that bus late at night, you will I found that the car was full of people, but everyone was quiet and the atmosphere was weird...

As for those pen-immortals, thirteen stairs, etc., they have all been rumored to be bad.

In this book, there is an old girls' dormitory in S University, which is far from the cafeteria and teaching building. It is halfway up a mountain. When the weather is clear, you can see a beautiful view.

But the location of this dormitory is strange, and there were some accidents while it was being built.

School girls who live in this dormitory will always be unlucky. For example, during the postgraduate entrance examination, there will be a lot of people jumping off the building. The freshmen who come in will always have disagreements, and even develop into bloodshed... Small to There is a high rate of lateness for final exams, and there is always an empty flushing sound in the toilet. It is so loud that a mentally ill person is admitted. At the graduation party, he pulled out a knife and suddenly killed his classmates who had no grievances and no grudges.

It was a long time ago that this place was changed to a male dormitory. After a few years, a new principal was replaced. It was found that the dormitory building was close to the teaching building of the liberal arts. There were few liberal arts boys, and there were basically three people living in this building There is more than enough room, and if the science and engineering or sports students are transferred, it is too far from the class place, and it is very troublesome to catch the school bus. After going around, the building is changed back to the girls' dormitory.

When Xu Jiao was writing this book, she deliberately tried to make a group portrait—

That is to say.

This book is a unit story, and it should have no protagonist.

But because the ending was unfinished, I only wrote two or three small units, so if I have to choose... Probably, there may be some ghosts in common, who can be the protagonists

When the system sent the story into the book, Xu Jiao was thinking and guessing in a daze.

The bright incandescent light covered people's eyelids, making people feel a deep dark red in front of them. After Xu Jiao opened her eyes, she first raised her hand to block it in front of her eyes, and gradually realized from her fingers that she was far from the ceiling. The lamp on the top is very close.

The long, most common light tubes seem to be able to be reached by raising your hand.

At first, Xu Jiao didn't quite understand what position she was in to get so close to the ceiling, until she noticed the green hollow bed rail in her eyes. She held onto the pole and sat up cross-legged, only to realize that she was sleeping on the top bunk.

This is the upper and lower bunks of a camp bed structure. The color is the most common green. You can sleep with a wooden board and a few layers of cushions. The small bed under her buttocks has only a thin layer of cotton padding, plus a A yellowed old mat.

The weave on the edge was torn, and the matte surface leaked out.

The quilt was a big red flower with a very ugly aesthetic. Xu Jiao lifted her hand and opened it, only to find that she was wearing a light blue pajamas that were washed and whitish, and the style was also a rounded style with a buttoned round neck.

Fortunately, there were not many things on the bed, but there was a hill of books piled on the head of the bed. At a glance, the top one was "50 sets of real test questions for the CET 6 over the years".

Xu Jiao: "…"


Didn't she just brush a bunch of this stuff in Shen Yelan's world

She looked away and looked elsewhere in the room, and saw an identical bed on the opposite side, except that the upper bunk was filled with a lot of cosmetics. At first glance, it looked like a daigou's nest. products, and some makeup sponges, eyelash curlers, scissors, etc.

Xu Jiao couldn't imagine what kind of creature was sleeping in this nest.

There are posters plastered on the wall of the lower bunk over there, and the paintings are beautiful. There is also a brand-new book on the bed. On the cover is a beautiful portrait. The slim waist and thin lips are handsome. I feel... The owner of this bed is very big. Possibly a slut.

Between the two beds facing each other, there is a large rectangular iron table with several piles of books high in the mountains, potted cacti, yellow plastic rice bowls with bowls and chopsticks, etc. It is messy.

at this time.

There was a banging sound from the door, and a girl's sharp voice sounded:

"Damn it, you're standing here motionless in the middle of the night, are you going to scare people to death?"

An innocent female voice said: "?? I'm here to send a message. It's not that you don't know that the signal in this building is not good. You didn't see it yourself, right?"

The third voice intervened: "Forget it, hey, don't be so sensitive, it's okay, classmates, we just watched some horror movies during the day and were scared, it's okay, I'm sorry."

Afterwards, the door handle of the dormitory was unscrewed. The heavy security door must have been used for too many years. The door shaft was a little rusted, and the door made a huge 'creak' sound.

Two girls with towels on their heads walked in, one was wearing bear pajamas and the other was wearing a nightgown. The styles were much more normal than the one on Xu Jiao, like a normal student living in the 21st century.

The two of them met Xu Jiao in the upper bunk by the window, caught by her calm black eyes, they both took a step back in fright, and then patted their chests together:

"Oh my mom."

"Xu Jiao, why are you looking at us like this all of a sudden? I'm scared to death."

Xu Jiao hadn't told the system that she wanted to receive the memory, so she didn't know these two people for the time being. She just pursed her lips and said, "Well... I heard your voices."

The two girls stood still in shock, and then closed the door and came in. Although they were talking and laughing, Xu Jiao could see that their body movements were a little stiff and tense, as if... they were afraid of something.

Before she could observe anything, the two of them talked about going downstairs to blow their hair, but suddenly raised their heads and asked Xu Jiao, "Hey, Xiao Xu, aren't you afraid?"

Xu Jiao: "Huh?"

Seeing her unresponsive appearance, the two roommates seemed to acquiesce to some fact, looked at each other, and said to her a little embarrassedly: "Can you...can you accompany us downstairs for a hair dryer? It's eleven o'clock now. , ahem, after all, we only played that game during the day, so I was a little scared, can you accompany us down? I feel more secure when there are many people haha."

Xu Jiao's eyes moved. Just as she was about to respond, she asked the system to transmit the original owner's memory to herself, but suddenly there was a vibration at her feet.

It was the sound of the phone ringing.

She pushed the quilt to the side, and then saw a very old phablet phone with a little paint on the edges. The protective film was covered with scratches, the corners were lifted, and the screen was densely packed. The cobweb looks broken, and I don't know if it is the screen or the mobile phone display inside.

She pursed her lips and shook her mobile phone to the two girls, showing a somewhat embarrassed look.

"Ah, is it your home that called you? You pick it up, and it's the same for us both going by ourselves."

Xu Jiao looked down at the caller ID, and saw that the word "home" was simply remarked on it. After hesitating for a moment, she still swiped to answer. The touch screen of this phone is not very sensitive, and it took two or three swipes to respond.

The connection is a bit slow.

Then, there was a sizzling electric sound inside. Just when Xu Jiao wondered if it was a prank call, a very vicissitudes of life and a loud voice finally came from the other end:

"Stinky boy! Don't ruin your brain by studying, and hang up your mother's phone during the day! Tell me, how much money can you earn after studying in college? Why don't you want to go out to work!"

"I've already inquired about it. Your university is not a very good school. You only pay a few thousand yuan a month after you come out. When will you be able to pay off the debt for your family? Don't be stubborn with us! We all give You've seen it, that family is pretty good!"

"They gave us a hundred thousand yuan. Our family can replace all the tiles of the old house and build a new house. Isn't there an air conditioner in the city in summer? I have one too, okay? Are you satisfied? I tell you, don’t think you can hide in the school and don’t come back. I have already sent you things! The characters are also given! I want to run!"

Xu Jiao was blinded by the strong local accent, and guessed what was inside, frowning inadvertently.

She didn't speak from the beginning to the end, and found that the over and over there were "you should be sensible", "you have to be obedient, people can't live so selfishly", "you can be considered to make money for the family in advance"... and so on. content.

Moving the phone away from her ear, Xu Jiao said in her heart, "The system—"

"Now send me the memory of the original owner."

The system's icy voice sounded: "It's teleporting for you."

After ten seconds.

Xu Jiao opened her eyes again, and there was a sound of hanging up in her ear: "du..."

The phone screen is restored to the original pattern of the lock screen.

But she already knew all the stories about the original owner. This girl was born in the countryside. Her family was very poor since she was a child. She had no money for her to study. For a lot of money, he adopted a son from a relative's house.

Not to mention all the hardships she suffered in order to go to college. Now, her parents know about a money-making job out of nowhere. They even heard about a job in the town and gave her eight characters to lend it to those who The dead child of a wealthy family is matched with a yin marriage.

This is a bad habit handed down from the old society.

I heard that in the past, people who had not been married died suddenly and unexpectedly. The family was worried that they would have no company next to them, so they would specially invite someone to match them with a yin marriage. At first, this kind of thing only happened in two families. It was carried out between the gates of the lost children. Later, because of the interests involved, some people began to find some poor families in the countryside to match the rich people.

The original owner's parents "sold" Xu Jiao for a big price this time.

But because she couldn't do it, and she didn't know how the two were talking in their hometown, they even talked nonsense about letting the two children get in touch first, so they sent something about Xu Jiaoyin's marriage partner. come over.

The box wrapped in the black courier bag is placed next to the door of the dormitory.

Xu Jiao's eyes were fixed on it—

Suddenly another thing came to mind.

There are only three girls in the dormitory she is in, and the bed under her is empty. During the day, the other two roommates—let’s call them Ai Ai and Xiao Li. They don’t know where they heard it from. After talking about a kind of exciting and terrifying game, he pulled her to play "Please Pen - Fairy".

Because the pen held by the three of them did not move at all when they invited them, Ai Ai and Xiao Li sneered on the spot, and threw the pen aside, and they did not perform any ritual to send off the gods.

That is to say.

If the ceremony at that time was successful, and the express box really contained an important part of the "yin marriage" object, maybe Xu Jiao was now under the same roof with the other two otherworldly creatures

She raised her brows, ignoring the creaking sound of the door being blown by the wind, and the hair that stood up inexplicably behind her when she remembered these two things, she just asked the system in her heart:

"Can you tell me who the protagonist of this book is?"

System: "… I'll detect when it appears."

Xu Jiao changed the question: "Okay, then in such a supernatural and terrifying story, what direction is he going to be?"

The system answered seriously: "After you leave the book, the content of the book will automatically generate the most reasonable ending based on what you have done. At that time, we will determine whether it is he or not based on the content."

Xu Jiao: "…"

She asked incredulously: "That is, you start with a mouth, and the ending depends on bullshit?"

The system still wanted to quibble, but unfortunately the content was not very convincing, so it could only be silent and let Xu Jiao satirize it as a third-rate system.

Xu Jiao scolded it for vigorous efforts, and suddenly heard a sentence:

"It is detected that the heroine is about to have a bloody disaster, please save it in time."

Xu Jiao: "...?"

Where is the heroine you say!

The door of the dormitory was opened again, and Qian Ai, who was walking in front of her who loved makeup, kicked a black box, looked down in fright, and then smiled helplessly at Xu Jiao:

"When will you dismantle your broken express? It's really getting in the way here. What did you buy? It's so heavy?"

Zhou Qili smiled gently, and lowered her head to help Xu Jiao put the express box back to its original position, then walked to the lower bunk opposite Xu Jiao and sat down, stepping on the chair beside the bed, and lowered her head to pick up what she had not finished reading.

Xu Jiao supported the railing and stepped on the hollow metal ladder to get out of bed. She was about to say something when she suddenly felt a force on her ankle. She couldn't hold her steady, and she fell from the air. go down.

His knee rubbed against the corner of the drawer next to the iron table, scratching a long red mark.

I bumped my head and my elbow, and then fell to the ground between the table and the bed. I felt pain everywhere. Qian Ai and Zhou Qili were both frightened by her sudden foot slip, so they rushed together. come over.

"Are you OK?"

"What are you doing in such a hurry to get out of bed at night? My God, your feet are bleeding!"

In the pain of dizziness, Xu Jiao raised her right hand and supported the foot of the table. She wanted to get up. The two roommates wanted to help her, but they didn't dare to touch her. She was afraid that she would hurt something important, so she could only get up. Ask her how she feels.

Xu Jiao licked her lower lip, her eyes dizzy from the incandescent lamp above her head. She glanced at her lower bunk and found that it was empty, with only dusty wooden boards. s things.

Zhou Qili and Qian Ai were also opposite her, so it was impossible for them to come over suddenly.


What was it that pulled her ankle just now

She was suspicious, but she didn't show it on her face. She just hooked her lips weakly and said to the two roommates: "It's okay, I'll just take it slow, wait a moment."

After a while, Xu Jiao slowly got up from the ground and saw a red bloodstain from her calf all the way down to her ankle, which was extremely shocking.

Pain is also very obvious.

She let out a low breath, and Qian Ai immediately said: "I have iodine, please stop moving, Lili, help her sit down, I'll look for it! Hey, it's so serious, do you want to go to the school doctor's office? Is it safer to get a tetanus shot for the kind of injury?"

As Qian Ai spoke, he rummaged through the iodine in the kennel-like thing on his bed.

Zhou Qili helped Xu Jiao to sit down on the chair and checked her body for any other injuries. Xu Jiao lowered her eyes and suddenly heard the system say in her heart:

"The failure to help the heroine avoid the disaster of blood light, please make persistent efforts."

Xu Jiao's eyes were sharp for a moment.

The heroine was also injured just now

Wait, the heroine of this story...

Who is it

She asked the system, "How much distance is there between me and the heroine?"

System: "Less than one meter."

Xu Jiao: "!"

Within one meter, wouldn't you be the only one injured

"Boom." The sound of the carton colliding suddenly sounded.

Qian Ai stopped, "What sound?"

Zhou Qili glanced at the door subconsciously, and found that the courier box that she had placed beside the washbasin seemed to have moved a long distance in the direction of the house, and was actually at Qian Ai's feet.

It was empty and there was nothing around it, and I don't know what force moved it.

The dormitory suddenly fell silent.

Qian Ai looked at Zhou Qili subconsciously, the two of them didn't know what to think, and their eyes gradually became panic-

At this moment, Xu Jiao interrupted the terrifying atmosphere they created.

"There is water on the ground. My express box may be a little slippery. Should I take it apart?"

At this time, those who stand up to break the terrible atmosphere will become the backbone of the cowardly.

Even if they were worried about something strange in the box, Qian Ai and Zhou Qili inevitably wanted to investigate the crisis with their own eyes, so they nodded to Xu Jiao.

Xu Jiao jumped over on one foot, grabbed a pair of scissors from the table, cut open the package, lowered her head and opened the somewhat long cardboard box, just opened a corner, she saw a heavy wooden corner exposed inside , and a bit rough engraved pattern.


She tore off all the seals of the carton, reached in, and touched the depression in the middle of the wood with her fingertips.

at the same time-

The contents of the box are also fully rendered under the light.

It was a long dark wood with a string of graceful characters engraved on it, and it was a "Daughter of the Zheng family". Not to mention the other contents, Xu Jiao was no stranger to this thing.

This is what often appears in TV dramas, and people are worshipped by incense after death...
