I Want to Be Friends With You

Chapter 3: little daughter


After Aunt Hua decided what to have for dinner, she lowered her head and kissed Miao Miaomiao's forehead, "My baby is so good, I helped Auntie decide so quickly."

Turning around and happily entering the kitchen, Xiao Miaomiao touched her forehead, feeling as if she had eaten a few extra candies.

At this time, Uncle Hua hung his coat aside, then went to the study to get Miao Miaomiao's small Mickey Mouse schoolbag, and said as he walked, "Did the teacher assign homework today?"

Xiao Miaomiao came back to her senses, and watched Uncle Hua's tall and oppressive back walking towards the study step by step, she became nervous, pinched her hands on the corners of her clothes, looked at her slippers, She wore fluffy little rabbit slippers on her feet, and the little rabbit looked at her cutely, as if it gave her a lot of courage, Xiao Miaomiao tried to make her voice louder, "It's arranged."

The teacher also said that the parents should supervise the completion, and finally the parents should sign it, and the teacher will check it tomorrow.

Xiao Miaomiao didn't dare to say so much to her tall and fierce uncle.

Uncle Hua didn't know what Xiao Miaomiao was worried about. He took out the textbook from the small schoolbag, and naturally saw two papers, which were Xiao Miaomiao's homework for today.

He didn't notice what was missing in the schoolbag. Uncle Hua looked at the test paper and said, "Primary school students are under a lot of pressure now."

Aunt Hua's voice came from the kitchen, "It's okay, if you can't finish it, we adults will do it. I heard that many elementary school students' homework is done by their parents."

Xiao Miaomiao remembered what the teacher said, she had to do her homework by herself, and her parents were not allowed to do it.

But she didn't say anything. She felt that what the aunt said was more correct than the teacher.

Xiao Miaomiao sat on the small stool in an orderly manner, and under the supervision of Uncle Hua, she began to do the test paper again and again, when Uncle Hua's cell phone rang, and Xiao Miaomiao heard Uncle Hua say, "Okay, I will Come here now."

Said to Aunt Hua in the kitchen, "Honey, I have to go to the hospital."

Aunt Hua was used to it, so she just said, "When the meal is ready, Miaomiao and I will bring you the meal."

"No, you don't know how to drive, and it's inconvenient to take a taxi. I'll just order a takeaway. I might come back a little late at night. Go to bed first." After Uncle Hua finished speaking to his wife, he squatted down again, "Miao Miao is at home. Look at Auntie, don't allow her to be picky eaters, okay?"

Xiao Miaomiao nodded cautiously.

After Uncle Hua left, there was only Miaomiao who was doing homework in the living room, and the sound of chopping meat coming from the kitchen.

The teacher handed out two large papers, and Xiao Miaomiao could only read the front ones. After finishing the papers, Xiao Miaomiao looked at the back carefully, but couldn't understand any of them.

At this time, Aunt Hua was still chopping vegetables in the kitchen, and the aroma of the rice in the rice cooker had already come out.

Xiao Miaomiao stood up, walked towards the kitchen, walked to the door, then stopped again, and saw the broom in the corner.

Xiao Miaomiao turned in one direction, walked over, picked up a broom that was a little taller than her, and started sweeping the floor seriously.

After Aunt Hua chopped the stuffing, the oil was hot in the pot, and there was no sound outside, so she poked her head out to see what her little daughter was doing.

Ever since she had her daughter, she couldn't help secretly seeing what her little daughter was doing.

Then I saw the youngest daughter holding a broom and slowly starting to sweep the floor from there. The house is actually not dirty. There is a special sweeping robot, but because they just had a child, the couple are a little excited. There are a lot of toys that children like, Barbie dolls, dancing dolls, panda dolls, big totoro dolls, and even a few toy cars, plus the little girl's princess headdress, shiny bracelets and puzzles ,Building Blocks…

Xiao Miaomiao doesn't play with these things very much, but the two adults often play with them, and these two days are busy with school, so the house is a bit chaotic.

Xiao Miaomiao squatted down and picked up all the puzzle pieces on the carpet, then stood up and put them in a box on the side. She moved slowly but seriously.

She is so cute that her heart will melt.

The oil here is already hot, so Aunt Hua hurried back and started cooking.

When the vegetables were put into the pot, there was a "sizzling" sound, and then the fragrance wafted out.

Aunt Hua cooks very quickly, and she prepares three dishes and one soup in a short while, and then saves a part of the soup and puts it aside to keep warm. Uncle Hua may not come back until early in the morning. If he is hungry, he can still eat two bites .

Then the rest of the meal was brought out.

Xiao Miaomiao was always paying attention. Auntie ate the cabbage...Auntie ate the cabbage again...Auntie was still pinching the cabbage.

When my uncle was at home, he would tell my aunt not to eat vegetables, but to eat meat and rice.

Xiao Miaomiao took a mouthful of rice, feeling a little anxious, why doesn't auntie eat meat...

She didn't know what to say. Auntie is an adult. If she said it, would Auntie be unhappy

At this time, Aunt Hua picked up cabbage again.

Xiao Miaomiao watched her all the time, and while she was eating, she pushed the plate of meatballs in front of her auntie, then lowered her head and continued eating.

Aunt Hua saw her little daughter's action, and quickly remembered what her husband said when he left.

So I picked up a meatball and ate it slowly, saying, "It's so delicious, I almost forgot to eat meat."

Seeing that she had eaten meat, Xiao Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief, and began to eat her own food again.

After washing the dishes, Aunt Hua helped Xiao Miaomiao with her homework.

Xiao Miaomiao's body was tense, fearing that the secrets in her schoolbag would be discovered.

In fact, Aunt Hua did not notice this matter. Aunt Hua put dried meat for Xiao Miaomiao, and it was for her to eat. On the other hand, because children share food and make friends, so they just said it like this, not Task.

Aunt Hua picked up the paper and picked it up. The whole paper was just connected, that is, connecting the words and pictures.

After Chinese, I didn't do picture literacy, pinyin, mathematics, and English, and I didn't write a daytime summary at the end.

Xiao Miaomiao waited nervously.

Aunt Hua looked through the two test papers first, and felt relieved. Fortunately, she could do it well. Her colleagues used to complain that she couldn't even do homework for children now.

Aunt Hua started from the second question and spoke slowly.

Although it is not difficult, the amount of questions is a bit large, and Xiao Miaomiao's reaction is a bit slow, so it is also very slow to do.

Before I knew it, two hours passed, and the mother and daughter had finished writing the two papers.

Xiao Miaomiao was already very sleepy, and Aunt Hua was basically writing with a pen and her little hand.