I Want to Be Friends With You

Chapter 39: little dance partner


Miao Miao hugged her mother's arm, "Mom, I love you."

When she said it, she burst into tears. To her, her mother is the most important person in the world.

Mother Hua's nose was sour, and she also burst into tears.

Then she saw that Miao Miao was in tears, with a thick nasal voice, and asked, "Then what can't be done?" This is very, very important.

Mom said that if she did something she shouldn't do, she would be sad...

Miao Miao thought, she must know from the very beginning which things cannot be done, and she will never do them, and she wants her mother to never be sad.

Mother Hua kissed her forehead, and then said softly, "This question is a bit complicated, now you just remember, you can't hurt others, there are two aspects to hurting others, one is not to make fun of others casually, think about it Look, if people say that I am not good-looking, I will be sad, and that is hurting others, and on the other hand, it is fighting or something, but if someone hurts you, it is right for you to resist."

Miao Miao remembered that she had bitten that Hua Jun back then, and that Hua Jun had hurt her first...

It turned out to be like this, so my mother was not angry with her.

Miao Miao seemed to understand a lot of things at once, and felt very happy. She was already happy because of what her mother said, but now she was even happier.

Mother Hua supported her, "Alright, wash off the foam from your hair and close your eyes."

Miao Miao hummed, then closed her eyes obediently, the water rushed slowly over her head, flowing over her skin, warm and warm, and her mother's fingers gently pressed her hair.

Miao Miao continued, "Mom, when you think of something you can't do, you must tell me, I will never do it."

Mother Hua chuckled, her well-behaved and sensible daughter said, "Okay, as soon as Mom thinks about it, tell Miao Miao immediately."

At this moment, Miaomiao was being splashed with water like this, and then put her hands on her head. She was sitting in the water, but she didn't think of the scene like this at all.

It was as if those rough scenes had never happened before.

Miao Miao has less hair, so the foam is washed off quickly.

Mom wiped her hair, and then heard Miao Miao say, "Mom, let me wash your hair too."

Mother Hua didn't refuse, but lowered her head, letting Miao Miao wash her hair slowly with her little hands.

When she arrived at school early the next morning, Miao Miao had a smile on her face.

When Zhou Yuan arrived, he heard Miao Miao greet him loudly and joyfully, "Good morning Zhou Yuan!"

She also had the habit of saying hello before, but she was always a little cautious, like a little snail.

But now she is very happy, I can feel that she is very happy, very happy.

Zhou Yuan brought her a bottle of yogurt, and said, "Does your grandma like you?"

Miao Miao nodded vigorously, and then shared with Zhou Yuan, "Mom said she loves me."

She regards Zhou Yuan as a friend, and she is willing to tell him anything, and she can't hold back such a happy thing in her heart.

He said, "Mom said, she loves me very much, even if I do something wrong, she still loves me... Anyway, she loves me..."

Zhou Yuan said, "Your mother really loves you."

Miao Miao was even happier when she heard this, because in her opinion, Zhou Zhou is the smartest person in the world, and Zhou Zhou can't be wrong when he says that.

However, Miao Miao has one more important thing to ask Zhou Yuan.

"Zhou Zhou, is there anything you know you can't do?"

Zhou Yuan was a little strange, "What?"

"My mother said that if I do something wrong, it must be that she forgot to tell me that I can't do it, and she will be very sad. I want him to write down in advance, what things can't be done, and what I can't do I will Don't do it, so that mom won't be sad." Miao Miao even brought out a notebook.

Then she looked at the smartest person in her mind.

Seen by such eyes, Zhou Yuan really followed her train of thought and said, "Things you can't do..." Zhou Yuan thought of a lot in a flash, but the problem is that none of them are suitable for Miao Miao at this age.

At this time, he saw a line of writing on Miao Miao's notebook.

"Not neng shang hai people."

Can't hurt others. Zhou Yuan quickly spelled it out.

Miao Miao looked at him expectantly.

Fortunately, Jingjing and Deng Feng came in and successfully attracted Miao Miao's attention.

When Jingjing came in, although she was most concerned about whether Miao Miao danced yesterday.

Miao Miao hurriedly said to Jingjing, "I danced."

Miao Miao continued, "They all said I dance very well!"

Zhou Yuan suddenly remembered a little guy who could turn in the wrong direction: "..."

Miao Miao: "However, that's because they didn't see you dancing, Jingjing, Jingjing, why don't you go dance with me sometime, the people there have to dance in twos, they are much taller than me, There is no way to hold hands with them and dance." In Miaomiao's opinion, Jingjing's dancing is super beautiful.

Zhou Yuan: "..." He also remembered this, it was the pas de deux in the back, Miao Miao and the others performed a solo square dance, and next to them were grandpas and grandmas dancing pas de deux together.

So, Miao Miao wants to dance pas de deux with Jingjing

Jingjing didn't understand much, and then she heard Miao Miao speak seriously.

Only then did Jingjing understand, but she couldn't guarantee it, "Our home is a bit far away, I have to go back and tell my mother."

Jingjing also wanted to dance with Miao Miao, so she promised, "I will try my best to convince my mother to drive me here."

Miao Miao thought about it, that would be too much trouble for Jingjing's mother, so she said, "My mother is going to learn to drive, and I will follow along with me when the time comes. When I learn it, I will drive to pick you up."

Brother Zhou next to him: "..." Aren't you coming to pick me up