I Want to Be Friends With You

Chapter 45: little escape


Seeing her crying, Jingjing was stunned, then hurriedly came over, and stammered, "It's okay...it's okay...I have a solution."

Miao Miao looked at her tearfully, "What can I do?"

Jingjing wiped her tears, "I'll tell you at noon."

Because Zhou Yuan didn't come, Miao Miao just sat at the table by herself, Jingjing thought for a while, moved the stool inside, and then moved Miao Miao's stool to the back row.

So it became two empty seats in the front row, and Jingjing and the others had three seats in the row.

Jingjing took Miaomiao's hand and said proudly, "I can do it."

Deng Feng leaned over, "What... what... solution?"

Jingjing said mysteriously, "You will know at noon."

After lunch at noon, they were going to take a nap. The teacher would come over to watch over everyone, and Miao Miao and Jingjing also lay on the table.

Then suddenly Jingjing pulled Miaomiao's hand and whispered, "Let's go to the bathroom."

Miao Miao was about to raise her hand, but was stopped by Jingjing, and then she squatted down cautiously. Miao Miao didn't know why she did this, so she also squatted down cautiously.

Deng Feng behind also squatted down cautiously.

Jingjing took the lead in the front, put her hands on the ground, and then slowly crawled out.

Miao Miao followed suit and crawled out together.

When she got outside the classroom, Miao Miao got up and was about to go to the toilet, but was immediately pulled by Jingjing to the side of the flower bed.

Jingjing said, "Miao Miao, let's go to Zhou Yuan's house to find Zhou Yuan."

Deng Feng stammered, "Teacher... won't let us... go..."

Jingjing said, "Let's go by ourselves without telling the teacher. Anyway, we couldn't sleep at noon, and we came back before they woke up."

"My grandfather was seriously ill, and then went to another world, died, and will never appear again." Jingjing said.

The word death is too heavy for children, especially Miao Miao. When she was lying in the hospital, she heard "Why don't you die!" At that time, he fell to his death!"

Miao Miao opened her eyes wide.

Jingjing held Miao Miao's hand, "Deng Feng, if you are afraid, you don't have to go with us. I will go with Miao Miao."

Deng Feng said, "I... I am not afraid."

So the three little friends ran towards the school gate hand in hand, but the school is banned now, the iron gate at the school gate is closed, and they are not allowed to go out at all.

Jingjing took Miao Miao and Deng Feng to squat behind the flower bed, looked at the iron gate, and usually had to be picked up by their parents before letting them out.

They must not be let out now.

At this time, the school electrician just moved a ladder and put it aside.

Jingjing's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

He looked at the ladder, then at the wall over there.

"Let's go out from there." Jingjing said.

Miao Miao said in a low voice, "Jingjing, if mom says something, you have to be led by an adult..."

Jingjing said indifferently, "Then you just keep holding me and treat me like an adult."

Miao Miao thought about it and thought it was okay.

Jingjing kept staring at the ladder over there, and as soon as the electrician uncle left, Jingjing dragged the two children, "Let's move the ladder over together."

Deng Feng was still a little excited and nodded.

So the three of them ran over with a huff, and then lifted the ladder up together. It was a bit heavy, and it was very difficult for the three of them to lift it, but fortunately they all lifted it up.

After lifting it up, Jingjing placed it against the wall in the corner.

The wall on this side has a lawn, so it is actually placed in the lawn.

Jingjing looked at the ladder, then began to climb up, "Let's go out from here."

Jingjing was extremely powerful, using both hands and feet, she quickly climbed the ladder to the wall.

Deng Feng also quickly climbed up.

Miao Miao had never climbed a ladder before, so she was a little scared.

Jingjing sat on the wall, "Miao Miao, don't you want to see Zhou Yuan for the last time?"

Miao Miao thought of Zhou Yuan, and quickly got up like Jingjing, her calves were shaking.

Fortunately, they climbed up quickly, and the three children sat on the top of the wall. Even Jingjing, who was the most courageous, dared not stand on the wall.

Jingjing said to Deng Feng, "Let's pull up the ladder and put it on the other side."

Because this way you can go down the ladder from there.

Deng Feng followed Jingjing's command and pulled up the ladder.

Miao Miao watched from the side, it was the first time for her to stand at such a high place, her legs were so weak that she dared not move, but in fact it was she who wanted to see Zhou Yuan.

Jingjing and Deng Feng quickly pulled up the ladder and put it on the other side.

Because everyone has already climbed once, although it was a bit difficult to go down, it was a little faster than before.

So soon the three children were standing on the street outside the school.

Miao Miao held Jingjing's hand tightly. When she came out, either her mother was holding her hand or her grandma was holding her hand...

Deng Feng asked, "I... we... now... how to... go..."

Jingjing said, "I've already thought about it, let's take a taxi."

Jingjing stood on the side of the road in a dignified manner, and began to hail a taxi.

imitate her mother's appearance.

A taxi really stopped, thinking about the three children, "Where are the children going?"

"Zhou Yuan's house." Jingjing said.

The taxi driver said, "Where is Zhou Yuan's house? Didn't your mother tell you clearly?"

"It's Zhou Yuan's family." Jingjing said again.

The taxi driver laughed, "You have to tell me the specific address, otherwise I definitely don't know where his home is, because I don't know Zhou Yuan."

Jingjing let out an oh.

The taxi driver left.

Jingjing turned her head to look at the other two friends, "He doesn't know..."

Miao Miao and Jingjing squatted on the side of the road together. They were still wearing school uniforms, standing like this on the side of the road was very conspicuous.

And looked sad.

There is a station next to it, and there are many people waiting for the bus here, so I immediately noticed these three children.

A young girl squatted down, "Kids, where are you going?"

There are still three children in school uniforms. Six or seven years old are quite embarrassing ages. They can be left alone outside, but it is still a bit dangerous to ride alone. It seems okay for three to ride together.

Anyway, other people at the station thought it was both weird and natural.

"We're going to Zhou Yuan's house. Zhou Yuan is very ill and is dying... We're going to see him for the last time." Jingjing said, mother used to mean to see grandpa for the last time.

When Miao Miao heard this, tears filled her eyes, but she refrained from crying.

When the young girl heard this, and saw the little girl next to her who had been silent all this time, her eyes full of tears, her heart was tightened.

Jingjing continued, "But we don't know the exact address of his home."

The young girl thought for a while, "Then do you have his phone number?"

The three children shook their heads together.

The young girl felt that this was a bit troublesome, because she didn't have an address and didn't know the phone number.

At this time, the bus she was waiting for had arrived.

The young girl had no choice but to get in the car. After getting in the car, she saw three children squatting on the side of the road. She frowned and got out of the car regardless of having bought a ticket.

Squatting next to them, "What about you adults? Do they know?"

Miao Miao suddenly remembered something, she recalled it, and said, "I remembered, it's Steamed Bun Thief No. 222."

That time, when we went out to the hot spring together, we told each other where we lived.

Miao Miao remembered this because when her mother read it out, she was thinking, The Steamed Bun Thief... the one who stole the steamed stuffed bun? Still want to steal 222

Jingjing and Deng Feng were very happy, but the young girl recalled that there was no Baozi Road around.

So he took out his mobile phone, checked it, and soon realized that it was "Baozi Avenue."

No. 222 Baozi Avenue, it's easy to find now.

Looking at the three little ones, the young girl was still a little worried, so she sent a text message to ask her boyfriend to go to the movies by himself, and then followed the three children into a taxi.

Miao Miao was very nervous in the car, still thinking about what Jingjing said that she would never see her again.

On the other side, the school teacher has discovered that the three children are missing.

There was monitoring in the classroom, and soon the class teacher and the dean arrived at the monitoring room, and then saw several children crawl out of the classroom, and then climbed the ladder to the outside of the wall.

The school has security guards, but I don't know why, they were so lucky that they were not seen at all, and they were also dozing off in the monitoring room.

The head teacher almost fainted when he saw the three of them sitting on the wall.

The school security guards and the teachers were mobilized together. It is impossible to hide the parents now. They quickly called the parents of the three children and asked if the children had gone to them and whether the children had anything that could be located.

Several parents hurried over, including Hua's father. Of course, Teacher Li knew that Hua's mother and Hua's father were divorcing, but the problem was that she was worried that Miao Miao and the others went to him.