I Want to Be Friends With You

Chapter 53: big classroom


Miao Miao is a bit shorter than Zhou Yuan, but fortunately, the school uniforms of primary school students are much bigger, so it is just right for Zhou Yuan to wear.

Zhou Yuan didn't realize how serious his double standard was. Of course Miao Miao also wore a coat recently, but Zhou Yuan didn't think there was anything wrong with her wearing it, like the person who didn't wear other people's clothes in school Not like him.

Here the principal has to take the four children back to school, so of course it is impossible to stay for too long. Zhou Yuan returned to school after changing his clothes.

When I arrived at the classroom, it was almost time for class. Deng Feng was the fastest runner, and soon arrived at the door of the classroom. The Chinese teacher was already sitting on the podium. Elementary schools also have self-study classes. The self-study class this morning is Chinese class.

Chinese teacher Mr. Xie looked at Deng Feng who was running out of breath, and said a little unhappy, "I'm going to be late."

In fact, he was not late yet, but Deng Feng was taken aback by the attitude of the other party. The teacher was naturally unhappy. Of these four children, three were problem children who sneaked out of the school and caused trouble to the school, and one It was Zhou Yuan who she didn't even want to see.

Naturally not happy.

Deng Feng stammered, "Zhou... Zhou Yuan..." Originally, he wanted to say that Zhou Yuan forgot to wear his school uniform, so they went out and changed into a school uniform and came back.

But at his speed, Mr. Xie didn't have much patience, "Where are the others? Did you climb over the wall again?"

"No." The principal took Miao Miao's hand, and said cheerfully when they reached the door of the classroom, "They went out to change their school uniforms, Mr. Xie, don't worry, I'll take care of them."

Then he turned his head and said to the four children, "Go back to your seat and read early."

Teacher Xie has nothing to say now.

The four children of Miao Miao returned to their seats. At this time, the bell for the morning self-study class rang.

There were waves of reading in the classroom.

Miao Miao also mixed in the middle and read along.

Probably because the first class was an open class, Miao Miao felt that today's morning self-study passed faster than the previous ones, and it disappeared all at once.

When get out of class was over, Jingjing and the others were fine, but Miao Miao was extremely nervous. This was her first public class.

In fact, she didn't even know how the public class was held, but what the teacher said yesterday infected her.

So Miao Miao carefully re-read what the teacher was going to say today.

Soon it was the second class, and strangers walked in one after another, with stools, pens and notebooks in their hands.


Miao Miao became even more nervous.

Zhou Yuan shook her hand and whispered, "Two little red flowers."

Sure enough, as soon as the two little red flowers were mentioned, Miao Miao immediately became more energetic.

Turning his head, he nodded to Zhou Yuan, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we want to take two little red flowers."

Soon the class bell rang, and the teacher walked in with a smile on his face.

And at this time, a stranger followed behind.

He was also holding a stool, but looked at the back row and found that there was no seat.

He looked at the front row again, then moved the stool to Miao Miao's side, put down the stool, and sat down.

From the moment he sat down, Miao Miao was tense and didn't even dare to raise her head.

Zhou Yuan immediately felt that holding her hand, stood up, and changed places with Miao Miao.

The teacher who attended the class was a little strange, but it was just a trivial matter, and he didn't take it seriously.

Soon, Teacher Li has already got to the point.

At the beginning of the talk, it was not the first time for her to take an open class, but this class was the first time.

So she wasn't nervous.

Now the class pays more attention to interacting with students and guiding students to think, so there are many more questions than usual.

Because it was agreed in advance, and these problems are not difficult, so everyone is very positive.

Miao Miao sat in Zhou Yuan's seat, and she wasn't so nervous anymore.

Because the teacher said in advance, don't look around during class, and don't whisper to each other, so Miao Miao kept her back straight all the time, her eyes were either looking at the blackboard or reading a book, she was very energetic and stylish.

I am always prepared in my heart, ready, and when the teacher asks a question, I will raise my hand.

Afraid of missing something.

But Teacher Li didn't pick the same classmate all the time. So Miao Miao only answered the question once.

Zhou Zhou next to him also answered the question once.

Time seemed to pass very fast, even faster than usual. When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Miao Miao felt that class had just started for a while.

After the teacher and the attendees had left, Miao Miao came back to her senses and said to Zhou Yuan in disbelief, "We have all answered the questions, two little red flowers!"

Zhou Yuan hummed, "Yes, I answered the question."

The whole open class can be said to be very satisfactory.

After the public class, the third class was physical education class. Miao Miao filled her pink cat water bottle with water and hung it around her neck.

Jingjing finds it troublesome to carry a water bottle, "Miao Miao, we can go to the canteen and buy a bottle of water later."

When she finished speaking, she suddenly remembered that their great business of earning money had been on hold because of Zhou Yuan's incident last time, and hadn't been implemented yet.

So he said, "Miao Miao, when will we start making money?"

Miao Miao was very calm, imitating how her grandma talked to her, "It's almost time, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

She is already learning.

Jingjing said, "It's mainly because Zhou Zhou got sick last time, which took us too much time, otherwise we must have made a lot of money by now."

Zhou Yuan: "...that's all my fault for holding you back, otherwise you would all be millionaires."

Miaomiao's eyes lit up again when she heard the million words.

Zhou Yuan: "..." I can clearly feel that the opponent's body is full of vitality all of a sudden, and I feel that the opponent's state is going to run in the next second.

Miao Miao is really happy, Zhou Yuan is so smart, he said that a millionaire must be a millionaire.

Zhou Yuan belatedly realized a problem, Miao Miao was still lacking in language.

But it doesn't matter, she is still young and can make progress slowly.

Deng Feng stammered beside him, "Millions... a lot... a lot of money..."

Zhou Yuan: "..."