I Want to Be Friends With You

Chapter 55: Big spicy sticks


In the whole class, except for Zhou Yuan, the other children really thought that Miao Miao got lost when she was a child and was taken away by bad guys, including Jingjing and Miao Miao herself.

So everyone takes this matter very seriously, thinking that the bad guys are really bad, and Miao Miao is really powerful. Children don't know how to blame the victim.

The children also have bumps and bumps, and accidentally bleed. When they bleed a little, they will feel very painful. Miaomiao bleeds a bowl of blood...

The eyes that looked at Miao Miao became reverent.

Because the sun was getting bigger and bigger outside, she shifted her position and sat in the shadow under the rostrum.

Miaomiao told everyone about the past, and all the children listened very carefully.

Miaomiao herself only felt that the sun was very warm today.

Zhou Yuan sat next to him, listening to Miao Miao talking about these things, he couldn't help holding her hand, looked into her eyes, and said very seriously, "Miao Miao, you are really amazing."

The other children also felt the same way, it's really amazing, that's a bad guy, Miao Miao is fine now.

On the contrary, when he looked at the scar on her arm again, he didn't feel so hideous anymore.

Because it was a game again, and it was talking about the past, the time passed very quickly, and soon it was time for get out of class to end, and the get out of class bell rang.

Get up quickly, you can go to the canteen to buy some snacks and water.

Miaomiao was also thirsty, doing aerobics, running, and talking about the past, so she hurried to the corner to get her water bottle.

However, when I got there, I realized that there was no more, her water bottle was not there.

Miao Miao looked around again, no, she put it here.

Jingjing and Zhou Yuan were a little strange, "Where's your water bottle?"

Miao Miao's water bottle is a cute cherry blossom pink with meow ears, which is easy to spot in this green grass.

But the four of them searched around again, but they still couldn't find the water bottle.

Miao Miao was a little anxious, "Why did it disappear?"

"Could it be stolen?" Jingjing said.

Miao Miao's face was wrinkled into a ball, "Then will he come back?"

Zhou Yuan also looked around, and there was indeed no Miao Miao's water bottle.

"I... I... buy... water for you..." Deng Feng stammered.

Then I took out ten yuan from my trouser pocket, went to the canteen to buy four bottles of water, and bought a pack of spicy sticks. When I came back with the water and spicy sticks, I was afraid of losing the water, so I walked very hard every step of the way.

Deng Feng has always loved this spicy snack.

Deng Feng handed everyone the water, then tore apart the spicy strips, and immediately smelled a spicy smell, "Eat... eat this..."

Jingjing looked at this, swallowed, and said, "Mom said it was junk food."

Miao Miao also knows this, because Mother Hua also said, don't eat this kind of food.

But Deng Feng ate one by himself, and then shared one with everyone, "It's delicious!"

Jingjing thought about it, and took a bite, it was spicy...it was really delicious.

Miao Miao was holding mineral water in one hand, and a spicy stick in the other, and she was still thinking about the lost water bottle.

That water bottle was bought by my mother a long time ago. Miao Miao is a little worried, how could she lose it... If I knew she should have been hanging around her neck...

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the physical education teacher told her that the kettle was too heavy and had to be put aside during the first physical education class, she would really have hung her small kettle in physical education class.

"Miao Miao, it's really delicious! Eat it!" Jingjing said.

Miao Miao carefully took a bite of what her mother called junk food.

So spicy, so spicy...

Zhou Yuan next to him looked at this junk food and felt a little headache. It's not good to throw it away, and it's even worse to eat it.

Fortunately, Zhou Yuan didn't really ask Zhou Yuan to eat it. Zhou Yuan raised his head calmly and said to Deng Feng who was looking at the spicy stick in his hand with greedy eyes, "I can't eat spicy food recently."

"I... eat!" Deng Feng's eyes lit up.

Solved the problem.

Then Zhou Yuan saw Miao Miao next to him, sipping spicy sticks, really like a kitten.

Zhou Yuan: "..." Every time I see Hua Miao Miao, I feel that children are still very cute.

Eating spicy strips and drinking mineral water still can't change one thing, that is, Miao Miao's water bottle is missing.

When Miao Miao returned to the classroom, she sat in her seat and sighed, what should I do...

She likes this kettle very much, it was bought by her mother, and it can hold hot water every time.

Jingjing said, "Someone must have stolen Miaomiao's water bottle. We find this person, and then we can get the water bottle back."

Miao Miao thinks this idea is okay.

At that time, the students in her class were all playing games on the rostrum, and everyone was together all the time, so they must not be in their class.

When they were in physical education class, there was such a big playground, of course they were not the only ones in the physical education class, there were also some senior students.

But how do you know who took the kettle

The three children fell into deep thought. Yes, Zhou Yuan went out shortly after returning to the classroom, so thinking about the problem here, it was Jingjing, Miao Miao and Deng Feng who came up with a solution.

Jingjing was really thinking of a way, "Miao Miao, or we'll search for each classroom one by one, and we'll go there at noon when they're all taking a nap."

"No." Miao Miao said, "The teacher won't let us go."

Moreover, Jingjing's mother secretly told her that Jingjing should not be allowed to do bad things.

Miao Miao instinctively felt that it would be a very bad thing to search from classroom to classroom while others were taking a nap.

Jingjing lay down on the table, "Then I don't know what to do... Wait, do you remember where you bought this?"

Jingjing was a girl who was not short of money since she was a child, "When you go back today, don't tell your mother that you lost the kettle. When she asks, you just say that you left it at school and forgot to bring it back. After school, I will go to I'll buy you an identical one."

Of course Jingjing felt that Miao Miao was so nervous because she was afraid of being scolded by her mother.

Miao Miao shook her head, "I don't remember." In fact, she did, but Jingjing couldn't help buying it. Mom said, don't use other people's money.

Deng Feng next to him pondered for a while and said, "If...or else...tell...tell...the teacher."

And at this time, Zhou Yuan came back from the outside, holding a piece of paper in his hand.

Zhou Yuan put the paper on the table, and then drew again with a pen.

The three children approached, "Zhou Zhou, what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to figure out which class I'm probably in."

Miao Miao saw that Zhou Yuan had drawn several circles with classes written inside.

Only then did Zhou Yuan tell them that he went to the office just now and found the class whose third class this morning was physical education.

"But we can't be sure who it is..."

Zhou Yuan said, "I'll know in a while."

Both Miao Miao and Jingjing Deng Feng really want to know how to determine who it is, even more curious about this matter than the kettle itself.

But Zhou Yuan just didn't say why in advance.

It was noon soon, and today's lunch was very rich, probably because everyone performed very well in today's public class.

Miao Miao exchanged some food with Zhou Yuan, and then ate slowly. Although she was very hungry, she chewed slowly, because her mother said that every bite of food must be chewed 30 times, so she While eating, I counted how much I had in my heart, and finally I was full and touched my belly.

Children's stomachs protrude forward and are round. Miao Miao feels and feels them... I want to eat watermelon...

After we are full, we all need to move around, and we take a nap at 1:20.

At this time, Zhou Yuan walked out of the classroom with the three children.

Miao Miao asked in a low voice, "Where are we going?"

They can't leave school anymore, Miao Miao knows that they made a big mistake last time, Miao Miao's notebook says in big characters that they can't leave school casually.

Of course, it was different in the morning because of the headmaster.

Zhou Yuan said, "Don't be afraid, don't leave school."

Jingjing and Deng Feng were not only not afraid, but also a little excited.

Miao Miao breathed a sigh of relief, so the four children quickly arrived at another teaching building, and then Zhou Yuan said to Miao Miao, "Let's go in together."

Zhou Yuan pushed open the door of the security room, at this point, they also went to eat.

Miao Miao was still a little scared, and she couldn't explain why. At this time, Deng Feng and Jingjing quickly followed in.

Zhou Yuan quickly turned on the computer, clicked on it a few times, and then saw the playground appear on the screen...

Immediately afterwards, I saw Miao Miao's water bottle, and I didn't know how to control it, and the picture changed very quickly.

Soon, I saw a girl in a red coat walking over, looked left and right, probably found that no one was looking at her, squatted down immediately, and took the water bottle away.

Jingjing said, "It's her! This is stealing."

Zhou Yuan had already locked it, then took out the picture, confirmed which area the girl walked through, and then circled the second class of the third grade.

Zhou Yuan turned off the computer, and the four children walked towards the second class of the fourth grade with arrogance.

Miao Miao paused, "But... how should we tell her..."

Jingjing said, "It's not easy, ask the thief to return the things to us."

Miao Miao paused for a moment. In her books, one of the things she couldn't do was not to steal. If she became a mother, she would be sad...

Then that girl's mother must be sad too...

Miao Miao Xiaoxiao didn't have any great reason in her heart, she just subconsciously felt that this matter... was very uncomfortable.

Obviously that girl did something wrong, but Miao Miao also felt very uncomfortable.

She is too young to understand that there are many helpless things in this world.

Zhou Yuan also paused, and said, "Then let's talk to her first."

The four little carrots soon arrived at the second class of the fourth grade. Compared with the children in the first grade, the fourth grade is a group of big carrots.

The girl was wearing a red coat, and soon they saw the girl sitting in the first row.

Zhou Yuan is quite famous in school, and everyone knows that there is a gifted child in the first grade.

So the girl on the far side of the first row asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Zhou Yuan pointed to the girl.

"Wang Yan, someone is looking for you."

The girl came out soon.

"Is there anything you want from me?" The other party's eyes obviously dodged a little, and it was obvious that she was very guilty.

Miao Miao looked at the girl, her eye circles were a little red, and she whispered, "Did you find a water bottle with two cat ears...my mother bought it for me...it fell off during gym class..." She I was very anxious, afraid that the girl would not admit it, if she didn't admit it, Zhou Yuan said, I would tell the teacher...

The girl squeezed her fist, then lowered her head and whispered, "I found it, I'll get it to you."

After speaking, he walked in, and then came out with his schoolbag on his back, and then gave Miao Miao the water bottle from the schoolbag to Miao Miao.

Miao Miao breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she was willing to return this to herself.

Zhou Yuan pulls La Jingjing and doesn't let her speak.

When Miao Miao went back with the kettle in her arms, she was very happy, because she took the kettle back, and the girl did not deny it.

With the water bottle, Miao Miao happily filled the water, then returned to her seat, and immediately hugged Zhou Yuan. If Zhou Yuan wasn't smart, they would definitely not be able to find the water bottle, and that girl would have to carry the thief on her back It's a very, very sad thing.

Zhou Yuan didn't resist, but patted Miao Miao's head, Miao Miao really had an extremely pure heart.

In fact, he didn't ask the teacher to deal with it at the beginning, and it was also because of this reason that the other party might just realize that no one was there and impulsively did something wrong. If everyone knew about the trouble, at this sensitive age, it is very likely Ruined each other's life.

To his surprise, Miao Miao handled it so well.

Jingjing and Deng Feng, who felt that they had also done great things, also wanted to hug.

Zhou Yuan hurriedly dodged, the two had eaten two packs of spicy strips today, and being willing to be in the same room was his last tenderness.